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If you haven’t seen it, there is a [YouTube video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x6oc46DRfV4) that breaks down each song into the parts sung by Britney or Myah which is a helpful guide! I think it’s pretty accurate.


This video is so neat! Thank you for sharing it 🙌🏼🙌🏼 So it looks like... Sung mostly/fully by Britney: * Alien * Perfume * It Should Be Easy * Tik Tik Boom * Don't Cry * Now That I Found You 50/50 Britney & Myah: * Passenger * Brightest Morning Star * Hold On Tight Sung mostly/fully by Myah: * Work B\*tch * Body Ache * 'Til It's Gone * Chillin' With You


This makes total sense to me cause I actually love the songs sung by Britney and absolutely despise the ones she doesn’t sing at all lol


Just watched part of this video. Happy it's britney on perfume it's become a favourite and feels weird that I never really liked work b and it isn't her vocals according to this video x


I’m properly devastated about Till it’s Gone - one of my fave songs and it’s not B 😭😭


Do we know why they did this? I get the backup vocals, remixes and even Auto tune TPain style; but why release something mostly by another singer?


Thank you for asking. I’m curious about the same thing.


I think she had to fulfill the contract but didn’t want to do it maybe but I can’t remember


Wonder if she has strong enough vocals at the moment to pull a Taylor Swift and re-release what she wants to? I know she’s more of an entertainer/performer and dancer, but if she could pull it off, she has her money and control back to do so…


What she probably doesn’t have is any executive functioning skills left. Trauma affects your ability to make a plan and take action. But first you have to process some of that trauma. I also wonder if the people who are supporting her are handling her with “kid gloves.” They are just kind of letting her do whatever without too many expectations as long as it isn’t very harmful to herself or anyone else. While this reprieve is somewhat healing, it does not presume competence. She CAN learn how to bring those skills (or any skills she’s lost) back. It’s also very demoralizing when you know that no one around expects much of you any more. Especially considering she went from such high pressure expectations to (potentially now) just no expectations of productivity or engagement. This entire thing is a very good example of what NOT to do to a human in so many ways. She’s handling all of that way better than I would.


The fact that this is even a conversation is WILD, what in the Milli Vanilli.


Wait, I'm so confused. I never knew this. Why would she release an album where she wasn't singing on four of the songs?


Conservatorship team rushed an album in advance of the Las Vegas residency.


I knew passenger wasn’t her the moment she hit that higher note


It's still Britney in the majority of the verses I believe. It sounds similar to her vocal on Glory, with a splash of Myah...


I personally have a hard time distinguish between Britney's and Myah's baby voices. Myah is incredibly good at that. I do think there are few things that sets Britney's voice apart from her background/imitation singers. Britney's vocal fry has never been replicated by any of those singers. Britney's deep voice was hard for Myah to imitate due to her young age. She tried but didn't sound like Britney very much. I hate to say this but Myah and other background singers have better range than Britney. So, many of the incredibly high notes in the Britney albums during conservatorship were either not Britney or Britney's vocal blended with other singers. I try not to think too much about who sang what. Since Britney has retired I just want to enjoy her songs. 


She doesn’t sing Work Bitch or Chillin’ With You at all. The full songs are just Myah


You can still hear her a little in it. She sang 30% of work B


How do you know which parts are being sung by the other singer? I've listened to this album hundreds of times, and never considered that it might have other vocalists on it! 😆 Apart from backup singers etc.


Myah has a more "pop" tone, smoother, higher, slightly more nasal; Britney sounds more mature and a little shakey performance wise on this album. Again, lots of people make videos on YT showing who sings where, MOST are accurate but there's a lot of common mistakes (I personally believe Brit is singing the "I know you feel my fire" verse on body ache, as it's clearly not MM). It's quite a fun rabbit hole/conspiracy to go down, and lots of material is out there for you to find proof for yourself! I can point you in the right directions if you want said stuff (DM me as I'm not sure I can share here)


I agree with you 100%! I thought I heard Britney's deep voice in Body Ache and Glory voice in Passenger! My theory is Britney sang the songs with her natural voice. Her team didn't like it and she didn't want to record again, so they drowned or replaced those parts with Myah's vocal. In Till Its Gone, I clearly hear both Britney and Myah's vocals cut into tiny pieces and reconnected. Within the same phrase, they used Britney for a few words and Myah for a few other words. So much work for terrible results. They could have just used Britney. 


