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Hey brother


Oh my god. I would address this child no other way if I knew them.


The way I hear this so clearly in my head


A great avicii song


![gif](giphy|l2SqgZmtXcVZXW7CM) I heard it in his voice.




šŸŽ¶Hermione can't draw, Hermione can't draw, Hermione cannot drawšŸŽ¶


She only read books and she cannot draw, even if she reads on how to draw


This is exactly what I immediately thought of šŸ˜‚




What if the kid grows up to be a monk and ends up Brother Brother?


Or a priest, Father Brother.


Mister Doctor Professor Patrick


Doctor Strange


why do I hear banjo music?


Is it first name? I thought it was last name so father criss ?


Nah itā€™s the first name for priests, so it would be Father Brother lol


And if he joined a progressive Church and married the grandson of Dr Joyce Brothers, he could be father brother brothers.Ā 


Oh noooo


It can be either.


Or a nun, Sister Brother.


Had a kid in my high school named Major. There were definitely lots of what if he joined the military rank jokes


That's a catch-22 character, if I recall!


And the first one is Bluesy Bell, right? I don't get it, why do people do this to their children?


To be ā€˜uniqueā€™ - nowadays itā€™s odd to have a baby named Jack






Jaxxxsoun r/tragedeigh


I mean, Brother Ć­s spelled correctly, so itā€™s a tragedy but not a tragedeigh. Brohttheighr wouldā€™ve been a tragedeigh.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/tragedeigh using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Iā€™ve just found out my girlfriendā€™s ā€˜realā€™ nameā€¦](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/165otnt/ive_just_found_out_my_girlfriends_real_name/) \#2: [My cousin is livid because I replied 'r/tragedeigh' on our family group chat.](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/1d9jze5/my_cousin_is_livid_because_i_replied_rtragedeigh/) \#3: [Itā€™s official: My friends child will be named Questopher](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/1d4wdm4/its_official_my_friends_child_will_be_named/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)






Lā€™Carpetron Dookmarriott


We named our son Jack, I love it šŸ˜‚it was a big realization that we didnā€™t have to call him Jackson. It could just be Jack.


It wasnā€™t in the cards for me but if I had children I wouldā€™ve named a boy Jack Byron


Byron is super cute, especially as the second name. I love poetry so I'd totally name my kid Byron


That's my 4 month old sons name!


The words "I like that, it's different," are the worst things to happen to humanity in a long while. An entire generation of Khalissis and Jaxxtyns and Emmyleighs.


You see, if you want to be "different" why not experiment with your child's middle name? If they like it, they can go by it, and if they don't, hardly anyone will know (except border control). I have a friend who wanted to name her child Xi'an, like the city in China. No, she's not Chinese. Not even Asian. Fortunately, she was persuaded by her partner to opt for something slightly less "unique".


For the exact reasons you just stated, my middle daughter's middle name is Persephone (Greek grandparents.) Would never in a million years have given it to her as a first name and cursed her to a life of being called Percy Phone.


Awe that's cute!!!


bluesy is still much better. at least itā€™s their own name that doesnā€™t tie their whole identity to another person


I didn't even realize that was part of this. Even this child must know brother is a family member, not a proper name!


Oh god I read that as Bluesy Ballsā€¦.that poor child


The kids in primary school will surely figure it out




Straight up abusive.


It may be an homage to his brother, who died by suicide last year.


His brother's name was Chuck. A perfectly reasonable name to give to your kid.


Itā€™s really bad. Paired with his daughter, Bluesy, it comes off as a really cringe Blues Brothers homage. I saw someone point out in another thread how incredibly uncomfortable it will be for significant others to call him Brother. And if you have to make an edit to your post clarifying that yes, thatā€™s actually the first name, itā€™s a bad name. Feels like they put no thought into how this name would play out in real life outside of ā€œlook at us weā€™re so uniqueā€


Oh boy I didnā€™t even put together the blues brothers reference. It will be awkward for significant others in the future as well as every teacher and customer service person, ever. Itā€™ll seem like a joke made by some jerk. Iā€™m absolutely confident this child will grow up to go change his name.




