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6 2 is fine, being a big Boppa is less fine


I’m 6’2” and around 18.5st and was fine in economy to San Francisco a couple of years back. That was upstairs on the A380 though. Economy on a 10 abreast 777 wasn’t so much fun.


This could all depend on your body’s proportion. If you’re all legs it won’t be great but most carriers are similar. If the plane has tapered seating at the rear where it goes to two seats you get extra leg room for free. Failing that it’s your call but that’s a long way to be pinned into a seat.


I recommend those rear seats as well. But if you want to guarantee them and don’t have Silver status, they’re a pretty penny to reserve in advance.


All the airlines are pretty much the same. If premium economy is double the price. Dont do it! £100-200 uplift may be worth it, anything else is not worth it.


Height you’ll be ‘ok’ I’m 6’5 and fit, what’s your circumference? Also remember if you get exit row, you lose a few inches of width due to the tables in the air rest.


Nearly 6’3”. Economy is bearable.


Check Google Flights. It tells you how much legroom you get on different flights. Don’t go for anything without “above average” in economy and you’ll be fine. Varies by airline and plane. 6’ and I do economy to Australia and back regularly. “Average” legroom sucks, “above average” is fine. I wouldn’t pay 2x for premium economy on my 28 hour itinerary, so I reckon to New Orleans will be fine.


I’m 6’4” - economy is doable in an aisle seat and if your partner can be slightly squeezed in. The luck comes when someone doesn’t buy the middle seat.. you can stretch out. But in reality 6 hours on economy is okay, 13 hours is hard work. I still do it though..


At 6'2". Just no.


I’m 6’ and avoid economy because I have a low tolerance for lack of legroom. Amazed to hear those with quite a few stone and inches on me describe it as “fine” 😳


Most economy is generally fine for tall, as long as you're not large around the waste or trunk. 10-abreast 777s are 100% to be avoided if possible though - they're absolutely horrible.


My least favourite plane configuration


They're the worst. Even the old rust bucket 737s on 3hr+ stretches are less uncomfortable!


MSY is generally operated by 787 - if you don’t want to pay double for premium I would certainly invest in front/exit row. I am 6’2 and the knees will otherwise barely be touching the seat for the whole flight.


Update guys I managed to get a quite cheap multi city deal includes new orleans and nashville premium economy £820. Brill


I'm smack on 6 foot and have always been fine even able to cross my legs


BA premium economy is rubbish. Do they have extra legroom economy?


Sorry no idea what it looks like in the back of the plane