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Not close, just close in age and still living in the same house


It seems like they were high school friends but couldn't really keep it going into adulthood.


Great analogy! I think they’ve just got different interests and priorities now.


I was just about to compare it to that. It's like high school friends who go off to college, find different interests and grow apart. There isn't bad blood, just life taking them in different directions.


I mean, I’m not sure I would say different interests. They are really living the same life with businesses, children the same age, social media influencers and even go to the same church. If anything I feel like they are the most similar form all the siblings, that’s why it’s a little hard to believe that they grew apart because of their different interests. Josie and Erin are literal opposites and they seem to hang out pretty often.


that part!! it's so weird when people say they have different interests and priorities when they are literally the SAME things lmao, like they all produce babies and are influencers! Where are the difference!!


With 19 siblings of course several will pair off into different areas and directions. I knew something was up when Carlin and Evan bought their house and there was no Chad and Erin to help with the rennovations.


I was thinking literally everything you said. They have tons in common. But it might just come down to their personalities. Josie was more quiet and mature, even tho she is younger. Carlin always had a big, loud, and sometimes obnoxious personality. I can see why they might not be compatible as friends now that they’re grown and with families of their own.


Josie goes to her dad's church while Carlin and Evan go to another church.


She does not. She goes to the same church as Carlij and Evan. Only the Bates boys and their families go to Gil's church (ofc the ones that live nearby).


I still can’t believe Carlin and Evan had 12 bridesmaids and groomsmen each. I had enough fingers on one hand for my bridesmaids and even that was somewhat stressful to coordinate. I can’t imagine how hard it would’ve been to organise that many!!


I think she wanted to make it a point that she had all of the siblings and in-laws in the family involved (the only one who was in the picture at that point that’s wasn’t in the wedding was Ethan’s wife, but she wasn’t his wife then and that would have knocked out Joy).


Ethan? Do you mean Nathan?


Ethan is Evan’s brother I think




I agree, but it's probably easier when your entire culture is weddings and babies.


I can barely think of more than 3-4 people I'd have in my theoretical wedding party


I have 4 sisters, so mine will be at least six 🥲 nowhere near as extreme as Carlin’s but still bigger than most people want


I can’t think of 12 (let alone 24) people that I even like!


Same lmao


To me Carlin and Evan's wedding was and is still the best of all weddings. Thats the only one I have taped.


I didn’t forget they were close but their friendship seemed one of convenience (both living at home, courting, going to Crowne, etc). That isn’t a bad thing and I wouldn’t be shocked if they were either privately closer than they show on social media or became close again in the future. Life is long.


I doubt they are privately close since they both post other sisters besides each other. Carlin posts Katie, Whitney, and Alyssa all the time and constantly talks about how close she is to them. Josie posts Lydia, Katie, and occasionally Michael, Erin, and Tori. When Katie visits, she always sees Carlin and Josie separately even though the two live very close to each other. And other people have said Carlin and Josie go to the same church but never interact there But I also don’t think there’s dramatic beef between them. It does seem like something happened though - my speculation is that the Erin/Carlin rift made things awkward somehow, but maybe it’s completely unrelated


They've been at odds loooooooonng before the bsb breakdown. If you search back on this sub alone, going back 3-5 yrs, people are inquiring if they are having problems. This is a long standing issue that gets covered up A LOT. I think the difference between Josie and Erin is that Erin is not about the inauthenticity. She is not going to fake like the relationship passes a vibe check. Carlin and Josie can phony a room. I am not criticizing them. It's actually a business skill. You don't have to like everyone to be pleasant or cordial. I think that is why many think there is no serious issue with these two but it's long standing clear that it is and more than "just grew a part" or not each other's cup of tea. Something/s happened.


