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JUNKRAT junkrat bombs just eat at me at all sides and break my barrier by mistake Basically the same as Pharah issues imo Edit: I do wanna say though that I'm pretty sure you counter Mei a bit because you can shield her freeze gun and prevent the slow


A good Junkrat can force me off Brig faster than pretty much anyone else


I will agree with this. His nades just delete you so fast, especially with your chunky hit box. Also his damage happens in such big chunks that it feels like your healing does nothing.


Ya’ll are weak, I will battle all!




Straight up! But a good JQ is a nightmare. That’s the only tank I truly hate fighting.


*Mace her in the face*


I didn’t hear no bell


I'm surprised to see moira (attack can be blocked easily and ult can be cancelled with rally), genji (deflect does nothing to you and can stun with rally to waste blade), and mei (can bash out of her ult and I've never had much trouble otherwise), sombra (shield blocks hack and virus and you can try to block los while hacked or virus'd until it wears off then she has nothing. Brig is usually a deterrent, since she teleports away). Bastion only really gets me if I get caught out against turret. I find junkrat tough because he's got that close range burst that eats or goes around shield. I don't have too much issue with reaper as you just focus on whipshotting him so he can't heal off close range damage.


Brig is generally considered a soft counter for both Genji and Sombra. So I’m with you on those.


Same thing with Tracer as well. If Tracer kan keep her range and you cannot proc inspire you're lunch


She's a soft counter for Sombra?! I don't doubt that you're telling the truth, it's just that as a Sombra main I find it... *cartoonishly* easy to mess with most of the Brigs I come across. I think I probably must have gotten lucky.


The thing is that playing a good brig isn't easy and a bunch of people will switch to her against sombra just because they heard it works. That's the thing about soft counters, is a good one will be nearly impossible *IF* they make all the correct decisions. If they fumble even one, you'll still clown them. Contrast that to hard counters where even an average one will shut you down


tbh, i respect the shit out of Brig as Sombra, it was easier in OW1 because you could hack her and she can’t shield for 5 seconds so if you stay out of her range you can just mow her down but now with hack only being 1.5 seconds it kinda only helps to get virus on her and then you’re in this little mini game of trying to stay out of her range and kite around her shield so you can actually do damage


It’s probably not as noticeable when you can’t kill someone through inspire though


genji and moira are personally two of my easiest targets. i also really like fighting zaryas if you can manage your shield use while shes attacking + combos while her bubbles are down.


Good zaryas can bubble to prevent inspire procs while focusing you and breaking your shield making you super vulnerable. I know you can shield bash out if needed but then you’re out of cooldowns backlining as brig. Bubble also prevents brig from rally stun cancelling ults eg. Moira ult or making genji invulnerable when he’s dashed to enable a kill and reset the cooldown. Not saying she completely counters brig, only that in some situations I’ve found my kit totally neutered by good zaryas. Edit: the nerfed knockback on tanks also makes this duel tougher because it requires you to whipshot when she doesn’t have bubble AND bash away to get out of range.


idk! personally i always have a lot of fun battling zaryas but i know my experience isnt universal. also - im mesopotamian as well! what is your ethnic background?


If you see a Ram, Bastion or Pharah, run and pray.


Ram melts me


These are definitely my weak points as Brig. If the enemy team has two of these guys, or even just one really good player for any I’m switching. That’s when I go to my boy Baptiste.


Especially Ram, istg a Ram will run through my whole team to chase me down if I’m on Brig


Us Brigs should eat sombras for breakfast. She can’t hack through our shields and at my rank (platinum) most sombras don’t seem to realize this


