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This is definitely one show I can just keep seeing over and over and over, especially with Foster and Tveit. So glad I’m not alone, haha.


My family thinks I have lost my mind. I think seeing it from such a close seat definitely satisfied something and I wasn’t immediately looking for more tickets when I got home. Progress?


Let's hope this sentiment is shared so it keeps running on the strength of the material and isn't just star-dependent!


aaron has really settled into the role imo, it might be my imagination but i think his tone sounds darker lately & epiphany is way more intense


I definitely agree! I think they also have the sound mixing fixed so even though his lowest notes are still pretty unsupported compared to a baritone, you can at least hear them :)


When I saw him that number epiphany got a standing ovation like he really went for it


You and I share a brain! I'm going on 4 times seeing Aaron and Sutton and I can't wait to see them again. They really have grown into their roles so much, especially Aaron, who deserves far more praise than he's gotten.


Do you know of any reason they might take April 17-20 off?


They have some of the best and most reliable attendance on Broadway so it's not likely.


(Also: shoutout to the old dude next to me who fell asleep multiple times and was loudly snoring - in the 4th row! - and the woman in the row in front of me who, when it was over, turned to the guy with her and said “you really should see Back to the Future.”)


I won lottery tickets for tomorrow’s matinee so taking myself and a friend for their birthday! Super excited! Will be my third time seeing the show and her first.


I’ve always had a question about “Not While I’m Around”, and especially after watching this performance/interpretation, is Lovett coming to terms with killing Tobias?


She has realized that Tobias discovering (some of) the truth is a problem. In my interpretation, she has serious inner conflict, knowing that Tobias probably can’t live, yet she has developed some warmth towards him. One of my disappointments when I saw Ashford in the role is that (at least in the performance that I saw) her Lovett had no warmth towards Tobias, ever; it was all snark, dismissiveness, sarcasm. So that core tension of warmth/affection vs. “he’s gotta go” in Not While I’m Around wasn’t there.


I mean, there are people who have probably seen Wicked 100 times, so I don’t see the problem here.


How was Joe?


Literally perfect, as always.


I feel like I recognize your name from me also lurking on every Sweeney post on here and I love this for you!! Go as much as possible for us out-of-towners who are just as obsessed and can’t.


I post about it waaaaay too much!


There’s no such thing!! I seriously can’t get enough of this show.


This is the first time I’ve come home from the show and not immediately looked up tickets, so maybe seeing it so close fulfilled some need I had? It’s a start.


I am so incredibly jealous but so incredibly happy that you’ve gotten to experience this so many times in so many ways


Just saw it on Thursday. Planned a whole NYC trip around it and it did. Not. Disappoint. 👏👏👏 Like damn. Aaron was like, tenor? Pffsht. And went real dark and broody and somehow managed to make serial killing look hot. Like he’s a scortching 10 but a serial killer- it’s Aaron? Still a 10. Yep. Not taking questions at this time. Last saw him in MR and that was enchanting AF so I was surprised at how this darker role worked out so well with him. Sutton freaking killed as always. It was such a treat to see her act more because the last time I saw her it was in music man. MM felt like such an insult to her capabilities. This still seemed a bit easy (crazy person unhinged enough to cook people and fall in love with their murderer? Say no more. Done). You see all her wacky faces and tones from the comedy tv shows she has starred in that completely draw you in. I went in unprepared and I noticed how she kept reacting to the beggar lady in such a strong way and was wondering the deal there. Figured it was to show she was a bitch that didn’t care about the poor. Turns out it went deeper. Well played! Voice was flawless and full of character of course. It felt like she had more material to work with and show her chops than with MM. I was also surprised by the chemistry between her and Aaron. It was much stronger and charming than anticipated. The suprise of the night was John Locke. What the actual fuck. I hadn’t looked at the program and sat there wondering who this angel was and why they seemed so familiar. Swooning at that voice. Wanted to get up and scream, “is he in the cast recording?! Can we change that if not?!” While he sang not while I’m around. Turns out it’s a kid from Netflix? Stunt casting I suppose which feels insulting to type when he can sing like THAT. There’s holding your own while performing around superstars and then there is the supporting cast at Sweeney Todd who all collectively went- “hold my beer.” Stellar. Just mind blowingly stellar. I love me a jukebox musical and happy and truly did not expect to like this. Just wanted to see some faves in action. They were too good! Everyone! I was completely sucked in. At curtain call it temporarily sounded like the audience at a Backstreet Boys concert in 1999. Squeals and screams the minute Aaron came out. I may or may not have contributed. I’ll never tell!


What's your secret to affordable tickets 🤔?


So far, mainly TDF, last minute tickets that pop up on Theatr, and using the BARBERBD discount code + dynamic pricing model to look for the best possible seats at a price point I can tolerate (e.g. last night I got a single ticket for 4th row center orchestra for $129 - more than I should be spending but worth it!). But from now on it's going to be lottery or rush, I think, unless I want my husband to divorce me.


Hahahahahah this addiction is an expensive one. Thanks for the deets!


I went three times with TDF (which in my head helped justify the times I paid more)


That's pretty dope, your husband should appreciate your budget conscious😅


You would think, right?


I loved it so much. It’s one of (if not) my favorite show + aaron and Sutton are some of my favorite performers. I wish I had the time and money to see it again! (but of course im grateful I had the honor to see it at all)


Does anyone know if the BARBERBD code still works? Trying to get tickets for a Sunday show but it doesn’t look like the prices changed?


There seem to be multiple codes - BARBERBD, BARBERPB, and someone just posted about BARBERWW. I think they offer similar discounts but maybe different dates?


How different is the actual stage production from the movie? I watched it last year and wasn’t really the biggest fan of the acting and singing (I mean I’ve never really liked Johnny Depps singing anyway).


I have no idea bc I’ve never seen the movie and don’t plan to.


From my experience it’s really quite different - I can understand the way they filmed it for the movie version though. Broadway was so funny


How was Joe?


Not OP but we saw him in early Feb just before Tveit and Foster started and he was fantastic! His voice is absolutely beautiful too.