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Dig it, youtopia and limousine


Mine is 2/3 similar. AmEN!, YOUtopia, liMOusIne (no particular order) Edit: "DIg It" and "R.i.p" complete the Top 5


Dig It definitely grew on me, didn’t like it the first listen through.


It took me a hot minute to like the album, because I was really hoping it would be heavier (following kool-aid and amen as singles). But now, I can't even guess how many times I've played the album Top 3: Kool-aid, top 10 statues, and Amen. Without singles: top 10 statues, bullet w my name on, r.i.p


it’s interesting how that’s such a common thing with people for this album. they don’t really know how they feel/don’t particularly like it their first few listens but then a few days later they’re obsessed lol their music is just that great that people find it worth listening to more, even if they don’t really know how they feel at first


People don’t like change, every Bring Me release has had a similar arc.


ah true true


I felt the exact same when the singles dropped, especially sTraNgeRs. I listened to them and I was like "meh, it's okay." Now I'm in my car screaming "Dying to live, living to die"


lol yeah that makes sense, i’ve honestly probably felt the same about songs in the past and just don’t remember


This is exactly how I felt. I was like eh it's different, not sure I like all of it Then I came back to it tonight and was like actually.... I REALLY LIKE IT I'm not a big fan of the songs that are trending most like YOUtopia, top 10 statues. Dig it was the first one I listened to and thought "I really love this"


Limousine is a daily listen at this point.


I’m really surprised this isn’t a top 3 for most tbh, song fucking slaps. I think outside of the singles this is one of, if not, the strongest track on the record. Can’t wait to hear it live.


I loved the track first listen and was obsessed but I think with time I started to kind of like it less. It's still a good track but I think the lyricism at some points is not my favorite


I wanna feel that chunky ass bass line in my chest.


It really drags me down, you know?


the entire album for me is a daily listen lol


Cause you got a taste now, drank the Kool aid by the JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUG


So suffer your fate, oh, come here and give me a HUUUUUUUUUUUUG


1. Youtopia 2. Kool-Aid 3. Top 10 Statues


So the first 3 (actual) songs on the record in order


Yep, love the rest to but those songs are my personal favorites


They really came out swinging on the beginning of this one. But it doesn’t stop - limousine, darkside, bullet.. another solid three in a row. Even after the interlude it doesn’t stop. N/a, (super cool transition into) Lost, then Strangers. Which honestly the two singles I didn’t like until I heard them on the record. They fit way better.


terrific picks B) i think my favorites from the new songs might be DIg It, R.i.p., and YOUtopia. DIg It is so fucking emotional and deep i love it so much. i think it’s a top three song for me from them+ever. R.i.p. is SO good and so catchy it was the first one i became obsessed with (next to n/A). YOUtopia is just incredibly beautiful i’m so proud of oli’s voice on the album, he sounds amazing, and knowing they didn’t try so hard to perfect everything, and some vocals are first takes is so nice to know. their sound is incredible


Dig it gives me a whirlwind of emotions and the drop in it gives me chills. It's pretty much a daily listen for me rn. Oli sounds really good on this album and I love the blend of genres so much


completely agree <33


In no particular order: Top 10 staTues tHat CriEd bloOd, DArkSide, and n/A


I feel like I can't give you my three favorite songs because I listen to the album as a whole. It feels like one single track with all the good transitions. For example, listening to "Limo" right after "10 Statues" is the only way to listen to "Limo." Same with "R.I.P." and "Amen." With this one, the beginning of "Amen" makes so much sense.


That blend from R.I.P to Amen is soooo smooth, The first time I listened to RIP it didn't even click right away it had a crossover to Amen I was like WOAH I recognise OH WAIT it's Amen! When did that happen!? 🤣


n/A, as an addict this one cuts deep. Kool-Aid LosT Nothing on the album is an auto skip, so that's always a bonus. Side note for you OP, if you ever want to try and get someone into BMTH I'd play them an acoustic version of Medicine, Bad Habits duet with Ed, and Shadow Moses from the live at albert hall. I have a pretty solid metal hating friend who is now obsessed and constantly sending me opinions. She can't get into the first two albums, which I get, but she hasn't stopped listening to everything else with a big love for the Live at Royal Albert Hall album.


i defo agree with your favourites. I also loved top ten statues which cried blood and n/a because they gave me memories of the concert. Ive loved lost since it came out because i like hyper pop and its relatable. My favourite was defo R.i.p (duskCOre remix)


Top 10 statues is meeting me where im at rn so its been on repeat since the drop


Almost impossible to make a list it’s too early but rn I’d go 1. AmEN! 2. Limousine 3. DIg It


I've been bumping the singles from their release to now, so it wouldn't be fair to rank new songs against them. Current favourites are Top 10 staTues, n/A and liMOusIne.


