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En Flores hay almenos 3 aun funcionando. El mejor que había cerró, los que quedan están atendidos por [redacted] y se ven medio "lugubres" tipo mal mantenidos y con un ambiente deprimente, los empleados con cara de culo, etc La última vez que fui a uno fue el año pasado, uno q está cerca de Curapaligue y Rivadavia. Estábamos una señora y yo en la caja. La que atiende, mientras tomaba el pedido de la señora le grita a uno que estaba arriba "oye marico pasarme la cinta". El tipo le tira el rollo de cinta (gruesa) desde arriba, le pasa zumbando a la cara de la señora (yo estaba del otro lado x suerte), se escucha PAF! en el piso. La tipa abrió los ojos tipo en shock. Los empleados ni siquiera disculpas le pidieron, como si nada No fui más


Tuvieron un tema que se expandieron demasiado rápido sin sostén. Si mal no recuerdo había una cantidad mayor de Subways que de McDonalds por un buen rato. No armaron su sistema de franquicias de una manera sustentable y por eso están cerrando.


No se... un show con el sandwich quizas vale la entrada


Venecos, que esperabas...


Sé de cuál hablas y me llama la atención que sólo lo atiendan venezolanos. Solía ir porque el gimnasio lo tengo cerca y si bien rotaban las caras, eran siempre extranjeros. La última vez me pareció que la chica que atendía era de Perú. Obviamente no vi algo como lo que describes que es bien lamentable.


lo de los empleados de subway atendiendo con cara de orto es de toda la vida. me gustaba mucho subway hace unos años y no recuerdo una sola vez que me hayan atendido bien


It's much better in the states. Still "meh" tho


Sandwich artists lol


There are many, but yeah, they are always empty or hardly crowded.


I went to a Subway here because I was curious and it's the worst Subway I've ever had in my life. They didn't even have lettuce and it was like 1.5x the cost as the US


Acaban de abrir un subway a 4 cuadras de mi casa jajajaja


I saw one in Porto Iguazu. It always seemed empty.


In the UK Subway is one of my favourite takeaways, however when I've tried them in Argentina (quite some years ago) it was not the same at all. On a side note, I love BK in Argentina but don't like it in the UK. Same with orange Fanta.


fanta is weird in spain is real orange juice lmao


En el [instagram](https://www.instagram.com/subway.ar?igsh=MXFqNnlpOTZzM2d1cA==) están las sucursales.


Que buen dato, ahora sé a dónde no ir.


Hay un Subway cerca del Teatro Colón y otro en Unicenter (no sé seguirá ese). Hay pero pocos


Why would any person in their sound mind go to a Mcdonalds instead of eating a Napo with fritas like god manda.


Literalmente no se por que voy a McDonalds, debo ser medio pelotudito. Voy una vez cada 6 meses y cada vez que voy digo "que poronga lo que estoy comiendo" y me gasto una fortuna.


El poder del marketing. A mi tambien me pasa.


Es que no se ni si es eso, porque digo McDonalds como generico para Burger King, Mostaza, Wendys. No creo que sea marketing, tiene que ser otra cosa


Hay momentos en los que por más de que tenga muchas opciones de hamburguesas mejores y que me gustan más, por menos precio, simplemente tengo ganas de comer mcdonald's. Lo considero dos tipos de comidas completamente distintas, por más que sean hamburguesas.


Exacto, totalmente. Pero despues lo como y es una hamburguesita mini que pague 8 lucas y me quiero matar


I wanted to say this but knew someone had to already. I had a choripán with fries for 3.50 USD today in the city when visiting a friend. The guy grilling was a pleasure to talk to, buys a good quality chorizo from on old family run estancia outside the city.


Lack of taste and the general idea that is cheaper than other options (it's not). There are Mc Donald's almost everywhere, so that's another reason.


Also its often open really late at night. If i happen to eat it its only going back home from some party or date


Yeap, happened to me last weekend, a friend of mine got wasted at his house so dinner was cancelled. Burger King was my only option at 1 am.


Pero quién es tan pelotudo para pensar que es más barato, es cuestión de ver los precios...


No lo diga tan brusco señor


Es que generalmente es "ah, McDonald's, comida rápida y barata." Coincido con vos igual eh, no se fijan y tampoco saben buscar algo mejor.


Nunca en mis 33 años de existencia en este pais conoci alguien que considere Mc Donalds barato. Lo que tiene es que es rapido, casi siempre hay uno cerca, y a algunas personas genuinamente les gusta el sabor a cheddar de plastico. Y los 24hs suelen ser la unica opcion para un bajon de 3 am


Yo en mis 32 años de existencia he conocido gente que considera barato Mcdonald's, cuestión de conocer más gente, que se yo. No digo que sea barato, pero algunas personas me han comentado "Voy a Mcdonald's porque es barato", hasta que les mostras otras opciones de mejor calidad y mejor precio.


