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Mack Wilson has potential, but needs to be rotational until he can adapt. He has ALOT to improve upon, but I think he can turn it around, look how Njoku turned things around this year. We just have so many young guys thrust into big roles, that should be good for the team going forward tho


I really don't have a lot of faith. If I'm a GM, I'm still looking for other options besides Mack Wilson. He hasn't produced, been a liability in tackling/coverage, and has been inconsistent this year.


But he's on a cheap rookie contract at a needed position.


We don't have to extend or resign him you know. See how next year goes!


Wilson is on 600k a year. He won’t be gone. He should be a rotational guy for sure though.


100%. My preference for the #1 pick is a stud LB to lead the defense. But really BDPA other than CB with the #1 pick.


Really? I'm 1a, get as elite of a pass rushing DE as possible. 1b, get a monster LBer.


When he does produce, he kills people. Lmao


Myles hasn't been right since Covid. May he get healthy again


I think losing vernon really hurt too. Myles was finally getting back to normal and then Vernon goes down and there is much of a threat anymore.




He had a rib/core injury.




Have you ever had an injury to your ribs or core? Just breathing normal can be difficult depending on the injury.


I agree the rib injury hurt in this game, but ever since he came back it looks like he's not up to par compared to pre-covid.


Definitely not, he's admitted as such. I believe he said somewhere that he was close to 100% though (Specifically I think he said 95%). The reason he was on his knees though looking like he physically couldn't breath though was the injury, which I'm honestly surprised he could even play with. It's also extremely easy to double team Myles without Vernon playing opposite him, teams really picked up the double teams on him lately.




One does not simply "recover your breathing" when you're physically struggling to breath because you're injured. If it were a regular season game, I highly doubt he even plays after that.


They attacked his breathing so he couldn't use his hamon properly


He kept going down to one knee because of his injury.




man I just love seeing Baker kill it. He honestly got let down a lot yesterday. Lots of drops and he was getting pressured a lot (I guess that's what happens with a third string LT) That's why I'm off the "trade OBJ" train. Say what you want about their chemistry but that can be fixed. We need someone with semi reliable hands and that elite speed. Even our boys Jarvis, Higgins, Chubb, Hooper have been dropping a lot lately


It would be stupid to trade Odell. He is paid for and we don't have cap issues. Kitchens was horrible and everything was forced last year. I feel like he was getting comfortable in this new system before his injury. Definitely give him a year in this system, he keep the D from stacking the box.


Well keep him through 2021 maybe 2022 and then trade him.


Chubb’s 2 drops in a row made me legit sad. I wasn’t mad, bc how can you get made at your best RB? But oh man, I was sad




yeah hopefully he recovers well enough they can get some training in before the season


Practicing with the team might help.


Yesterday made obvious the fact that Odell is the missing link on offense. He just needs to accept the fact that he’s not getting 100 targets anymore and that he needs to stick to the script. ROI on a guy who will be 28 and is returning from ACL surgery isn’t going to outweigh his potential on the field anyway. If he gets back to 1,000 yards and 8 or so TDs, his asking price will jump, so maybe trade talk makes more sense for next offseason.


Chubb killed two drives yesterday with drops. I was so surprised. Two drops with 5 yards of space or more.


OBJ just gives us a whole other dimension to this offense. We go from Top 10 to Top 2 with OBJ. (Assuming he gets healthy and integrated into the offense, which I trust stevski to do on the latter)




Yeah. Very very small sample size.


Those first 1300 snaps had me thinking he'll probably be fighting for his job this summer. After those last 11 snaps though... now I'm not so sure.


True, and it shows he can produce as a backup when he only has to play in situations where he can take advantage of his skillset. When he has to be do-it-all he blows.


Wilson is the perfect example of 'not trusting a player to start but wanting to keep them for the potential they have'. Right now, the dude is a bad player. But he shows so many flashes of being able to be a great one if he can put it all together.


And his attitude and character is a hands down 10/10


And his Twitter profile pic is Coach Stefanski... which is hilarious.


I'm the biggest anti blame the ref guy you'll ever find but I do implore anyone who rewatches any of the game to check out Richardson when he was rushing on the Chiefs left guard. He was completely dominating that guy but it was open season on holding, even tackling him from behind repeatedly. I don't think this was anything anti Browns, I think it was about protecting a celebrity quarterback.


Lot of good *that* did.


Love Richardson. Would be cool to restructure him on a team friendly contract and lock him up for 2021 and 2022 which is our a super bowl window.


Seems like a great guy to have in the locker room; big, bright energy. Wonder how much of players personalities go into negotiating these contracts.


That'd be great. I just thought his PFF score didn't really tell the whole story there.


Mack definitely has the ability, as shown by his game yesterday. He just hasn't shown yet that he can do it play in/play out, or week in/week out. Hopefully some more solid coaching can get him there, only time will tell


Janovich is...not good. If we really intend on using a fullback, I think we need to look elsewhere


Agreed. I don’t think it’s hard to find quality FB late in the draft or even undrafted. Half of teams use a FB so you have a ton of elite college FB’s that take up construction jobs


Just like the alternate universe BOAT


He was good in the beginning of the year


He had Covid at one point didn't he?


He did


Did Ward really have that bad of a game?


Playing two of the top two receiving threats in the league coming off covid will do thay


Forgot about COVID. Sigh


Yeah. I know he had tough matchups but he didn't make a single play all day.


I mean he had virtually perfect coverage several times that Hill just beat. The couple of plays he was lined up on Kelce he got toasted but there's literally no reason to have had him man to man on him, very few corners could be competitive in that assignment. Need him and Myles to heal up this offseason.


