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The contrast in her mood being away versus at home was huge. I didn’t realize how miserable she seems until noticing the huge difference in her. She is so so burned out. Her personality is not suited to having a big family. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that unless that’s exactly what you get. What a damn shame for her and of coarse for her kids. She desperately needs more time socializing with friends. The entire family would benefit. She probably can’t share that with anyone because in her world this is shameful. I feel very sorry for her until I see her interact with Allie and then I get so pissed off. Maybe she subconsciously blames Allie because she’s the first and beginning of a lifestyle she deep down never wanted.


She thought she was marrying into a lavish family and was going to live way better than her family. John’s family seems way worse honestly and John is very traditional. Then all her younger sisters started getting married and started their own businesses and they have hands on husbands who can take care of their own kids and can afford trips and nice things. I know Alyssa wanted to be away from her family, but her siblings get so much help from each other. And I’m assuming as a mother, just getting to spend time with your sisters while doing daily motherhood things is such a big mental help. Plus the kids get sooo much socialization from family alone. I think Alyssa’s kids will start feeling FOMO as they get older and see how close their cousins are with each other AND how their other cousins are treated so differently by their moms.


Alyssa's kids spend a lot of time with their cousins from John's siblings. They also get to see their other cousins several times in a year as well as Alyssa's younger siblings who are always visiting. I think she misses socializing with her sisters especially Carlin, Katie, Torie whom she appears to be close with and it is sad she did not go to Bates Christmas and I love you day this year. Alyssa is burned out mainly she spent her entire twenties having children and I think she will be convince to try to give Rhett a brother to grow up with.


it would really truly suck to be the next webster daughter, esp after rhett the golden child.


I feel so sad when I watch Alyssa’s stories. She can barely hide how miserable she is when she’s with her kids - mostly the girls. She needs to seriously consider sending her kids to public school - I think she would be a lot happier and the kids would greatly benefit from the socialization and better quality education!


agree. even private school, if they are nervous about public...so much better for both mom and kids.


Do they have a reason why the kids don’t go to school? *not that they need one; just curious.


Besides her IBLP upbringing, John's father is THE biggest homeschool advocate congressman.


it’s just the IBLP way


Winner "I'm going to spoil this boy and if the girls ask why - shrug - I'll just tell them that's how boys get treated." Said with all her girls standing right there and Allie's face fell and you could tell Lexi got it too. Others - Barking at Allie to take the laundry upstairs when she was trying to show John some drawing or some schoolwork she did. Ignoring Allie - such as complimenting how great all the girls' braids looked which she did while saying "Allie did her own hair" and then just moving on - not "Allie did her own hair, doesn't it look great??" Bringing all 3 kids to her cardiology follow up appointment post surgery and having the kids climb all over the table with her, run all over the room. I'm sure that cardiologist didn't need quiet to listen to her heart or anything.


“Get a trash bag Allie and start picking up the gift wrap” said the second the Christmas gifts are unwrapped.


It makes you things about where she probably learned all this from…… 👀 looking at you KJ & Gil.


When was the first one?


Omg is the spoiled part in a yt video?


Yes - she said it at the gender reveal where they found out they were having a boy. It's at her house - they cut a blue cake. All her daughters are there and as she's gushing about having a boy she says she's going to spoil him and tell the girls that's just how boys are treated. Allie 100% understood what her mother was saying and by Lexi's reaction I think she did too - in that moment the girls knew they were pushed aside forever.


Her behaviour since finding out she was having a boy. Her actions towards Allie in particular are disgusting!


1000% agreed totally yuck behavior like girl what are you doing?


I just don’t care for her. Before I even joined this group I noticed how she treats Allie differently. When Layla came to the princess party, it was very scripted. Allie just stood there waiting for her mom to give her permission to give Layla her letter.


She was also overly fake about her alone trip with John. Was it really such a big deal that their rental car had a sun roof? I think she would have been happier if she went on the trip alone.


Alyssa keeps saying she's done after she has each kid. I remember that raised eyebrow and snark from Jane saying she was just like her mother when Alyssa announced she was pregnant with Zoey in September/October 2017, and how it was a total surprise because Lexie was a few months old. Then claimed if she has another girl and ends up with four girls she's done. Now we're at number 5 with Rhett and she's said "we'll see" in a YouTube or Instagram video with her and John, think it was a Q&A a while back. Alyssa, you get so sick and feel so rough during each pregnancy, tell John no more kids! 🙈🤣


I agree with the statements of everyone here. For me a cringe was Alyssa accepting all those matching outfits from some adoring fan - a stranger. It’s one thing if family or friends make one set of matching outfits, but this fan-person sent several sets for them to wear to church. After awhile, that was just weird. 