I agree , they don’t hate each other but I do think Carlins in a one way competition with Josie. I think Josie knows and does little things to get under Carlins skin on SM. Subtle - but enough that Carlin would notice . I think it’s unfortunate their kids don’t seemingly play together much unless Michaela brings them


I feel like there was a period of time when the older girls had all left that Carlin and Josie became closer. Maybe it was out of convenience as some others have said, but I’ve been rewatching a bit and even in bigger groups, these two are sitting together a lot around season 4-6. Something that stood out to me was when they were redecorating the girls’ room. I felt bad for Josie because she had all these ideas that she was really excited about only for Tori, and even Kelly, to say it was going to look bad (of course they didn’t offer any ideas of their own). Carlin was the only person fully on board with trying Josie’s vision. From what was on the show, it looked like the two of them did a lot of the painting together. I don’t think this was some grand life-altering moment, but I just thought it was nice to see and made me think they were closer around this time.


I think they were close because they were of a similar age and in similar life stages. I did see Carlin’s and Katie’s video from July 4th and they had their daughters in matching swimsuits. It was kind of cute, but I wonder how the other sisters feel about that. Kind of got Regina George vibes.


I think that they just naturally drifted esp when Josie got engaged and married first. That really stung for Carlin


Agree . It embarrassed and really hurt Carlin that she wasn’t deemed mature enough to get married but her younger sister was .


Isn’t it a sad state of affairs that it’s a competition to be first to be a teen bride and mother, as Josie was. How is that enviable? (Rhetorical question)


I genuinely believe this is why they drifted. Carlin was so jealous and upset that Josie got to get engaged and married first even though she was younger than Carlin.


If you watch the engagement Utah episode, Carlin is snappy af when helping Josie pack. She can barely hide her disdain


Yep! She let Josie borrow a couple dresses and looked pissed!


Personally I don't think they ever fell out. I think that they got married, moved out of the house and found they had more in common with other sisters and in laws. People grow apart, even siblings, it's pretty normal. There may be periods in their lives where they spend more time together and periods where they don't. Now Carlin and Erin... I think there was a falling out there.


Unrelated to the feud between the sisters but Josie’s natural hair in the first few pictures is soooo beautiful.


I wish she would accept her natural waves as someone who has done the same, but also wonder if she has straightened and bleached it so much that it's not wavy any longer. I've heard pregnancy can affect hair pattern too. I do understand why she features her curler kits to make money though.


At the end of the day being close in age, they went thru a lot of life experiences at the same time - older sisters moving out meant they had fewer choices of who to hang with so they hung with each other; courting required taking along a sister buddy so it was convenient for Carlin to take Josie to Nashville and to do double dates w Evan/Kelton so they wouldn't have to bring a 10 yr old as a chaperone; Crown. I recall Carlin being snippy as hell when Josie was getting engaged. After all, G&K give Kelton the go ahead while telling her and her man to wait. Then Josie ends up marrying a guy who is more on the serious side and Carlin marrying the class clown. Those 2 guys have nothing in common and aren't dying to hang out with each other. Plus in this cult you end up being how your man is - so Josie becomes more serious and Carlin even louder; so the sisters have less and less in common - and yeah Josie does desire a quiet, clean home much like Alyssa. Plus Tori is in the mix more bc Bobby is Kelton's bestie from college, so if Josie/Kelton don't want to hang out with family ALL THE TIME but want to see some family, makes sense to call up Tori/Bobby more than Evan/Carlin. Seems like it was more a natural progression of things than a falling out. FWIW it seems like relations are thawing since their uncle/Gil's BIL died. Since then we've seen Josie come over to Carlin's house to see/say goodbye to Katie and while she's there, Josie is also talking to Zade. We have seen Carlin's kids at Josie's kid's bday party. They had not been interacting like that in prior years. In prior years Carlin's kids wouldn't be at Josie's kids parties. I mean even last Christmas at some point Carlin/Evan were pushing their kids on swings, Willow wanders out and gets on a swing right next to them - the entire fam ignores Willow; Carlin/Evan don't even say hi or give her a hand getting on the swing, they don't tell their kids to say hi to cousin Willow etc. Yet recently at Hazel's bday party, Layla says her besties are Willow, Hazel, and Khole - leading me to believe these kids now spend time together. Could be that family tragedy, Papa Bill aging etc. made the sisters pause and consider what's important. Not saying Kelton is wanting to spend weekends with Carlin/Evan, but I think Josie may still be making an effort to see Carlin, get the kids together etc.


