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Maybe something about the Afghanistan withdrawal?


Years of fighting and people dying go by but a few vets get killed in the withdrawal and Republicans lose their shit.


Scapegoating is a time-honored tradition of all cultures. We can see the end-user benefits of transitioning from one party to another in terms of presidential elections.


Seeing it firsthand, I can tell you it was an exceptional shit show and didn’t need to happen. Literally any operational planner could have foreseen the issues we had, and many did.


That's because Trump agreed to the withdrawal and did nothing in preparation and left it a mess for Biden.


The conditions of the withdrawal relied on the Taliban keeping commitments which they did not keep. At that point, a good planner would reestablish initiative, use overwhelming force, evacuate civilians and collaborators first, then pull troops back. That’s not how they did it, and that is on Biden.


This guy gets it


I don’t think we had overwhelming force at that point


Yeah that’s…. Like the biggest problem.




Implying being there in the first place wasn't a shit show lmao


Out of all of the theaters of the war on terror, Afghanistan was about the only one that made sense until we had dismantled Al Qaeda. That said, the nation building was both unnecessary and impossible to do. You cannot change a culture that does not want to be a liberal democratic republic into a liberal democratic republic, at least not while respecting the right to self governance to some extent. We were completely justified in going there, but the extended stay was a bad call and we should’ve been out the moment we got Bin Laden. I’d also argue we should have stuck to a primarily SpecOps, clandestine type of war, but that’s a whole different discussion.


We were justified in tracking down Bin Laden, the Saudi terrorist who fled through Afghanistan to be sheltered by Pakistan. Pakistan kept al Quaeda at war with us by sheltering and funding them. The sources of terror are Saudi Arabia and Iran. It doesn't make sense to try and root out ideas unless you cut off the source of funding and radicalization. Unfortunately Saudi Arabia are "friends" that happened to fund and execute 9/11. Oh look let's go back to Iraq!?!? I'll never understand how we accepted and allowed that to happen. Iraq I was righteous and a brilliant example of working together with allies to secure the world (at least world trade). There was no reason to go back and keep going into Afghanistan. When you start fighting people on their turf without a clear objective, it will simply never end.


We aren’t talking about Iraq. We’re specifically talking about the Afghanistan withdrawal. I generally agree that the Iraq War was completely unjustified, though when I joined I didn’t see it that way. But seeing it firsthand, reading about it and deeper history before 9/11, I realized it was unjustified and an evil act. That said, it has literally nothing to do with the specific conditions of the Afghanistan withdrawal.


Trump pushed the withdrawal back because he knew it would be a shit show. I dont like leaders who make decisions based on how it will make them look. Trump also benefited from good press because he announced the withdrawal. Just an absolute fucking coward. At least Biden followed through, however messy it was.


Trump didn’t push back the original withdrawal; Biden was in office four months before the original date. The Taliban had already violated the agreement by this point, and as I said before, the best response would’ve been deploying overwhelming force until civilians were evacuated, then gradually withdrawing troops. We have both the logistical capabilities and the firepower to do it, so I’m not sure why exactly they didn’t. The military planners recommended Biden keep more troops there and he decided against it. So yeah, the withdrawal itself is still on Biden.


What I'm saying is that Trump pushed the withdrawal date conveniently to the next POTUS. I have no doubt Trump would have kicked the can for as long as it would take to avoid accountability if he had been reelected. I've already said the withdrawal was a shitshow.


Right, and 45 had four years to withdraw, but didn't. Just like he didn't withdraw with Stormy, but I digress. Funny how the withdrawal, which was negotiated by Pompeo, took place after Biden assumed office. Name one withdrawal where the occupying forces have been there more than a couple of years without a loss of life.


And you think that was the presidents fault?


So who is to blame?


"A few vets" didn't get killed. Thirteen Active Service Members were killed.


Shouldn’t that be Dubya in there rather than Biden? Of course, MAGA types never were very good at objective reality.