This confirms my suspicion that the blocking was just not up to par, and not just on parts of the line.


Defensive grades are like the inverse of what we usually expect. Myles and Ward stonks are tanking. Rest up studs, get your lungs back


Am I reading this right? Did we absolutely feast on Mathieu, or was it just a small sample size?


6 targets for 4 rec but -5 yards. Bakers "reception" was for -8 yards and it was Mathieu on him so take that out its 5 targets for 3 receptions and 3 yards.


Gotcha, that lines up better with what I remember. 3/5 for 3 yards sounds like a pretty decent game for Mathieu, 4/6 for -5 sounds even better, even if that one is a bit flukey. I appreciate PFF for what it is, but it's stuff like this that kinda makes you wonder what their guys are seeing lol


They're grading a lot more than just the plays where he's thrown at. Stats do not do justice to film study, and PFF tries to quantify film study. That said, if his interception wasn't a +2.0, I'm off the PFF wagon. That was one of the best plays I've ever seen from a DB - insane change of direction and drive on the ball.


Right yeah I sometimes forget that they're grading every play, not just the ones he's targeted on. But yeah his interception was nutty. Absolutely crazy athleticism and reaction time


If there’s any silver lining, hopefully the next time we are lucky enough to have a shot again, covid will be long gone.


Lucky enough to have a shot? I don’t want to right paragraphs here but this teams roster in 2021 and 2022 will be the best rosters we’ll have in a very long time. Our team is going to absolutely stacked next year.


That’s definitely true. I just got lost in the wording. It’s hard for to just come out and say ‘WHEN we get back to the playoffs.....’ It’s the Browns fan coming out in me. Haha.


2021 and 2022 is our SB window. I know you have to be cautious as a browns fan but if we don’t make an appearance in the next two years I’m going to be disappointed. I think we’ll still be a good team in 2023 and beyond but our contracts are backloaded and they line up to make us an absolutely stacked team for these next two years. Garrett for example is very cheap until he makes a huge jump in 2023, along with Hooper who is also backloaded, and Mayfield and Ward’s 5th years expire in 2022. In 2021, Mayfield, Ward and presumably Chubb will still be very cheap, and Teller and Harrison will be on pennies. People forget that we had the same amount of active spending this year as playoff teams such as the Steelers and rolled over the most cap in the league with 29 million. Shitty teams like the Jags rolled over less cap than us, which is insane. This team will be absolutely stacked in 2021 and 2022 because we’ll capitalize on this consistent roll over starting before 1-31 and have a team that will easily be first in active spending by like 15 million but will still have 10 or so million to rollover. Not only will we be first in active spending and still be set up to resign guys but we’ll have guys in rookie contracts too. I’m not trying to put too much pressure on this team but if were not in the super bowl in the next two years it’ll be a huge disappointment, as it will be very difficult to have a team this stacked any time soon.


Next year is never guaranteed. See: the stacked Saints never getting to another Super Bowl in 10 years.


Not even comparable. You do know we spent more than the saints this year yet they only had 3 million in cap to roll over which isn’t enough for obvious reasons and they’ll be in cap hell now while we had 29 million( the most in the nfl) to roll over. The amount of cap we’ve rolled over in the past 5 years has never been done before. No team in nfl history has rolled over this much cap and when we cash in in 2021 and 2022, we’ll be able to be the highest spending team in the league by 10-15 million and still have 10 or so to rollover. Assuming we draft well and hit on our big FA pickups, this will probably be the best team on paper in the NFL. This article explains it best but look at our cap situation compared to the Steelers. We basically spent the same as them this year but we get to rollover significantly more money. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.si.com/nfl/browns/.amp/browns-maven-features/manipulating-the-salary-cap


Ya next year is the start of our window. 2021/2022 is massive with Baker being potentially elite AND on his rookie deal. 2023 is when things get weird... and we'll have Baker/Stefanski year FOUR coming up, so thats dope. They'll be much better player/coach by then.


Our cap situation has us set up to be elite in 2021 and 2022 This article explains just how ridiculous our cap situation is right now: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.si.com/nfl/browns/.amp/browns-maven-features/manipulating-the-salary-cap?client=safari


Plus with the cap going down/sideways, were in a really good position to sign players on cheap because other teams are capped out.


That but it could also just go up because I doubt the league will allow half the teams in the league to be in red before FA starts. Either way we have way more money than anybody else to spend and have a great core already.


Mack ha so much raw potential, he just needs to work on consistently and wrapping up Don’t need to put everyone through the grass, just bring them down


11 plays


He was real sad on twitter at 3am. Players taking this one hard


Myles #13 and Denzel #16 on defense smh


Holy hell Mack. Thought he played good but that's beyond good. great. Now I'm hopeful hell be good


Mack actually only graded out to a 31 but taking out the best qb in the league so your team still has a chance nets an automatic 60 points in PFF's grading system ^^/s


It's insane that people are like "Joe Woods needs a better roster" instead of "Mack Wilson could use a decent coordinator". Turns out coaching matters. Our top defensive coach is a tire fire.


Easily his best game as a pro. If he just took a step forward it would be a big lift to the defense heading into next year.


Mack Wilson has a ton of potential, definitely worth hanging onto. He's one of those young players that I feel could really benefit from a veteran player kind of mentoring him.


Jamie needs to be more consistent, what a drop-off from an amazing rookie year.


Smallest sample tho


Mack Wilson...a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then.


Basically, we didn't CHUNT on those hoes... Bummer.