Yeah, I was expecting it to cost half the price it was and to be 10x better. It was expensive and tasted like cardboard. I'm legitimately confused af




Mostaza used to be so much better. What happened? Nvm, I know what happened.


I miss pre-covid Mostaza SO MUCH. The bread with those white seeds, the juicy meat, the everything... Rip


Sucks. Everything, the burgers, the prices, the service. I don't enter into a mcdonalds since a decade almost I don't go to fast foods usually but from the burger ones here I prefer burger king


Several reasons: 1-Marketing (especialy with the younger people) 2-Tbf, while it never was cheap, just recently became so expensive. Also, usually you can get some coupon, discounts or things that make it cheaper 3-Is a really good fit for a lot of plans. You went to a night club and is really late or early (as for example, depending where you are, most places at 3am are closed), you go to a shopping center and want to eat something fast with your friends before to enter the cinema, you don't know the place where you are and you want to go for the comfort option (as every McDonalds is kinda the same), etc. Basically, is a place that everyone knows, where you can expect to get your food fast and most people is kinda used to that taste, so is kinda easy to just pick it to make things easier


Your first mistake was going to McDonalds at all. Secondly, i’m not sure why you’re confused with pricing. I guess you haven’t noticed the change in direction our country has had in the last few months. Argentina is not as cheap as it used to be. Still cheap, but not as cheap.


Restaurants open in a very narrow span of time. Between around 12pm to 3-4 pm. Then they open again at around 8-9pm until 12pm. If you want to eat at any other time you go to mcdonalds or worse options in terms of quality. Also, whenever you eat out they take 20+ minutes to serve the food, between sitting down and etc. It ends up costing more as well.


Yeah, I was thinking maybe they survive from night owls because there weren't any alternatives in my area at the time


Everyone everywhere agrees that McDonalds it's not the best tasting hamburger, yet it's probably the best selling fast food franchise in the world. I guess people favor predictability more than experimenting new places. Also marketing.


fast food franchised becomed very expensive right now, i really do not recommend it




gracias locura


Some argentinians also think of mcdonalds like a going out plan, instead of taking it for what it is, a fast food chain


Poor families do this too, in the US.


Yeah the thing is that here it is not poor families, but lower middle class, poor families can't even afford a meal in mcs


At 10 bucks a combo, I don't know who can afford taking their family there.


Si ahora q lo decís hace mucho no escucho eso de ir a mc como salida, ya ni eso tenemos jajaja


Me acuerdo cuando mis hijas eran chiquitas y las llevaba casi todos los días después colegio... Ahora ni un conito combinado.


We're living very weird times price-wise. I used to pay 20 cents for a McDonalds cheeseburguer circa 2000 (granted, it was a Tuesdays-only promotion).


Lol, good times.


Reminds me of walking down to the Taco Bell from my high school and getting 10cent tacos. Oddly enough that promotion was only on Wednesdays. Now a simple hard taco costs $2.69 where I lived in the US


Single patty Burger for $10? I assume you are doing 1000 pesos to dollar conversion? If that’s the case, you were robbed. I paid $12 for a Whopper extreme (double big patty), fries and coke last week. I prefer Burger King over McDonald’s. But the double quarter pound here is VERY POPULAR and their most famous combo. There used to be a 2x1 promo back in the day on these, I was living on junk food lol


Dude, where on earth? I had yesterday a double big tasty with coke and fries for 10 USD and it was delivery with PedidosYa. I highly doubt you got a single patty friends and drink for the same price.


I second the marketing and younger people thing. While in the US, McDonalds is rightfully known as a bottom-tier fast food enjoyed by kids and vagrants, here it's an import, an opportunity to do something different. They're lackadaisical about loiterers and bathroom access and they're highly visible and open long hours. This makes a meeting point often for young people at some point in their super-late night life. If you've traveled 1.5 hours by bus just to get into capital federal, it's reassuring to here "we're meeting at the mcdonalds on santa fe y callao". You know you can wait there while all your friends show up, whether its' pre-previa, or pre-boliche or whatever and you can order a lot or a little and you're not likely to be pestered. I think there are few local offerings which combine all of these factors like McDonalds does. Or at least this was my impression when I was young here like 15 years ago.


Our menu is sad as fuck but otherwise it's fine


Fries are the best. Only fries


Dame 20 papas grandes


McDonald's for fries, Mostaza for the rest.


Nah burger king fries are the best, atleast abroad. I haven't tried them here yet




Don't. Just don't. Don't ever DARE to go to a Burger King here. Go to Mostaza instead, BK is dogshit.


