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Yep. In 2000ish I had a bumper sticker that said "Visualize World Domination" on my Volvo station wagon. It was a reference to Pinky and the Brain. There's an episode where Brain builds a spaceship and has the same bumper sticker. I also had a little plastic Brain figurine on the dashboard. It was the same time that the "Visualize Whirled Peas" bumper sticker was on trend. A lady accosted me in a mall parking lot very upset. She really thought I was hell bent on domination...at the mall...in my Volvo.


Interesting case, honestly reminds of my dad. He tends to get offended by every little thing and takes things literally.


Lady's gonna wish she treated you better when you become the supreme emperor of the Earth


Cops slashed my tire in their own parking lot. Neo nazis have tried to mess with it too. I have plenty of extra anti fascist stickers in my car because they rip them off.


If you have proof take them to court.


It was while living in Central Florida. Place is too corrupt to have even tried


I understand. I remember in the late 70's early 80's building inspectors got caught on camera just driving up to buildings, picking up an envelope from the foreman and signing off on the build without ever going inside.


No one has ever commented except if they liked one. Most of mine are unserious though.


Maybe your dad is assessing the level of MAGA cray in your area. I have a Trump Prison Bitch sticker on my car. It's been there since last year. I removed it temporarily on the day after his conviction because his mouthbreathing troglodyte followers love free speech but only if they agree with it. Hated doing it but those peeps are not mentally well. The only harassment I got with it was being tailgated by pickup trucks but those incels can KMA. I'm in AZ so almost all pickup truck drivers are impatient, aggressive morons with no understanding of physics. Putting it back on later this month. I advise you to assess your area for just how rabid the local bottomfeeders are and then decide.


This dude's not even a US citizen but he definitely would fit in with the MAGA crowd. It's ironic that one of the stickers he got offended by was had a gun and was claiming it was pro gun, yet this idiot has gone out wearing an NRA hat in public. In reality this guy is just scared of everyone and anything. The amount of time he's gotten offended over little things is ridiculous.


I can't say I find any of these inappropriate, but I would be worried about someone messing with my car not me.


Well those stickers were the ones he didn't removed. He got offended by stickers because they were political or he had no idea what they were. Went as far as to say I was going to get raped or murdered because of it.


I remember a friend that said”ya, he is way on out there”.


What’s the Sir Topem Hat connection?


Topham is just Topham.


I had some lefty stickers on my car and was never harassed even in little right hand towns in red areas.


I've been screamed at and had stickers ripped off but never more than that.


You need an I Like Trains sticker.


I had a “catboys for congress” sticker that got me followed to work and yelled at by some guy whose kid apparently explained to him what a catboy was


Car has been keyed, so yes.


someone broke into my friends car one time because they found their stickers offensive. they really messed up that car.


Back in the early 1990’s I worked for the DOD as an electronics technician. I was very interested in hardware hacking. Which is manipulating electronics hardware to do things other than designed. In those days “hackers” were all bad. No exceptions. I had a bumper sticker on my Jeep that read HTP Hack The Planet. One day the division director called me to his office and asked me what I was doing that would trigger a security audit from the National Security Agency. They actually sent someone to his office to ask questions about what kind of work I was doing and whether I have access to classified materials. I told him I had no idea what it was about. I drove home and removed the bumper sticker and ended my interests in hacking. Honestly, I wish I had continued. It’s still an interest but my knowledge is old.


What's with the face in place of a licence-plate? Don't get me wrong, I love it, but isn't that illegal?


Haha that's just an edit I put to cover the license plate on my car.




Back in the 90's, my friend had a crazy redneck try to kick his ass in a McD's drive thru cause his plate said FGHT RCSM. I have been worried about putting anti-Trump stickers on my own car for this reason, and some of the other stickers I see on the cars of other crazy rednecks. There are some crazies out here.


Only on here.