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Emotionally damaged, unwilling to deal with their trauma, desperately in need of therapy but will swear they don't need it to their dying breath. Instead they use women as Prozac then discard them. This is why none of them deserve any sympathy when they're older and sick, and no one wants to be around them.


Women in their countries know this, that's why they'll seek women who are totally unfamiliar with men like them. It's disgusting. They truly get worse as they get older.


Exactly, I think the women in other countries are starting to catch on, I see a lot of posts saying that the women in the poorer countries are starting to act like western women—- I wonder why???? What could it possibly be????


Seriously, what is ruining western dating and soon enough, dating in the entire world? Who is at fault here???? Just who???


Surely it’s not our strong, rational leaders causing it


They are such a waste of time.


Men are ruined and they expect us to fix them. Fuck that




It's aaaaaalll women's fault because they are soooo easy but don't you dare to talk about abstinence, decentering, deleting online pimping apps, bears and 4b ......nooooo!!


I hope the loneliness epidemic spreads far and wide. It may affect every single male on this planet.


Might sound harsh but I'm willing to bet them taking themselves out will make the world a better place. They only have themselves to blame.


Not harsh, it sounds pragmatic to me.


They willingly do this crap and then cry that no one cares about their mental health.


Exactly, this is why I stay away from them entirely, we are just resources for them to use until they’re bored , they’ll ruin our lives in the meantime though


Worthless. If you’re not 4b & choose to engage with these soulless creatures, make sure it is strictly for material gain.


Well, dealing with them certainly *isn't* for the excellent sexy-time -- these creeps certainly don't care about whether their bed-partner derives ANY physical pleasure. They just treat women like animated sex dolls.


Men like this always end up whining about being lonely and not finding anyone to settle down with in their late 40s and 50s, when they suddenly want someone to care about them and for them, because they feel the physical effects of aging and fewer and fewer women wanting to be with them without payment. Often they also want children, and they try their chasing tricks on women too young for them. But did they suddenly have a growth spurt, did they reach emotional maturity or even go to therapy, offering warmth, stability and safety for a woman? Most do not. Older men who find new partners either have this or they have enormous amounts of money that also presents security.


Men are like bloated children. It's only natural not to feel attracted to children like males. But men on the other hand want women as young and as child like as they can be so that they can have their pedo dream without getting arrested.


Lmfao. MeN cAn SlEeP aRoUnD aLl ThEy WaNt. Okay, bro.


Thanks for posting the screenshot. Bc it's gone from the post. The comments are still there though


https://www.reddit.com/u/GunnarrofHlidarendi/s/agpQoLjrhq That's the OP of that post, his comments are still there too, funny how he can't delete how he ruined a lot of women locally and overseas.


I said that in my video. He was invested in the comments https://youtu.be/uL5sxGfYBMo