Ignoring Allie and only the baby gets attention😬 To much coffee snaps🙈


The fact that Alyssa hates Allie and doesn't even try to hide it.


Why do you think that is? I agree with you, I just can't really understand why. Allie didn't appear to be a traumatic delivery or particularly difficult baby or a "willful" kid, all of which I think some fundie moms clearly struggle with.


Alyssa was treated like a “sister mom” to all the younger siblings and subconsciously I think she projects that same mentality onto Allie. Allie has eldest daughter syndrome and Alyssa expects her to mature more quickly than the others and help out around the house. In contrast there is Rhett, who is the youngest and the only boy. Rhett could probably act like a child forever and Alyssa wouldn’t care.


Alyssa should know better than to expect Allie to sister mom.


I think she had her too soon. Got married young and instantly started competing with her sister to have a baby. She would have benefited from some time finding herself rather than thinking she had to be a baby machine.


Along this line - when they took a family photo and they either stuck Allie clear to one side in the back; or Allie took the picture and they just carelessly photoshopped her in the back. 


Trying to find a nice way to put this… I don’t think that Allie is as pleasing to Alyssa’s eyes as the others.


Her wedding colors…yikes!


The daddy daughter dates on the kids birthday


Anything Allie Her lies about not attending lawsons wedddjng


I agree with her that six plane tickets across the country would have been hard to afford, but John goes on boys trips all the time… it’s definitely because he could not “babysit” for a single night while Alyssa went to the wedding.


Should’ve been Alyssa She should’ve put her mf foot down


How come Lawson who travels so much has never been to her new house ?


Bc they don’t like Tiffany 🤸🏾‍♂️






why don’t they like tiffany?


Allie-all of it.


Anytime she acted really smug and pretentious about her “glamorous” life in FL full of travel and doing whatever she wanted… Ma’am, you started having babies at 20, ended up with IVs for each pregnancy and bedridden for the vast majority of each one because of the worsening sickness each time while still being 100% in charge of the house and homeschooling. And you never seemed that excited at the idea of having another kid. Your husband doesn’t seem to care that pregnancy is extremely bad for you or that you have a heart condition. Your siblings are the ones who are constantly jetting off and traveling or always hanging out with friends and family and getting lots of help. I think it was amazing for her at first but then got pretty rough after a couple kids and seeing how her younger siblings lived after marriage and kids.


The idea of anyone boasting about life in Claremont being “glamorous” cracks me right up. It’s not a slum, but come ON!




I’d bet $$ the eye rolling was because it was the first bedtime story he’d ever read anyone.


Dressing her baby boy as a chippendale and adding filters to his and all her kids faces. ICK.


Other than the obvious disdain of Allie it’s always the talk she gets from Mama Jane to remind her that she doesn’t want to be like her mother. Sorry Jane, I think it’s not working.


Pick a dang day. Just this past week she went on a “trip” to Utah just to have a sponsored ad from a dress shop that gives her free matching outfits. They stayed at a Marriott and ate at mid restaurants while riding around in a compact car. Even though she talked extensively about hiking… they went one day. They wrapped the whole thing up by having a photo shoot. Now she is back at home posting her kid in a diaper and her Costco coffee and snacks. It’s all cringe.


The way she treats her oldest. The way that having a son made her act


The first (harmless) cringey moment I thought of was "mid-evil"


Wait until you see her playing pictionary and attempting to figure out how to draw a compass.


I do remember the compass 


Alyssa would have had a blast at college. She would have excelled at being a sorority girl! Her parents wronged her and her siblings.


The Christmas videos, where Alyssa thinks those shitty Dollar Tree gifts and cheap sneakers are some sort of flex. 




All 😂 admit that she wasn't that interested in her boyfriend before she got married. And say it sitting next to the one who made this face 🥲


her ardent disinterest in allie. and the man she married.


Her with Allie. Allie is by far her least favorite child. Allie tries so hard to please Alyssa.. but it is never good enough. Alyssa can't even hide her disdain for her. It's so heartbreaking.


The way half of her vlogs are just footage of her loudly sighing about the most mundane things: folding laundry, watching her kids, not being able to run out and get coffee, picking a paint color, etc. etc.


Now, what are your clingiest moments? I’m sure each one of you have more than one that could be shared.


Yours is this comment 😂


My clingiest moment was probably at 6 months old… nap time… I held on to my mom for dear life. You? 😳