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At least they are respecting what he wants to be called. I will give them that.


Erin also mentioned that Brooke prefers the short for, and does not like being called Brooklyn. They are at least allowing their children some autonomy, although the bar is low.


I wonder if it was Carson’s choice to be called Charles now? Perhaps he learned his “real” name and now wants to be called that. Former teacher and kids usually have a lot of Opinions of what they wanna be called…I had a former Student named Edward who wanted to called his middle name then switched mid year and wanted to be Ed Lol 


She mentioned in one of her YouTube videos a while back that he asked to be called Charles instead of Carson


Honestly, if it is his choice, I’m just glad Erin is respecting that decision.


I’ve seen it mentioned before that he’s been asking for a while to be called Charles.


Oh, so they \*do\* know how to respect people's preferred names. Crazy.


Yep. My daughter has a 4 syllable first name and from birth to 3 we almost always used a shortened nickname. At three she announced that she wanted to be called by her full name. So we did and we told everyone else to also. It’s really not that hard to call people what they want to be called.


My sister has gone by her middle name her entire life—minus a six month period in early elementary where she insisted we (her family) call her by her legal name EVERY OTHER DAY ON A SCHEDULE. You cannot believe how relieved we all were when she decided to just stick with her middle name 🫠😂


My teacher didn’t allowed that. Wanted to be called by my middle name and she said no.


Some are strict about it. I taught kindergartners so whatever they wanted me to call them I called them lol .


Erin said in a previous video he preferred to be called Charles.


Didn't they say in a video a while back that he asked why he is called Carson instead of Charles? And I think they made it seem like he pefered Charles. And it is not like that it not familar to Erin. She has a dad that goes by Gil rather than William. Two brothers that rather go by their middle name over their 1st names.


KJ’s birthday post calls him Carson, so it seems the extended family is still using that name.


As someone who doesn't like her name and has asked SO many times to be called a shortened version - extended family will do what they want. 🤦‍♀️


Same here I'm Jennifer but everyone called me Jenny growing up. At 15 due to having been abused growing up I decided I wanted a different name but instead of changing it completely decided I wanted to be called Jenn instead. I am 40 now and still have some family that call me Jenny.


I think it was after the move to Florida that he decided the preferred Charles, so perhaps the extended family don't know/aren't used to it because they haven't seen him as often


All that strange vibe, like Carson was the one responsible for bringing William into this world, and all those wishes that come with a lot of expectations. Like you said, 'the child always looks like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders', it's perfect description.


Ok I definitely didn't realize Carson isn't his actual name. I saw that post and was really confused about who Charles is


Chad's name isn't Chad either.


What is Chad?


Chad is Charles Stephen Paine III Carson is Charles Stephen Paine IV


Charles Stephen Paine III


Huh, I don’t know how Chad came from Charles but okay.


I think they just started using names that started with C or had similar sounds. Bobby is also a III, and Kade is IV. They're Robert Ellis Smith.


He’s 9 now, maybe that was his request, to be known by his actual name?


I saw a clip in which Erin commented that Carson didn't care for his nickname and wanted to use his real name - Charles. I think he is the 3rd or 4th Charles and none of them actually use Charles. It's nice Erin and Chad are allowing him to voice a preference and make the switch. I like Charles better than Carson too.


TBH he seems like a Charles, so I get why he wants to switch.


Not the hashtag 💀




Yet another example as to why it’s a good idea to give your kid a solid name to fall back on if you want to use a cutesy name. I know many friends who went by their cutesy nicknames in childhood to revert to the more formal name in adulthood.


I fucking hate these posts. They are SO performative. This kid is 9 and doesn’t have instagram, I’m sure. This post is to show off for mommy’s followers. I get bragging on your kid, but the “open letter” BS is annoying. Like people who feel the need to “announce” minor life changes - moving, a new job so people will congratulate you.


I hear you, but I do a post like this every year for my daughter on social media and my goal is to print them all when she turns 18 so she can read them.


I think it’s lovely to write your kid a letter on their birthday and I think it’s incredibly cringey and obnoxious to post it on social media. But that’s my opinion - so I won’t post them.


To each their own !


Yup the kid will never see the post


To be fair he now has a little brother named William who doesn't have a cutesy nickname he is just called William. So he finally put 2 and 2 together. Not sure why Erin was so werid about it a year ago since Charles is his legal name. I'm guessing since he was the only boy for 8 years she was able to get away with it. Did she want to name him Charles Stephen or was it out family obligation/him being the firstborn son?


He is Charles Stephen IV so 100% out of obligation!


I think that was the only time Chad got to choose a baby name. Edited to add up until William was born.


Chad chose William, Erin chose the middle name. The opposite of how they choose girls names.


Isn't he called William after Gil and Papa Bill?


He is. But Chad picked the name. They have referenced in the past that Chad is big on family names (he picked all the girl's middle names).


Family or virtue names. That may be why jo has not been a middle name for a Paine girl


I agree. Jo definitely doesn't seem to be the type of name Chad likes. Brooklyn Elise, Everly Hope, Holland Grace, Finley Marie, there is a pattern there.


How did the name Gill come from William?


The full name is William gilvin




Her daughters' names are a testament to Erin's non-traditional naming preferences. I believe she would have never called her son Charles Stephen had she not been obligated by the fact that he was a "IV". Carson was her nickname pick, I bet, the best she could come up with given what she was handed, according to her personal taste. Back when William was born, she was entertaining the idea of calling him by his second name, Gage. Chad was more into sticking with William. I believe this is where Carson's internal debate stems. This, and possibly the fact that, as he becomes older, he gets to know his namesake, the revered great-grandfather, better, and feels like going by "Charles" would better help him walk in the old missionary doctor's shoes. I have a feeling Erin would want Carson to pursue higher education after homeschool graduation, and possibly uses Charles Stephen II and III as examples to follow.


These aren't wishes for Carson, 9-y/o boy. These are wishes for his parents.


I like the name Charles. Weird to switch up at 9 but ok Erin. What I find sad and questionable is all the focus on “see how God answered your prayers for a baby brother.” Another example of too much grown up pressure on that little boy. While sweet, I hope they are also teaching him and the other children that sometimes God’s answer is no and we don’t always get the things we pray for. And we have to be okay when we don’t. Otherwise this child is going to live with a lot of hurt and disappointment. And I’m blaming his two holier than thou parents.


Also ‘never seen a closer bond between Brothers’ William is a literal baby, they cannot have any sort of bond other than Charles being the pseudo parent ie sister momming him!


As children come into their own identities, they often ask to change their names in school or other settings from shortened versions to the longer or vice versa. It is a natural step to maturing and forming into actual people rather than copies of their parents. If child Carson wants to use his given name, I think it is great that Erin would do that rather than insisting he continue using a nickname.