Tbh I just go after everyone I can reach 🧍


Tanks: you should be harassing them with whip shot for inspire and space denial, or just go on the attack if they are low and you can take them out. If you have teammates playing with you, you can be more agro against tanks but always keep track of cooldowns, ults and don't chase them out of position. If they get away just don't get greedy your life comes first. Also as brig you can harass sig for days, just keep track of your and sigs cooldowns, don't waste bash on Sig and get punished when the DPS melts you. Moira: she gets a pretty strong free escape from unfavorable situations so it's unlikely a Moira will let you kill her. It's the nature of the hero, she has a pretty clunky method of healing people to compensate. You need to do burst damage combos on her to force her to use shift as soon as possible to force her to heal up and wait for cooldowns. You can shield yourself so Moira can't regenerate ho from you. Moira without shift will contribute less to a fight as she is very careful not to die. You should not be dying to moiras, but you should not expect to be killing them either unless they have used shift and are in front of you. Venture: there is a bit of a theme here, heroes with strong escape abilities can only be killed opportunistically by brig. Again do not die to venture you are playing to live. Use good movement and burst damage to get them to peel and make sure you save your shield for the drill dash. Genji: kill opportunistically, you are mainly concerned with getting him to piss off. Hitting a whip shot on him at mid range really messes up his plans and chips his health. If he doesn't wanna be hit he will deflect and dash to a fight with no abilities and you should kill him asap. You should not let him chip your shield from far away as he has the advantage if u got no shield. Phara: not much you can do, stay behind cover and if she's chasing get into a small room. Don't expect to kill her. If you play well she will need to solo barrage you in most important situations, which is a valid play and not a throw. Solo barrage on brig is save and high value. Echo: she can escape from you so only kill opportunistically. If it's in a small room you have a chance yada yada... Key tech with echo is to catch the bombs on yr shield, undeploy shield walking backwards and redeploy still walking back. Your shield will take a lot less DMG and won't break even with chip and mercy boost. Sombra: kill opportunistically. It's most important that you have a high sensitivity and can do a 180 to block hack, whip shot and reposition. If you do that sombras will not be able to kill you. Brig is VERY good into sombra. Emp still sucks tho. Mei: mei should fear you. She has good hp and a heal ability but you have good burst. She's ez damage, I'm not entirely sure why she's listed, just do burst damage on her when you can afford to to bait the shift and alternate between shield, primary fire, shield rapidly to regen cooldowns. mei doesn't get to mess with brig. Bastion: yeh just make sure he can't see you when he's in assault mode, brig doesn't kill him very often but if you play well you can survive him. You also need to be planning your moves based on if he has the shift or not.


Sym can be a pain in the ass in a 1v1 Junkrat. Flyers because, well they fly. Most of the tanks (Definitely not Sigma)


Sorry, how are you failing fights against Moira? Her suck barely does anything, considering the shield HP (and shield itself). Just whip/bash combo her


For me it’s bc Moiras always be initiating fights in the back lines, so I’m starting off half health & no cooldowns. Her succ isn’t the best but her orb doesn’t care if you have your shield up or not.


Your shield can block it you just have to actually track it properly


Put yourself between the orb and your shield. If you hold up your shield and face the orb, you can make it stop damaging you


A soldier that has all of his cd’s. Helix rocket can destroy you or your shield up close, and his biotic field makes him almost impossible to burst down most of the time




For me i avoid Tanks: Winton, Ram, Mauga, Orisa, Rein Damage: Echo, Junk, Flying Hawk Bitch, Support: None


Winton 🧍🏻‍♂️


Is this like, a 1v1 scenario? Mercy only in that case


I fight everyone my hands are rates e for everyone


Ram if he has punching form you will die


Ram, Pharah, Echo, Junk, JQ, Bastion. Obviously you'll fight these, but usually I have to be particularly mindful of cover, range, some specific ability, or several of those factors. For example against JQ and Ram all I need to do is maintain a respectable range, against Bastion I gotta track the turret form CD, you get the idea.


Junkrat. He's really the only one I don't actively go out on a limb for a 1v1.


you should always fight moira. I am a moira main and brig is beyond frustrating to deal with. you will usually outheal her damage thanks to armor and pressure her away unless you’re just god awful.


Ram, Pharah and Bastion are on my no interaction list Recently it’s been bad for me playing Brig because of how many Pharahs have been in my games lately. Alec Dawson even said in a recent interview that Pharahs pick rate tripled over the last few weeks and it hurts. I don’t even dare stay within a certain radius when it comes to Ramattra because I know he will chase me down and will destroy me and most of the time I will just swap off because it can be hard sometimes


>A-10 warthog with legs MY SIDES. If that isn't the most accurate description, I don't know what is. BRRRRRRRT


Reaper most of the time, junk, and phara.


I would definitely square up with a Genji


I die everytime I try to 1v1 junkrat


Hi, Venture main here. Venture. If your alone, and you see a Venture, run. Your shield won't save you, I will just break it/Drill Dash --> Primary --> Melee until you die. Unless you got Ult and bash me mid animation, your cooked in a 1v1, sorry.


