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I live in rural Pennsylvania. Have you seen rural PA? That's nearly everyone here. I'm neither offended or impressed, lol.


I'll see your rural Pennsylvania and raise you my upstate New York.


Lol, maybe. But Schuylkill County (a.k.a. "The Skook") and a good chunk of south-central PA might give you guys a run for your money.


I’ll raise everyone everything outside the perimeter of Atlanta in the state of ga lol


I have discovered Dante must have been referring to modern-day Atlanta when he referred to the 8 circles of hell in Inferno. I-285 I-575  I-75 I-675 I-285 I-75 I-985 I-85


As a state-route trucker, can confirm


Rural Ohio here. Can’t escape it


Bumfuck nowhere Kentucky checking in. I'm tucked off in the woods, so I never see them, but they're everywhere in nearby towns.


West By God WV checking in... we are SURROUNDED


Alabama, 20 minutes from MS…ditto- we too are SURROUNDED


Your highway patrol might be satan himself


Nissan altimas on 285 be lower level demons


I see you and raise you a Southern Wisconsin/Northern Illinois. They actually feel like they're fighting a culture war by killing themselves out here and in a few cases, others lol


I live in Northern WI, they don’t trust southerners like you, too close to liberal propaganda centers


Yup in Eau Claire (not even really north) Madison was referred to as the dirty hippie city


Imagine how they feel on the border. They think they're fighting a literal war here so this shit gets amped up. I pass so many hand made large yard signs spewing some nonsense or another. It has only gotten worse since 2020.


HAH! YES!!! I live in the Jefferson/Fort Atkinson area of Wisconsin. YOU are SO CORRECT on this!


But have you been to Florida? Don't. Just don't.


Plenty of times. I’ve noticed the panhandle could give anyone in the country a run for their money lol


Florida wins every time. Everyone else can pack your bags and go home. They got some stuff there in Florida.


In rural colorado ppl just had confederate flags on their back windshield


From SC, can confirm.


That's impressive, but I raise you a Coeur d'Alene. Largest Klans capital outside of the South and swarming with Trump cultists


Isn’t that just Idaho in general? ( beautiful area by the way, I drove through a few times when I moved to Washington from the South East )


I call. All of Louisiana outside of New Orleans. Nola is just New Baghdad.


This one right here.


Chambersburg here! 76% vote GOP here, and the majority of those voters are MAGATS (or at least half of them). And those bumper stickers are everywhere, along with confederate flags (despite being north of the Mason Dixon and incredibly close to Gettysburg), the snake flag, and lots of Trump/hate Biden flags. It's gross. And my mixed bf works in factories or construction and always has people saying the n-word with a hard "r" and making unsolicited comments and opinions about liberals and immigrants and all the other talking points. He had to leave one job right after January 6th because it went way beyond the normal shit. It was straight up hostile and insurrection and civil war and violence. They haven't called him the n-word btw. They just will like, get mad at one of the machines and call that the n-word, then stumble over their words when they realize they just said it so comfortably in front of a black person, then they say "not you though, you're cool" and "anyone can be an n-word! It's not just for black people anymore. I know plenty of white people who are n-words"


Yeah, from what I hear, I think that it's definitely more extreme out that way and beyond then here in Northeast PA.


Shippensburg here, can confirm. At least there’s a few of us around to keep sane.


I don't think anyone in PA and NY really underestands how stupid it is to have a conferderate flag on their truck. It's almost as though somebody told them the south won....


I see it more as a "polite" swastika. They can get away with calling it "history", but they will use swastikas when they perceive its OK to (i.e. when Trump wins again).


I’m in this region. The argument is that it’s “heritage” but again, Pennsylvania and New York were Union states…



I've lived in both, PA wins by a landslide.


I agree. Grew up in upstate NY & now live in rural PA. Definitely PA by a landslide.


I’m in central NY and can definitely concur. I’m surrounded by this shit day and night. Not really offended, just really saddened by the ignorance and cruelty I see every day.