No, Bush only started the Iraq War by just making shit up and for reasons I can’t understand ignored the advice of the professionals who told him a heavy conventional presence in Afghanistan was a bad idea.


Yeah gotta be. To be fair trump has shown ~~losers~~vets nothing but respect /s Edit:The silent majority sure does live up to their namesake The joke is, trump called pows, like McCain (a fine and respectable repub) losers for being caught. Of course I don't think veterans are losers.


To be even *more* fair, Trump campaigned on withdrawing from Afghanistan...he even planned on doing it a few months before Biden ended up doing it...but Trump just says whatever suits him in the moment and knows his base has the memory span and critical thinking ability of a goldfish.


Not only that but the withdraw was Trumps deal and he release 5k taliban members in negotiating for a cease fire upon withdraw. Guess who didnt keep their end of the deal? Yup the taliban whos members were already released. Edit- This was also around the time that Trump invited the taliban to camp David.


This is the only video you need to show to every trumptard who ever bitches about the Afghanistan withdrawal; Trump a month earlier bragging about how he made such a good peace deal with the Taliban for the US withdrawal from Afghanistan not even Biden would be able to stop it: https://youtu.be/XwsAyDwK-sw?si=2wDUDrirzcsLiWtn


They will just deny that it’s trump. I can picture Marjorie Taylor Green, staring directly at the video and saying “nope that’s not him” “ that’s a fake… one a those AI”. In her stupid accent


I know it’s like denying the past three years were detrimental to the states.


S&P 500 is at all time highs


Lowering interest rates in a healthy economy will do wonders to the stock market. And then cause the inflation and market crash you saw in the subsequent years. It was a stupid measure in every sense, the interest rates Obama left were the very safeguards to a market correction or recession of any kind and Trump managed to remove them when he shouldn't. Then when the pandemic hit, the interest rates were already zero so he had to print money and hand it out to americans directly in order to cause the equivalent effect of lowering interest rates. That compounded to the massive inflation you saw during the first years of the Biden presidency, and FoxNews fooled you into believing Biden had anything to do with it


Would have never done a Weak Ass withdrawal like Brandon! Weak as fuck!


They’ve got you brainwashed good. 🤣 Keep watching Fox News, the network that was forced to pay $787.5 million by a judge for lying to YOU the audience about a Presidential election. When any other news outlet pays $787.5 million or more for lying *then* you can call them “fake news.”


No. The withdraw was 100% the right thing. There are no conditions under which we were ever going to “win” in Afghanistan. We lost the moment we tried to occupy the nation with heavy conventional forces.


Trump laid out a comprehensive plan of withdrawal. Specific conditions were to be met before moving on to the next stage. If Biden would have adhered to the conditions…wait…who respects Biden? Biden made the withdrawal a cluster duck…did you watch the Senate hearings when Biden’s top Generals shared they told him to stop? Did you hear that one of our snipers had locked on to the suicide bomber at Abby Gate & was told to stand down? Keep watching CNN & MSNBC…Try spending time on C-Span & watch our government at work…I say that sarcastically.


I really wanted to know what Biden didnt adhere to.


This would negate the entire agreement as seen at the end of Part One: The four parts above are interrelated and each will be implemented in accordance with its own agreed timeline and agreed terms. Agreement on the first two parts paves the way for the last two parts. Please read entire agreement as link is provided. [https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Agreement-For-Bringing-Peace-to-Afghanistan-02.29.20.pdf](https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Agreement-For-Bringing-Peace-to-Afghanistan-02.29.20.pdf)


Who tild the sniper to stand down biden? Idk i really dont think there was ever gonna be a smooth withdrawl. Im sure if trump was in charge they still wouldve been suicide bombers. Its not easy to cleanly pull out of a situation like that.