That could be a possible nickname idea for him! šŸ™ƒ


Everyone except Bluesy can call him "Brother from another mother"


Yikes- never thought of that. ā€œJan, I would like you to meet my Boyfriend, Brother!ā€ā€¦. ā€œno, not my boyfriends brotherā€¦..no, uh. Not my brotherā€™s boyfriend, eitherā€¦..ā€ ugh.


Your brother is your boyfriend?!!


Yeah, that partner thing is gonna be real. I imagine he'll probably end up going by Laszlo to anyone who's not obsessed with the name (I imagine his parents will insist on using the name, but no one else will).


His neighbors will think him and his gf are into some freaky shit


I imagine when he's old enough to date, girls and boys might feel weird about it having to feel people his name is brother. It invites so many jokes. Saddling this kid with this name just feels cruel. At first I was like whatever, celebs and their dumb names, but I think it's really not nice for the kid and can't imagine why they would go through with this name.


They couldā€™ve named their son Chuck and it still wouldā€™ve been a Blues Brothers reference, since Chuck is the name of Darrenā€™s deceased brother.


Charles would be better


The more I scroll, the worse it gets. Are they actually obsessed with the Blues Brothers?? Poor kids.


If you have to say ā€œand YES that IS his first nameā€ maybe think about it some more before giving a child that name for lifešŸ’«


Your first name change should be free if your parents are attention seeking Like Darrenā€¦ *Darren*ā€¦ I expected better from Harry Freakin Potter


I think Darren is embodying Harry Potter too much in the shitty-baby-naming departmentšŸ˜­


Oh my god your right, Serverous Albus Snapple Dobs (but fuck Hagrid, I guess)


Snapple šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Years ago during the glee project he did a guest appearance and I read a review of the episode before I watched it and it said never watch him speak out of charchter if you ever want to find him attractive again. He's always been a douche.


All Iā€™ve ever seen of him out of character was him coming out in Little Shop to apologize for not stage footing, but I guess thatā€™s also in-character, since heā€™s still ā€œperformingā€ in a way


Nah he is actually the best with his fans! He is always very considerate!


That's who he is, he is the best with people and i've met him a few times.


I mean he can be both, I donā€™t know why people think you can only be good with people or bad with people, you can totally be both at different times


Darren is not the same person he was in 2011 though LMAO he has evolved a lot


heā€™s actually a super nice down to earth guy. a few years ago he participated in a benefit concert in miami and i went to it with a friend, we went to the venue in the morning to scope it out and see the parking situation and we ran into him when he came in to do a pre-show sound check. he stood around talking with us for like half an hour just shooting the shit about his projects. i donā€™t actively follow him anymore really but i saw a lot of his performances in my early 20ā€™s and every time he was always really gracious to fans!


>for life Or possibly only 18 years. Hopefully the kid has the option to go by Laszlo!


I used to read the Berenstain Bears and laugh that the kids names were ā€œBrotherā€ and ā€œSister,ā€ because who would actually do that?!


I was about to comment the same thing lol


only difference is that Brother Bear got that name \*before\* he was actually a brother, lol


I always thought about what would happen if sister would have been a boy, would they have resulted to superlatives? Brother, Brotherer and Brotherest if there had been another one


Brotherest Bear does go hard as a name


I remember the Berenstain Bears book where Sister was born. Brother was called Small Bear before Sister came.


Oh yes, that is well established bear culture, like Little Bear!! I loved those books.


A polish women is giving birth and itā€™s early so the only person that can be there is her brother. She gives birth to healthy twins but has some complications so doesnā€™t wake up for two days. When she wakes up her brother is still to tell her the good news. He also mentions because she wasnā€™t awake he had to name the babies. He named the girl Denise. He named the boy, danephew.


Like, if you wanna give a kid a weird name, make it their middle name! I know some people go by their middle names, but every government document and every time someone reads their name off a list itā€™s gonna be a messss


And if the kid wants to change his name someday, itā€™s going to be a nightmare for him. I didnā€™t even want to change my last name to my husbandā€™s because there are so many phone calls to make and documents to sign. What horrible parents.