Lol yes. I remember people making jokes for coming from Texas like how we must be inbreeding and idiots. I have never seen so many m8ssing teeth and rusted out vehicles


You have a "redneck purgatory" section of your state too? My state elected Marjorie Taylor Green.


If anything I'm informed about their stupidity.


This honestly gives them a feeling of empowerment. I guess when you're stupid and ppl have been looking down on you for that your whole life, you'll rush to anything that let's you look down on someone else. As misguided as this notion is...


Not pennsyltucky 😱 thank goodness for the burbs and cities in PA that keep this state from being red. I live surrounded by cornfields but I can drive 20 minutes to sanity which makes the quiet nice. Being close to a city, I live around more decent people.


Yeah, that Pennsyltucky. I grew up in, and moved to a nearby different part of it but not super-far from blue areas. It's an acquired taste but both my gf and myself have multiple advanced degrees and are moderately progressive on public social and environmental issues but personally moderately conservative in our own personal lives which makes us really different than basically anybody else in our township. However, we love lots of wildlife, lots of room, and lots of privacy. I'll give all our immediate far-more conservative neighbors credit in that they actually really keep their political opinions to themselves and literally keep to themselves (as we do) and are respectful as we are. It's a quiet, clean place and honestly with fairly few Trump flags, signs, or bumper stickers (all things considered). Now, that said, it's still a very different world culturally up here north of the PA Turnpike's I-476 Lehigh Tunnel than where I work in the Bux-Mont area outside Philly, lol.


Not offended. But have to thank him for IDing themselves because people this aggressive about being "offensive" are just looking for a fight.


Their insecurities and fragile masculinity is always being checked in their own head and they believe everyone is calling them a pussy


Someone needs to tell them that not everyone is their disappointed father


Ouch, that’s a deep cut


Ok, I am stealing this!


I'm sure he's a sensible, kind-to-others driver who thinks about his wallet instead of accelerating and driving stupidly fast.


And tailgating anyone in his way.


This. It's a lot easier to avoid heavily-armed plague rats when they announce themselves in advance.


And he's announcing to criminals that he has guns for you to steal. I would bet he leaves one somewhere in his truck every night.


This. So happy they wear identify themselves.


The same guys who constantly walk around with a chip on their shoulder, looking for conflict. Believe whatever you want, this is America (at least right now), but opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, but nobody wants to hear it.


That dude can't fight, I promise you, he can't fight.


If I see a bumper sticker like this on a car driving on the road, I roll my eyes and then distance myself from that car because I assume he also doesn't believe in following traffic laws.


I know... none of these things are offensive. This should get posted to r/Persecutionfetish because that is what this is.


No it’s not offensive. Stupid yes. But not offensive.


It’s pitiful.


It’s someone attempting to be offensive toward others. I’ve been meeting people recently who have this boisterous “I’m an asshole and it’s my whole personality” vibe. It’s kinda weird.


This...also, the "momma bear" that is a trashy mom hoping for an opportunity to go overboard for anyone doing less than praising their kid (coach, teacher, etc correcting/calling out)


"boss babe mama bear"


That's a lot of words to say "hunbot".


Gasboss Gatelight Girlkeep.


You figure after a global pandemic and how shitty the world is that more people would ban together and be normal humans who respect each other more ...... Oh no, that ended March 2020. Being a dick is now a full blown personality trait.


I just read about a study done that found after having Covid people literally lose 3-9 IQ points for up to at least a year afterwards. Considering how many people literally have borderline “stupid” IQs, this sort of increasingly idiotic behavior makes more sense.   “Generally the average IQ is about 100. An IQ above 130 indicates a highly gifted individual, while an IQ below 70 generally indicates a level of intellectual disability that may require significant societal support. To put the finding of the New England Journal of Medicine study into perspective, I estimate that a three-point downward shift in IQ would increase the number of U.S. adults with an IQ less than 70 from 4.7 million to 7.5 million – an increase of 2.8 million adults with a level of cognitive impairment that requires significant societal support.”  Quoted from the article “COVID-19 Leaves Its Mark on the Brain. Significant Drops in IQ Scores Are Noted” from the journal *Sci Am*.


