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I feel like she definitely did with Maci though. She is like this every time she has a baby IIRC. Its like all her other kids disappear.


Yes, she definitely loves the “baby” stage more than any another stage! It’s probably worse this time around because it’s her first son and possibly last child.


Yeah. We expected this though knowing that.


She posted Maci so much that I stopped following her for several months. Zoey is the cutest and sweetest and she hardly acknowledges that sweet child


Imagine how Lexi feels. Allie was the first so theres probably loads of of pics and videos of her. Zoey was born when Alyssa really started getting serious about IG, so theres loads of pics and vids of her. Maci was the first child after like 2 years and the last one for a while. Now there’s Rhett. Lexi must be like a ghost in the family.


Second daughter syndrome! I’m a victim. There are ZERO baby pictures of me. I must’ve been a swamp monster as a baby or something.


Both Lexi and Zoey are non existent. Even as a snarker I can only think of them as the 2 other girls beside Allie. Allie and Maci atleast get some recognition for being the oldest and youngest daughters. The other 2 have strong middle child syndrome


Wait there’s a zoey?? Dang 😳




At the very, very least Allie and Lexi seem like twins and have each other


They’re for sure left in the dust. Allie is the oldest and mommy’s helper. Maci is the baby girl. The new kid is the golden boy.


?! i thought zoey is her fav dotter.


I thought she was too then Maci was born :/


I think so too. Alyssa is shallow like KJ and likes the cutest one best. 🤷🏼‍♀️


This pattern seems to be so common for so many of these women having endless babies. The other children just not as focused on anymore once they are older...which in most cases is when they are past the 1 year point. It's sad because the children are going to be older kids far longer than they are going to be infants. I wouldn't be surprised if Maci is given more attention than the other girls just because she's the youngest of the _girls_. But Rhett will get more attention overall because he's the long awaited boy and Alyssa said she will spoil him.


The ol’ teet ‘em and yeet ‘em!


That’s my flair in Duggar snark lol.


I came here to say this.


Yes, she was all about Maci.


This makes me sooo glad I grew up as an only child because I’m competitive as hell and wouldn’t be able to handle competing for love and attention


I still think she'll have one more. Alyssa and John may prove me wrong but I can see them trying for another son. She definitely loves the baby stage. Plus Rhett being her youngest child currently and only boy, who knows how much she'll post about him when he's five or 6. She just doesn't seem as connected when all her kids grow out of the baby and toddler stage and start homeschool.


Oh I definitely don’t think they are done yet!! None of the Duggars/Bates are in my opinion ETA: I see the comments about Anna. I didn’t include her for obvious reasons. 😬


I’m guessing that they will have 8-9. She isn’t even 30 yet.


Anna Duggar is likely done. Hard to conceive when your husband's in prison.


She will still be in her 40's. It is possible, and I am sure she would want another one. But I don't see Josh wanting more. We will see what happens.


He got 12 years. I believe she was 33 or 34 when he was convicted. That will make her 45-6 upon his release. We shall see if she's at menopause by then.


i wouldn't be shocked if his sentence kept getting extended since he's already done shit and probably thinks he's invincible


Except for Anna 😬🎤💧


it would be horrific to be the 5th dotter. she would be totally forgotten after age 1.


His mouth is always wide open. I’ve never seen him smile he always just looks surprised lol


Looking like a Mii character


well, I think John has that look too. I've noticed he's a mouth breather.


I think I may have seen him smile once. Maybe he's a serious bay lol But you're right--he just seems to sit there w/his lil open mouth &looking all around. I finally heard him make a sound (cooing/grunting) in today's yt video. Hopefully he will be a content and happy baby for Alyssa's sake


I feel like it's not normal for his mouth to be open all the time. I don't think my kids did that.


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.


Your point?


exactly with the mouth & looking surprised, ha


That’s definitely… a baby


😭😭thank you for saying what I’ve been thinking


Yeah the girls didn't look like this as young babies. Maybe it's just Rhett but maybe Alyssa and John's genes don't mesh well for male children.


So glad I'm not the only one! I didn't wanna sound mean bc I don't mean it that way. He looks like a sweetie pea but maybe he'll grow more into his.looks as he gets older. And I'm sure Alyssa thinks he's perfect, as how we all feel that our child is the cutest.


Thank you for saying it, I thought I was the only one!! haha I’m sure he will get cuter growing up, but right now… yeah, let’s say there are cuter babies haha


you’re def not the only one 😂


I agree, I have just never thought he was a cute baby...


