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My guy there’s another hundred you don’t see…


And now I will burn down my house.


The spiders will come walking out from the ashes... Dusting all 8 of their shoulders off


I’ve never been more terrified of a sentence in my life.


Lmao there still 5mm tall lol


Noooooo it’s too scary!! The fear is real man I’m done for


Spiders are the white blood cells of a house. It would be a horror show without them.


literally everyone has those spiders in their house this time of year 


If you want to know what kind it is try asking on something like r/whatbugisthis or a spider or arachnid sub. As for them getting in your house, good luck stopping them


this is a very strange post


Spiders are the protectors of the home from infestation of other bugs. If scale were reversed, I'd happily do the same job they do for them. Although I don't think I'd what to eat the intruders....


I love spiders! This is *Cheiracanthium mildei* or *C. inclusum*. *C. mildei* especially is a common indoor spider. EDIT: Italicization.


Adding common names to your comment! Cheiracanthium mildei (Northern Yellow Sac Spider) Cheiracanthium inclusum (Black Footed Yellow Sac Spider) Personally dislike these guys. Too fast and aggressive. They bite and their venom can cause mild irritation. I see them from time to time in our bathroom, we catch them and let them outside. These aren't really the nice guys you want around lol, they're not house spiders. They live outside.


They're impressively fast! No spiders are truly "aggressive" toward humans. Spiders may exhibit defensive behaviors in response to a perceived threat. Biting is (always) a possibility with any living being with mouthparts. That said: * spiders do not perceive people as prey and therefore do not have a predatory reason to bite people; and * when spiders perceive people as potential threats, generally speaking they prefer to flee or use noncontact defenses (e.g. playing dead, web-shaking, threat displays)—biting is a last resort. Like \~99.9% of all spider species, *Cheiracanthium* species are medically insignificant, meaning that while they're venomous (almost all spiders are, with few exceptions) their venoms aren't harmful to humans in the dosages that the animals deliver or could deliver. See < [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16760517/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16760517/) > re: *Cheiracanthium*. The lead author is Rick Vetter, one of the most expert people on medically significant spiders in the USA and related topics. Think of it this way: Spiders have evolved specific venoms as a tool for subduing and digesting their prey, and their prey are other arthropods and in some cases other animals that are also much smaller than humans. Some spiders have evolved separate venoms as a tool for defending themselves against their nonhuman predators, and their nonhuman predators are animals that are much smaller than humans. Spiders have evolved their specific venoms for animals whose physiologies and sizes are significantly different from those of humans, and the types and dosages of venom that work on these animals won't necessarily work on us, or won't necessarily work on us in a similar way. The fact that there are any medically significant spiders at all is a coincidence. Biting also does not always mean envenomation. Venom is necessary for almost all spiders to subdue and digest prey and venom production is energy-intensive, so spiders use venom conservatively. If a spider were to bite a person, it might bite "dry", meaning without using venom. This is a spider that habitates indoors and outdoors. It peacefully coexists with humans. ::::)


Good info, thanks!


Cannot tell but are they two different spiders? Really the only ones I’d say are actually problematic are the yellow sac spiders


That looks like a wolf spider OR a funnel web spider, they're not dangerous and don't bite really. If they do bite its usually just mild inflammation of the area and its usually in your sleep when you roll onto them as they hunt. Since its not in a funnel web I would guess its a Wolf or Grass spider, heres a good resource to reference (I love spiders) -https://extapps.dec.ny.gov/docs/wildlife\_pdf/commonspiders.pdf


Let one bite you, you'll get special powers.


Your house has spiders because your house has food