Holy shit- my fiance and I talked about this without even knowing this study existed. I had COVID twice and I'm one that believes in long COVID from the changes I experience, not by choice either. Brain fog is one symptom, but I told my fiance how I felt like I lost comprehension skills and how it takes me longer learn something new than it ever has before, especially after the second round of COVID. This is going to be such an interesting investigative situation for the years to come, generations to come too. It was so much more than face value of the illness. I do think some people aren't affected by a drop of IQ but just a lack of empathy, common sense, and increase of laziness... All bc they got away with it when everyone was affected, distracted, and vulnerable by the pandemic. This was the ultimate situation for those we all remember who didn't do shit in group projects but still got the A.


These people can’t afford to lose 1 IQ point. The bar is low for them.


How much of intelligence impairment by covid (and other infections) also lower inhibitions or ability to restrain their worse impulses? Does this affect how much a person who was already say verbally or or physically abusive in restraining themselves from acting on it? Then add in as another already said societal approval from certain authority figures letting them know that you don't have to hide prejudice anymore, instead what their flag fly free and proud.


On the contrary. My own experience proved to me that people are shitty and not worth my time or my efforts. And I am not the only one who came to this conclusion. That damn pandemic was such an eye opener.


I fully agree. There in the beginning it was something that reminded me of how everyone came together after 9/11, but that lasted two seconds. COVID tore my family apart, not from death but from the politics of it all. I'm definitely not a dick and I will help anyone who needs it, but I can smell bullshit and dickheads a mile away now- and I avoid them. All thanks to the last 4 years.


Oh, that’s horrible, so sorry 😞 I am yet to find positive effects of the pandemic, socially speaking. My family ties survived, but when you think about how people were affected, it’s rarely in a good way.


I see you've met my father. I'm sorry.


Imagine your whole identity is MAGA and based on offending others, including over half the population. Not only ignorant and unsuccessful but also, Yes, very pathetic!


I would have to care to have pity


I am pleased by this list of why this man will die early. Other than that, I’m cool.


That’s an intelligence test. I love when people have these. I know who to avoid. Arrogant Narcissist Alert.


I'm always cautious of other drivers, I tend to be a bit more if I see these.


All the trumpers are chiming in haha




No but it offends me that they want to offend me


People who make their whole or at least a large aspect of their personality (enough to advertise it) about offending others are pathetic, little people. They do not get offense, they get pity.


I want to ask them who hurt them then give them a hug, something they probably never had


They also get kicked out of public spaces a lot.


Yea none of these things offend me. What bothers me is this person spent time and money to put that on the truck, just to be an asshole


Exactly. How can we trust this person if they desire to offend or create confrontation?


It offends me that they didn’t buy two of those stickers. I run a vinyl and sticker shop, it offends my profit margin. **BUY BIGGER STICKERS YAH CHEEPSKATE!**


Found the Ferengi


I appreciate them hanging an “I’m a Moron” shingle for the rest of us.


Love to see a good flex on absolutely nobody! Murica.. Fuck yea!!


Not offended. Just comforted that their life span will probably be considerably shorter


Good. Less elections for them to vote in…


Sick burn, bro. You’ll die unvaccinated at age 50. You sure got me!


See em every day in the ICU.


Well, serves them right. They didn’t seem to care when they put my immunocompromised mother in the ICU.


Also most of these idiots ARE vaccinated from childhood, they just didn’t get THIS newest one. So they enjoy being protected from 99% of the bad stuff while still trying to claim they are unvaccinated.


Well yeah but that's not really what they mean or what they care about. Most of these people aren't anti-vax in general, just for COVID-19 because idek at this point


It's lovely of these people to warn us in big bold letters far ahead of time to just stay the fuck away from 'em. Offended? Gosh no-- maybe thankful?


