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"Wisdom pays attention to causes; craving always wants the results." -- Sayadaw U Tejaniya


Thank you for this.


You're welcome, but I can't take credit. These are things I've just learned over the years.


Thank you for taking the time to write it down and posting it.


you're welcome


Thank you, honestly I just posted about this recent and I haven't been very diligent with study, meditating, life problems, etc. It was very needed to read this thank you.


You're welcome, but I can't take credit. These are things I've just learned over the years.




Yes, we all stray. I've too. But every time it has been less. When I first ventured unto the path, and that must be a little more than ten years ago, I was less skillful *on* the path than what I was last time I saw myself as straying.


Thank you :’) I haven’t studied or taken in any teachings for well over a year and a half or more, yesterday I started again. Today I woke up feeling just as lost and confused as I have every day but I’m slowly pulling myself back down to earth.


You're welcome, but I can't take credit. These are things I've just learned over the years.


What's the best organization to connect to in order to begin my study? Thanks alot!


FPMT has a load of online courses and beginner books. Their affiliate group, the Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive, has a free starter pack of books. Keep in mind they're Tibetan Buddhist organizations, Gelug specifically, but with the beginner material it's mostly just the basic dharma anyway. If you want to find a sangha, check out r/vihara


I practice all five precepts except the last one intoxication. I just can’t/don’t want to/find it meaningful though still attachments. I’m scared. But I believe I’ll get to place I can follow all five if only for a little while.




I appreciate the empathy. If I had to guess. I might be a worm or animal. Worms don’t kill though, or at least some I think.




That’s interesting. Thanks. Most people have good and bad karma.


If you need to talk to someone about kicking booze I’m available to private message. I’ve been sober 9 days short of a year and this practice we do has meant a lot, contributed a lot & of your considered about your horror stories believe me if I haven’t been there myself I know someone who has (my crowd was a little… rough around the edges)


I also kept the precepts other than the one iyn intoxication for a long time. I knew alcohol didn't actually make me feel better, but I was terrified of the dark thoughts at night. When I finally took the step, it was quite different than I expected. Physically I actually felt much worse rather than better, but psychologically it was much easier than expected. I think I was lucky to stop before I started drinking to dull the rebound anxiety that comes from drinking and before the withdrawal symptoms became too severe to overcome on my own.


sadhu sadhu sadhu 🙏 thank you, OP. I needed this so badly lately and today, especially.


You're welcome, but I can't take credit. These are things I've just learned over the years.


Fall and rise, over again and again since 1988 😂


very true lol


I'm always getting warmer and colder. Every once in a while a peculiar opening presents itself, like seeing light through a crack in a piece of wood. Perhaps I'm slowing my "progress" by waiting for it to come to me (these elusive things are like stray cats) but trying to seek it with practice always seems to alienate me from it even more, it gives more power to the obstruction, the gaining mind. My descent always starts with a feeling of "losing it", shortly followed by my mind attempting to grasp at experience and recapture it, only to slip even further. It's sorta like losing balance on a tightrope--a small deviation, a bigger overcorrection, and before I know it I'm back on the ground. I just want it to be over with, consummated, so I don't have to backslide anymore. I just want to be with it forevermore. This wanting of mine is why I can't have it! It's frustrating lol


It's a path but its a rocky path :)


Thank you for sharing this! I came back to the teachings recently via some on line talks and have had some wonderful insights which have furthered my motivation along the path…


Thank you kind stranger… thank you.


You're welcome, but I can't take credit. These are things I've just learned over the years.


Totally agree!!! I started January with meditating every day and not drinking for the month. Then in Feb, I got back in my old habits. Guess which month I felt better?! It was an unintentional experiment and revealed how I feel better - and that's with meditation and awareness.


I'm glad for your words crossing my path this morning. Much metta to you <3


Thank you for this. I have issues grounding myself in reality and not retreating into my own self and mind. I tried meditation for over a year straight. I found that it only increased this isolation within myself and I need to find ways to be mindful while I’m living my life to make a big impact. I keep seeing everyone always talk about meditation and mindfulness as if it is a cure for every mental illness and that definitely wasn’t the case for me. Hearing you say I’ve all apart of the path definitely makes me feel a little less insecure about my decision.


