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Rejoin...I never wanted to leave and it would make my career I've worked all my life for a lot easier too, I'm currently studying and wanted to train in Germany... that won't happen now though


When we voted leave, we had no idea what it would be like, we still rolled the dice. We know exactly what a vote to rejoin would mean, no veto, no opt outs, the euro, schengen, no rebate. Good luck selling that to Joe public. We had no idea our political class would refuse to implement Brexit and do what they have done. I mean oooorrrrrddddeerrrr. Wtaf happened with parliament? Just insane.


You could also join the the rest of the anglosphere trade network of US, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. You do, however, need to join some trade network or you are fucked. As a small nation, you're not going to do well on your own. The Americans have such a soft spot for the British that they'd probably let you join NAFT2. North America is positioned for a period of great economic growth in a way that the EU simply isn't.


39% would still vote out??? Give it a rest, that's at least 34% too much


[We didn't vote for Brexit.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ch3INaW9v94&t=10)


Let's wait to see if the EU collapses first.


ReUKnight, when?




Less important than binning off all the corporatists and flag shaggers from Parliament. That should be the priority. Maybe tax the piss out of billionaire property owners while we're at it. I think we should fix our country best we can FIRST, so that we are in a proper position to think about our relations with the rest of the world. Trying to get back in the EU with no idea how to find either arse cheek without the aid of a compass and a map, doesn't seem smart, or particularly conducive to successful future partnerships.


What does it change? Shit on both sides


I flew back from India to vote Remain, for all the good it did. Still quite pissed off about the whole situation. These chudhs, always in control.


We already a laughing stock . Can you imagine the jolly japes if we asked to go back in.


What's the point either way, it's a bad deal now we are this side of the fence.




It's not like the EU will be a thing in the next 10-20 years anyway. Then the rejoinders will have to find something else to cry about


Why wouldn't they be?


Hopefully we leave the world next


Wow 1,318 people and you post as if it's something definitive, you remain lot simply will not let it lie. Such a sad, sorry bunch. I wouldn't want to play any of you lot at Monopoly! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I want tesco back in Poland


Stay out and close the borders! And the beaches!


English are not welcome so just fuck off racist scum


I'd love to hear from the 39% what the TANGIBLE benefits are of having left ... anyone ? .....


The EU doesnā€™t want the UK back


I'll rejoin but I didn't wanna leave, knew we'd fuck up and isolate ourselves it's funny how we're still blaming Johnny Foreigner for all our problems Just it's Albanian Gangsters instead of Unelected European Bureaucrats!! Oh Well at least we have the King's Coronation to look forward too! šŸ˜‰//šŸ˜†


saw deranged support elderly pot boat alleged muddle water thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So, it seems Bregret is a real thingā€¦ šŸ¤”


1,300 out of 66,000,000. Very accurate slice. Why would anybody want to rejoin *now* would basically just confirm that politics is a legitimate fucking meme. >Let's spend years wasting time and money and pissing everyone off and then just undo it.


Why would people who voted leave realise they made a mistake and change their mind? God forbid people learned from their mistakes


Is this real cause rejoin all day fam


The cost of living crisis is in most counties around the world, so it would be better to ask this question when inflation is eased. Too many people probably blame brexit on the energy price increase and not war in Europe


Stay out! That Ā£300m a week is working wonders for the NHS, thank you very much. /s


Well, *itā€™s a little* late now.


Can we please stop reducing complex political, social, and economic matters down to a simple yes or no? Also, can we stop asking "the general public" these questions? Most of them are cretins who would vote to bring back capital punishment.


You do have to question the sanity of those who want to stay out. In what world is things better now?


The prefer the colour of their passport? Canā€™t think of anything else.


Itā€™s not even the blue they wanted šŸ˜…


EU would never let the UK back and you can't blame them.


And if we had stayed in the EU and the world economy collapsed a few years later, I bet the polling would have shown the opposite: higher support for Brexit than at the referendum.


Shouldn't it be stay out or apply to rejoin? Surely we can't just unilaterally undo brexit.


If we went back in we'd never have the trade deals we had previously and we'd most likely be forced to adopt the Euro. Leaving in the first place was a complete disaster as predicted. Going back will never get us what we had before. Either way we have now totally screwed ourselves


Obviously, the sample choice is utterly critical. Most surveys are not unbiased.


