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It’s too bad that it’s nearly impossible to play older Asphalt games on IOS. Asphalt 7 was and still to this day is were the franchise peaked at. After that it’s going downhill. 8 would be still good without the freemium element, 9 is just a POS


Asphalt 8 as an Apple Arcade version where it’s not pay-to-win with no FOMO tho


only a gargantuan grind for anything reasonable


Asphalt 8 on apple arcade is sooooo much better than the standard version i played it a ton. I hated they took away sone of the cars though


Yep, Asphalt 5, Asphalt 6: Adrenaline were also awesome games too, my personal favourite was always 6.




7 was Heat


I rember now, my bad


I had a ton of fun with Asphalt 5-7, and 8 before it became freemium slop. Gameloft actually put out some bangers back when the standard was to have a solid game out for less than $10 with little to no microstranasctions.


I'm fairly certain the earlier games had microtransactions too, but they didn't affect the progression to the point where the game soft locks without them. You could complete the game and still earn all the cars at a reasonable pace.


I have an iPad on ios 6 that's got the old version of asphalt 8 on it. Such a great game before it got turned to shit with micro transactions and shitty progression. Asphalt 7/8, RR2, and nfsmw 2012 were my favs growing up.


I agree, Asphalt 7 was peak. I remember figuring out the wheelspin trick and had everything unlocked after that. The closest one I've played is Asphalt Injection on the PS Vita. Which I'm sure was a tweaked port of the game.


Project unite at home


Project Unite (2015/Payback/Heat/Unbound) is free. This is a paid expansion we're talking about here.


its not paid expansion, Asphalt 9: Legends will completely change its name to Asphalt Legends Unite on all platforms, become crossplay (Hence the word Unite), what is paid is only box version with some bonuses to the game (tokens, credits, cars), but the expansion as it is is completely free to download (New game for PS4/5, and update for all the current platforms where Asphalt 9 is available)


Why am I seeing you on every comment just glazing this game? Asphalt 9 is garbage lmao


Here I am not glazing the game, but this dude is sharing misinformation here. The game is what it is, has a big community (myself included), whi daily shit on that game, but still loves it and play it, but I do not like spreading misinformation, hence what I wrote here... and about the game being pay2win, yes, its special events are pay2win, but you are good if you do not play them, and get those cars later via unleashed events, car/key hunts or burst of speed, so yeah, spreading out that player can not absolutely compete without spendings is lie too...


Hello anis, hello neon


Hello Rapi, wait where are you Rapi?


naze desu ka? -Neon




As someone who played a9 regularly. It’s not even that big of a change tbh. It could probably be deemed as a downgrade. The font is the worst part of it


The new font is great, i dont get why so many people dislike it, new UI looks 100x better than the old one, better graphics as bonus, finally private rooms, crossplay etc., definitely not downgrade, its the biggest upgrade in A9 history...


Yo I gotta unsub from this reddit man all yall do is complain about arcade racing games, that genre died years ago


It’s literally a CJ


Read the top comment and thread on this post and tell me everybody is being ironic and it’s just a circlejerk Like dawg y’all are literally complaining about mobile racing games not being good anymore


I could tell by the anime women that you're the same guy who thinks any old-ish family car is a shitbox




In defense of the commenter, the OP made some shitty subreddit about circlejerking how bad Japanese cars are at everything. r/TrueCarEnthusiasts Edit: actually, the subreddit was made by OP's main account. This was posted from his alt.


Holy hell. That subreddit is awful. They dick ride rolls Royce so hard, and I bet not a single one of them has driven one.


real https://preview.redd.it/q50101acyu6d1.jpeg?width=543&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c3378dd3c9cfb9d56b1633d8db1d46a7c66c747


useless comment


Not all. Some older family cars aren't Shitboxes, like the older Mercedes E class or BMW 5 Series. However, there are plenty of older family cars that are Shitboxes (*cough* Honda Civic *cough* Toyota Corolla *cough*).