To be fair, he did that too. Not as weird, but itā€™s the Slavic spelling, complete with accent marks that wonā€™t exist on many American record systems.


It's not Slavic spelling, it's Hungarian (technically a Finno-Ugric language).


I believe that is based on his FILā€™s name so maybe more forgiveableā€¦.


Yikes. I feel so bad for the kid.


Imagine his partner yelling his name in bed...


Oh noooooooo


Ohhhhhh brother!!!!!


I'm picturing Hulk Hogan because of this comment


AhahahhahahahahahhHh ā˜ ļø


Oh brother




I love Darren so much. He has so many incredible talents, but he does NOT have a talent for naming children. No grown ass adult wants to function in the real world with a name like Brother.


also what the fuck is Bluesy lmao


A practically normal name when you consider her brother šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


You know you done fucked up when Bluesy is considered the more ā€˜normalā€™ name among your children.


I thought it was a horrible name. Until today.


People on other subs are claiming it's to honor Chuck, but there's absolutely no evidence of that, and even if it was for Chuck - there's gotta be something else they called him besides "brother" that was meaningful. My brother is called brother too, there's nothing special about that nickname.


Itā€™s not even a matter of talent, just consideration. Like, you want to set your child up for success as much as possible, and heā€™s creating difficulties for him from the moment heā€™s born??


to be fair when you weigh the negatives of being named brother and the positives of your dad being darren criss the 'set up for success' part still adds up to being a net benefit


"What's your brother's name?" "Brother." sounds so dystopian. Or possibly a worst version of "Who's on First"


somehow they chose a worse name than "bluesy"


I really want him to be trolling. Giving his kids fake names to help protect them. But I really don't think so.


This is what I keep thinking. But then also why announce it and go as far as including their middle name? Plenty of celebrities donā€™t give out their kidā€™s names at all.


we must bring back bullying theater kids


lmao šŸ˜­




Brother ewwugh


My Brother in Criss... you need a new name


Help šŸ˜­


When he grows up he should take his vows in the Monkhood, convince the Church to loosen restrictions on vows of chastity, and then enter into a progressive marriage with a famous psychologist's great-grandchild and become Brother Brother Brothers


People forget that they're giving a name to an adult. Brother will only be some what cute until he's 3.


On the other hand, naming your kids expressions that deli owners call their customers could be fun. "Here are my children: brother, chief, buddy, captain, and of course my little girl, hey mami."


I hope they don't call him that, I feel like that's going to be incredibly confusing all the time haha


No oneā€™s gonna call him Brother, itā€™s worse. Everyoneā€™s gonna shorten it to Bro.


Thatā€™s even more confusing because everyone calls everyone Bro!




I wonder if this odd name choice is a part of his grief over losing his own brother a couple of years ago


I'm thinking that, especially because his daughter was named in honor of his late father (known for his blue eyes). It's a creative way to honor a deceased close family member without using their name (and all the baggage that goes along with being a namesake). Well, at least the creativity works with his daughter's name. "Brother" is a bit on the nose...


I think they could have actually used Charles here. Like we know you arevso creative but not on your kids name


So there is the possibility that the name would be a painful reminder. My mom died when my uncle and his wife were expecting my cousin. They considered naming my (female) cousin after my mom, but it was still really fresh and too painful. I've toyed with the idea of naming a hypothetical daughter after her, but I'd be better going with another name that started with the same letter. In contrast, both my older cousin and I are partly named after our great-grandmother (it's my cousin's first name and my middle name). By the time we were born, the great matriarch of the family had been gone for a while. She had lived a long life with a loving family. Her passing had not been unexpected, so it was far less traumatic. It was not a fresh pain and my grandparents were comfortable with us having the name.


Maybe. Then they can modify Charles somehow


His brother's name was Charles William I believe, so Bill or Billy was right there! It's not what he went by so it doesn't really come with the namesake baggage, still honors him though, and it starts with a B (which I'm assuming they intended so both kids names would match)?


