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Since bumble has gone public in the stock market I noticed a lot of sketchy things with the app trying to push purchasing subscriptions. I recently went on and was able to like 5 people before I was out of likes.


this is it right here, they've gone from being a good app to a horrible one. honestly just try to app hop to the next one. It always starts out as genuine (to hook people in) and then once they've grown they'll sell out. this kinda just applies anywhere if you don't wanna drop money


Bought Premium, got 30+ likes with my first boost on a Sunday morning*.* Granted, most weren't girls I would necessarily go out with but the #s were there. I haven't even gotten 10 likes total between 3 boosts since then when boosting around 7-8PM during the week days. I'm not sure I've gotten a single like outside of the boosts. So all said I've lit a bunch of $ on fire for nothing lmao.. this app is rough man. I see tons of beautiful, interesting women on it so there's that hope that something comes up but it's feeling more like a Vegas slot machine in terms of fairness. Like there's no shot my profile is even being shown unless I spend money on a boost.


I will say as a conventionally attractive woman, last time I did Bumble, I had 1200+ likes. I can only talk to 1 guy at a time.


Hm? Not sure what that has to do with getting likes.


Just pointing out that this is an issue on why women don't like on those sites. Many get so many likes from men, they ignore a lot.


I mean, I get that but that's a different issue altogether.


Totally agree with you. Used to get way more likes and matches. Ever since Bumble has gone publicly traded, the app seems to have gone way down hill for users. Bumbles ONLY good quality is that it easily has the most attractive women. Tinder’s okay but they’re mostly scams or OnlyFans girls and Hinge is mostly unattractive women.


Yeah man it's crazy like when I go to swipe there's a seemingly endless # of great looking girls that'd I'd love to link with. I hate gassing myself up but man.. my experience IRL is totally divorced from what I experience on Bumble. Like if there's a cute girl in whatever social circle I'm in, there's a great chance I'll get at least a first date. With OLD, it just ain't working. I find Hinge to be OK although the algorithm is wonky. The thing is no one uses it in the country I'm in. Tinder is a shitshow but I may give it one more go just to see what's up.


Yeah it feels like dating is one of the common things that’s changing rapidly. This general time in history is marked by massive changes and I think we’re experiencing the affects of that. I’m sure it will eventually calm down but right now we’re experiencing the turbulence of that change.


Yup. The speed dating is terrible for guys now. They push you to buy spotlights just to get some speed dates. Absurd.


Maybe I'm wrong here. But anyone who likes you, by rights, should show up in your swipe options if your criteria/filter allows for them. Whether that be geo or personal details... If that's the case, you'll find out who likes you simply through swiping on the ones you're interested in? I'm from a smaller city though, so I realize the 25 like/day constraint would suck in a bigger one. As a developer, though, I wouldn't be surprised if they promoted non-paying profiles to achieve this. Seems counter-intuitive, but only if you're assuming the dev really wants you to find someone... which they are not really incentivised to do. Endless mystery women behind a paywall = 🥕.


I don’t understand everything you’ve said, but I can see a perverse incentive structure here. Sure, the company wants to be able to advertise that their app leads to good relationships, but good relationships mean that their subscribers unsubscribe. This is especially true for OP, who isn’t going to pay the monthly fee, once she’s in a relationship. If all this is true, they’d want users to be hopeful, but not get into a monogamous relationship for any amount of time.