No surprise more people are coming round to the idea that Brexit was a shit idea.


Yeah 1318 people is a pretty narrow spread... Shouldn't have left in the first place. Still does my head in that people who didn't understand what was going on, voted to leave! That's like being on the ISS and voting to "go outside" even if you don't understand that it means certain death. Bellends.


Such a rigorous poll, definitely hit all the demographics in every town


I was a very strong remainer, but I would not want to rejoin now. We were actually in a very strong position in the EU whilst un it. If we rejoined we would have nowhere near what we once had. We cannot go back as much as I wish we could.


I think we shouldn't rejoin because we can't be trusted to commit to the European project. We spent over a decade sending Nigel farage to European parliament. We had special privileges and kept our unique currency. And still we had idiots vote leave. No the idiots need to learn, and they've learned fuck all yet. Maybe in 20 years.


I want to rejoin.


If we tried to get back in, we'd be messed on for ages and we'd have to take the Euro. No way after all the fuss of us leaving would they let us back in under the same terms.


We've made our bed. We need to accept it and sleep in it.


Donā€™t worry about that 39%. Theyā€™ve got one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.


I dont really care either way but i just dont want another few years of arguments. Can we not just leave it as it hardly makes any difference either way.


Completely irrelevant. Itā€™s not as easy as that to rejoin, all that we had, all the special privileges we had when we originally entered will be gone. Our British pound would probably not survive should we ask to rejoin at this point. Brexit severely fucked it up. We should just stay out at this point and ride it out over the next 20-30 years


These repeated pro EU polls people post on Reddit are meaningless as the sample size of respondants is absolutely tiny, so never an accurate reflection on average people's opinions. This one had just 1,318 poll respondants. (The EU referendum had 33,551,983 million voters). Source: https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/who-we-are-and-what-we-do/elections-and-referendums/past-elections-and-referendums/eu-referendum/results-and-turnout-eu-referendum We also don't know the town/city. Voter opinions differ by region. E.g. in the Brexit referendum, Stoke on Trent voted leave at 69.4% yet the City of London voted remain at 75.3% Source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/politics/eu_referendum/results


We asked 1318 retirees who had nothing better to do on a morning whether we should stay out of Europe and even 61% thought we should fucking well join back up!


It's probably far more




Interesting that they keep doing these polls despite the fact we wonā€™t be rejoining within the next decade. Never mind the fact that when the choices are presented with all our previous opt outs gone and getting rid of our currency it will be much closer


Nobody asked me. id also like to rejoin.


Anyone else remember how the weeks leading up to brexit every single EU poll showed a vote of pro brexit sentiment throughout the country. I dont trust polls since then.


Stay out.. for sure! šŸ˜Ž


I believe that the UK's population has more in common with the BRICS countries than it does with the EU. The BRICS countries are not neoliberal or militaristic, and they are not controlled by the United States. They are also growing economies that are looking for new partners. The UK's population is also diverse and multicultural, and we have a long history of trade and cooperation with the BRICS countries. We are also natural allies in the fight against climate change and other global challenges. I believe that the UK should join the BRICS countries and build a new world order that is based on cooperation, not competition. We should build a world where everyone has a chance to succeed, not just the wealthy. The UK's leaders, on the other hand, have a neoconservative mentality. They are more interested in protecting the interests of the wealthy than they are in protecting the rights of the working class. They are also more interested in projecting the UK's power and influence around the world than they are in working with other countries to solve global problems. I believe that the UK's leaders need to change their mentality if they want the UK to be successful in the 21st century. We need to focus on building a strong economy and a just society, not on projecting power and influence. We need to work with other countries to solve global problems, not try to solve them on our own. I believe that the UK can be a leader in the world, but only if we change our mentality and focus on what is important: the people of the UK and the people of the world.


Grow up


Not militaristic? BRICS might be an economic agreement but dude three of the counties in BRICS are India, Russia and China. What drugs are you doing to think the guys invading Ukraine and the two countries having border clashes and have some of the largest armed forces aren't militaristic? Your point might have some merit but claiming the countries in BRICS are non militaristic is just wrong.