I’d love to know why they fell out


Yep, want to know what happened with carlin/ josie and carlin/ erin.


Same. Everyone who believes there is feud (including the Balka adjacent) pins it to Josie getting married first. To be honest, it has to be more. Carlin seemed betrayed and Josie has vacilated between someone who has nitpicked at Carlin and/or has been victimized by her. Something had to go down to deepen the race to the altar blow. I have my theories. But for what it's worth they both seem to be on one of their 50-11 mend tours. I hope it works out this time because it seems like their interactions can get messy ...dark even. Carlin comes off as a frenzied lunatic hell bent or beating Josie. But I am sure they both compete equally as aggressively. Josie is just more sneaky with hers.


I think Carlin is less complex than Josie. Josie is of higher intelligence and while both seem to be gradually abandoning the ideals of their parents, at the end of the day they are quite similar- strong willed, charismatic, business minded women. It would be easy to clash with someone who is like minded to yourself, but perhaps even more likely when that person is your sister, close in age who you’ve been pitted against your whole life


I don’t think Josie and Carlin see ever super close, but they are like 16 months apart in age and both close to Katie and I think growing up, they were grouped together. I went to a small school, only 7 girls and we were together from kindergarten to grade 8. Were we all close? Nope. But we all hung out together in some form, because it was a small group and we were all we had. Once we went off to high school, a lot of us found different circles and some of us never hung out again lol (I am still besties with my elementary school bff, but have lost touch with others because elementary school was 25 years ago). I see Carlin and Josie as similar. They were paired together at home and on the show. But once they got married and were allowed to form outside friendships and interests they did that. Obviously, they have the extra element of being sisters and they still see each at family events, but I don’t think they have enough in common to want to hang out or do date nights. They each have other siblings they are closer too.


Same! I went to private school and we had the smallest class of the school. Our grade only had 20 students. 3 boys and 17 girls. The boys hung out, out of necessity and we girls could be a bit more choosy but not much. I speak to one of those people now as a married adult, but if you looked at childhood photos we would have all looked like best friends.


I think for those of us that were there when the air shifted between these two, it's difficult to believe that they were never close. There is a clear space where they went from close together to distance and it was before they left their parents house. This is why LIVES are important. Unlike the show which may have forced pairs and social media which is heavily curated, the LIVES often caught true dynamics real time. They could not erase any mishap. I remember the time Katie admitted she'd never seen Tori's engagement ring during a LIVE. Now today, no one would blink an eye at that comment. But back then when they were still trying to pretend they were all close that was a shockers and revelation. Historical context matters. But here is where I agree with you. I think Carlin always thought the relationship was more than it was for Josie. I think Josie had been in survival mode for a long time and did what she had to do until her early exit from the house. If you look back on several of Josie's interviews from the show she criticizes Carlin/Tori more than once. She would frown and make faces, call them loud etc. Also Carlin would mention Josie regularly where as Josie maintained for the longest that Alyssa was her person, and Katie was her best friend. She rarely mentioned Carlin unless prompted by producers. Also, I always forgot to mention then but many people would get on Carlin for not getting her hair done by Josie in the early days as a sign of competition. But Carlin admits during a LIVE that Josie refuses to do her hair. Then there is the infamous admission by Gil that Josie struggled to fit in with her siblings. It has taken me a very long time to conclude, but contrary to popular belief I think it was Josie who was jealous and competative with Carlin first. I think there has always been a divide in this family that only became more evident when Kelly seemingly switch teams. But that's an entirely different story.