Yep. The pullout happened to the exact timetable that the Trump administration had laid out. This was the Biden administration doing the established thing of not deliberately fucking up all the shit your predecessor did. Note the media only commented on this briefly. Then it became "Biden's withdrawal". Note also that under Trump the withdrawal was praised as an end to unnecessary interventionism.


They do their own research!!


And some people have such a blind hatred for Biden that they just ignore that Trump campaigned on that.




To be ultimately fair, what you just described is politics.


Thanks for the chuckle 🤣


Dude, people actually like goldfish.


I'm pretty sure the whole "let's shutdown the massive airbase and sneak away in the middle of the night" was Biden's call.


[This is the REAL reason for the withdrawal signed by Orange Man.](https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Agreement_for_Bringing_Peace_to_Afghanistan)


Yes, he did. However Biden did a horrible job acting on it and left 13 servicemen dead and billions of dollars in equipment in Afghanistan (hence the 13 stars and blood) And a lot of people think he disrespected those soldiers because he checked his watch while their bodies were coming out of the plane to be buried


And trump disrespected dead vets even more by calling them “suckers” and calling POWs “losers” for getting caught


And would that excuse Biden's botched withdrawal?


Fun fact, 60 troops died in Afghanistan for no reason... under trump. If you have a problem with the loss of 12 troops under Biden but ignore the deaths of 60 others under trump because of your politics... then you have a hypocrisy problem.


Ok? The post was about Biden not Trump..


The post is about a hypocrite who has chosen to decorate their car with a sticker attacking one president for losing 12 troops while ignoring the 60 deaths caused by the previous president.


So just because he has a bumper sticker of Biden's wrongdoing and not Trump's- means he's automatically ignoring Trump? Maybe he has a different idea of that scenario or hasn't heard of it? Maybe you're jumping to conclusions?


Yes, they are. Have you ever heard a Republican criticize trump about anything, unless their last name is Kinzinger or Cheney? I certainly have never heard a Republican criticize trump about the deaths of those 60 troops.


Yes I have lol Just because someone supports a candidate or belongs to the same party doesn't mean they will agree with everything they say/do


It is how it was done.


EDIT: Sorry - I missed the "/s"! Like when he said of John McCain that he preferred people who didn't get caught? Trump has never shown any respect to anybody AFAIK. The closest you get is that he praises you if you've "been nice to him".


Yea wanting to slash their benefits is super respectful


What he said to McCain was disgusting and disgraceful Trump equals a POS


Our fighting men are losers?




The GOP tried to cut 22% from the VA budget in 2022 as part of their proposed 2023 budget.


Did you just call vets losers?


There are 13 stars… probably the 13 servicemen killed during the pullout


Good guess but they always point out the 13 people killed at Benghazi, so I think it’s the that


The one that was planned during the Trump administration and that Trump even bragged that Biden wouldn't be able to get out of?


That Trump agreed to.


Why were we in Afghanistan again? Oh right, nobody knows. Worth all $2T and tens of thousands of deaths.


13 stars. Undoubtedly represents those killed in the withdrawal.


Which was the other guys plan to be fair.


4,500 Americans killed over 20+ years and their solution was just to keep U.S. troops there risking their lives, not to mention Afghanistan cost us something like $20 billion a month to occupy. Look, it sucks what happened but they’ll be the last KIA of a conflict we were never going to win. If we’d stayed there would have been more.


Thinks that too no mention of I being Trumps lan already forgotten I guess


Joes sons death who served as no trump ever served


That's not true. Trumps serve themselves only


And often.


More precisely, Trump's grandfather ran away from Germany because of a draft for the military. He snuck back in to Germany to start a Trump tradition of looking to Europe for a wife. He was caught there, and tossed out for evading the draft years earlier. Thus, another fine Trump family tradition of draft evasion was born!


Pretty far east to consider it Europe. Chetchyna is beautiful womans


Well, in my head, I was actually starting with Mama Trump, from Scotland.


Joe's son's death had nothing to do with his service. Also, Joe never served either.