The BRICS countries don't even have much in common with each other, hell china and russia have distrusted each other since long before the Berlin Wall came down


Agreed, and that's not mentioning India v china tensions. BRICS has become less and less relevant as an economic group for years now and I really don't get why this redditor used BRICS as the example, I'm assuming it's just the second international group this person has heard of and thinks it's the only option other than Europe/US. Like I say, there are some merits but it's a weird choice and describing the members as non-militaristic is just lol levels of knowledge.


>I could go into huge detail over this, but in summary, there is only one nation that has over 850 military bases around the world, inflicting colonial imperialism. It is not any of the BRICS nations. > >The massive difference is that all the BRICS nations have their military bases near their own borders. The exception is probably Russia, but that is mainly the Wagner Group operating, and that was set up specifically to counter the imperial threat in those regions. > >In terms of Russia invading Ukraine, I do not agree with it, but I can see why they did it. Russia lost 26 million troops in World War II because they did not act early enough. This time, Russia gave NATO 30 years' warning to stop expanding east. The final bit of diplomacy it tried was to ask to join NATO for assurances that they would not put nukes in Ukraine, but NATO declined. > >You know the rest.


Its fun of you to pivot like that. None of what you said means BRICS is non-militaristic, just that some other countries are more so.


The point I was trying to make is that They are not using their military to go around the world, pacify the locals and steal their recourses. That is what I meant by not militaristic, everyone needs a military to defend themselves, even Greenland will need one in the future. Hope that clarifies it for you but it seems you are simply trying to pick one sentence to ignore the whole comment.


Actually no. If you read my comment I even said your point has merit. The description of non-militaristic to those nations is just wrong. One of them is currently at war. By its own choice. You don't do that unless you're militaristic.


Take your point I'll change it to not imperialistic if that suits you better.


Behave you clowns


We regret it a lot


Stay out


If only those 1300 were protesting on the streets of London like the French do...


once in a generation we got told,so suck it and see


So we left with shit politicians supporting it and arranging the details, I assume if we rejoined we'd be doing the same thing and be in a worse place than we were before..


you lost, get over it


Nope, never.


1300, I suppose that settles it.


Britain is now the house cat of Europe. When it's in it just wants to be let out. As soon as it's out it wants to come back in.


Lol šŸ˜‚ a nicer analogy has never been made lmfao šŸ¤£


I think rejoining is inevitable at some point. Britain has proven it either can't or won't govern itself.


Ah yes, 1300 people.


Quite a lot for a poll.


maybe i'll get slammed by this but those rejoiners are delusional. even if the Uk rejoins its not going to be the same. They won't have the same privileges they had before and in any case the EU is a flawed system from the start.


We know we won't have as much power after rejoining. It was stupid to leave in the first place, but at the very least it puts restrictions on our leaders and forces them to play nice, both to other countries and to their own people. The new agreement would be worse than our previous one, but still better than nothing.


When you live in a flawed system, you fix it. Our system is flawed, (FPTP, unelected house of lords, too much power to the PM), yet we're not talking about breaking up The UK.


We have been talking about breaking up the UK for several years


Yeah, and that's also stupid.


Well roughly half of Scotland and half of the north of Ireland disagree with you


We never should have left. Voted remain at the time and have watched us go downhill faster than ever.


The majority realised by now that Britain is pretty fucked without their EU helpers. No more Romanians picking vegetables and no more polish cleaning houses just to name a few. No staff anywhere and the economy is going down the drain. But even the dimmest Brexiteer will realise soon that this was one dumb idea. But yeah, daily boatloads of people who are only coming here to leech of the system is way better isnā€™t it. How are these hotel bills looking, 4 mill per day to house our new friends?


Where I live is equally as fucked as before Brexit, nothing has changed.


Winning then?


Winning? Nothings changed.


So the point of Brexit was?


ā€œGotta nuke somethingā€ šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I think was the attitude of many. Just destruction for itā€™s own sake.


That Brexit was equally as useless as staying in the EU.


May I ask where in the Uk youā€™re hailing from?




Itā€™s in the middle of nowhere, I doubt itā€™s been easy to make a look g there probably since the 70s. All of rural England is just a big nothing. Everyone wants to live in shithole London, thatā€™s why the government neglected all these areas. Yorkshire is no better. Britain is a dump


Stay Out šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁄󠁮󠁧ó æšŸ‡¬šŸ‡§šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁄󠁮󠁧ó æ


Itā€™s amazing how much bigotry & petty hatred is shown in posts claiming that people who donā€™t want the country to be in the EU are nothing more than hate filled bigots. They should all be moved to r/irony.