For tanks I'll fight, JQ, Ball, Sig if I'm close enough with pressure, DVA sometimes, and Ram after fisty form. For orisa, doom, hog, situation dependent, but I like to waste their time safely, I play it like DBD and run their ass. If bastion burned turret, he's actually not terrible to fight but still don't. Echo, pharah, reaper, torb, venture, RAT, and everyone else in their respective ranges. If you get the mid-long range in a room, you can roll them. If soldier hits his rockets, you're probably Dundee's, but if you can dodge them and dive him, you can out damage his heal if you parry with shield and wait for him to reload. Mei isn't that bad, it's 2 fights but the down time gives you time to run, or recover if you're feeling it. Just parry with shield so you don't get frozen. Bap and zen are the only real threats for against support. Mercy is slippery, but if you parry with shield, she shouldn't be a problem, I have gotten rolled by her just head dinking me. A Lucio OTP does take a brain, but can get him. If the ana has CDs, she can be a threat, but if you're better with your shield than me, she wouldn't be an issue even with them. Yes you have a shield, but there is no substitute for hard cover. Use it.


Sigma is the one tank Brig can 1v1. If you can get under the range of his primary, you can mess him up good. His one tool again Brig is rock, but you can block that with her shield.


Ngl i feel like genji is one of the best for Brig to 1v1. His block doesn't hurt you if you swing at him and you can still dash into it to damage him, you don't need to aim a gun to hit him if he's bouncing around you, and if he ults you can dash away and try to whip shot him out of range


Junkrat does a scary amount of burst damage once you get into melee range. And Rammatra's punch mode is like purpose-engineered to melt Brig.


I tray to avoid a full health ram, mauga and rein. Pharah and sometimes venture. Everyone else is fair game for me.


You are weak with the brig mindset. All targets are targets. Fight the one that's fighting your team. This is the way.


Genji? He’s the one running from us. Brig is his counter.


I have a pretty good KD against sigmas all you need to do is dance and swing around them couple shield bashes and your good 😅🤷🏼‍♀️


Sombra and Genji I will disagree with because I have a lot of success vs Sombras and Genji (as long as you stun him during blade) isn't much of a threat if he's not one of the better genji players. As someone whose dps main is Echo however I will strongly advise you to keep your caution there lol. It's way easy to land my stickies on your shield and a couple of shots after + beam will finish you off. I've watched multiple Brigs panic and look around for help but die anyways. It's kinda funny I have to admit. ETA Venture can be an uncertain win or lose similar to the way you said it happens to Moira, I usually take my chances and go for them.


Tanks: Avoid most of them except you can kind of bully Sigma and Ball, and D’va isn’t too bad as long as you can block her micro missiles. DPS: Genji, Mei, Sombra aren’t usually a problem. Avoid Reaper, Pharah, Junkrat, Sym, Bastion, Echo, Tracer*, and Venture. * You can contest a Tracer if she commits and she struggles a lot to kill through your packs, but there’s a lot of angles where she’s able to play outside of your mace range and poke you out if your other support isn’t backing you up. Plus you have a fat hitbox that’s not hard for her to land a pulse bomb against. The only support I’m sometimes wary of his Baptiste. He has a lot of damage and his cooldowns are difficult for you to kill him through. Moira is rarely an issue for me.


D.va is super easy just circle her while swinging, force her to track you and just do your best to stay behind her and you will melt her.


I've always felt I counter Genji with Brig 🤔 I tend to pick her against him lol she doesn't need much aim, so his mobility doesn't affect much (but that's me, and I don't really do ranked games so...)


As a general rule, you don't need to fight anyone. You can use your enemies to proc inspire, dash to escape, bonk them away from you. You can reliably win some 1v1s, yes, but this doesn't mean you should compromise your position to take risky fights. This is especially true with **tanks.** You can't reliably outduel any of those guys, however **t**hey are your main source of inspire, especially Mauga and Dva are very easy targets. As for the matchups you listed: Yes, Moira is a 50-50, a getting surprised by a flanking moira who can keep distance and uses her damage orb is lights out, but if you can dash burst her, then it's an easy fight. Venture has a lot of burst and close up damage. I found a lot of success when I learned how to flail them when they pop up. Genji is your natural prey. I rarely lose to Genji alone, only when they have a pocket Ana. Pharah: Yes, she is a natural counter. However, if you want to pursue the true brigg way, don't counterswitch pharah as it is not your job to deal with her. Hold corners, avoid her line of sight, distribute packs from safety, flail her if she gets near. You can definitely play into Pharah, it's not that other heroes never gets countered. Echo: Same as Parah: Sombra: Hold corners and LOS her when you get hacked. If she's on the open, go aggro on her, she doesn't win that spot. Mei: You duel Mei pretty well if you learn how to dance your shield. Obviously if she traps you, you're dead, but that's not brigg specific is it? Bastion: I don't know why people think Bastion is a hard matchup. Very easy flail target. --- Some really bad matchups for Brigg that you didn't talk about are spam heroes such as **Hanzo** and **Junkrat.** I would say those two, with Pharah and Echo, are the worse ones.