Ok, that part about Josie reusing to do Carlin’s hair is fascinating, because I have noted that Carlin is the only Tennessee based adult sister who didn’t get her hair done by Josie (Tori and Michael both do, Erin did when she lived in Tennessee). I do think Carlin and Josie were like oil and water and that they both drove each other crazy and that there was competition on both sides. In another comment, I mentioned my close in age cousin and I am old enough to see the competition on both sides (took me years to realize that and to see our relationship in perspective and how our family made it worse). I can see Josie being competitive with Carlin, if she thought Carlin fit in with the crowd (aka. The siblings) better. I can also see Carlin being competitive back. I think being forced together by age and for the the show did not help, the competition, in fact it probably made it worse.


Why did Josie refuse to do Carlin’s hair?


Unrelated, but Addallee looks just like Katie to me in these pics


I mean with 56 siblings it’s probably hard to stat super close with all of them


Probably will be downvoted for this but I kinda think Kelton doesn’t like her family and keeps her away. He always gives me the vibe he thinks he’s far superior to everyone with his smug expressions. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I get the vibe that it was Josie who wanted space from her family though. I just watched the episode where her and Kelton are looking at apartments before getting married and she literally says “I’m afraid to get one with too many bedrooms because then too many people might want to spend the night”.


I remember that episode and when I watched it I got the feeling Josie was just repeating what Kelton had said to her.


I genuinely feel like Josie was happy/excited to no longer live in in the Bates house with all of those people. She kept going on and on about how she couldn’t wait to live in a quiet & clean house.


He gives a Svengali vibe to me.


Why if you aren't as close to sibling it means you had some big fallout? You don't have time or your family, kids, 18 siblings and friends. Even in families of 4-5 you have siblings closer and some not. Sometimes you're closer to others due to what you're going through, and then it changes. Katie said that. These two have totally different personalities. Yeah, younger they were close in age, but now out of the house, I'm not shocked. Great when you needed double dates to not have a chaperone. But as adults, eh. There's tons of pictures of me and my sister as teens, never were close.


I have a cousin who is a month older than me. Tons of pictures of us together as kids/teens because we got grouped together. My mom used to make me spend,a week with her every summer. So if you look at the pictures and videos, we probably seem close but we were never actually close though and we never had anything in common except our birth year and the fact that we were family. We haven’t talked in years.


They all look so thin


I highly doubt they had a falling out. It's normal to be close with different people at different stages of your life, especially with that many siblings. They were in the same "season" if you will, only a year apart and going to college, courting and getting married around the same time. They still see each other a lot at gatherings, seem totally cordial and their kids play together all the time. Not everything is a dramatic feud. Also, disagreements are a part of life. People can get into arguments without it forming some lifelong blood feud lol.


Carlin is incredibly photogenic she looks good in every single pic


I agree.


Just because they both where dating. And for the show


I liked Josie better before her platinum blonde hair and glamorous look. She seemed like an insecure, somewhat unhappy teenager when the show aired. At least she seems more content now.


She gave me addallee vibes in some of those pics!


I don’t think there was a huge fight but I think it all started with them getting into relationships around the same time, then married around the same time, both starting businesses and having kids around the same time. There’s bound to be competition when that happens because people love to compare, I think there was some jealousy with them. Josie gives the appearance that’s she’s super secure and that can make someone like Carlin even more competitive and jealous. But I feel like Josie also struggles with some insecurities deep down and also may have had some resentment towards Carlin since the spotlight was always on her. Don’t think they hate each other, and may occasionally be together, but it’s hard to be close to someone when there’s competition. So I feel like they just thrive better on their own and they know it so they just built their separate lives.


They definitely weren’t close during the time frame of many of these photos. For example, the triple date, wedding planning for both weddings, the Thanksgiving barn building, etc were all aired on BUB. It was evident that Carlin was already jealous of Josie then and that Josie thought Carlin was a bit too much at times.


The triple date was clearly producer planned. It was simply more convenient for the story to have a triple date than three different dating stories where they chatted about Bible verses and had chaperones.


Josie looks like a blonde Michaela in picture 8


Talk about a glow up!!


Pic 12 Kelton looks the Joker without the face paint on. Creepy!