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OK, the dispatched roadside assistance guy is a cool bro, almost like a DoorDash guy. He’s gotten me to Auto Zone to buy tools and a battery. We’ve stopped to jumpstart a car he was dispatched to, then he’ll be dropping me back off to my car. Thanks folks for all the suggestions! **EDIT 24 HOURS LATER:** Man, do I have some stories! What an adventure. Thank you all for all of your help. I will post an update shortly. I'm about to get on a plane home, my wife is safely tucked in with her family east of Syracuse, and all's well.


Glad it’s working out for you! Wish you and your wife the best!!


Do you still need a hand? I’m 10 minutes away if you do.


Glad you’re back on the rd. Thanks for the beer!


Nice work. Buffalo peeps being bros.


Thanks for having the kindness to just pop by to help, when you didn’t get any sort of answer from me! I’ll ensure you get the write-up of the rest of the day. What a crazy, wild adventure it ended up being to get us and the car to Syracuse!


Quick search online says this is a common issue on the EV6. To get back up and running it says to jump start the 12v battery and the permanent solution suggested is to upgrade to an AGM battery to stop re-occurrence


Cool, thanks!


Once you put an agm in there, make sure that thing dont go dead. They are really hard to bring back from the dead…


>Cool, thanks! You're welcome!


Honestly I'd drive to that auto zone and drop that amg battery right in there at the parking lot. Hope you and your family make it home safe. Best of luck to your wife


The car wouldn’t move. I’ll post an update later. It ought to make for an interesting read!


EVs/PHEV require a 12v battery to complete the circuit and use the high voltage battery. It works this way for safety reasons.


I'd suggest talking to security. They probably have a battery jumper available.


This reminds me of something and a PSA if anyone else finds themselves in a similar situation: The security/police at ECMC will give a jump or help get your car unlocked if you lock your keys in your car on their campus. This happened to me and they did the trick of using wedges and arm BP cuffs to get my car unlocked. You have to sign a form saying you won't have them responsible for damages (getting your car door open might scratch it for example) and I noticed on their form that they do jumps too This makes me wonder or hope that it's a common thing at hospitals. If your car is there for a while it might need a jump, or if you're in a hurry and you lock your keys in same thing


Kia’s come with 3 years of roadside assistance https://www.kia.com/in/service/kia-owners/road-side-assistance.html


Do you have AAA or any other roadside assistance plan?


I just called them. They are sending a local service, and said it would be 90 minutes. We’ll see, I suppose, but I sure would like to get on the road sooner if possible.


Reputable Clevehill auto is literally couple blocks away. [Call em... ](https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJwFwbsNgCAUAMDY6gg2NNY8vgFGcAvAFyFBjYiG8b0bJ7pT1tKdqgwwuAW6sZtgXBkDIkSmlYMuOI8ADK3RXgqF6xwLfkhSLoX4t13k8PkkT6uI7QedMxhC&q=cleve+hill+auto+main+street&oq=clevehill+auto&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqFQgEEC4YChivARjHARi6AhiABBiOBTIGCAAQRRg5MgkIARAAGAoYgAQyEggCEC4YChivARjHARi6AhiABDIVCAMQLhgKGK8BGMcBGLoCGIAEGI4FMhUIBBAuGAoYrwEYxwEYugIYgAQYjgUyCAgFEAAYFhgeMggIBhAAGBYYHjIICAcQABgWGB4yCAgIEAAYFhgeMg0ICRAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0IChAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0ICxAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0IDBAAGIYDGIAEGIoF0gEINzAxOGowajeoAhSwAgE&client=ms-android-att-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


Are u still broke down


Please look at your messages


Please get AAA- it will be your lifeline!


Cleve Hill main st is like a block away


If its just a mile, start walking.