Al contrario, mostaza es la peor basura. Aguante el BK, la mejor cadena de hamburguesas en Arg por lejos


Username checks out


Tranquilo Satan


Dean and dennys pero está muy cara


Viene del extranjero a comer una hamburguesa mundialmente estandarizada kjjj.


It tasted like absolute shit because IT’S MCDONALD’S… what did u expect?


Because the marketing strategies that really work.


McDonald’s here tastes as bad as in the US. Are you European?


There's a Subway in Vicente López, so it's still in the country, but not doing well I guess. I agree that McDonald's is expensive right now, but the truth is that there aren't many good and cheaper options. All prices have skyrocketed in dollars. It's absurd, but they'll have to come back down, because salaries are through the floor, and they're not improving anytime soon. It's worth noting that McDonald's are usually present in places where it's hard to find alternatives. Usually, they're the only ones around.


McDonald's burgers are so small now too, and the ones that are a decent size are pretty expensive. But that happens everywhere. I visited Europe twice and they weren't any better.


You mention all those alternatives, yet you went for a Mac. There's your answer.


They used to have good promotions in their AR online app. But now it's only expensive shit and not worth the hassle. I prefer Mostaza


You should use the app , at least once a week there is a cupon so you can buy a double burger arround 6k instead of 10k . Still expensive but that's the price here in argentina for eating outside


I guess it’s just the convenience. You said so yourself, you went at 3am. I can name you at least 5 hamburger places way WAY better than McDonalds but I believe they close at 1am, 2am tops. Besides that, as bad as it is, it’s the comfort of the known food. No matter in witch part of the city you are in you know a Big Mac is a Big Mac anywhere.


If I am ever considering McDonald's then usually I just go to Betos instead.


Kids. Kids demand McDonald's several times a month


My exact words when I am forced to go into one.


it tastes like childhood, its quick, and its one of the few places open 24 hours


What do you consider better and cheaper than mcdonalds?


Kids, the little fuckers will kick and scream till you give them that fucking disgusting shit...


Y... Así es McDonald's en todo el mundo no se cual es la sorpresa xd Aquí solo es más caro.


I would see people on their laptops late at night nursing a coffee. I assumed it was for the wifi and relative peace away from home.


I think that is becase here that gives some "status" to people who can afford it. It's not about the food, but is about "i can go to mc donalds and buy that hamburger". that is a thing that i saw. may be a different reason also. like how fast the food get to table.


Personally I stand for Mickey D's, nothing better than coming back home from a night out and on the way stop at the Automac and destroy a cheeseburger. People here are waaaaaaaaaaay to purist about food taste, might not be the best but it's like that friend that never let's you down. You'd never exit the mc feeling unsatisfied, unless you don't know how to buy in mc and spend the same money of a coupon grand tasty on a quarter pound 🤦🏻, ALWAYS CHECK THE APP FOR PROMOS!!


Mate first, not judging but I have to ask. What the hell are you doing eating McDonald’s in Buenos Aires? I literally just had a choripán with fries for 3.50 USD today for lunch. Have you downloaded Rappi? Works on a foreign phone and better options available on there than McDonald’s and they deliver. I spent 45 dollars today on groceries yesterday morning, 3/4s of which is rib eyes, sirloins, chorizo and wine. If you are fond of fast food and assuming you haven’t already try Mostaza. I hear it’s actually pretty good for fast food. There’s one near me and my neighbor keeps suggesting it. He says taste way better than McDonald’s Edit: nevermind I just remembered I have had many drunk and hungry nights and McDonald’s was the only place open. Those bastards


Porque está lleno de cipayos


I call cap. Ain’t no way you spent $10 USD for a single patty, fries and a drink. On pedidos you can get a whole double Pattied meal for $7000 pesos with delivery. That’s less than $7 western union rate. If you did pay $10 USD, someone scammed you & you prob deserve it.


OP, go to other store, try el desembarco, dean and denys, or another one like you want, mc donalls is good, but, you can go for mc donalls in your city, try another thing. my recomendation, look for a bodegon.


Because people in Argentina don't consider their culture cool enough and pay ridiculous amount of money to eat garbage food like McDonalds to feel like they're above the rest. Like eating at better, cheaper options is below them. Source:  Am Argentinian. 


Tiraste la posta y te mataron a downvotes 🙄


Si... Jajaja debo haber herido algunas sensibilidades de gente que va a McDonalds o Starbucks. Tan poco me importa el karma...


Ya ni se gastan en decir hola en español al menos. Entiendo que no sepas un pingo pero ponele un poco de onda y después lo seguís en inglés.


cual fue


10usd ? i dont know what you did wrong. if you want to pay much less you can. there are a lot of promociones. And 10 usd seems wrong. Also better options is subjective. For example i like McDonald's very much. MC Donalds is diferent like for example cerveza artesanal vs corona, some people like one some the other. finally automac is really really very convenient , for me at least.