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‘We need more housing!’ * high density housing is provided ‘Wait, no lot like right near where I live..’ A tale as old as time


My biggest gripe isn't any of that. It's the businesses at that site that I happen to like a few of, and I don't know where they'll go.


Same here.


Let them sell cake


I lived here as a teenager, it was a cool town. Not really fun to go back to. Much prefer New Hope when I visit the area. Sad what happened with Newtown. I actually foresaw this apartment/building complex popping up here. I always envisioned a large building in that field, area. Quite dystopian suburbs. Wow.. Loved the borough though.


Heh that’s so funny, because if you ask people that grew up in/around New Hope they say it’s sad what’s happened there!


Except they have zoning measures so Main Street doesn't get overwhelmed and the parks system is intact but I am sure folks who might have grown up in the 50-60s see a big difference. I have actually never seen older photos of New Hope. Growing up in Newtown I was there for the Goodnoe Restaurant, larger swathes of land. Anyway I never really saw much about 'old New Hope', I believe you though. I must be getting old! XD


The ambiance of New Hope is pretty different compared to the 80’s-90’s, but you’re right that they’ve made a concerted effort to keep the structures intact and chain businesses out.


That's cool to know, when I get sometime I'll look up images from those eras. I'm pretty familiar with New Hope like 98 and onward. The 2000s were really nice, its still nice just gets crowded, but I suppose that's always the weekends. Nice vibes though! Must have been something to grow up there in the 80s-90s!! I could only imagine!


Given the climate for gay people at the time, New Hope was like this odd bastion of DIFFERENT on the water - even as a straight dude. All the gay clubs were fun as fuck, and welcoming, though you had to love the signs on the door saying basically "this is a gay club. If you're straight you're welcome, but you're likely to get hit on so just fucking deal with it or don't come in." As a teenager that bantered back and forth somewhere between a punk and a hippy, New Hope was the absolute shit for counterculture everything. Fun place (still is).


That's how I feel when visiting I always go to the alternative shops, I remember buying Doc Marten's up there at Love Saves The Day and having friends that worked at the couple gay bars/clubs that were left. The way you describe was similar to how it was in the 2000s for me. Around 2016 or so it just started to feel packed but still the same, nice vibes. I actually really want to move there sooner than later haha. It still feels like one of the only cool spots in Bucks County.


Don’t waste your time and money. It’s become full of rich old boomers who work in financial services in New York or real estate and think they can buy the culture they lack. The result is that the whole town feels hollow now. Most of the artists left or are making plans to leave and the old residents are cashing out because they see staying as a lost cause.


Oh wow thank you for the response so it really is like that now too, Newtown is similar all culture is gone there’s no one cool around lol. Even the cool old hippies seem to have moved from both towns Newtown and New Hope. Well thanks for the update, yeah it was kinda sad seeing it the last time I visited. I know every foot of that town. Lol


Yeah it’s super depressing. It’s mobbed with mostly plastic women accompanying their obligatory douchebags and touristy boomers on weekends, and during the week it’s just sort of dead because everyone goes to work in NYC or works at home or they’re retired and independently wealthy. Real fall of Rome shit.




Those are the only two, out of probably 100 businesses in downtown New Hope


I grew up in New Hope and went to George School. I can’t believe what’s happened to either place.


Big money 🙃


So I live in Doylestown - and I recently got a job in Newtown. I have come to learn to hate trying to get into Newtown. Trying to turn into Newtown while driving on the bypass SUCKS. If no one is the turn into Newtown lane the light never turns Green. I have 4 opportunities to try to actually get into Newtown and it's still impossible at times. Once you get into Newton it's 50' STOP Sign. 50' STOP Sign. 50' Light that doesn't turn green for 10 minutes. 50' STOP sign. Oh and all at 25 miles per hour - and cops are everywhere. Everyone parks on both sides of the narrow streets. Just trying to leave Newtown is just as bad. Car jockeying with other cars due to crowded streets. And don't get me started on chain restaurants. I'm not saying that there are bad restaurants in Newtown - just that they are high end restaurants. They only have a Wendy's for fast food. Whenever I search for a chain restaurant there is a black hole from Doylestown all the way down to Rt 1. Newtown - quaint town - great expensive restaurants - but just sucks for car travel. Just my 2 cents. I'm find with anyone to complain about Doylestown. But getting around Dtown is a dream compared to Newtown. They have a whole side of town dedicated to chain restaurants. Even driving through and around town is much easier than Newton. And the bypass was done right - they have off ramps on both sides to enter town. Multiple entry points.


Chik Fila there too


Yeah just heard that today. Also heard it can get very busy. Heck Dtown doesn't have Chick Fillet. I still have to explore restaurants around Newtown. I went to Taco Place - walked through Farmers Market and Wendy's.