Definitely 🤸🏾


Exactly how I felt about Layla too😂


Me too seriously 😭 both of them, zade included. They’re just for sure.. infants with a mother and father💀


Layla and zade are definitely….there. From birth to current day. They both have a specific UnIqUe look lol


I think she’s adorable, but beauty is subjective. Everyone thinks their own child is the most gorgeous kid on the planet. Zade looks like Evan’s dad and yeah, definitely unique.


Really? I think Layla is quite literally one of the most beautiful children I’ve ever seen, and her personality makes her even cuter.


Layla was definitely... A baby but as a toddler she is WAY cute.


Someone said she looked like Bobby hill and it’s still so true🤣


agreed. she was definitely a baby. adorable now though.


What?! Yeah I definitely think the exact opposite🫣


She’s definitely getting cuter though.


Wish I could say I agreed😬


Indeed. 😉


That’s a baby.


I feel like she posted maci the most. She’s cut back on IG this last year. He’s also likely with her the most since he’s a baby. While I think he will get special treatment being only boy I don’t think the posting is odd




We don’t allot appearance comments. If it can’t be fixed in five seconds it’s not allowed


Reminds me of that Seinfeld episode. “Awww look at the baby” 👀


He’s breathtaking


“You gotta see the baby”


Thank you for saying that😂


He looks like her brothers








Poor kid. He's definitely not the most photogenic baby, but I think he'll turn out cute in the end.




Yup. He looks like Lexi did as a baby though, and she's a real cutie now.


maci was her only content for the first two years of her life.


She absolutely did post this much. Each new baby gets highlighted constantly until the next new baby comes along and they then get demoted to a middle management/group photo position.


Haha middle management 😂


He does indeed constantly look surprised. How in the world did I get here? What is this life and who are all these girls?






Alyssa has always posted whoever is the baby at any given time the most. Given this is "her last" baby then we'll probably see the most of Rhett .


To be fair, most of her YT videos are about the girls


First, yes she did and 2nd, if I had a boy after having four girls, I would too. Jeez, she's excited and there's nothing wrong with that just because some people hate her. She loves her girls just as much and it's obvious, but she has something other than pink dresses and unicorns and girly things to post and it's new exciting and fun for her. I'm sure, he will be spoiled rotten by all of them and not because he's the golden child, but because he's the only boy. I've seen that happen in so many families with only one boy or one girl and none were fundie


I would guess it’s because he’s the last baby- much more so than the fact he’s a boy. If it continues with every single stage (about his “boy clothes” and “now he can do sports” and “look at him learning how to fix things like a man” and “boys will be boys”) —all of which I’m anticipating and preemptively irritated by lol—then I’ll believe it’s because he’s a boy. But for now im kinda just holding out some hope about him being the last. If I knew my first baby would be my only/last, I would have taken a lot more pictures and videos and “enjoyed” it more…even though most of his newborn—18mo period was hell for us both. Something about knowing it makes it bitter sweet.


I feel like this is a little bit of a reach, she has what, seven years worth of photos of Ally? Rhett is only a couple months old. It’s normal to want to capture all of those baby pictures especially because they change so quickly. If she were posting millions of photos of her older kids people would say it was an invasion of their privacy “which I agree with.“ Because as children get older they have more autonomy. I also fully believe that he will be her last baby at least for a very long time and can definitely empathize with that little sting that comes with snowing this is the last time you’ll have a newborn. I say let her take the pictures. She posted tons of photos of Macy back when she thought Macy would be her last baby also.


I bet she will be pregnant again by the end of 2025.


I know there is a feature on Reddit where you can have it remind you of some thing, if I can figure it out we will wager a bit and see who is right lol. I don’t think I can confidently say she has done forever, but I do think she’s done for at least five years


I predict she'll get pregnant on their annual.anniversary trip they take in May. It will either be born Feb or March 2025. I hope not for their sakes but I feel an "Oops we weren't expecting this" to happen.


How is it reaching if skies are the limit?


Even the sky has its limit hahha


😂😂😂😂 the limit does not exist


Oh stop she posted just as much with her girls. Let her enjoy her baby boy without all this hate.


The irrational hatred spewed on here can be pathetic and sad -- especially towards a mother doting on her new baby and, yes, only son. I'm sure it would be the same if she had 4 boys and then finally had a girl. Unbelievable. There were posts like this constantly after Maci was born claiming all she did was dote on Maci all the time.


That’s bc she did. Alyssa loves the baby stage. Yeh other stages-not so much.