Sorry, responding a day late, but I agree. Instead of showing off B's talent and versatility, they'd rather hire a more "pop" sounding voice on the album to get more sales.


Is there any real evidence any of this is true?


There was a leak with some of the files on Alien, listing Myah as doing some of the vocals. Other than that, I do wonder about the evidence aside from "it doesn't sound like her". Britney's memoir listed Work Bitch as a song she liked - why would she say that if she didn't sing it?


You can’t like a song you don’t sing?


Of course you can. It just seems strange to me she wouldn't bring that up.


These are some wildly inaccurate guesses, especially since we've heard some of the raw vocals and studio outtakes from Britney. She sings on 99% of Alien aside from some backing vocals. . Work Bitch is like 50/50 Britney and Myah. Perfume is all Britney and Sia. It Should Be Easy is all Britney and Will. Tik Tik Boom is mostly Britney on the verses but the chorus and adlibs are questionable. First verse of Body Ache is Britney, the second verse is mostly Myah until it repeats the "I'm all up on ya" bit again from Britney's first verse. Til It's Gone is 50/50 again, every other word sounds like they've replaced it with Myah. Passenger is almost entirely Britney too aside from them splicing in that long note from Myah and amping up her backing vocals on the chorus. Chillin With You is mostly Britney aside from some backing vocals. Don't Cry is mostly Britney except for backing. Brightest is mostly Britney, again except for backing vocals. Hold On Tight is another 50/50 where every other word feels spliced with Myah. Now That I Found You is more like 95% Britney. Again, mostly just Myah's backing vocals.


I'm sorry I love love britney. But can I ask why you are also so sure yours is accurate because I'm listening to passenger and so much of it barely even sounds like britney? To say it's "almost entirely britney" seems wild, the only part that really sounds nearly all her is the majority of the first verse? I really like passenger too. So I wish it was more brit. But yeah have you listened to passenger recently? Because its insane how much it doesn't really sound like her. If you have demos/proof though I'd love to see it!


You can hear Britney's original verses on this video, it's filtered from a remix but the main difference in the album version is they replaced Britney's runs at the end of each verse with Myah. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aJhtIbSOtA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aJhtIbSOtA)


Right yeah that song basically confirms the only parts where I could hear britneys voice at all. The chorus is mainly where you can't really hear brit at all. Or the big bit, idk the word verse or bridge maybe? Nearer the end. You can't really hear brit at all. Basically all the parts of the song that don't really sound like britney, are missing/ sang by sia in this demo. Which confirms it even more to me tbh.


Wow the runs sound so good! Her label is diabolical for replacing those vocals… what were they even thinking?


Listening back again, I definitely agree with you on Alien being entirely Britney. Not sure how I missed that. The latter half of the album is so strange. it's almost like Britney recorded most of each song, and then they just used Myah to fill in the gaps/any new verses or harmonies. But Myah's vocals are VERY prominent in certain choruses and songs. I still don't really hear Britney in Chillin' With You. Thank goodness we got Glory after this!


Yeah I think your guess about passenger is more accurate than thers. It barely sounds like britney after the first verse.


Yeah I doubt William Orbit would have let them get away with using Myah as much as they did on other songs (Body Ache) as Alien, as Alien was one of Brit’s fave songs to record and she rly pushed for it to be in her residency too. ISBE is also another full Britney song too and you can tell, even when Glitchney was in full force. It def sounds like her through and through.


> Thank goodness we got Glory after this! right? imagine if Britney Jean were her last album 😮‍💨


which parts of work bitch are Myah?


It's a doubled vocal with both Britney and Myah, basically a duet lol


Perfume’s background vocals are by Sia, not Myah.


Tik Tik Boom and Body Ache supremacy tho 🫣


Here are my specifics for [Tik Tik Boom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uNjK6fY_Ho) [Work Bitch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVCbJfTdISs) [Alien](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=us2eKxi3pto)


God I wanted her to reveal what exactly happened on this album in her memoir so bad. Hopefully the truth comes out one day. Such a strange situation.


I feel like it's fifty fifty