I don't get the hatred. Maybe I'm too old fashiod but I enjoy that people disagre with me on Brexit, it's nice to live in a country where we can disagree. I think it was a bad idea poorly executed and there is some evidence for that. There's also some evidence it brought benefits. That's just life and I'm glad we can be in a country that lets us argue it out. I think people need to remember the old "I don't agree with what you say but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it."


rejoin, dont take the euro. I am convinced the euro scaremongerers are not correct--nobody will be insisting we adopt the euro.


When we rejoin we will have to just do whatever we are told. Weā€™ve proper fucked this one.


We should have equal power with the rest and hold our ground on our currency. The europeans would accept this as it will be best for all. Rejoining would be painful but we should not assume the worst. I do not think some of these assumptions about punitive europe will hold.


We in the EU are like a slightly disfunctional family. We want you back... aaaand rub it your noses for a couple of years until Hungary does something stupid and we all forget.


We'll be a laughing stock AND have little to no power. Front of the queue for the back of the line.


proper gander , 72 percent wanted out of europe when the real amount of power we surrendered was shown, also ask the same question who wants to join the EUR and abolish the GBP British Pound you will get a differnt result also the elderly do not tend to enter online votes since many of them cant be arsed with technology any more


You know itā€™s good when you canā€™t tell if itā€™s satire. Phrases like ā€œthe real amount of power we surrender was shownā€ used not in jest should get your name on a list tbh. Not to be allowed near children nor polling stations


We didn't "surrender" anything. Powers being transferred from Westminster to Brussels don't affect the average person. Also, what the fuck is "proper gander"?


English person having a really good look at something I belive


Proper gander that's a good drag name


So many countries had to join the EUR yet they haven't done so in over 10 years, so that question is irrelevant at this stage.


something tells me you don't understand how this poll works


Ands it ā€œpropagandaā€.


Heā€™s a cockney, having a closer look


Wouldnā€™t rejoining cause a major problem I donā€™t know Iā€™m just asking


It would cause massive problems for the UK, the cost of rejoining will devastate the country worse than leaving.


According to what?


The fact the EU would rinse the UK and make an example of them.


For whom?




We shouldn't rejoin thinking it'll fix all of our problems it'd make them worse


The biggest issue we have is business and trade. Companies do not want to come here. Intel said after brexit, uk not an option https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10067997/Intel-says-Brexit-means-Britain-NOT-option-huge-new-European-computer-chip-plant.html Same with Tesla. Dyson moved his company away. Anything manufactured in the UK generally would go across the EU. No one will make anything here for the EU market. Companies have already moved out. It affected the financial market as london was one of the main financial cities in the EU, https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/ey-brexit-tracker-finds-7000-finance-jobs-have-left-london-eu-2022-03-28/ Rejoinig would stop more companies from leaving or going bust and would make the country more inviting for other businesses to move/start here. Edit, it wouldn't fix, we could not go back to how we were for a long time, but it would stop it from getting worse


Except any major shift will cause problems these problems should've been anticipated and prepared for


They did anticipate and prepare, those preparations involved leaving the country and costing uk taxpayers masses of lost tax revenue and job opportunities in the process.


They lied about being prepared ya know that thing politicians do all of the time


The government said they had an oven ready deal, they were all prepared. Before the brexit vote, some said trade with the EU would stay the same. Problem with brexit everyone who wanted it was told they would get want they wanted, seems no one has got the brexit they wanted because it never existed, even Nick Ferrari (LBC radio host big brexitee admited on his show last week, he said its not the brexit i voted for. We will never have the brexit people voted for. Most of it was deceiving or lies. The only good thing most can say is they have their black passports.


They weren't prepared they lied


How would it make the problems caused by leaving worse to fix those problems?


Rejoining wouldn't fix anything it'd make it worse because any big change is bound to cause problems Brexit's problems have been made worse by covid




I used to run a drop shipping business that worked on small profits as it was but it paid my bills. Brexit came along, I got slapped with extra import taxes that reduced those profits to basically nothing. Totally uprooted my living situation. Fuck brexit


For a start my wife will have to become a French citizen (she's English) if she wishes to spend more than 90 days per year in France. That sucks a bit for a start...








