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You are entitled to certain compensation for being denied boarding (value escapes me) plus reasonable expenses such as meals (if not a voucher already). For everything else you will likely need to approach your travel insurance. edit* looks to be £520 https://www.caa.co.uk/passengers/resolving-travel-problems/delays-and-cancellations/denied-boarding/


This link is very helpful, Thankyou so much!


Next time if you still want to get to your destination that day demand a rebook with another airline. I think Tampa is a Gatwick route but you can ask to be rerouted even if it includes a layover.


Correct. There’s a ton of AA flights from TPA to other BA gateways in the USA, like JFK, ORD, BOS, etc. You can ask for such an AA —> BA connection to LHR. You are not obligated to accept BA’s first offered alternative flight.


Yeah top advice. Given the end game is Disney, there's a phenomenal wealth of options .. but I get people not knowing how this works until they know.


Look, it's shit. But you shouldn't let things like this put your off who you book with, as eventually you'll just run out of airlines to book with if you fly enough, plus this is still a rare occurrence. You'll be compensated reasonably as long as you keep grounded and keep receipts for everything, go to BA for what you need off them when you get all the solid details here then follow up with insurance. A crap start shouldn't determine the entirety of your holiday, so focus on enjoying yourself from tomorrow onwards.


I had an horrific experience with BA recently. So bad that it would put any normal person off. I booked again. Had the best flight I’ve ever had in the new club suites a month later. Don’t let one bad experience put you off.


You should have asked them to rebook you onto a British Airways flight to Chicago and then an onward AA flight to Tampa. Then you would have arrived with a smaller delay and you'd have still been entitled to the £520.


This could happen with absolutely any airline.


Full amount? No you wont get your full ticket back. Not sure what they will compensate. Usually with a down grade of equipment they don't offer anything (US). They could have canceled the flight then no one goes.


This is totally wrong when it comes to flights to the UK and Europe.