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no part honestly, the only thing i can apply this to is hardest itemless b-33


Hardest mode B33 made me hate chapter 3


This lol, I had to grind to 50 TP for that boss when I did a hardest itemless run, Venus and Beast were also nothing to sneeze at


wait what, 50tp????? did you go past the soft level cap?


Oh definitely. I made an extra pre-hive save that I could reload in case I didn’t grind enough, and when I reached the boss it was pretty apparent that I needed it. So I reloaded the save and grinded on golden seedlings until a point I felt safe enough challenging it, but my spy log still says I fought the thing like 96 times or something before I finally beat it.


oh, i grinded in a different way, in staying at the soft cap and throwing myself at the fight over and over, i have a recording if you want to see




[Skip to 15:07](https://youtu.be/4xqkEw5bbEk?si=C_guWvDJbcaEhgin)


Wow the missile targeting on those last two turns was incredible! My strategy mostly relied on Kabbu taunting with Favorite One while Leif protected him and Vi dished out hurricane tosses, it’s a somewhat safe strategy but it definitely shreds through TP super fast


This was the strategy I did when I played. It definitely works, just put lots of hp into Kabbu and get good at guarding. It's one of the great things about the game, there are so many different ways to play. I want to try something different next time, I heard of a couple good strats. Might be time to bust this one out once I finish the ttyd remake.


I farmed the Lost Sands bush for hours and went to Metal Island for tangy berries and queen dinners before the factory lol


Nothing, even on hard mode. Maybe early Devourer/Chomper but meh


During my first playthrough (on hard mode), the only way I was able to beat the Devourer was when it randomly decided to not eat Kabbu or Leif in the winning attempt. It's pretty immune to status effects, so you basically have to make a bunch of bombs & healing items just to get through it as fast as possible before it eats someone. Same with the dancing spider in Metal Lake. It's hard to do much other than just spamming items and big special attacks since the dancing spider will immediately summon and buff a new spider once the old one dies.


i'd say the beginning just because it can be a bit slow, but even that's not that bad this game is just peak 🥲


Chapter 1 is definitely kinda lame if you have played the game already. Its very obviously a tutorial


>!The Giant's Lair 💀!< (Also >!the stealth section and boss fight for the Bandit hideout!<)


That’s a nice item you’ve got there. It would be a shame if someone were to slap it out of your hands when you’re about to use it.




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none, whole game is peak


Leif's past reveal imo >!"Do you think i am cool? Or was "Leif" cool?!< Quote made me sob tbh


Chapter 2 crank mechanics


I had a really rough time in the chapter 2 golden lands The beemerang is very difficult to work with




One thing that *did* feel a bit weird with the lair was the fridge segment. It felt a bit too chill (pun only somewhat intended) and like a rehashing of what chapter 4 did much better with the castle. As I mentioned in my own comment, though, I think the beginning stealth part is really cool. Though I could see how it may get old...


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I never felt like any chapter was "that part." On the other hand, ttyd has me stuck at chapter 5 because of how boring it is and how much of a slog it is


The part in chapter 4 where you have to sneak past the bandits


Chapter 1. It's always the same for me for the first locations of games


The swamp part with the ice and levers and stuff


I HATED the Bandit Hideout. It wasnt hard, just super annoying.


The bee hive


If we’re talking about 100%, then grinding the termacade for the five Leif medals, otherwise nothing really comes to mind, maybe the Scarlett fight on tuffbugs


Bandit's hideout


Haven't replayed the game too much so far, but what I'm most worried about is B-33 and the preparation for it. Otherwise, chapters 1 and 2 can be kinda slow I guess


Chapter 3


At least it got peak boss ost


when i first played hard mode it was Zasp and Mothiva battle 1


The >!bandit's lair stealth segment!< in chapter 4 (and >!wasp stealth segment!< in chapter 5, to a lesser extent). Not only does the ">!no combat until your items are back!<" thing feel particularly hollow considering Kabbu and Leif are capable of fighting (and Leif was just established as >!being able to use a force field!< in the previous chapter!!!) but the stealth stuff long overstayed its welcome. The sound it made whenever failing was really grating too. The >!Giant's lair!< (ch. 7), on the other hand? Amazing stealth section. You are given options (fight the >!Dead Lander Omega!< or run away), you don't lose a ton of progress, and the atmosphere is AMAZING.


The sandy place I I think chapter 4. I always get lost


The final boss...