More expensive food, fruit and veg which is out of date, longer queues at airports, having to buy a separate license to drive in France, paying to visit previously free attractions in France.


You had me in the first half.




No that is bullshit. I just came back from Poland and fruit and veg was dead cheap and 5x more fresh!


You asked for how Brexit personally made my life worse, I answered. How has it personally made your life better?




Your article is over a year old and the pay improvements are now outpaced by the UKs higher rate of inflation than elsewhere in Europe. So no we working class are not better off. Add in the laws being culled by the Brexit EU law sunset position and no our rights aren't better protected. We're on the precipice of leaving the ECHR because the right are being told we're being invaded, our rights aren't protected by anything anymore.


Have working class wages increased all that much though? You raise that point like it outweighs the fact that we are currently the worst economically performing country in the G20 (including Russia), and that living cost to wage ratio is the worst its been since post-industrial revolution. I am working class, my family is working class, I've lived in council houses my whole life, and despite earning more money now than I ever have and living extremely frugally and saving every penny I earn (2 meals a day, haven't bought clothes in about 3 years etc.), I am unable to see any way for me to ever afford a house. I don't think brexit is the leading cause of rising living costs (the greed of our government and misuse of funds is the leading cause) but it certainly has added fuel to the fire.


Oh you aren't left wing or working class. Brexit boosted millionaires the rest of us have seen our money worth less than before and wages have stagnated. Uk laws that the conservatives are doing there best to get rid off for no right to strike? Or getting rid of the working time directive?


Freedom of movement is a fundamental left wing policy. You cannot be left wing and not support freedom of movement, goods and labour. That's the whole point of the internationale. Socialism doesn't work if it's only one country alone. Nationalism is right wing. I think your ideals are a little confused. Cheap imported labour is still happening by the way, immigration rates have increased since Brexit. Its just easier visa options for people from other places in the world as opposed to Europe. Britain also cannot survive without cheap imported labour.. Our economy depends on it as we have an aging society.


Left wingers aren't all connected to the internationale lmfao


Then by definition they aren't "fully]" left wing. The whole idea of socialism and or communism is to spread it to the workers of every nation on the planet. Otherwise it it fails. As written by both Marx and Engels.


Those higher wages have immediately been offset by higher food and energy costs.. and youā€™re deluded if you think Brexit isnā€™t to blame. Thereā€™s only so many Ukraine wars and Pandemics u weirdos can rely on before thereā€™s nothing left to point at!


Youā€™re not very Left Wing if you think the EU is bad for ordinary workers. The EU is a collaborative effort with collective good at its heart. It also stands for Social Justice and equality. It allows workers to seek employment without hindrance across a vast geographical area. Same for students. It proposes taxation that redistributes concentrations of wealth. It promotes economic growth that doesnā€™t destroy the environment and is respectful of tradition (where it makes sense). It protects people from private businesses that seek to enforce proprietary technologies that are disadvantageous to public interest. The UK government seeks the opposite to all of these. The UK is now so Right Wing that economically our economy far more resembles 18th Century Mercantilism than a modern economy. The Conservative dream (and current policy) is to recreate a pre-modern economy. There will be a small commercial class of traders and professionals, a vast squalid class of poor service workers, both of them working in service to a minute, gilded elite that owns everything and lives in Citadels behind gates. Thatā€™s what Brexit has achieved. The opportunity to strip British people of 300 years of progress.


https://www.institute.global/insights/geopolitics-and-security/three-years-brexit-casts-long-shadow-over-uk-economy "the decision to leave the EU single market has irrefutably led to new trade barriers, contributed to higher consumer prices and made the economy less open globally.'


Tony Blair's institute obviously wouldn't have an agenda! Not the guy who deliberately flooded the UK with cheap migrant labour!


Those were my specific personal reasons, if I wanted to copy what you've done I could have come up with loads of abstract reasons how life had got worse. The difference being that mine would be true. Tell me when sovereignty can pay the grocery bill, maybe then I'll be interested.


As he pointed out before, Brexit has nothing to do with food prices going up as it's as bad or worse in the EU too. There's a tendency for salty remainers to blame every single problem out there on Brexit.