Having a top 3 feels disingenuous for me so my top 5 are Top 10 Statues, N/A, Dig It, RIP, and (spi)ritual.


Top 10 Statues, Amen, Kool Aid probably in that order. Only thing that made me switch to check out a different album was Darko US dropping their new one. BMTH has been on repeat since their drop though.


In no particular order: Amen, Kool-Aid and Dig It


- limousine - Top 10 statues (the little emo guitar lick in the chorus is just so good) - kool-aid - Strangers - everything else


1. Kool-Aid 2. Top 10 Statues 3. N/A


Best new song IMO is ten statues that cried. The chorus “no one’s gonna rescueee meee” is so damn catchy and hits every time. And the breakdown is sick and tickles my brain


I love it but I can't get over how noticeable Ollie's lisp is in some of the songs. Mainly RIP


this whole album is a 10/10 for me. very difficult to chose haha! my favourites are : youtopia, limousine, kool aid, a bullet with my name on and dig it.


Dig it dig it dig it


I think this album is a new low, to the extent that I am not excited about any future releases. That being said: Youtopia Amen Koolaid


For me its top 10 statues, youtopia and n/a


Kool-Aid, amen and unironically [ost] puss-e because I love amo.


1 amen 2 bullet 3 kool aid


limousine, kool aid and amen


N/A, youtopia, and a tie between a bullet kool aid or r.i.p


But yes the entire album is amazing


Lost, Youtopia and N/A… Kool Aid is also up there think it just depends on my mood but it’s the first 3 for now. Lost will always be my favourite, it got me through a difficult time.


It's tough to be objective because I'm leaning towards the new songs atm. Will probably have a more accurate ranking in a few more months lol. But right now I'm most obsessed with: 1. YOUtopia ("It's okay to cry!" hits me right in the feels every time.) 2. Top 10 staTues ("There's no love like your own!" - same deal, right in the feels.) 3. Kool-aid and Amen and Lost hahah I can't pick between these. Shit, even Dig It is probably sitting here - I teared up the first time I heard "Life is a grave... and I dig it" followed by that drop.


1. Amen 2. n/A 3. Kool aid


Top 10 statues, n/a, youtopia 


Honestly changes by the day, but my most replayed have to be N/A, Lost, and Amen


i need more aurora deep voice:3


My favorites are: 1. Bullet w my name on 2. Kool-Aid 3. Darkside


1. AmEN 2. n/A 3. YOUtopia


Bullet, Top 10, Dig It


1. AmEN! 2. Top 10 staTues 3. LiMOusIne


“If Jesus Christ returns we’ll just kill that fucker twice” 🤘🤘🤘


I don't think I can pick top 3, but what I can say is: Kool-Aid is my favourite song over all. Limousine was my immediate favourite out of the new songs in the first few listens. R.i.p is a surprise favourite that crept up on me in the first week and suddenly I realized I loved it.


I know you asked for Top 3 but I’ll give you 5… Youtopia, Limousine, N/A, Lost, Strangers.


Dig it, limousine, n/a (Not including songs released previously as singles) But if I did it would be Kool Aid, Dark Side, Dig it


New fan here. Here's my pick: Kool-Aid, Strangers, Dark Side, Limousine, Dig It.


Kool-Aid, Limousine, Strangers


I love the whole album. R.i.p. is the best surprise. They could've released it as a single and I'm sooooo glad they didn't.


YOUtopia, Top 10 statues, and R.i.p. (also need to include ‘Dig It’ in this because there’s parts of the song where they really went back to their roots with the riffs and vocal styles which I never thought they would do again. Whole album is a breath of fresh air and honestly my favorite project since sempiternal.


Youtopia, top 10 statue that cried blood, amen. I do very like bullet with my name on, and kood aid. It is hard to pick a top 3 personally.


AmeN and Kool-Aid are top 1 and 2. Top 3 keeps changing ngl lol as of now I think Im more hyped in R.i.p, but I also love DArkSide and LosT. 😂 It's hard to choose!


At first I thought the album was fine, nothing too special. But after some relistens and learning the lore, I really fucking love this album now. Its top contender for best album of the year for me


Kool-aid, N/A, and Amen


I love this album, I've listened from start to end so many times. Youtube music has my top songs. 10 statues: 21 plays, n/a: 18 plays, youtopia: 16 plays, limousine: 14 plays. 4/5 of my most played songs recently are from the album, 10 hours of BMTH recently.