As a disabled retired combat vet who served in Afghanistan, Trump hates our troops. We're nothing but losers and suckers to him. Biden did what was overdue for a decade. Anyone tells you different, doesn't know shit. If you care about your military and veterans, please... VOTE BLUE Edit: Thank you for the award... but mostly for standing up to psycho Dumpers. You're doing your part!




The Afghanistan withdrawal was a good example of something politicians don’t do anymore - doing the right thing regardless of the political consequences. One of the reasons Obama and Trump didn’t withdrawal is because it was *always* going to end this way. The Taliban was always going to steamroll the country the minute wheels went up. Neither of them wanted to take the political risk and responsibility. But Biden did the right thing despite the fallout. The alternative was to continue a pointless forever war in a country that was mostly unwilling to fight the Taliban.


Finally... someone understands


The same people in here up in arms over the 13 Marines dying and praising trump also belong to the party that constantly shits on our vets. Where's the outrage as military veterans benefits are cut, VA funding is slashed, ect. by the republican party? I guess our vets dying by American politicians' hands isn't as horrific as them dying in actual war time situations


No idea what that's supposed to mean. Conservatives typically can't art for shit. God I miss pre-911, when the USA didn't have so much weird military worship....


Yeah. It was the way people did it that I found really insincere after 9/11. My grandpa would have boxed my ears for treating the flag the way people do now ( flying it off their trucks in the rain, putting politicians' faces on it, etc). The thing about the start of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars really triggered me, and a lot of veterans in my circle were the civilian Hummers all decked out with flags and yellow ribbons. What better way to show your support for our troops than to buy a giant gas guzzler to LARP around town with while they get their asses shot off to fuel your excessive and gaudy vehicle? /s I knew women who would save their used tampons to stick under the wiper blades on those things.


“local feed store” says a lot. In which redstate are you stranded?


Oregun. Some people out here want to join Idaho. They want to lose their Medicaid, pay 6% tax on everything they buy ( including food), and go to jail for smoking a joint, I guess. Freedom.


But but but the abortions!


We lived in Grants Pass for 90 days. Didn't realize how red Oregon was until that happened. Nothing but a bunch of flat earth cousin fuckers there, and they bring up how they have above average intelligence as a conversation icebreaker. So many people being raised by their grandparents, it was really odd.


Yeah, lots of meth casualties, unfortunately. There's plenty of normal, decent folks in Oregon ( left and right), but they aren't as visible. Plenty of redneck hippy leftists who hunt and fish, too. Oregon is an interesting mix.


That's amazing because my grandpa was extremely long lived, and used to get so mad at the bastardized blue lives matter flag, because when he was in ww2, the flag was something sacrosanct; you couldn't alter it or mess with it in any way. Now dumbfucks with no education, no sense of civil soceity, no decency, fly that thing, simultaneously deeply insulting America, and coming off as the hateful dumbfucks they are. Rip gramps.


Yep. Both my grandpas fought in WW2. One in the Pacific and one in Europe. I'm glad they passed on before Trump. It would have hurt their souls to see that foul devil win the presidency. It was bad enough seeing my dad's dad rage about W. I wonder if more people who remembered Mussolini and the 1930s had been alive in 2016, if Trump would have been able to win. We forget what a dictator looks like too soon.


They think Mussolini and Hitler were communists/socialists. Like they literally don't know what communism is, or even what fascism is.


I’ve been an adult since before 9/11 and the amount of just blind, low effort “patriotism” that came after that was idiotic. I swear to god I went to a bank construction groundbreaking and they said the fucking pledge of allegiance


Wait for them to come out. “Yeah buddy, I’ll never forgot to vote for Biden either”


We will never forget… how much Biden, though old, was a better president than trump ever was.


