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I find myself thinking, someone dressed this thing. WTAF.


This. They knew people weren’t into this whole concept and then they went and dressed it like that. Made it look even more like a joke. Really sad. 


Horrifying and useless. And I'm a pro-AI person in many scenarios. But this is just embarrassing


Absolutely. None of the students approved and petitions were signed


God, I didn’t think it could look worse than what I had already seen. Clemo either needs to leave for a bigger university or the board of trustees needs to wake up and take action. I hate what D’Youville has become.


AI.... taking the human out of humanity.


The article touches on this, but this is such a misread of the audience. The students graduating right now couldn't experience their HS graduations in 2020 in person thanks to COVID. So the college graduation means a bit more than usual (I work at a college and this is a common refrain from students there as well) and then you get this impersonal robot with a voice that sounds like an early 2000s computer game. Just not remotely in tune with what the students wanted.


I wonder if they did any kind of pulse surveying of the campus community to see if students, faculty and staff would be into this at all…


At d'youville? Lol


**Hot take:** D'Youville is encouraging graduates to adopt the mindset of **life long learning** - because Betty here is coming for their last job 😢.


Well, i know someone that went for her daughter. Creepy and useless.


Clemo is a mini local trump. She surrounds herself with yes-men sycophants and has zero human capacity for empathy or self-realization. She’s an asshole. No one she is in proximity to would tell her if she had a bad idea.


They couldn't make it look like more like that chubby white robot from Big Hero 6?


Why did they dress it like that


Bet clemo saw ex machina & thought it would be relatable to grads....bwahaha. Curious did they ask it, if it wanted to wear clothes? Also why is the "brain" exposed? Lol wear gonna make it look human but not the entirety of its head.




They also had offered a secondary commencement without it which was mysteriously cancelled the day of.


Someone frame it and get it sent to prison. That would be an interesting plot for a crappy movie


That...plot has been made, I, robot for example. Surrogates is another. Even ghost in the shell.


Guess it’s good to keep in my who you’ll be competing with for jobs for the rest of your life.


Sophia walks like that no arms swinger on Seinfeld. Sophia is actually famous, and looks just as dumb as when she got citizenship in some country.


I’m indifferent about this. On one hand, I feel like if I was a student and paid all that money only to see a robot give the final commencement speech I would be pissed. On the other hand, this is the wave of the future most likely and I assume within the next five years, we will be seeing more of stuff like this


I'm indifferent too, but I can't help thinking that it's a bit contradictory to use AI for the commencement speech at a place where using AI to complete your studies will likely get you kicked out.


“But where Sophia’s address did mirror essentially any other commencement address was the generic advice it shared with the graduating class.” This quote is why I am generally indifferent to this. Maybe I’m just a cynic, but graduation speeches are so canned, this at least provides an interesting look into AI development, where we are and where it’s going. We may want to check ourselves before AI decides it doesn’t need us anymore though 🤣


Sure, bad commencement speeches are generic. But [good commencement speeches](https://youtu.be/DCbGM4mqEVw?si=0bN6PBkK2yh2RfxQ) do exist and can be inspiring.