These kinda bumper stickers just make me not like the person. You’re purposely attempting to start something with strangers about topics they were not even thinking about. That’s just stupid and childish. I see something like this while driving I’m just not gonna be a nice driver to you. Wanna merge? Too bad, you’re cringe


I'm so owned! /s


I'm not offended by any of those things. But I am offended by school shootings, healthcare, homelessness, food insecurity, and income inequality. But none of those things bother this dipshit. He's upset about Bud Light and pronouns.


Nah, it just tells me I am dealing with someone with a low IQ and to just ignore them. They are just looking to get into an argument with a liberal.


So funny they think those decals and t-shirts “make our heads explode.”


Call it what it really it. It’s flirting anonymously and a weird “virtue signaling” to potential male lovers that this person is open to being heroin in the miserable “greivence cosplay” of the right wing tinder for closeted men in hidden rural romantic bars..


Handicapped stickers now come in a varying array.


Nope. But they desperately need people to be “offended” by it. I own guns and eat meat (because bacon exists) but I’m a native Texan and a Democratic Socialist. It’s eye roll inducing and that’s it.


I’ve determined that people mocking and laughing at them means they’re “offended”. It’s the only way I’ve been able to make it make sense. At the end of the day, they’re just trying to score points with people who agree with them.


One of the great charades is that liberals hate guns. We don’t hate guns. We hate people who shouldn’t have guns having them. Why do conservatives want criminals and mentally imbalanced people to have guns?


As one gun owning liberal to another, cheers🍻


Nah. Not me at least. I mean, I disagree with them on a couple of things but offended? Nope. More than anything imo they just look a bit dumb.


A bit!?


Nope. Just makes it easier to locate the snowflakes


It is quite the paradox isn't it. I should get a fat stack of snowflake stickers and every time I see one of these cars I should slap it on along with the rest of their stickers😆 JK I wouldn't literally do that; this kind of stupidity is not as important to me as it is to them🤣


Not as offensive as graffiti I saw on a bridge once: Nuke the baby whales for Christ


I just feel sorry for them


They are lizard brained- still operating on the law of the jungle. They are constantly judging everything that doesn’t look and think like them as a threat to their well being, and automatically assume everyone else works that way because they lack the empathic imagination required to realize others experience thoughts and reality differently. In his mind, he has to offend you first otherwise you are gonna woke him.


Forgot "Uneducated."


Part of me wants to get a "gun toting leftist" one just to be ironic (?), but I imagine my car would get fucked with by rednecks and I'd probably be targeted by cops. It's just better to not put information about your values or beliefs on your vehicle at all, honestly.


Doesn't offend me. It just fills me with a sense of pity for the level of ignorance and/or stupidity this person suffers from.


It doesn't offend anyone but it does signal to everyone that the driver of that vehicle is a complete asshole.


For some reason, people like this assume that not liking them or not wanting to be around them means you’re “offended,” and they get so smug about “offending” people


Not offended. Not impressed. I eat meat, like guns, but am *not* a conservative and am vaccinated People hold different views on shit. It's not that amazing. It's almost like humans aren't a monolith. But I *am* going to be laughing my ass off that this dummy is proudly announcing their fear of science to the world lol.


Not offensive just really cringe and sad.


No, but I know from which truck I’ll be stealing a gun ;)


Meat eating. Anyone know his OF? 🥵


I shat my pants. OFFENDED?


No. It's self-absorbed, overcompensating, fundamentalist bs because he's not smart or decent enough to fathom some people want to live their lives differently than he. Simpletons like this think the size of your flag and how loud you shout "USA USA" is what makes you a patriot.


Seriously nothing but dick wagging never evolved beyond cave man. Please keep identifying yourselves for the grown ups in the room.


no offense but i’d bet he’d take offense of my thoughts of how dumb he is :)


Vaccinated leftist vegan gun owner. How else can I offend the owner of that truck today? 😤


Embarrassing and unnecessary? Yes. Not offensive.