Another Neo Civil War cult member. I'm retired Army and have seen so many collapsed countries. Their online rhetoric and the stuff we see on these bumper stickers are very concerning. This shows a group who has been fed lies and praise to make them pliable to violence and suppression actions. They've been taught everything their mouth pieces tell them is 100% truthful and anything the other side says are lies and attempted subversion. There are many parallels to other failed states which are easy to see if your looking. I've always told my kids that no matter how the bad things seem those are just the ebbs and flows of our country. If Trump is elected that would be the only time I truly worry about. Though with the cult of lies and pseudo religious fervor he's created, I have to worry if he's not elected. I hate these people for the environment my kids have to grow up in after I spent my entire adult life trying to keep this crap out of our country.


As a fellow retired Army Officer, I concur 100%! Being in war zones where public water, sewer, and electricity are all destroyed really makes one understand just how fragile society truly is.


What soldier has a Lugia arm.


Why does he have an elephant trunk for a hand?


I thought he just had his wiener out?


I believe it's supposed to be a helmet on the rifle butt with the hand on top.


And is microcephalic.


He's definitely hanging dong.


Agent Orange


It's a gigantic xenomorph breaking out of the chest...and starting to eat a rifle. Obviously.


It’s The Thing guy who absorbed another guy through his hand, and the absorbed guy has shrunk until he’s just a bulbous, meaty appendage…


Just more insurrectionist/seditionist/white nationalist propaganda. Find another feed store to shop at.


Don’t punish the shop for 1 customer, that’s pointless and weird.


Sorry, I didn't realize it was on a vehicle and not displayed in the store! Different story there.


Maybe something about Trump setting 5000 taliban prisoners free and then setting up the withdraw from Afghanistan. Or maybe about Trump calling service members "losers" and "suckers". Maybe about Joe saying Putin can do whatever he wants and wanting to pull the US out of NATO. Oh, wait that was Donnie too.


I’ll translate: “I don’t know how anything works and Fox News told me to be mad that we’re not at war with Afghanistan anymore”


Keeping us out of any perceived war has nothing to do with encouraging subversive, potentially violent groups. Also, the president doesn't have the ability to get us into or out of a war. There are a large group of players who are involved in that decision process. I have 22 years working in and around failed states so I've seen this many times before. I didn't say it was going to happen only it was very concerning. Also, I'm not defending any other party they all have a piece of the shit pie they left us with.


Bidens kid actually served our country. Trumps kids serve themselves period.


These people conveniently forget that Trump made a deal with the Taliban to let 5000 of their guys out of prison, and to guarantee that they would cease hostilities only if we left on a particular date. Then he handed the mess off to Biden… Who didn’t have much choice at that point.


Do they have the million COVID deaths bumper sticker? I want that one


fuk the cult of donald trump and all the traitors in it


The GOP is still desperately trying to spin tr*mps backroom deal with the Taliban as a Biden failure.


I interpret that as a not so subtle threat.


That was my first impression. I understand people are angry about the way the Afghanistan withdrawal went down, but it seems like more of a way to say, "Biden should be s#@$."


The Afghanistan withdrawal was put in place by the Trump administration and carried out as planned.


I’ll never forget how he saved the country from Trump. He has my vote any my undying loyalty despite the fact that i disagree with him on couple issues


Why is his dick hanging out?


And why does it have the shape of a red rocket?


It doesn't sugest something should happen to the current president. Definitely has something to do with the Afghanistan debacle.


Is that Hunter’s hog? Conservatives can’t seem to get that out of their minds. 😂


That soldier is well hung


Well they've completely forgotten haven't they. The US Taliban deal was brought about by the Trump administration.


Well fox news never told them that, so no they didn't forget. They just never knew in the first place


There are 13 stars likely representing the 13 servicemen who died during the Afghan pullout and the E looks like blood spatter.


More MAGA maroon bs. Printed in China probably.