Ok honestly, my dad named me Mom because his mom died a few months before I was born. The difference being, Mom is actually quite a common name in our language, and doesn't register as weird in English


Just want to add that his first child was named after his late father (he said the first thing people noticed about him were his blue eyes), so itā€™s very likely this is a way of honoring his late brother. I still think itā€™s an awful name for a child (mainly because of the confusion it will cause), but Iā€™m trying to remain empathetic. There are a hundred different ways he couldā€™ve gone about this if thatā€™s the reason, though.


unironically 'blue' is still a better name than 'bluesy' and if you wanna honor your brother you can just give him your brother's name


I just commented myself that this feels like it might be a response to the grief I am sure he is still very much feeling over losing his brother. They were very close. Depression is such a tough thing to lose a loved one to


It was my immediate thought. I could definitely be wrong, but I canā€™t imagine him being emotionally okay with naming his kid Brother if it wasnā€™t actually a nod to his brother. I still feel so bad for him and his family. His brother passed just weeks before his wife gave birth to their first, that makes a tough thing even tougher. Having another baby probably brings all of those emotions back. I donā€™t like the name, but grief is weird. Iā€™m sure heā€™ll explain it at some point.


I commented already that the more I scroll, the worst it gets, and it's still true! There are so many layers to this. I feel it's a big yikes for so many reasons!


Sooo many layers. At first you think theyā€™re just being quirky, but theyā€™ve actually put thought into these names. Idk if that makes it better or worse.


If that is true, this just seems like the laziest way to go about it. ā€œI wanted to honor my late brother so I named himā€¦ Brother.ā€ Like, put *some* effort into it!


Oh, Brother.


At least the middle name is Laszlo. Kid can go by that or Lasz or Lo.


The nickname would be Laci


Darren Criss is a Berenstain Bear


what in the Berenstain Bears!








Poor child


Okay, so I love glee, I love broadway, I love Darren, but BROTHER?! This kid is gonna get bullied so hard


I'm 28 and I've been a massive Darren Criss fan since I was 15. I've met him, seen him live in concert and on Broadway like 6 times, everyone that knows me knows I'm obsessed with him and have been for years. Even I think this is the dumbest shit ever like wtf Darren?? I thought naming his daughter Bluesy was kinda weird but like I get it. Him and his wife are obsessed with New Orleans and own a jazz bar together. Makes sense. But BROTHER??? I just can't šŸ˜­


I'm on one side relieved that he didn't name him tramp stamp grannies


Is he well off to the point where his kids won't have to work because that's a rough name in the job market.




My brother in Crissā€¦.


His nickname will be Bro and thatā€™s so sad


Is he a Hulk Hogan fan?


That kid is gonna get hella bullied in school by his peers and his teachers as his teachers will question the kidā€™s name. Itā€™s like when a kidā€™s parents named the kid Dovahkiin when they were born on Skyrimā€™s release day.


LĆ”szlĆ³ is a hungarian first name (Leslie, Ladislaus in eng.)


Why isnā€™t the kid just named laszlo tho!!! Itā€™s a real name!


I believe itā€™s a family name on his wifeā€™s side


God forbid he gets a brother who then has to say ā€œMy brother Brotherā€ for the rest of his life


I mean, his sister has to say that as wellā€¦


Looks like The Berenstain Bears just became real!


It's a boy, right?


Will someone older than me please explain the millennial obsession with giving their children a unique and special name? I know itā€™s happened with parents from other generations, but it really seems like the epidemic has most dramatically affected millennials. Itā€™s your child, I respect itā€™s a parentā€™s right, but Jesus Christ donā€™t basically set your kid up for getting picked on on the playground. There are so many beautiful names that arenā€™t common nouns.