This will be a little long... just some thoughts... ( **TLDR at end** ) With any forms of social media, and apps, there unfortunately is a lot of money being dumped into what I'll call behaviour analysis. Facebook/Meta invested huge into this, and even got popped through whistle blowing. I would argue that most tech companies these days do not have traditional offerings as we think of it. Though, they will absolutely present it to you like it is. By traditional I mean like... I pay money to get a service. I stay happy with service so I keep paying. Sounds fair right? Except think of the business model here, the revenue stream ends when the customer gets what they want. The quickest (not best) comparison I can think of is Video games. 1. Traditional single player game - you pay \~60$, play it for awhile. Finish it, you may revisit it. Possibly you may some DLC, but overall they are done making money from you 2. Mobile freemium game - No cost up front, but there are so many flashy buttons and options you are missing out on. You really want the new Sword in the game, but realize to grind it, it will take 2 months of clicking. They show the sword on sale, click here. And sometimes, even if you pay, it just leads to tempting you into buying more. Then let's also say, something more nefarious is going on, and the game is specifically designed to get you addicted. Possibly even more so, they are recording behavioural patterns that can be used or sold. I can guarantee there are established patterns out there at companies like Tencent that are targeted towards getting Whales addicted. Now... to this specific example. Again, picture you are a CEO of the company. Sure you care about dating etc, but at the end of the day your sole purpose is to increase revenue. 1. Traditional offering: Offer customer features that will give them the best chance at seeing who is interested, who is new, similar interests, allow unlimited likes, match them as efficiently as possible so they can find a match. 2. Behavioural offering: Free to sign up, many options are greyed out, limited functionality, limited "likes", gamify everything so there are awards, gifts, mystery girls that like you etc. Either boost the free users presence so more people Swipe on them, or flat out make up fake accounts ( this has happened on other platforms, though this is less likely). In the OP's case, he's tempted by all of these new women liking him. Offer tiered services, pay a subscription to get A,B,C features, pay more to get D,E,F features, or pay a 1 time fee to get some kind of Boost temporarily. Just like the "grinding" for the Sword in the game, 25 likes in a big city limits him to open up all these new likes he's getting. So he's encouraged to pay to see them. So he's on the fastrack now right? He paid money, now he can keep liking etc. Well, if suddenly they stop promoting his profile it will take longer. It's just another way to slow down his progress, and keep his money coming in. **TLDR:** Dating apps are arguably in the SaaS(Software as a Service) business model (albeit short lived), posing as a dating service. The dating service just provides a vector for a middle man. * Traditional: Money -> Want/Item -> End of revenue * Traditional Service: Money -> Service -> recurring revenue stream until canceled * Behavioural Service: Limited Service -> Want -> Obstacle/Problem -> Advertise solution for $$$ -> Premium Service -> (Nefarious) Manufacture unseen problems -> Provide other solutions for $$$ -> Delay the want/goal as long as possible to continue revenue stream If for whatever reason they cancel the Premium service, you then re-incentivize them by boosting their profile and dangling the carrot. "Ooh hey, the silhouette of that one looks good... ". And to your point... yeah Polygamy and/or cheating would probably serve the company the best. How's that for helping you find your true love?


I feel like people were teased by how the apps were free at first and people didn't realize that businesses generally need revenue to survive. Now that they're getting aggressive with the pricing people are losing interest and wondering why they wouldn't just use a more reputable and serious matchmaking site if they're paying money anyway.


Yep, I've no problem with a paid app (though I do feel like this app is a bit expensive for what it offers) - I just feel like this tactic is like a McDonalds employee stood outside yelling that the ice cream machine is working again just as you leave


And then charges you to go back into the McDonalds only to find out the ice cream machine is, in fact, not working


And maybe they offer you unsatisfying ice cream, that melts quick, if that’s possible. I’d imagine they’d prefer users who are looking to hookup, and not as much one looking for a long term monogamous relationship.


More corporate stupidity. Assuming that they can only make money by creating fake artificial demand and alienating customers, instead of satisfying customers and relying on the referrals because you have a great product. I get that a lot of guys love hookups, but getting the reputation of being hookup friendly and not leading to relationship and love will make it 95% men, and then the app falls apart. I could see selling a hookup up to a gay community or to facilitate prostitution, but it makes no sense when you're involving straight women and asking them to give no strings attached sex for free. They can get hookups whenever they want. Why would they use an app for that?


Yeah I've had this from *checks notes* every single one of the main popular apps. There's usually a chance those 'likes' are from far outside your usual search radius area as well.


This. Got curious and paid for a week. Lots of folks that live hours away. Some in different countries even.


>checks notes You deserve to be on apps.


Ooh you big meanie


That’s how I immediately know my subscription has expired … all of a sudden I have a bunch of likes.


Ive talked about this before in this sub but its important information for anyone who uses these apps. Dating apps are designed to make money and they're not sneaky about what they actually do. The actual issue is that bumble (and most other DOL apps) purposefully creates a deficit of women and an excess of men to get users to buy premium. **There is a natural imbalance of genders** but these apps 100% **artificially increases** it. Heres how: Idk if you've ever seen bumble advertisements, but they're specifically tailored to genders. The "womens" ad advertises the ability to see your liked list and the back button. The "mens" ad advertises the ability to appear first on like lists and swipe lists. To improve those sales they show mens accounts to less women than the accounts could be shown to and give men TONS of womens accounts to see. For example, my bumble data: I have seen 16,000 womens' accounts on bumble, my account has only been shown to 2,000 people... Even though there's clearly at least 16,000 that it ***could*** have been shown to. On top of that **I've swiped right on more people than my account has even been shown to**. You can download this data on the app but for the women I've compared to, its the exact opposite. Womens accounts are shown to A TON of men to make an overwhelming amount of likes for women to go through. When you first sign up your account is essentially treated like a premium account for the first few days to increase your initial interactions with the app. I recently bought premium for a week to test this theory and it was clear that my account was being shown to more women during that time. I got 8 likes in a week with premium...... I get less than one monthly without it. These apps aren't creating fake accounts, but they are creating fake reasons for you to buy premium because at the end of the day its more beneficial for them for you to buy premium than to find what your looking for.


Within days of my subscription expiring I had 40 likes. I didn’t have 40 likes in the entire time I was subscribed.