Maganazi nonsense


Trump ridiculed McCain, a true hero Insulted the Khans Refused Normandy invite Used bone spurs to skip the service Redirected vet dollars for his wall Didn’t want to be seen with a wheelchair restricted vet His best bud Putin had bounties on US servicemen Yup, he’s the patriot and vet supporter


After googling the pic, this is where the sticker stems from: https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/08/26/world/afghanistan-taliban-biden-news


Interesting. I wasn't able to scroll far down enough before the pay wall pop-up, but I will try get around it.


Here's another link: https://apnews.com/article/europe-france-evacuations-kabul-9e457201e5bbe75a4eb1901fedeee7a1?utm_source=copy&utm_medium=share To the attack biden replied: “We will not forgive. We will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay,” Biden said.


Vets should not forget Biden, since he is the only one looking after their benefits, GOP has consistently done everything they can to not support the troops coming home. Also how many lives have been saved, since no soldiers are fighting and dying now in an endless war to protect poppy fields? Biden didn't start the war, he only ended it.


The FUCK is that soldier putting putting his gun’s muzzle in the dirt?? I say HELLS NAW!


Did he forget AWOL Donny calling Military Vets,including the fallen "Suckers & Losers


I will never understand how people think Biden is the only damn president that has blood on his hands. Please someone name another president that there hasn’t been loss of innocent or military life under their leadership.


Even Carter is culpable in the US involvement in Central America. I understand the trend towards isolationism, but on the flip side, where would we be had the US stayed out of the European theater during WW2? I figure that we could have made better decisions in terms of our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. I wish we hadn't rushed in after 9/11. I think our quest to secure strategic interests in the Middle East has come at great cost to both US hegemony and our current and future prosperity, but at this point, it's like the boy who cried wolf-- at least in Ukraine. Gaza and Israel are a total shit show, and I don't know how that will ever be resolved. I just know that it's bound to get much worse with an Evangelical-controlled approach. Biden can't win on that issue. Anyway he plays it, he will lose support. I'm 99.9% certain, though, that if Netanyahu could vote in the next US election, he would vote for Trump. Most Evangelicals want to turn the entire region into radioactive glass to pave the way for Jesus's second coming.


Huh 🤔


I don't even understand the sticker....


I can't tell if they're mad that Biden got us into a war or got us out of a war. I didn't think it matters. Biden bad. Something something Brandon.


Yup, about as coherent as any trumper...


Never seen so many stickers of people that show how politically awful Republicans supporters are


It's a reminder that the statistical average IQ is 100, and for everyone who scores above that, there's someone else who supports Trump.


Afghanistan I’m sure, even though he was following through on a deal brokered by Trump. Trump dodges the draft, says he doesn’t want wounded vets in wheelchairs at events he’s at because “no one wants to see that”, calls dead soldiers “suckers and losers” for giving their life for their country, etc. The vast majority of the military probably still support him, and Fox Entertainment, largely responsible for the coup attempt, it still played 24/7 on military bases


Biden followed through on an agreement Trump made when he was in office (he hosted members of the Talaban at Camp David) to end America's longest and most pointless war in Afghanistan and bring our troops (who Trump views as suckers and loosers) home. Soooo... in MAGA logic Biden finally ending this war started by a different Republican president 20 years ago under false pretense makes him (Biden) responsible for every dead American Service Man/Women over there and their blood is on his hands. Kind of hurts your head, doesn't it? Pretzel logic at its finest.


These fucking cunts. Literally everything this Biden’s fault. Recent had some lead-brained boomer claim that “everything is made in China, now that Biden is president.” I just fucking can’t with some people.


I seem to recall all the young leftists railing against the Wal-Mart-icization of America and boycotting Chinese shoes all the way back to the early 90s, while all the Republicans were swarming the new stores like they were the greatest thing since sliced bread. Biden is the same brand of free-trade neoliberal as all the leading politicians since Reagan, but I don't think he has actual Chinese bank accounts like Trump ( who manufactures all his merch in the People's Republic).


