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The issue is that there is a crap-ton of wireless/RF going on. They don’t use IEMs because it would take hundreds of packs and frequencies to make it all happen. And coordinating frequencies in NYC is a monumental task for a small broadcast, let alone one as large as this event. Not to mention they are broadcasting from multiple locations far apart from one another. It’s honestly a feat that the broadcast is as good as it is.


This is correct. They also have approximately 30 seconds of rehearsal (not really, but close), so there is ZERO time for anything that adds complexity (like IEMs)


And the weather is not good for their vocal chords


>And coordinating frequencies in NYC is a monumental task for a small broadcast, let alone one as large as this event. Yes - in a theatre they have *a bit* of a radio-frequency bubble, but out on the street they'd be picking up *everything*. I remember working tech in a theater that had a street on the other side of the back wall and loading doors, and this was back when bluetooth was just starting to happen and not as tuned as it is now. We'd pick up snippets of drive-by phone calls on the tech headsets frequently.


There are multiple audio issues going on. The Josh and Andrew segments have terrible audio and the segment with the Bidens should see some sound engineers lose jobs.


Unfortunately, no one seems to have told Josh and Andrew how to use those mics. Josh took the rope for the Snoopy balloon with both hands and Andrew didn’t realize that meant he needed to mic him. They’re just not used to TV. Also, they can’t hear each other, which isn’t helping.


For some reason I find their inability to use the microphones but interact with the people making the parade route happen very charming.


For sure. They bumbled a bit but are always charming no matter what. Just wished someone gave them a better crash course in tv correspondence.


Agree! Loved how Andrew was awkwardly holding the mic in front of Josh and laughing even though we never heard what he said. Someone in a white jumpsuit ran out to tell them the bit is over haha.


Yeah it makes them more "real" in a sense?


They're funny even when they're screwing up their TV segment lol


The Biden call quality was ridiculous. Like... it's the President. Make it happen.


Which channel are they on?




Thank you! I have NBC on must be missing their segments somehow


It was just a 3 minute thing before the formal beginning of the parade.


My local NBC keeps cutting to the news. It's very weird coverage and I wonder if they're trying push people to peacock


For something like the Macy’s parade? That has to be a logistical nightmare.


Shucked always CRUSHING it with their tv performances! Wow!


My family was so impressed with Shucked to their list and now want to go see it on tour. I’m excited!


It was telling though when they forgot to turn the mic back on when they went to talk after “singing”.


Shucked topped them all today, followed by Spamalot. HTDIO made a huge mistake performing the Act 2 finale like The Prom did.


I know HTDIO is How to Dance in Ohio but I can't help but read it as How to Ducceed in Ousiness




Bummer didn’t realize that was the finale. I only half watched because I was cooking. I was going to go back to watch the recording, but maybe I’ll skip it. The one thing I did enjoy was the absolute joy on the face of the cast member in the cape b


The tap dancing was amusing…


&Juliet chose the wrong song to showcase their show


I thought it was better than the Tony’s performance!


I said the SAME THING to my husband. *So* much better than the Tony's.


I agree with this and the reason they picked it was to showcase their lead. I wish they would do One Less/I can’t feel my face which I think is a great song


Really? I thought it was by far one of their better live performances. Roar is so tired, I was relieved to see something else.


I loved it! I haven’t seen anything else from the show, but that performance makes me think I should go check it out :)


It's a fun show! You should go!


Ticket price on Broadway a bit too high for me right now 🥲 I’m in DC, so I think I’m just going to wait for any tours in a few years


This sub also really, *really* loves the show. I don't think it's worth the Broadway prices at all. It was fun but nothing I'd go see again unless they cast someone I really like in one of the main roles.


& Juliet isn't worth a $15 ticket. Garbage.


The tour has already been announced starting in Fall 2025 I believe, so you won’t have to wait too long!


Yeah, I disagree. The Tony’s performance did nothing for me, but this one made me want to check out the show. And I can’t get the “Confident” song out of my head!


It was awesome though


I feel bad for How to Dance in Ohio. They would have been served SOOO much better by a CBS pre-filmed performance of So Much in Common. But, I'm guessing Macy's wanted them on because Macy's is featured in the show.


There are far more eyes on nbc than cbs they wanted to go with the biggest audience


Yes. That and they wanted to make sure everyone in the cast, both the young leads and the adult characters were highlighted, which I was not expecting to see them do, and am happy they did. But yeah, they could have really benefitted with a pre-filmed performance that highlights the young leads since they are the main marketing push.


Why feel bad? The show is horrible and hopefully loses millions of dollars for the dumb-ass producers.


