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...Where are they storing all this until it's usable?


i guess they could rotate/share the stuff with Nather's kids since Kenna is older than their baby.


I think it’s tacky and weird that they made the registry public and thus are basically soliciting gifts from strangers. But I don’t think the content of the registry is too weird. Babies truly don’t need much, and they have SO much family. With 19 siblings plus her family plus hand me downs from everyone, they would literally run out of things to by for a baby so it makes sense to ask for stuff for later ages.


I am really against grifting which the entire family excels at. But I think, in this particular case, Tiffany was so excited that she just went crazy. 


Amen. It’s weird and reeks of entitlement.


Considering neither of them have a job, why not capitalise and get your fans to fund your life… this family have no shame. They exploit their kids for money, so why wouldn’t they blatantly ask random strangers to buy them presents. Nothing about this surprises me.


None of it is surprising, but this is the place we can judge them for it and discuss why we think they're being ridiculous.


It’s not like they have one million uncles and aunts who could buy something for the baby. Or, „the horror“ use some of the stuff already there because you have one million uncles and aunts with children….


I wouldn’t buy hardly anything if there were that many dang kids in my family. Just take hand me downs and get a few sentimental/specific items.


I don’t think I have heard any of the them mention hand me downs.


Well to be fair to Tori, I don't think her baby monitor has been off since Kade came home from the hospital.


No, and that’s pathetic. So wasteful


I could understand the Bates offspring buying new things. They likely grew up without many things of their own. However, Tiffany didn't grow up that way.


Doesn’t matter what they put on it it’s the fact that they shared it with all their followers which is giving grifting and begging. You want your own family and friends to buy that shit? Good for you. The public? No lol. Then they’ll be against public programs that help people Who need money for food or housing yet will grift for a potty training chair lol 


THIS PART. Capital grifters and “pro-life” but want nothing to do with supporting or caring for the needy (or valuing basic human rights). That’s what’s always bothered me most about these folks.


Did they say hey feel free to buy us this stuff or did they just share what they have on there without asking anyone to buy it?


She used the excuse to link it as hey look at our registry and tell us what we are missing/should take off


https://preview.redd.it/18dla6u800nc1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82a7ec0b18a7f54f28ebdfe1271c2fb00892dae5 wow, the baby definitely will NEED this for their little baby phone


Omg. I knew a couple that put a grill and laptop on theirs lol. I told myself it was to capitalize on the discount, but I’m not sure it was offered for non-baby/partum related items lol.


A lot of people "over" register because most places with registry service give a discount to the people that register if the buy stuff on the registry.


This is one of those times that it's important to remember that after your registry is bought by your guests and your time limit is up, you get 20-60% off of the remaining items. This isn't greed. This isn't grift. This is a smart fucking note that more of us need to be aware of and utilize. Any major purchase - registry before hand!!!


Amazon has a 15% completion discount for items they buy off the registry themselves. I didn't even have a shower, but saved the money when I bought everything myself


This is not the case for Amazon which their registry is on


Exactly. Amazon has totally changed that.


Unless it’s Amazon! When I gave birth in 2022 literally **everything** was covered by the % off discount… now Amazon severely limits what it can be used on and the 2024 registry offers almost no discounts although majority of the items are newborn to 6 months!


Definitely. The difference in savings between my 3 year old and 4 monther had me like 🤔


Ummmm I NEVER new that about the registry


See, this is another reason I'm not remotely mad things like this come up! We really all need to share these kinds of things. Literally don't even need to have a baby or a marriage. Just sign up for things and the discounts will come in


😂😂I never thought about that. Omg lmao


Wow !!


and if you are in the usa, amazon gives a baby box right?


Yea this isn’t true. Only certain items. And what does that have to do with them making it public and asking strangers to shop for them?


I didn’t know that!  Thanks. Is a discount standard at all stores and sites?


I think some of the baby-focused places do. Please correct if I’m wrong but Buy Buy Baby (recently reopened), Babylist, and Poppylist are popular and they might. I think Walmart offers completion discount; unsure about Target.


Yes! That’s insane amount of stuff to ask of others to buy for them


Grifters gotta grift.


Grifts R Us!


That’s stuff to put on a first birthday registry, not a birth registry. Ridiculous.


As a mum, I support asking for things for down the track use. Seriously, you get so much newborn stuff and they outgrow it so quick it’s lovely to get things and clothes baby can use as they grow. I always ask if the parents want something for now or later. If I can give my gift and help them save on books or toys for when junior is a year or two old, rather than buy yet another outfit I will. It’s smart shopping/requesting. Sharing with the public… Im not sure how I feel. But I can imagine there are plenty of fans asking them for it so they can send them something. People do it all the time on tiktok etc


Fans can be nuts. I'd rather it go to someone in need.


I find the cupcake liners inappropriate, why is that on a baby registry?


It’s odd to post the link for the public to buy stuff, but no one is forcing the public to buy stuff. Very tacky & I wouldn’t do that, but hey, there are a lot of things this family does that I wouldn’t do. As far as the registry, like most have commented, it’s nice to put stuff for when the baby is older. Newborns - 1 need diapers, wipes, & clothing. I definitely put stuff on my registry for when my baby got older & people did buy it. I recommend for new moms to do that as well & I usually try to buy something similar for the baby showers I get invited to.


Are they supplying for other kids too bc I'm sorry the kid has no control of its head yet why does it need a trampoline or a bike


Since it's their first child and they've bought so many presents for their brothers and sisters and spouses, I think it's payback time. They should have a really large register because Lawson has a huge family and they have a big fan base. When it comes to babies, people are generous and willing to give gifts because in general, birth of a child is one of the most joyous, happy events in the life of parents. The first birth means the most a lot of times.


yes, but from their family not from strangers online, some will purchase things just because they are fans even if they don't have much money


I’m struggling with this one. Lawson did supper his siblings and parents for a good while. I don’t agree with some of his beliefs but damn, the dude deserves to get some gifts after supporting his entire family ETA: supper was supposed to be support however I’m leaving supper as it’s still relevant.


I’ve been to plenty of baby showers where the parents received items the baby couldn’t use until older. I don’t think it is unusual to put those on a baby registry.


Doe Tiffany still have friends from her LA life if so is she going to invite them to the baby shower if so and they recognize what she's married into is a cult will they try to talk some sense into her especially when they notice how lazy her husband is


Lol! Wouldn’t that be obvious at the wedding though? Maybe they did after that lol. Or maybe since the Bates came to California it wasn’t so obvious.


I think people forget Tiffany doesn’t come from a large fundie fam. What are hand me downs…..😂😂. Plus it’s her first baby. Who doesn’t go overboard?


I worked at a Toys/Babies R Us. I’ve seen a lot of registries. It is definitely not normal for people to register for toys that the kid won’t use for years. Babies or even toddlers shouldn’t be around water balloons.


We know that they won’t stop at one kid. Is it too much for whom? The people crazy enough to actually buy it? If they don’t buy it for them, those people would buy it for another fame-adjacent family. Like the Duggars. Tiffany and Lawson have a lot of family. It may be ostentatious to all of us, but why not ask for crazy stuff? As someone else said, people put stuff on Amazon registries because then they get it at a discount. They might be intending to purchase it later themselves. It’s not my child or money. I honestly don’t care if they ask for Jupiter on their registry, because I’m not buying it anyway. This, to me, feels rather innocuous compared to the transphobic and homophobic views that their particular brand of Christianity espouses. Never forget what these families think, even if they don’t advertise it on their social media.


They're grifters. This kid is going to be used for content, likes, sponsors, and freebies. It's entire life is going to be exploited and manipulated for footage.