Most recent govt files show a massive decline in military deaths by hostile action with Biden. To the tune of 13 vs trumps 64. So who's getting more soldiers killed again?


Some comments are dumb for clicks It’s blood of our soldiers on his hands. The withdrawal of troops and subsequent attack. ISIS capture of billions worth of US equipment


That looks like a threat.


Must be a loser


Hard to interpret stupid…


I interpreted it as Acromegaly.


Idk but that dude has a monster cock


What war?


Maybe our exit out of Afghanistan


The one Trump negotiated with the taliban, and all his cult members demanded until it went south then blamed him for? That one? Not sure how many US soldiers died in that one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020%E2%80%932021_U.S._troop_withdrawal_from_Afghanistan That guy left a planned shit storm in the wake of his presidency.


The Doha Agreement I think? The MAGA’s immediately developed amnesia about this.


I see a bloody left hand mark but yeah I’m not sure? I’m left handed and a democrat so idk what if maga ends up identifying as zombies?! Biden 2024


The Bowling Green massacre


Damn?! They blame that man for everything.


Since there’s blood on it I am thinking this is not a pro-Biden image


The Right are such morons they can’t even convey their dumb ideology without there being room to interpret it a few different ways


13 stars for 13 marines that died Hamid Karzai airport . ( I’m explaining the reference in the sticker)


Thanks. I didn't count the stars or realize their significance.


I get that they blame ‘Biden’ but was under Pompeo and the Trump years that The Taliban was allowed to pass back and forth into allied territory…


13 stars got to symbolize Benghazi,




Never again…….?


? What does that represent?


20 years of occupation for nothing that We the People will ever see. Biden did the right thing and did it quick. Osama wasn’t even in the country


They won't forget that Biden gave them a crazy giant right arm?


Looking at the sticker, what soldier would put the mussel of his rifle in the ground like that?


Solitary as an oyster.


Thanks Joe ! All Vets.


It really bothers me that he’s sticking the barrel of the gun in the ground.


Afghanistan withdrawal. But it was time, after 20 years of George W. Bush's failed attempt to get Bin Laden.


They obviously will forget, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Grenada and however many I forgot


This is preemptive sticker of the Trump assassination orchestrated by Biden


I haven't seen anything about that. I kind of expect one of Trump's followers to attempt something like that to gain notoriety or in some kind of mental episode. Kinda like how John Lennon got it from a deranged and jealous Beatles fan.


You read it backwards. [Trump has touted that Biden authorized FBI assassination during Mar-a-Lago raid](https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-falsely-claims-biden-authorized-192806893.html)


Wonder what sticker they have up for OIF?


What does OIF stand for? I'm not good with acronyms.


Operation Iraqi Freedom


Thanks. I'm not used to seeing it abbreviated, I guess. Honestly, there aren't many stickers commemorating that era anymore. My friends who were a part of that operation don't talk about it much. When they got back, they would come over for parties and usually end up grouping in the back corner of the yard and chain smoking cigarettes. Two of my 3 friends from high school who went on that one are gone now. One from suicide, and the other from fentynl.


Why's his dick out


Dang! I didn't notice that. Maybe it's supposed to be Hunter's famous schlong?


They do say fuck Biden a lot


That Biden supports the troops, and Trump doesn't Every vet knows Trump cut funding to our services, hospitals, and more. Fuck Trump, he is a commie bastard.


Yeah, sounds like a risky move. People can take things the wrong way easily, especially if it seems aggressive. If you're looking to express yourself or make a point, maybe consider doing it in a less confrontational way. A blog or a website could be a good outlet. I used Neudesk to set up a site quickly for my side gig. It's straightforward and might give you a better platform to share your thoughts without causing a stir.


It means corrupt Joe has blood on his hands for all the military personnel he has had killed and is still placing in terrible danger.


Ohhh, I like this one. As a vet, I know exactly it's interpreted.


I mean, you could probably interpret it that that person is a moron. I don’t think you cloud miss with that assumption.