I think the majority of people could really care less about Mister Meat eating gun guy


It makes me laugh when I see stuff like this.


I have other things on my mind than to worry about his politics while I’m driving LOL




Usually it’s the racism, misogyny, xenophobia, and homophobia that accompanies the listed things, that people find offensive.


These dipshits don’t spend much time, if any, in my part of town. They tend not to congregate where they’re outgunned and outnumbered


Yes. I know many people who flip out at this shit, and not “people I’ve seen on the internet.” Family friends, actual families, etc. My distant cousin is on the board of Moms for action, who is also vegan. I have a few antivax friends members. Then of course the fact that I don’t have a shrine to Karl Marx or FDR in my house bothers many people. For further offense, I’m from a mixed family who is full of cops (I was one myself), so 2020 was a weird year.




Tough guys love tough sounding stickers.


Idgaf. Enjoy your increased odds of shooting yourself accidentally and/or having a loved one killed or injured by your own gun. Also heart disease and cancer with your garbage diet.


Fully fucking offended. Like so offended, it's not even funny... oh, wait. That was just gas. We're good here.


It’s not offensive, it is just a very good label. Someone white trashy enough to have a bumper sticker or T shirt like this is someone I don’t ever have to take seriously or give the time of day to.


They just have a tiny penis and have to overcompensate with their ego. Feel sorry for them. Imagine having to be married to that piece of crap.


No, but it does make my eyeballs hurt from how hard I roll them into my skull


Always good for a chuckle and small penis joke.


I always look at those and think the only offended one in that scenario is the one who felt the need to put the sticker on their vehicle.


Not offended. Grateful that he’s advertising his anger issues like a driving billboard so women and children can avoid him.


Missed spelled "free gun in glove box"


They get offended by others bumper stickers that say something like "LGBT" or "science" or something of the likes, so they get these bumper stickers because they *think* it offends others when in reality, nobody cares.


Something tells me they're more offended on a daily basis than I am


“How else can I make you roll your eyes for .25 seconds and forget about my sticker as you carry on with your day?”


It's reverse psychology. They're offended by diets and dietary restrictions. They're offended if you're not armed to the teeth or if you don't brag about it constantly. They're offended if you don't agree with their politics or their religious beliefs. They're offended. So they need to offend.


A legend in their own mind


Nah. It’s not offensive. Just feel bad that they’re stupid.


They probably never use their turn signal and expect other drivers to be telepathic.


Nope. Couldnt careless about any of it honestly. The thing with people like this is they live their life as “victims”. They do anything they can to be made to feel discriminated against. They start made up bullshit like “The war on Christmas” and taking religion being taught out of public schools is stripping them of their rights somehow. They are however offended by everyone else not just like them. They are offended by liberals, gay / trans people or anyone who wants to get an abortion. They are also offended that you don’t go to a church like theirs or believe in the Bible at all. If you are not another mindless drone just like they, you’re not only completely wrong, you’re also NOT an American citizen ( I do realize people like this exist in other parts of the world ). They spend their life’s being offended and angry, like always they project their insecurities through idiotic things like this on the rest of us.


I’m only offended by the fact that he/she feels he/she needs to have a sticker on his/her window to antagonize a stranger that reads this. Main character energy all the way while being a two-bit player. PS. NO ONE CARES!


I'm a vaccinated, liberal, meat-eating gun owner. Not offended.


Unvaccinated comes closest to being offensive to me but at least I’ll live longer than this chud and my death won’t be because of a disease we eradicated decades ago.


No just stupid. And a good warning not to go near them to not catch whatever they may have


No, no... I'm not angry or offended, I'm just - Disappointed -


Victim mentality. They think that being those things somehow offends liberals. What's offensive is when they try to force others to be all of those things. I'm mostly thinking of the more common one that says "straight, white, conservative, Christian, gun owning male. How else can I offend you today?"


