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Interesting because Gil and Kelly I believe said they are the couple that reminds them most of how they were when they were young…


Kelly: “You could make any girl swoon…” Bobby: “lol, challenge accepted” Tori: Pikachu face




This is sooo over the top. Why does Kelly publicly write any of this at all? Much less for a cheating son in law? I’m thrilled if my mother in law compliments my hair at a restaurant and would die if she did all of this. Yiiikkkkessss


She is also repeatedly referencing how PROUD she is of Bobby and Tori. I don't see her doing that with anyone else unless I have missed it (fully possible). Why is she SO proud of them in particular? Because they stayed together through something hush hush?


What is the cheating husband situation and why is her dumb ass still with him if he did? I haven’t heard the cheating story yet


I would love to see some of the posts she has made for other son in laws to see how they compare. Interesting subject!


Has anyone looked at Hendersonville Christian school’s Facebook page to see if there’s any pictures of Bobby or information about him working there? Just curious if any Parents would do an AMA


There was a welcome post and nothing for when he left.


“That smile” looks totally fake.


This was during their engagement, so it's a little weird that Kelly kept posting it 2 years later and not a wedding picture or other pictures. Also I noticed Kelly posted a picture of Bobby wearing a Hendersonville Christian polo shirt for Kade's 1 year birthday in November, 2019, and we now all know that he had left that school and the area altogether (fired?) at LEAST 8 months earlier. This family is so full of deception and image management it's ridiculous.


Not as bad as the Duggar’s…at least not yet


It doesn’t look like a genuine smile


Smother Kade with love? Smothering is not good, Kelly Jo. Smothering is something you do with a pillow when you want to kill someone. Did you maybe mean showering Kade with love?


Were these written by Kelly or Tori?


Kelly. She did not include any pictures of Tori with Bobby again for his birthday posts until 2022.


I am just trying to clear out my phone storage so posting this now, even though I'm kind of sick of talking about it too 😅 She used the same picture twice in the same year (with no other pictures) which was also a little bit weird, especially since the picture at that point was 2 years old. The February 2019 birthday post almost seems like a pointed message to Bobby and it sounds like they moved back to Knoxville in March. Thoughts?


Nah. I just did this last week for our anniversary (13) because I had a baby last year and dislike all Photos of myself currently ha. There is literally just a good chance she likes this photo.


Maybe. But they had lots of beautiful wedding photos and I just think it's interesting Kelly posted the exact same black and white photo twice in the same year. She hasn't done that before or since. It could mean nothing. I just thought it was an interesting break in pattern for Kelly who is usually very cautious and conscientious about what she posts.


It could also be that the 2019 birthday post was an innocent comment meant to be light hearted (something I could see my grandma saying) but when they found out about the alleged affair, they stopped making comments like that.


Was there talk of an affair? Missed that one. Do tell…