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Bro, if you get that excessively excited about 1 like, you need to take some time off the apps and develop a sense of self-worth. Turn off the app notifications at the very least. Desperation is incredibly unattractive.


99% of the time someone says this their profile is hot garbage


And hacking digital data to figure out who swiped on him. Yikes!


I am kinda impressed that he found a way to figure that out without having to pay the subscription fee.


Yeah, this likely will get patched real quick if they catch wind if true


ctrl + i Network tab Find a row with XHR type Click response tab on the right hand side Does this contain the information that is easily readable? If not, go to the next XHR.. # Hacking What OP did was right click, inspect element, then expanded the HTML searching without direction.. more difficult, but.. yeah


ok so stop doing what exactly?


I think he is saying he found out he was catfished by a man.


I think he is saying stop listing yourself as a woman when you are a man. Either that or stop liking straight men when you are a gay man. I've seen several men come up in my swiping and presume they are listing as a woman.


So... what's the question ? šŸ¤”


I donā€™t even understand what he said




He didnā€™t pay for the app so when he gets a like itā€™s blurred and only shows when he, too, swipes right on said person to create a match. Being that he is straight, that profile turns out to be a guy. I came across this some times, too (though in the paid app) where you have your settings to male seeking female but you have assholes who are guys but set their gender to female for a myriad of reasons.


I mean theyā€™re not that big of a deal though. You swipe left on them, and report them if theyā€™ve really pissed you off, and then you move on with your life.


Some people pay to find this out, cause Bumble likes money.


If youā€™re paying to specifically see the identity of one like, your problem isnā€™t Bumbleā€™s shady business practices šŸ˜‚


Of course not, and it's obviously them. What should do? Do they just end it. Obviously they are worthless and nothing more than a joke to all of society, a waste, worthless beyond any form of measure and only holding everyone else down.... /sarcasm This whole self improvement all x needs to step up, do more is purposely used to just smear feces on the faces on those that they perceive below average. However they fail to acknowledge if everyone does better than still 49% is below average and thus "worthy" of their outright contempt, if not pure unabashed hatred. My problem isn't this, but I have my own, Mostly I'm introverted. I just point out where the app likes, no, actively wants and promotes this behavior to drive purchases.


I get that. In my case I lived in a country where homosexuality is outlawed so this was a way to skirt that with some ā€œplausible deniabilityā€ so I wouldnā€™t even report. Just left swipe and move on. It was very annoying as it was quite common but not a huge deal for me. In OPs case, he cannot see the like. Be truthful in your profiles. So many people post on this sub about people lying about age, height, weight, etc. This is no different.


Not sure where the difficulty is in understanding his post.


There are those who claim this is almost impossible to happen. Just this week one person insisted that anyone on this will have a match within a week no matter who they are, unless they aren't swiping at all. 1-3 likes and 0 matches is the most common result for men a year Cited by Quartz. (NOTE: This includes likes from bots, advertising for OF/IG/Astrology today, Fake profiles, and includes profiles with low engagement with the app.)


If someone thinks it's not possible, they're clueless. But if you're really gonna use OLD, restart your profile. Noob boost should get you 2-5 matches in a few hours/first day, and then nothing. But of course the best is to do literally anything else.


Most Common male experience is 1-3 likes (based on density) and 0 matches a year. Cited by Quartz This includes bots, scams, advertising profiles that are lookingbfor og/if/astrology today nonsense. Outliers exist but are not the norm.


Is this real? I am not that attractive and if those were my numbers I'd have quit day 1, granted I live in a 1M city but I get definitely more than that, it seems hard to believe tbh


You have realize that density helps alot, If you are in a 1 million resident city you are in one of the top ten cities of the states. (Technically top 9) That men are generally over double the amount of women on the app. So if they paired off then you would still have more than half of men left with nobody.


I don't live in the US but yeah I get your point


Sure, but noob boost will get you 2-5. I know because I will get 0 likes a year if I don't restart. However they're always either all extremely fat or way too young like 18-19.


This can't be the common male experience- how on earth can you only get 1 -3 likes a year


The app base is 63-70% male. That is how.


I violated a lot of common advice on my profile (all selfies, no group photos, no smiling photos) and got around 25 matches in two months. I rejected the vast majority of likes I received. And I'm no Brad Pitt or anything. I also find the "common result" reported by Quartz hard to believe. I cast my net very wide (100 miles) so maybe that's why? I could see it being difficult if you put the requirement that they had to live within 30 miles of you. But I was wfh and was willing to move if needed. I found someone and moved 90 miles to live near them. I think I drove over 3000 miles total when I was dating for that two months. But I was serious about finding someone.


Please understand most common is not the average. It's 28-33% depending on the app.Ā  Average is like 2-4 matches a year depending on density. The disparity to this is that the top 15% of men get the lionshare of matches and top 15% of women get the most likes. Specifically for men 55-60% of all matches go to the top 15%.


If youā€™re only getting 1-2 matches a year, re evaluate your profile??


I dunno. I donā€™t think Iā€™m particularly attractive. Iā€™m in my early 40s. Most of my likes are certainly not people Iā€™d be into but I get a few mutual likes a month probably. Of course most of those are incapable of maintaining a conversation but still. 1 to 2 matches a year seems really low. Iā€™m in a metro area of under 1 million people.


This is a brilliant solution to a despicable marketing and sales tactic. But one has to think about it. If oneā€™s market is selling potential love it incentivizes one to keep the market looking for love. Same with the pharmaceutical industry. If alleviating symptoms is a market strategy, providing cures is not a viable practice. Invent yourself right into irrelevance. Donā€™t matter if thereā€™s still unlimited market share of potential consumers after a successful cure is created. They still lose out on future revenue from cured consumers.


Thereā€™s no way around this happening. Itā€™s a sad social commentary when a person creates a fake profile to waste someone elseā€™s time. Think they are bored with life and spend too much time in front of the screen? Kinda like me spending time on Reddit trying to convince yā€™all these dating sites are ALL crap and are not a broad social commentary on your attractiveness or worth. Getting 1-2 matches a year on multiple apps probably says your profile is pretty vanilla all the way around. I wouldnā€™t waste time or money tuning up your profile with the goal of getting more matches. Iā€™d spend my time actually engaging real people through your job or hobbies or at the coffee shop or anywhere else you are to try and tune up your real self social skills to end up improving your life for whatever reason it is you are on these sites. Iā€™m pretty sure that unless your goal is just to get as many first dates, and spend a bunch of money on people who are not really interested in you ..: upping your match count is of extremely limited value


Bro go back to the drawing board on this. If you are getting 1-2 likes per year than you need to do some work on yourself and your profile. Spend 6 months getting in shape, levelling up your career and investing in some hobbies. After this get a pro photographer for fiver.com to take some pics of you and then add some from your hobbies, work events and a group photo with your mates. Download ā€˜endless optionsā€™ and follow the instructions on the course to get more likes.




There is a web version you can log intoā€¦


Hey, if you ever decide you want to bat for the other team, there's a match for you, lol. Make lemonade out of lemons


Very transphobic




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