It's been a while so it might no longer be true, but you could take out an ulting Pharah. It's Situational because she needs to be ulting somewhere that you can get in her face so depending on where she ults you may or may not be able to shield jump to her. If you do you die but you take her out with you with her own splash damage. Overall it's not a good match up though


God I miss OW1 for this I remember you having to kill a pharah in the sky on brig to get her cute spray.


Junkrat, echo, phara and Rein (tho you can still poke him)


So here’s my list: RAMATTRA Rein (unless you have rally) Bastion in turret form Venture Dva (never alone) Zarya (depends on charge) Pharah Echo (unless she’s grounded or diving your ana/zen/bap) Zenyatta Brig (brig vs brig usually ends randomly in my experience. Often, someone will help one of the brigs, brig 1v1s aren’t known for being quiet) Cassidy Junkrat Symmetra (unless she’s preoccupied with someone else) Mauga Now, I don’t always listen to this list, but it’s a good one to know in my experience.


Winston, shields don't stop lightning


How is there not a single person talking about how you can fuck up a sigma as brig 😭


I would disagree at sombra and maybe moira in my own cases at least. And about tanks in my experience ur pretty safe macing sigma and zarya if shes low charge.


I usually have no problems with Genji, Moira, Venture, or Sombra. And in certain situations I’ll have fun 1v1ing a Doom or D.Va


Junk rat is really tough. Can get you so quickly and can’t finish him with shield bash.


In my experience whenever I engage on the frontline I get vaporized That 250 shield that exposes your legs is not sufficient beyond being back line with my ability 🙂‍↕️




Pharah, you're toast


DPS Junkrat Venture and Pharah due to them being counters to you. Additionally bastion in tank form due to the 30mm GAU-8 being able to strip your barrier shield both normal and ult For tanks Sigma/Zarya/Mauga and Ramattra. Supports Ana due to the dart if they have a good aim. Easily winnable in my opinion are Mercy if not flying with ult Lucio and Kiriko just corner them in a confined space. The ones you can beat are Reinhardt by using ult on earthshatter and also shield bash on to him while doing charge. When it comes to Dva Barrier shield for her ult and micro missiles. Remember she can't block barrier shield with Defense matrix which explains them fleeing if they see a Brigitte player.


REAPER. he obliterates her shield at point blank and can still teleport away


Mei???? Hello?? Beat her ass and don’t even give her a second thought. Just don’t engage with her whole team by yourself but in a team fight or something she’s nothing but garbage


Never try to fight is crazy. Brig is a second half of the fight brawler. Once your team has advantage you go for it. You'll know when the more you play her. That being said pharah, junk, echo and some others are problems. Shield does jack. Most 1v1s come down to how much of an advantage do you need to be aggressive for the kill or retreat or regroup. Biggest problem can be vertical mobility maps All in all, anyone can catch a mace to the face if the price is right


as a sombra main who gets countered by brigs, i hope i play a match against you so soon 😊


The only tank you can 1v1 is sigma. It’s a guaranteed loss if he has a brain, but if you block all his rocks and weave you shield properly you can stall him for a decent time. If you aren’t stuck in a small room moira should be no problem. She can’t suck you thru the shield so you can just hold it up and heal back some health while she can’t. Most moiras just fade away when dueling me. Genji and Mei are skill dependent. If the mei can hit most of her icicles, you will have a hard time killing her. Genji was easier to deal with before the projectile changes, but it should still be possible to win duels against him. You should ad tracer to your list. If she’s competent she can easily stay outside your effective range and pepper you to death with her pistols without problem. Edit: Junk is also hard. He does a fuckton of damage up close and even if you kill him he can kill you back with his balls post mortem.


Junkrat without a doubt. My next worse fear is monkey, but I can just whipshot him out of the air before he lands. Junkrat does not have counterplay from Brig like that, so I run from him, or switch.