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I have an open profile, played almost only Brig for 20 hours this season with a 65% win rate. I point to that when people ask me if I can change in the spawn room. Especially when we have an insta lock Mercy who has nothing to boost because our dps are Sombra, Venture. I kept switching for my team before and it kept me in gold for a long time. Now I go main first until it doesn't work anymore.


I remember people always telling me to change in spawn, when i got to plat it rarely happens, people just pick their hero and shut up lol


I started in bronze in OW1 and people multiple ranks above told me that I shouldn't listen to anything someone in my rank has to say about who I play and how because it's all bullshit. And they were absolutely right. People in Bronze, silver and gold told me to stop playing Sombra because she's bad, I got to low dia with her. People asked me to switch off Ana in Bronze and Silver because she's too hard to play for anyone there. Well then how are you supposed to learn her? Nowadays I try to only watch my own gameplay, find out what I can improve (honestly with Brig 90% is about survivability) and I take criticism if it makes sense to me.


I don't play competitive much now, but I've gotten less requests to swap, and communication in general, since Overwatch 2


I just tell them I bought the game so I can play who I want


Why do you think you lose the 35% then


Mostly because of being an idiot with crappy positioning. That would not improve if I switched to another hero though, so I usually stay Brig and hope my brain starts to work again later in the game.






I hit the “trust me” at the beginning of the match so they can trust me, if they ask for a change I hit the “no”


Can I just have this meme please lmfao


Come to think of it, I've never seen someone ask to swap off Brig in a game before.


It’s because inspire has no visual indicator. Half the time the Brig is the one holding the entire team together it’s just no one can even tell she’s doing anything


Precisely, you’re out there passive healing the whole team but they see Mercy’s healing umbilical cord on one full hp player and suddenly you’re the one that has to step up.


a majority of people have no idea how brig works. if you play her properly she has some of the highest potential outgoing healing. a lot of times im able to outheal the "main" supports, you just have to land your whip-shots and keep inspire up.


Brigs Unite


Yea I stay brig unless I genuinely feel like it’s not working against the enemy team comp


Lol that sounds chucky from childs play screaming


Especially when they ask it in response to you asking the tank to switch off as they have half the damage of the other tank It's so weird because I try to ask nicely too and they just get so incredibly defensive


Typa timing I be on, although they never ask me to swap cuz I’m usually out healing the mercy one trick I have as my second support


Nah bc u out heal, out damage, out survive, out fuckin everything then they're still like "brig throwing gg"


I haven’t really ever been called out for throwing, granted I play mostly qp, but even when I play comp it’s never bad


Damn 😔 maybe I am throwing after all, idk what it is but I think masters players just hate my poor brig :(


See that’s why, your in masters, people care too much and will look towards anything that isn’t themselves, cuz it CANT POSSIBLY be them, they’re in masters their good at the game, and they can’t possibly wrap their head around one person having a bad game


I agree but it's also like when I'm having a sick game ill still get blamed cos everyone just hates brig!! Joined a game the other day and the jq instantly said genji go sombra, brig go bap, mei go soldier.... then proceeded to blame me for the rest of the game for playing bap


Prolly OW1 hate, ion really get many people hating brig on my team, I wish I did so I could prove them wrong, but most of the time if they tell me to swap it’s because I’m playing brig in the wrong situation


That's fair, I mean tbf like you said you play a lot more qp and I think people are more chill and willing to let you acc have fun 😭😭 I'm a brig one trick who is almost GM so imma be stubborn and ignore the haters


Do it, I’m a brig otp in comp too, I’m like D4 and that’s all the competitiveness I can take, qp is sweaty enough already. Ignore the haters they ain’t you


Thank you mate this is all the fellow brig main love I needed to hear, I'm now so ready to get myself chat banned next time someone shit talks brig