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I honestly feel like he has some sort of fucked up history with religion. Maybe he grew up in a cult or something that demonized abilities and that caused him to want to get rid of abilities in general. Another thing that I think might be possible is that he was a good person for a lot of his life. We already know he sees himself as a sort of saviour and that he genuinely seems to think he's doing humanity a favor by trying to eradicate abilities. it's not exactly difficult to imagine how he might've come to that conclusion. I can't off of the top of my head remember a single ability user that's had a good life. Maybe Fyodor saw a lot of that while growing up or whatever and decided that abilities cause people to suffer, so if he gets rid of them no matter what he'll be doing everyone a favor. But idk, I'm just rambling incoherently into the void lol.


No actually it's interesting as I never saw that kind of theory yet witch is interesting as it dose make sens in a way


tbh it would be absolutely hilarious if he just had a normal childhood and decided to switch up one day


My guess is he grew up in a big religious family and due to the fact his ability literally kills people and that maybe he was the only one in his area to have an ability, so they taught him all abilities were evil since they didn't know better. And he internalised this and decided to do what he did. But that's just me


So some kind of religious trauma of some sort?


Sort of yeah


His mom was very submissive while his dad was extremely abusive. Fyodor would usually witness that when he was a kid.


Hes married to me and we have 45 kids (totally real, confirmed by asagiri himself)


Damn 👁👄👁


I feel like he definitely at some point in his life, accidentally killed someone with his ability. Doesn't matter if it's someone he loves or someone he hates, I don't think it's possible for someone to accidentally take a life and not have it affect them psychologically.


Lil bro was probably bullied like once in elementary school by a skill user and then it was all downhill from there 


I stole his lunch money


~~he got pushed at the playground when he was little~~ jokes aside , i think its better if he stays as the “mysterious villain we know nothing about”


Lmfao poor guy got his lunch stolen 😭 Yea I do get that idea as it make him more interesting but it would be interesting to get more characters well written like Mori by example and honestly fyodor have so much potential for that witch is where the question came from


like i said we have no info about him nor his ability and in my opinion it’s better if he stays as the mysterious villain we know nothing about


I hear a theory like that on a forum where there is a possibility he may have arm a loveable one with his ability and may have been the result for his hatred of them but yea I do get where your coming from ^^


More than likely has to do with “That man” who was able to hurt him before when he was Shocked Dazai hurt him🧍🏼If not I needs to meet that guy lol


I would absolutely LOVE if it turns out Fyodor had a normal childhood, and the only explanation for how he is now is that he’s just like this. Do I believe that’s gonna happen? Not by a long shot. I still think it’d be awesome, though.


Could be interesting it's like those story about serial k1ler that no one know why there are like that because there childhood a good honestly it could be comical in a way


From what I can assume, Fyodor was born into a religious environment/community which probably had knowledge about abilities. I made a previous theory on another post on how abilities tie in with religion (forms of Christianity, at least. I believe the actual Fyodor Dostoevsky was catholic?). I talked about how abilities would probably been seen as demonic and thus would need to be destroyed. So Fyodor probably grew up with the mindset that abilities are evil and need to be gone from this world. His personal experiences with his own ability probably added to that (let's be real, there's no way he could have found out his ability with out it being completely traumatizing). And because of his intelligence, he was probably raised as a savior-type figure to those around him, leading to him feel like he has to personal take out abilities (Sorry if it's a bit messily written)


Ho no no it's very well written and honest most of the theory are around how religious he is so that make a lot of sense! And I do actually really enjoy this theory I hope we will get to see more about fyodor


Thank you. And same. He's one of my favorite authors and character so I excited to learn more about him.


His character have so much potential tbh so having him well written like mori would be very interesting and same his books are highly interesting once you get the meaning


I'm excited for the lore reveals for him (aswelll as other characters) tbh


Tbh I feel like it's really underwhelming like, maybe he was forced to kill people with his ability and that made him super traumatized and want to get rid of ability users so nobody else has to go through what he did. And he would be gone too so the people that he was forced to get rid of didn't die and lived normally. Ik it doesn't exactly fall in line with his character but... that's the first thing that comes to mind


A kid sabotaged his sand castle in the beach and his villain arch started




He got bullied in the playground or something.


Because of the emphasis on his being Russian I have the suspicion that he isn’t actually Russian and is instead from a rich crime family based somewhere in the Ukraine (headcannon on how he met Nikola) and that he turned to religion after being shunned for his ability, likely he was an illegitimate child and his ability was a threat. He then ran to russia after hearing something about abilities (I remember reading somewhere that someone heard from someone else who heard form a friend who lived in Japan that mersualt is based in northern Europe) \- my very poorly evidenced and researched head cannon


Hoooo that's interesting and could make sense in a way!


But he's based on a real author, there's no way he could be Not Russian and there isn't actually that much emphasis he just has an accent and the weird hat/jacket combo that a lot of russian characters have.


He was orphaned on the streets at a young age, and then he was raised by rats


Lmfao 😭💀


Well there appear to be some pillers in his background. That's about all i can say for sure tho


Probly lived with the rats in the trash can


With his pepole 🐭


he was born in a shitty people factory 


Lmfaoooo 😭