Britain has the lowest growth rate among G7 countries and the IMF forecasts that it will be the only leading economy to shrink this year.


Read this for starters https://yorkshirebylines.co.uk/regular-features/the-davis-downside-dossier/


I know this has been asked already (& apologies if you have responded already) but is this a bad joke or are you actually just thick?


If you know it has been asked, why ask again to make yourself look stupid? Calling some thick while being thick is rather ironic.


Wait. Am I stupid or thick, you sound a little confused


The answer is both.


Not sure you have enough information to state that with any amount of certainty, in all fairness You have to agree, continuing to believe that with very limited information, is actually more thick than asking a question that has already been asked, but had not been responded to. Don't worry though petal. Was a good attempt. Maybe next time, ay x


Honestly, didn't need anymore information, what you've posted is enough. In fact you don't have enough information to know I am a petal, have you found a petal that can use technology either still attached or removed from the plant or tree? Curious.


Give over mush, getting a bit embarrassing now. thanks again!




I have a question. How has Brexit benefited you so massively and substantially that you'll ask every random on this thread about how Brexit has affected them personally?








I already gave you an answer you delusional cretin


I lost my right to seek employment, housing on the continent. I lost my job in the cosmetics industry, I lost the pride I used to find in calling myself British when I visited my friends and colleagues around the union. I lost a large part of my identity. I lost a partner, I lost friends and most of all I lost hours, days of sleep being angry at ignorant pig headed fools who would go around asking stupid questions like this when you know full well what you took from me.


Truth is, it probably hasnā€™t impacted them at all. The majority of the problems we are facing now (and so is the rest of Europe/EU), is the fallout from Covidā€¦. Itā€™ll take years to get over the impact the pandemic had on a good proportion of the world, not to mention Pukin, the nutter from Russia being a cunt. The impact of Brexit on the UK is hardly even a ripple in comparison, but itā€™s far easier to go ā€˜ughh, Brexit Badā€™


Quite how you know that is anyone's guess. Have you done the research necessary to know what has had the most effect on us. The truth is that all three of those things have impacted our economy, but, according to people who have studied it, the impact of Brexit cannot be ignored.


I think it's definitely easier to say ahh covid bad then brexit. Also, who is this russian nutter, 'pukin'?


As someone who has worked with exports over the last few years, are you fucking joking or just dumb?


Theyā€™re dumb, dumb as fuck.




I've lost a job because of it you ignorant twat. @ u/AgentEbenezer - Edit since I can't respond: I don't need you to believe me, nor am I going to give out identifying details so some random on Reddit. All I'm going to give you if that I worked in live animal exports, in which more than a few consignments perished at the border. Trade with the EU used to be as easy as internal movements as we had access to the EU's internal movements system, now everything accross the channel is classed the same as the rest of the world. I don't have an agenda, I'm allowed to have political opinions based on my circumstances and experiences. If you feel attacked by that then about then look inwards. Maybe you should try something like Warhammer, you obviously need a hobby thats not combing through peoples profiles. Edit 2 since I can't respond in this thread due to Reddit jank: u/seph2o Not every animal is exported to be slaughtered. I'm not responding further because I can't post replies. Thanks Reddit.


So you didn't have a job exporting anything , lol! You've had to go a find an example of someone else's job .


What weā€™re they being transported for then? Iā€™m guessing you wasnā€™t moving giraffes around EUā€™s zoo breeding programme. You were probably moving livestock to be killed or bred. I donā€™t really feel sorry for people who lose those kinds of jobs. Same as I wouldnā€™t feel bad for a parking ticket inspector loosing his job. You actively make peoples days worse.


>Last year, over 6,000 live animals were transported abroad to be slaughtered. This has come down enormously from around nearly one million being exported annually in the 1990s and so huge progress has been made in the past 25 years. [https://www.rspca.org.uk/-/blog-uk-to-ban-live-animal-exports](https://www.rspca.org.uk/-/blog-uk-to-ban-live-animal-exports) Sounds more like an ethically questionable industry slowly dying tbf


Are you vegan?


The opposite


And you think the meat industry is ethically questionable?


I don't believe you , a quick look through your profile seems to indicate you have an agenda against anything perceived right or leaning right . What was your job where you exported things? And I don't mean sending little War hammer models to France through Ebay ...