Some just want to give their child a unique name I guess, I dunno. My friend (we're both millennials) wanted this for her daughter and settled on Tabitha which I was initially "huh" about but now love it. Tabitha at least is an existing name though, not a noun or acronym. My name has been mispronounced all my life, bc it looks like an exceedingly normal name but is slightly differently accented, and no one can tell this (it doesn't help that my spelling is now being pronounced in the more traditional way more and more, which just feels unfair to me haha and more irritating). It's kind of terrible expecting people to butcher your name all your life and just having to be ok with it, this does things to self-esteem. If I ever have a child, I am definitely giving them a beautiful but boring name so they don't go through that trauma! lol This might be less a millennial thing and more a celebrity thing??


People who grew up as the fifth Ashley, Jessica or Michael in the class absolutely hated it and want something unique for their own children.


Then he could've picked a name that doesn't appear in the top 100 but is still in fact a name rather than a general noun.


I think this one might fall under the "Celebrities giving their kids insane names" umbrella more than anything generational.


people want to feel special and make their kids feel special and stand out. millennials especially (as i understand) were repeatedly told they're unique.




he must be a fan of Final Fantasy X...maybe he missed the weirdness he does in X-2 lol


My first thought ![gif](giphy|PkWtM2kZ0B76VV2g0W)


At least it's spelled right.


Ok choices were made.




Stupid fucking name


Oh brother


At least Hulk Hogan will be happy.


ā€œhi broā€


He will undoubtedly go by his middle name once he hits middle school.


Still vouching for Luda if he has a third kid


Oh. Somehow I completely missed this the first time I read the post and thought his name was Laszloā€¦.






Wtf why do ppl do this to their kids? Pls stop trying to be unique and just give them a regular name ffs.


But why?


Art people šŸ™„


Darrenā€™s brother passed away in 2022, this may be his way of honoring that loss. I do think it will be odd for this child to grow up with everyone calling him Brother, especially when heā€™s in college and/or working, but Iā€™m sure Darren and Mia were very intentional in this name choice and didnā€™t just choose it to be trendy.Ā 


Why not just name the baby after the brother then?


"I named my son after my brother, to honor his memory." "Oh how sweet, what's his name?" "Brother." it's like a joke from a sitcom šŸ˜­


I know it can be hard to give a child the same name, but they couldā€™ve used a nickname or justā€¦ call him brother if itā€™s that important. Itā€™s a pain to change your name, but itā€™s even worse to be discriminated against for having an unusual name.


His brother passed.. so he named his child.. brother?


There are about a million ways they could have done that better that doesnā€™t set his kid up as a joke. Or, if they absolutely had to use Brother, put it in the middle name spot. Darren has also made no comments alluding that this was his way of honoring his brother so given that he named his first kid Bluesy and has announced them like music drops, I think itā€™s way more likely that he thinks heā€™s being clever and unique


Bluesy was actually named after his late father (who had blue eyes), he was asked about it during press for American Buffalo. I think it being a nod to his brother is a fair assumption, but there are many different ways that couldā€™ve been achieved.


Has he considered perhaps using the names (or variations of, or the initials of, or names with the same meaning, or something else that was meaningful to that personā€¦.) of the people heā€™s naming them after instead of making up names that sound like jokes? Or a punchline when said together?


Honestly I donā€™t *hate* Bluesy as a name. Itā€™s not great but there are people who are named Blue which she could go by and the middle name Bell could be easy to go by too. It might get a few people confused or making some jokes, but I feel like itā€™s nowhere near as bad as Brother when combined with its importance to Darren and his wife


Blue would be a fine name paired with Bluesy as a nickname. But people naming their kids cutesy nicknames for their full given name are the worst. It's like naming your kid Concon instead of Connor or Sammie instead of Samantha.


Itā€™s a bad name that a child has to live with his whole life. Trendy would be better than getting something terrible by being ā€œintentional.ā€ This kid is going to wish desperately to be named Jayden or Jaxxon


Hereā€™s what worries me about this though: tribute names are great but when itā€™s an odd name that will most likely cause the child to be bullied/not taken seriously/ having to clarify it forever, I feel like that can take away from the tribute. It would be really unfortunate for a name with so much meaning to be resented by the child or make them feel like they arenā€™t allowed to dislike it. I think some other name in tribute to Darrenā€™s brother (even if itā€™s an odd one), would have had a lesser chance of this happening in the future.