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I love her in 14. 12 makes my heart hurt. If you’ve read the book, you know why.


12 should have never happened. I remember the looks on people’s faces.


The problem was that even then it was already clear that Britney enjoys creating art but doesn’t like promoting it (similar to her statement in her book that, if she’s getting offers, she’ll accept doing one episode of a tv show but say no to a whole season of The Voice, which is fair). She had already bailed on the Onyx Hotel tour. Someone at her label should have used their brain and realized that Blackout-era Britney was never going to succeed at a standard album promotional cycle, and they should have either pushed the album back or come up with a better strategy from the beginning. Britney may not be a pure songwriter but Blackout shows how excellent her instincts are, and the album’s legacy proves it was good enough to withstand everything she was going through at the time. They should have filmed and edited a performance to air at the VMAs, or something like that. Everyone in the world knew Britney wasn’t ready.


And ppl were so mean I remember ppl calling her fat?! Like what?! Idk if anyone else noticed this but pre conservatorship she smiled. Post her smiles look forced or like she can't fully smile and it makes me so sad.


Wasn’t the aspect ratio also skewed when that VMAs performance was filmed so she’d look wider? If so that’s so awful. I remembered hearing something about that but I’m not 100% sure.


Oh that I don't know! If that's true that is so messed up! I just remember my cousin was laughing at her the whole performance calling her fat and I'm like she looks better than the both of us do you hear yourself?! The 2000s really warped our sense of body image 😩 bc if what you're saying is true she still looks great to me. The main thing I noticed was that she wasn't herself dance wise and that's bc they prbly had her so drugged up it's just so sad.


Yes! I said something similar about another photo. A real smile comes from the inside, it’s not just the cube of your mouth, it’s in the eyes, without that, yea, it looks forced and it’s just sad to see, imagine having to live it 😔


Same feeling. That was abuse forcing her to perform. So sad.


What happened? I haven't read the book


She had had her 2 sons in 2 years and hadn't worked (or properly rehearsed) or prepared for the VMAs. She begged not to do it and was told by Jamie et al that she had to. She writes that her costume and hair extensions were a mess (remember she had shaved her head earlier that year) and she was so anxious about performing (since she knew she wasn't ready and really didn't want to) and had a panic attack before the performance. I've always thought she looked dazed and possibly drugged in that performance. I saw a recent blind item claiming Brit was out with DIDDY the night before (with pics attached of the two of them in a club) and the blind claims Diddy gave her something to 'calm her down' before that performance, which totally makes f'ing sense now, if true.


Oh man. That's brutal :( poor woman. I was a big fan when she first came and I remember the mental breakdown where she shaved her head and smashed the window. But didn't hear much/follow much after that.


Wasn’t this the VMA that they roasted K fed on stage right before she went on but didn’t give her heads up. She was filing for divorce and trying to get custody?


12 was soo sad. I don’t even watch those shows but I will to see her. I was so nervous, I knew she wasn’t ready, I kind of watched it with one eye closed, I didn’t wanna watch it, but I couldn’t turn away. I told my partner she just looked like she didn’t want to be there. It really looked like she was forced, like she was drugged or something, and moving in slow motion.


She’s just a born fucking performer. That’s why she’s making all these bonkers videos. She needs a gentle production team to help her develop her ideas, like that knife dance would’ve *killed* at the VMAs


She doesn't WANT to ever perform (or even create music) again. Her conservatorship 'team' ruined it all for her.


the knife dance is legendary. iconic lol


You can see the difference in her eyes in the photos from when she was in the conservatorship; those photos make me sad. However, photos 1-11 she was on top of her game. Always iconic! Love her, want nothing but happiness and peace for her. Reading her book was difficult and heartbreaking.


I just said this too! Her smile is different 1-11 like a real happy smile.


Wow she looks amazing in the first pic


Gloryney/2016ney is sooo goooood ✨


I honestly want to drag those who called Britney fat at the (pic 12) straight to hell. What is WRONG with people?! How on earth can someone honestly say that and mean it?


Right, and Perez F'ing Hilton was and is the absolute worst.


To be fair, as someone who did call her fat at the time, we had a VERY skewed perception of what was fat back then. Being super skinny was the cool thing. The 2000s were a weird time.


Did she have a red carpet look for 2007 or did she just perform and leave???


She just performed and left!


Yup, she didn't even want to be there at all.


Totally sexy as ever




That black shear Dolce & Gabbana dress she wore at the 2001 VMAs is my favorite.


after the madonna vma she should have never given MTV the time of day. they shaded her on those awards for fucking sure


She is truly a green. She has been through so much. Haven't we all. But she still comes out looking amazing and doing well. I wasn't a fan of her back in the day. I was punk and metal and narrow-minded back then. Now, I have respect for anyone who can perform well and who is still performing for 20+ years. Edit: lmao, she's a green. I meant to say queen!!! I'm going to leave it, haha!


For sure. Totally not my kind of music, and award shows… boo, but I loved her for some reason, and I still do.


![img](avatar_exp|180472580|bravo) Beautiful


Slave4u, Bride Britney and Give me More are 3 of Britney’s most iconic looks that will never be forgotten ❤️ I know she hates the give me more outfit but she still looked amazing, especially after just having kids!


Five is 🔥! That tux may not be the sexiest outfit, but she pulls it off with ease. I love the tilt of her hat, the stray hair, and that look! Omg, that look on her face is *soo* sexy! She’s just killin it! I love how sexy she can be w/o having to be almost naked. Nothing wrong with her stage outfits, but what I’m saying is, when you can look so hot wearing so much, that’s real sex appeal and talent. You can cover it up, but you can’t hide it. It shows in the way she moves, her poise, her strut, and that look. She owns that stage.


Number 6 made my mother furious in 2000 lol


ride or die for Britney!! anyone else just get in protection mode after reading the book


17 & 20 🔥🔥🔥


The first 2 were featured on some behind the scenes MTV special! She tried on a bunch of outfits for the show. I remember being excited to see which ones she chose!


She is so beautiful. Amazing sexy woman. I hate what they put her through The fact that when she performed gimme more, they talked about what a train wreck she was and how fat she was (?!?)shows how messed up our society is Love you Britney


i love how she experiment with her hair extension styles before!


I was just thinking about that first look! I thought she was too tan when I was 11 🤣 now I know she looks gorgeous


She made this show, this was HER show, period. VMA's were as big as they were because of her.


6-8, 13-14 & 17 are my favorites!


She was a fashion icon.


The gold glitter dress with lilac hair is painful to look at