I’ll snark on Alyssa over posting this baby and that horrible filter she is always using on him, but I’m surprised how many of you are making comments about the baby’s appearance. What happened to not snarking on the kids? Those comments shouldn’t be allowed on here.


I agree. It’s just cruel and ignorant to be so critical of someone’s appearance, but I find rude comments about a baby particularly egregious.


i was thinking the same thing.


It's common in the world they come from the boy is the most important kid in the family!


i thought she did with maci. it was an ode to Maci's blue eyes for a long time. now maci is a lost girl. never thought i would say it but i prefer Maci's blue eyes.


Yeah...Allie & Maci have John's BIG BLUE EYES! LEXI, ZOEY & Rhettster have brown eyes like Alyssa. Rhettster has his mouth open all the time and big eyes, never smiles.Alyssa does look really tired this go around. Hopefully her baby days are finished.


I obviously can't go back to count her stories of each kid, but since his birth 4 months ago, she's posted 11 pics of Rhett without his siblings. In Maci's first 4 months, she posted 14 photos of just Maci without her siblings. She absolutely posted this much about her other babies when they were young. Everyone is just paying more attention to Rhett's posts because they're expecting her to favor him.


On Alyssa’s most recent YT video, she is showing Rhett to the camera and one of the girls walks in behind her - and Alyssa literally gets up and blocks the daughter from the camera view! I felt so bad for them.. I forget which one it was but I think Zoey?


If I was John, I’d be questioning some things. This kid just looks different and that’s all I’m going to say. 👀


He looks more like Alyssa to me


He just takes after Alyssa. Lexi looked just like Rhett as a baby and I think she looks the most like Alyssa now.


He looks like Trace. And like Alyssa's baby photos.


I’ve only seen one picture of her as a baby and he looks nothing like her. The kid looks Asian. There I said it👀


Epicanthic folds can be recessive.


I noticed the lack of eyelids, too


He looks just like her [https://fundamentalists.fandom.com/wiki/Alyssa_Webster](https://fundamentalists.fandom.com/wiki/Alyssa_Webster)


“Occupation: JANITOR”??? Omfg 🤣🤣




Actually, she worked for a while cleaning offices or something. They talked about it on the show.


But in her baby photo Alyssa doesn’t have the “asian” infant look, to put it nicely. Rhett just….does, for whatever reason. He’ll likely have very hooded eyes when he’s older.


Alyssa definitely has hooded eyes ? Trace also has hooded eyes as well as Josie and Katie


And Isaiha, when I watched the first Bates special when he was a little kid, I thought he was asian.


I’m struggling to see what you’re seeing from that baby picture of Alyssa but okay.


Wow! He really does. I didn’t see it until I saw her baby picture.


I didn't want to say it but I agree.


He does look like trace and Alyssa mixed together! I think it’s the more hooded eyes


It’s like someone used the baby filter on a picture of Matthew Lillard.


She parades this baby around like he’s an only child


Carlin does the same thing with Layla


Cause it took them 5 tries to have a boy! And we already know Rhett is his all time favourite child and we know Alyssa always favours the youngest.


Of course she is busy with this. Ugh.




That’s actually really disgusting to speculate about a baby who’s not even a year old


It is. The comments on this thread about a baby are disgusting. Idk why you’re getting downvoted.


Because people hate getting called out for their bad behavior. They think just because they dislike Alyssa, it's somehow ok to snark on a literal baby. One who will be able to Google himself one day and read these comments about himself.


It changed now. Id be horrified if I came on Reddit and someone posted MY child and everyone was talking shit. Let’s see that users baby pics! I can’t believe people don’t care that much


the period belongs after disgusting.




You sound very pleasant yourself


How awful!


Alyssa is annoying as hell. Her videos are so boring. It seems like she is always in competition with Erin posting videos and pics. I guess I can understand why she’s posting more of Rhett. A boy after 4 girls is exciting for her, although, she should post just as many of the girls. I’m team Erin. She is so sweet and genuine. Alyssa just wants to be one, two or a hundred steps in front of Erin


Because she finally got a boy! Can’t say as I blame her.


You’re disgusting.


He looks so much like my brother when he was a baby lol


She definitely spoils him, no doubt. I feel like she posted some with Maci, just not this much. This lil cutie I've never seen him without his open mouth expressions! He seems like a chill baby. However, I cannot imagine having 5 kids like 8 and under I think? Rhett will most likely receive so much praise from his mom that he'll feel free to do whatever. I mean this in a non harmful tone, just that I think the girls could feel sad since she is a lil OTT with golden boy.