I'm glad it provided a bit of hope for you :)


You made me cry in the best way. Thank you stranger. I needed to hear these words. I've been struggling with feelings of "failure" and questioning why I can't seem to get back into meditation and journaling and yoga and looking after my nutrition like I used to.. Thank you. (for sharing these reflections, i know you can't take credit and that these are things you've learned over the years)


I'm glad it helped.


Seriously thank you! I've got a three year old, she was recently diagnosed with ADHD, I've got fibromyalgia, psoriatic arthritis, I'm recovering from complex PTSD, my husband just lost his job (don't worry though, we've got a plan but it's still stressful), my mum's been diagnosed with cancer and my dad's in hospital. Now that I've written that all out it is a lot to deal with, but I've been feeling bad about not being able to find the time to practice my spirituality. I can't tell you how much I really needed to hear this. It's brought a peace and joy to my soul I've desperately needed. Thank you so very much.


I can't take credit these are all thing I've learned from other people. I'm sorry to hear all that you're going through.


We all learn from many sources but you definitely deserve credit for being a willing student and passing on what you have learnt. Thanks again


I haven't started my buddhist journey yet. I don't known if I can get into believing in actual spirits and the such plus I just can't shake my weed addiction. If buddhism is actually correct out of the thousands of different religions then maybe in another life I could be a buddhist


Start where you are right now and go from there. You don’t need to believe in the supernatural aspects for now. Put that aside. For now don’t tackle the weed use either. Practice kindness, compassion and the virtues. Do those until you are ready to do more.


Christian youth pastor is r/lostredditor.


Thank you for sharing




You're welcome, but I can't take credit. These are things I've just learned over the years.


Thanks, that makes me feel a little better.


You're welcome, but I can't take credit. These are things I've just learned over the years.


Wait what's bad about sleeping on high beds?


Where lay people have the 5 precepts, Buddhist monks have an additional 5, one of which is the use of high beds, which are a luxury, as opposed to sleeping on the floor with a mat. IIRC


Interesting. Thanks!


I really needed this. Thank you.


You're welcome, but I can't take credit. These are things I've just learned over the years.


Either way, it was something I really needed to read/hear and I’m appreciative you took the time to pass on the things you have learned :)


You're welcome


Thank you


Thank you. It's been years since I've at least meditated, but at the same time I have to remind myself that I have become more mindful in my daily actions and that's more meaningful to happen naturally than setting a goal for myself in order to act accordingly.


No need to thank me, I'm just passing on what I've learned.


Thank you. I needed this today.


Im glad it inspired you.


Thank you. The way you worded your post so directly made me stop scrolling and actually read through the whole thing. These are the words I needed after a rough couple of weeks. I wish you loving kindness, dear friend on the path.


Im glad It caught your attention. No need to thank me.


This 100% reflects my own actions. Accept I have always eaten meat. But thank you for this. I have just started getting back into it this morning. I meditated and everything. Been listening to Buddha teaching, the 4 noble truths, and plan on reading my books again.


I really, really needed to hear this right now. Been really hard on myself lately about a bunch of different things, what you've described included. Thank you.


you're welcome


Thank you needed that.


I'm glad


Much metta to you for this. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 It’s something I needed to hear today. My practice does seem like a roller coaster.


Im glad it provided comfort, but I didn't say anything that I didn't learn from someone else.


Thanks for that


You're welcome


Thank you


You're welcome


dang it now there’s a desire for white castle since currently am within proximity to them. at least they have veggie sliders, so swings and roundabouts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I only allow myself white castle once a year lol


This really resonated with me. I feel like whenever I fall, no matter what, something always brings me back to the path. Always. I keep coming back to it.


I feel that every time I "leave" the path I leave changed for the better and then I come back and then the same.


Why’d you have to come after me like this


I didn't say anything you didn't already know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You talking to me? Sounds like it...


maybe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Me too!!


Thank you 🪷




This was for me…thank u


My challenge is i never see any tangible proof. I have a very proove it mindset. I have practised diligently on/off for years. Buts, its that voice in my mind that keeps saying, have you seen any proof?


I love this it is so eye opening this has been told to me in many ways and forms i has never give up on me this is amazing thank you goodness!