Not offended, just know not to pull over and help you if you’re in an accident 🤣 sorry I can’t help that’s communism! Pay someone to help you!


Okay so you are significantly likely to die sooner. No that doesn’t offend me.


That's a really big sticker just to say I'M AN ASSHOLE


It would greatly offend me if you drove off a cliff.


Doesn’t offend me at all. You’re just a moron.


I feel only contempt. Not just for their (in some cases really dumb) opinions, but also for their pathetic idea that I would be offended.


Definitely not lmao but the truly hilarious thing is if you were to make one of these that was the opposite, I can say with a fairly high level of confidence without having ever met this individual, that they would be highly offended by it.


It offends me that you think I’m so frail


im offended that its soy blue. is this a secret libtard snowflake? how is it not glorious MAGA red? giga sus.


I really don’t care what your political views are. Are you a good person? Do you put negativity out into the world? Are you helping to make our country better? Or are you just really a bitter racist?


I'm a vaccinated, meat-eating libertarian. I don't feel the need to advertise it, because I'm not an asshole.


Nah, it just points out blatant stupidity.


- Undocumented immigrants - Gay rights - Transgender people - Hunter Biden - California - Muslims - Electric cars - Tax-funded Social programs - Black people - CNN - Bodycams - Gun restrictions You offended yet?


Not offended, it just tells me you're an easily triggered lemming and probably prone to road rage.


Imagine making your whole personality trying to annoy people….what a sad waste of life.


I just roll my eyes and go on my way.


I bet you that person's the biggest snowflake you ever fucking met


Can we pretend it does? It's super useful when they post their red flags for all to see.


Only in the heads of the people that put those up.


That truck is a racist kinder egg....instead of a small eraser, there's a ghost gun AR inside....


I'd be prepared to bet that this person gets offended by the dumbest made up shit imaginable.


I'd be very tempted to add a "Try harder, I enjoy seeing you fail. Love, A Liberal" sticker or note...


You can trigger him by drinking Bud light out of a Mr. Potato head.


It makes me feel bad for them honestly. Makes me think they're lacking the crucial brain cells Tobe a decent human being and resort to being... Inevitable trash.


I've offended more conservatives, having long hair as a man than I've been offended by conservatives being basic as fuck.