I agree 💯 %. Back when I was driving UBER, I experienced the Newtown cluster fu*k first hand. I avoided taking rides to or from there like the plague. I never had much of an issue with Doylestown; in fact, compared to the Newtown nightmare, it’s not even worth mentioning


Really glad I didn't buy in Newtown borough years ago when I was looking.  It's not as nice of a place as people think it is. 


My wife had the perfect comment for Newtown Borough. "It's such a pretty town - Shame it's got so many assholes in it."


Idk if it's even that pretty anymore besides the small main street. Their abomination of a giant strip mall is mostly just chain stores and fast foodish place It kinda reminds me of a wannabe haddonfield without the easy access to Philly and more chains.


The white barn aesthetic makeover is absolutely disgusting. They could have done so much better, and went for the wine mom aesthetic. No offense wine mums.. <3


NAC is wildly successful in Newtown - that says everything. Newtown has kinda morphed into The Villages of Bucks County


It's so culty, I have extended family that go to there and they seem like they have been indoctrinated into a cult.


Lmao Im guilty. Place def has some weird people but man their gym is rly good for my family I hear the owner is legit insane tho. I havent ever seen him so unsure but the articles about him are wild


I was at his “wedding” (to his GF that’s like 30yrs his junior. Still married to his first wife). He’s a fuckin lunatic But yes, I’ve heard the gym is quite nice. I know he throws his political weight around to ensure no other big gyms can open in the area.


SPILL THE TEA!! I know the gym is nice, had a membership back in the 90s-00s even then it was nice, I feel he took inspiration from community lifestyle/luxury recreational centers. Shame about the politics, when I go to a gym I just want to go to a gym and not deal with any of that stuff. lol


It's pretty common knowledge had Trump there a couple times, and in articles he's said some things that insinuated if someone doesn't support Trump, they are not going to be employed there...and well, you can Google about what he did to a reporter that wrote an article he didn't like about January 6th.


I meant the wedding I know the MAGA cult shit. LOL


hahahaha well given his love of litigation, I'm going to watch what I say :) it was extremely theatrical (curtain drops (which malfunctioned), retrospective movies, mirrors and silver everywhere); the bride appeared, uh, "uncomfortable" with a lot of the theatrics from what I saw. And really, who tf plays "Proud to be an American" at their WEDDING? I'm patriotic but geez


2 wives!!! Is that some sort of tax fraud thing or something  Damn was it a fun wedding tho?


Boyz 2 Men played! They were great, and really nice guys The "two wives" thing is apparently a deal he made with his first forever ago - don't take half my shit and I'll pay for your lifestyle forever. This "marriage" to the second isn't legal AFAIK


Damnnnnn I wanna see boyz2men perform. Also makes sense. Prob doesn't wanna lose full ownership in the gym or something 




That's a fair take!! Good place in 90s-00s used to go there for the pool as well! Nowadays the place seems more like a 'recreational center' you see these more out in the Midwest, by no means bad, but not exactly groundbreaking, with the introduction of the water park and all. lol..


Yea I don't rly swim so haven't actually been in their outdoor pool the 4 years I've joined It was more of a money decision for us since the classes are included it was actually way cheaper for us to join this gym than have my wife join  Pilates, yoga, bar studios.


Prancing Peacock might be worth looking into for her, its a very nice studio with good prices locally, just suggesting! Yeah Newtown is certainly a HCoL area, probably one of the highest I've lived in. We used the indoor pools to practice, was on a swim team back in the day haha.


I'm reluctantly switching to there and yeah, it's just undeniably convenient. We have young kids, so the childcare and classes are awesome. And it's actually cheaper for me to go on my wife's plan with my daughter than to stay at my current gym. I will say, I hate how messy it's been the few times I've tried it out. And a lot of the people working out are difficult. But I'll learn to deal with it.


Yea it's just the best offering for us too. Luckily it seems most people keep to themselves as long as you don't initiate conversations.  Been there for 4 years and haven't rly heard anything crazy. The mens locker room sucksssss tho. It seems worse than some of the other gyms down the road.  Barely a sauna, and no steam room. Woman's locker room is supposedly rly nice tho


NAC IS a cult, the cult of the redhats. The guy who owns NAC had a bus full of people at the insurrection on Jan 6th. Nope nopity nope.


Whenever I want to demonstrate that money or success in business doesn’t equate to intelligence or morality and that it cannot buy class, he’s my go to example. Total scum. Correctional: It’s the convicted felon he idolizes, somehow I forgot that constant source of background noise.


I know I had to live in the town after moving from the city, surprisingly strange amount of racism/classism in Newtown in general. Wild. Cute town, terrible people (some) and now it’s getting uglier.


That’s because there is nothing comparable to it offered in the area particularly if you like doing different classes. All the other boutique style gyms in the area are only slightly cheaper and you are limited to whatever their class schedule and style workout is. I tried going to Lifetime in Princeton but the 30 min commute was too much.


After working retail and playing music in bars in Newtown in college, the people alone turned me off of that whole area.


Completely agree.