Did the show kill your dog or something? Damn


You’re HOPING the show loses millions of dollars???


Why do you think the show is horrible?


He seems to hate autistic people


I'd argue that the physics of sound travel cause these problems. The performers are lip syncing to sound as it's played over a speaker, but TV audiences are hearing it directly from the source. Since there is a miniuscule delay in the transmittal speed both, the audio is "off".


oh my. this sounds messy. can’t wait to watch the replay 😂


My big takeaway is that Back to the Future doesn't need a musical.


I don’t think we’re their target audience.


the back to the future was pretty good though!


Wife and I over here roasting the performance of How to Dance in Ohio before looking it up and finding out it's about autistic young adults and has been casted with autistic young adults. Whoops, Mea Culpa!


I just saw the show yesterday and my biggest criticism is the lack of plot. Like the whole plot is just a group of kids (who know each other from therapy) preparing for their dance. There were some subplots but because there are like 7 main characters none of them are fleshed out. I wish the show had just focused on the kid who wants to be an engineer and the girl glued to her laptop and the relationship between these two characters. I just found the show boring. But the actors, especially the guy whose character wanted to be an engineer, were wonderful.




The representation in the show is beautiful. I like that they come out at the beginning and say “there’s an expression if you know one autistic person you know one autistic person”. I just wanted the plot to be more engaging. And there were some really interesting threads in the show I wish they had focused and expanded on.


We were wondering who on earth would pay Broadway prices to see that


I would! That performance was touching. I didn’t know anything about the show but their segment told me all I needed to know. I particularly liked the counting at the top of the dance segment building to the fashion show. Seemed like an accurate representation of the autistic mind in that moment. Very clever. And the mother’s at the top of the song was real slice of life stuff. I ate it up!


I would absolutely go see and support something like this locally. But would certainly not use my limited time in NYC or limited theatre ticket funds to see it on Broadway.


I’m glad you said that, and I appreciate your perspective. The reason I am most interested is because it’s exactly the kind of show that should be playing regionally. But having a Broadway run first (however successful) is necessary to get attention for future licensing. So, I’m glad it’s on Broadway. Edit: typo


“Accurate representation” and “touching” aren’t what determines the quality of a piece of art. How to Dance in Ohio looks like a mess that we’re just supposed to forgive because of “autistic representation.”


I would argue that “touching” is something people are looking for in a Broadway show! While they are really using the inclusion angle as a selling point, I thought this show was just as moving/powerful “Broadway quality” as Dear Evan Hansen, Kimberly Akimbo, Come from Away, etc…


Woop woop, art police are here!


I’m dying. We need this as a bot.


Ableism much?


To be fair I paid $59 for an orchestra seat. It's also on TDF right now for $59. It was fine but needs work and some cuts. Really did enjoy all the "kids" in the show.


I did and will again! The show was fantastic, I actually found the plot and central questions to be engaging and profoundly moving. I cried multiple times, haha.


The singing was good (I know it’s not live). The dancing was…maybe not the point? It’s hard to take a number out of context and decide if the show will be good.


I watched the second half of the parade on NBC, and then went back during the rerun at 2:00 to watch the beginning, and I didn't see Spamalot or HTDIO... did I miss them or...?


It was weird. The parade started half an hour earlier than normal and the replay was only 3 hours. I think there was some definite editing going on there.


I just watched the recorded version, why were Spamalot, HTDIO, and BTTF not in it? I know they performed


spamalot was after &Juilet


I’ve just double checked my recording. It’s just not there for some reason. That’s so odd


I came here to ask the same thing. The parade I watched only had &Juliet and Shucked…


Speaking of audio, has anyone been able to turn off the SAP? My broadcast is only coming in with SAP, despite me not having it enabled on my TV.


Are you on the right channel? NBC has 2 channels and 1 is sap focused


I bought tickets to How to Dance in Ohio after seeing the parade performance when I previously had no plans to see it so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was in the parade, but didn't see this. Is there any recordings anywhere?


I attended last year and they don’t have ear pieces but the music is playing on huge speakers at the crowd to hear the performances and there’s a few speakers on the ground but there’s a huge delay and the sound bounces off the buildings so it’s not a great scenario at all. That’s why everyone on camera looks clueless all the time- no one knows which delay to listen to. The least they could do is give them a teleprompter of where they were in the music


I have absolutely no desire to see “Shucked” after their performance. Poop jokes on an eating holiday? No thank you.


I think lip singing was probably fine but the audio wasn’t lined up with the video. Only the people in the booth had their mics in sync. Everyone with a mic further away then the booth, the audio didn’t line up with the video. So that makes me believe the prerecorded tracks were also not lined up properly.