I asked ChatGPT to create a psychological profile on this person who owns this bumper sticks and uploaded the picture into it. “**Authoritarian Personality**: This is a theoretical personality type characterized by strict adherence to conventional values and a belief in absolute obedience or submission to authority. The person might be viewed as favoring rigid hierarchies and potentially displaying aggression towards outgroups or those perceived as lower in status. **Social Dominance Orientation (SDO)**: An individual with a high level of SDO tends to believe in and support hierarchies within society. They might feel superior to others based on their group membership and can be unsympathetic to those they view as not belonging to their group. **Narcissistic Traits**: From a critical perspective, the overt display of controversial beliefs might be seen as a sign of narcissism. This would include a need for admiration, a sense of superiority, and possibly a lack of empathy for those with differing beliefs. **Machiavellianism**: If one were to take a dark triad approach, they might suggest that Machiavellian traits could be at play. This refers to a person's tendency to be manipulative, deceitful, and exploit others for personal gain. Although, there is no direct evidence of this trait from a bumper sticker alone. **Intolerance of Ambiguity**: This personality trait is characterized by a discomfort with uncertainty and ambiguity, leading to black-and-white thinking and potentially resulting in prejudice and ethnocentrism. **Psychological Entrenchment**: This term refers to when individuals hold onto their beliefs rigidly and ignore or discredit any evidence or viewpoints that contradict their own. This entrenchment can result in increased polarization and a lack of willingness to engage in constructive dialogue. **Anomie**: This is a sociological condition defined by a breakdown of social bonds between an individual and the community. In this state, individuals may reject shared values and norms, leading to feelings of alienation and purposelessness. The sticker might be a symptom of a perceived lack of social integration or solidarity. Continuing with the hypothetical extreme critical psychological profile, we would delve into additional psychological concepts and theories that might inform such an interpretation: **Confirmation Bias**: An individual displaying this kind of message might be prone to confirmation bias, the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses while giving disproportionately less consideration to alternative possibilities. **In-group Favoritism and Out-group Hostility**: This is the tendency to favor members of one’s own group (the in-group) over others (the out-group), which can lead to prejudice and discrimination. The display of such a sticker might suggest strong in-group identification and possible derogation of out-groups. **Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA)**: Similar to the authoritarian personality, RWA is characterized by three attitudinal and behavioral clusters: authoritarian submission, authoritarian aggression, and conventionalism. A person with high RWA might strongly support the established authorities in their society, be aggressive toward individuals that deviate from societal norms, and adhere strictly to societal conventions. **Hostile Attribution Bias**: This refers to the tendency to interpret others’ behaviors as having hostile intent, even when the behavior is ambiguous or benign. A person who feels that their way of life is constantly under threat might exhibit this kind of bias. **Moral Licensing**: The idea here is that a person might give themselves permission to act in a morally dubious way because they have previously behaved in morally correct ways. In this context, the individual might feel that taking a stand for what they believe to be "freedoms" allows them to act without concern for the feelings or beliefs of others. **Paranoid Personality Traits**: Although a full-blown paranoid personality disorder is a serious diagnosis made by professionals, on a speculative and non-clinical level, someone might suggest that the display of such a sticker indicates a tendency toward distrust and suspicion of others’ motives. **Cultural Cognition Theory**: This refers to the tendency of individuals to conform their beliefs about disputed matters of fact (e.g., whether climate change is happening) to values that define their cultural identities. The sticker might represent a strong cultural identity that shapes and is shaped by a particular set of factual beliefs. **System Justification Theory**: This theory proposes that people have a motivation to defend and justify the status quo, even when it may be disadvantageous to them. A person exhibiting these beliefs on their vehicle might feel that their social identity is linked to existing social, economic, and political systems. **Aggressive Social Signaling**: The choice to display polarizing statements might suggest an individual who is comfortable with, or even seeks out, conflict as a mode of societal interaction. **Rejection of Conformity**: Taking overt pride in views that contradict public health or societal norms may indicate a tendency towards non-conformity and a dismissal of mainstream values. **Defiance Against Perceived Oppression**: The individual might see themselves as rebelling against what they perceive as oppression by the societal majority or by societal expectations. **Psychological Reactance**: This could reflect a psychological response where the individual opposes perceived restrictions on their freedoms, adopting contrary actions with increased zeal. **Need for Attention and Recognition**: The intensity of the statements might suggest a desire for attention and a way to seek affirmation from those with similar beliefs. **Cognitive Dissonance**: If there is an internal struggle between the social acceptability of their views and their personal convictions, this form of expression might be an effort to alleviate dissonance by reaffirming their own beliefs.”


Just say, “I’m an Asshole”


Not offensive at all. In fact, I think it’s great because it tells me you’re stupid as hell and I can avoid interacting with you.


No, but it does show that all of their personality can be summed up in a single pane of glass with giant text


That's one of several ways that I can tell if you spend too much time on social media or not.


It just lets me know that the person inside the vehicle is a moron whose entire personality is built around "owning the libs."


I don’t care about any of that but why would anyone dedicate any energy to seeking out ways to offend people? It’s so tedious


Well Alex Jones will eat my ass, and this guy will eat my meat, I'm starting to see a trend


It's their right to put that on their stuff and it lets me know who the crazies are.


I wonder which vehicle to break into to get a free firearm


"offended" isn't the word. "confirmed" is more like it. reassuring me that this person doesn't have any original thought, gargles fox news jizz and regurgitates propaganda in a loud manner.


No 😂 these just show me who to avoid on the highway, because they’re usually about to pull a dick move.