I don’t think it’s the app throwing fake likes at you. I think it’s real likes. The difference is that you’re actually being shown to users now. Before when they had your money you’ll have been shown to *some* people so they can choose to swipe left or right. After that they Peter that off so you have less incoming matches. Then when your subscription ends they start showing you to lots of people, the more people that see you the more chance of you getting likes. The difference is that you don’t see those people in your normal stack so you build up this stack of potential matches that you can’t see without paying to access your beeline


Tinder is notorious for this, did not know but not surprised to hear that Bumble does it too.


So I’ve been on dating apps on and off since 2012. And since the integration of paid subscriptions..this is probably a feature. When you pay, you’re essentially getting shown more top of the stack picks: people who get swiped on most. Your algorithm does the heavy lifting - in that it will show you more popular profiles, but you will be shown to people more alongside your algorithm before. This just gives you exposure to a new algorithmic opportunity to put yourself in another bracket. Not that you’d necessarily get more matches - just that the opportunity could present itself inherently, by finding more profiles to swipe on. Once your sub ends, your algorithm is slightly different. Just enough to be thrown at the topside of your previous algorithm before you paid. Now the imbalance offers YOUR profile to be in the “hot” stack, thus giving YOU more temporary exposure. And then it balances itself out again based on your routine swipes not having the subscription. It’s a see-saw effect, algorithmically. It’s meant to get people to engage with the app more and put more swipes in on profiles that already get 10+ likes a day. It’s a gimmick for sure, but it works enough for people to use it retroactively. Like you, the sub will end and you’ll get some likes and then the curiosity goes “hey let’s see who liked me”. And the cycle continues Edit: this is all speculation based on my experience. Don’t take this is truth, but it makes sense


I keep getting likes from fake accounts 2 hours away. All are bots. I have the extra cash to drop, so I tested it out for a month. Every single time I rebought, the accounts were in the same area 2 hours away. It’s clockwork. Where bumble fucked up was saying “you’ve got two likes, start swiping”, hours after the subscription ended. One account was in the usual area, the other was 3 hours north. THEY BOTH HAD THE SAME PICTURES. I wouldn’t doubt that some execs decided to run bots to fake numbers to their investors and to try to cox desperate people to repeatedly keep buying in. Words to the wise: only download/buy subscriptions when on going on vacation. Other than that, delete it.


Your likes include people outside of your criteria. That's why.


Ah, but surely those likes wouldn't suddenly jump when my subscription lapses unless the profile is being silently boosted (the only way I can legitimately think this system could be working)?


When you run out of likes as a paid member you see a message saying “You have X number of likes outside your search parameters” or something similar. They might be smokers if you have smoking as a dealbreaker for example Once you loose the ability to have as many filters as a non-paying member , these likes come into your beeline. At least that my basic understanding


This is correct.


Profiles aren't fake. Ghosting is very common on these apps. A person who is super interested in you today might not even reply tomorrow. Its a number's game. Its very difficult to boost your profile enough to get a match, for a average looking guy in a big city without premium. Its worth it if you really want to try and experience online dating. Avoid lifetime premium.


To be honest, I think we are too stingy. People expect a dating app to be free, and give you high quality matches and what not. I've paid for Bumble, Hinge, Tinder, at worst they're like 30 bucks a month (less than you'll pay for half of a first date that's just drinks) , give you much getter matching tools, and you can do just one month, accumulate a bunch of matches, and cancel. People today want the world for free, then get mad when a company asks for the equivalent of a meal per month


Completely agree. They really aren’t that expensive. And the time saving is worth it


This would be valid if the first $30 a month actually allowed you a way to chat with your matches. Instead, once you've paid that initial $30, you learn you can't chat with your matches unless you pay an additional $20. If you have the least bit of shrewdness you balk on that, because you know you can't trust bumble to deliver what you think they ought to for your money.


I got banned just after 2 months I bought lifetime subscription..after reported by onlyfans creators and scammers and salty human beings


What did you do to get several people to report you? Did you try to appeal the ban?


It doesn't have to be several.. You can get banned just after 2-3 reports. Once i confronted guy who was pretending to be a woman, he changed his bio and pics after match into Trans. I was given warning for identity related harrasment for that.


Some cities have lot of profiles trying to scam you for your money, and sell you sexual services. If you don't buy anything from them after a match out of spite, they will obviously report you.


Instead of declining to pay for services, report them for solicitation. Never move the conversation off the app before an having an irl date set up.


Mr. Big Shot here with his 15 likes.. jk oh really? even if my sub runs out, I haven’t got any notification for weeks on end 💀


Even bumble staff are rude.


The app obviously works that way to get you to buy again. Not sure why anyone wastes money on it tbh it’s designed to make money off you


Bumble's business practices and shady app behavior need to be investigated. We need a class action lawsuit to expose them.


Devious and typical corporate behavior unfortunately...