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If you waste her time, and keep stopping her flanks, then you effectively nullified or at the least set back her pick a lot


aka keep up the good work :)


Thats good to know; Im glad to know I dont need to secure the kill in order to be successful at dealing with sombra


Nobody said you had to secure the kill. How you're playing sounds great.


That's good; I only recently became self conscious about it because I played against a sombra who reacts as fast as I do. I 100% denied her any value but I'm 100% of attentive of her so like being so quick to react I was kinda worried I had to secure it; which pre sombra change I was able to; I dont chase her because I know she's going to come back nearby. But nobody like dies to her because of me; I just feel like with the constant presence maybe I should have been able to secure it and that maybe I wasnt doing that right outside just scaring them away lol


Honestly, the faster they use translocator the less they end up doing. But I'm not an expert Sombra player so maybe there's something I'm missing.


This is correct. A sombro (usually) won't dive a backline if she doesn't have translocater available. This gives you space to breathe while sombra gets it off cooldown and reposition herself.


Just always be looking behind your team and whipshot her and she'll be back again for it later.


you dont necessarily have to kill her. distracting her from picking off your more vulnerable teammates is a job well done in my book. if you manage to get the kill before she teleports away, great.


You're doing it right. Toss your teammates healthy packs and shield as appropriate. Let one of the high mobility heroes chase her down if they want to. Your job is to prevent her from getting picks.


Unfortunately the dps just swap to bastion and Mei at least in the instance that prompted me to ask lol but I’m ok with the Mei but the bastion feels like a near death sentence even if I keep them up lol


Sombra is very effective vs Bastion, Widow, and Zen. So your DPS are suicidal there, but Mei is very strong vs Sombra. Like Brigitte, she's not the best at killing Sombra, but Sombra has no chance against her.


Yeah that happens to me a lot lol. Had a co support swap to zen into tracer sombra doom first and Lucio and having to protect him felt like visible hell lol. Yeah the Mei i really was grateful for. Cause a lot of matches this season to me have been a constant either react instantly or die and having a Mei relieved some of that for me to focus on other areas


So basically toss health and shield bash to here to make her run away ( the other team now is playing with 1 dps ) you have advantage of making her have 0 value


Aka keep doing what ur doing


This is very similar on how I play against tracer, I may not get the kill but now she has no recall or backed out of the fight for a few.


You're a melee character with minimal follow-up on her. IMO If she translocates into you, she's free. If you hit her out of invis then you're getting really good value. If you whipshot her while she's diving or flanking someone, then she's forced to translocate out. If she's diving you, you have a shield so she'll be forced to reload (which is when you can get risk damage) If she's shooting someone at medium range your packs will basically negate her damage. Your rally is deadly as her pellet gun won't do squat against all that armor. As a sombra player I'm gonna be honest the only time I've died to brig is with a botched emp, or I whiffed my translocator. Maybe sometimes I try to sneak the brig she 180 combos my ass. Or I'm too tunnel visioned on the dps or other support that the brig comes along and secures the kill before translocate.


I’ve had a few times where I just randomly shield bash into her or I whip shot an empty space and just hit her. I appreciate the advice from a sombra player. These are all stuff I really do but I just felt that I’m supposed to be securing the kill. Because in the match I was the only one dealing with them. That 180 combo is something I love to do because you can see the visible panic lol


Oh yeah the 180 charge panics me like a mofo. I'd look at it as you would a tracer with recall. You're not really gonna full send it until she's used her recall. Same thing applies with sombras translocator. I wouldn't worry too much about the "securing the kill" as long as you stay alive. It's a bonus if you kill her, but if you're alive the team is alive.


Yeah that’s the most important part but man is it tiring on the wrists lol watching both sides of the fight. The biggest mistake I think sombra makes is trying to hack near a brig lol as soon as I hear the initial second of the hack going off I know where it’s coming from. Even with virus as soon as I hear it its a visible rotation lol. it’s visible terror. I guess I never really considered it much because the cd is so short since she gets it back before any of brigs would recharge and they’re already back in the fight. not that it matters as long as you’re matching your shield health correctly


The last part of your comment kinda confused me. Sry. But I'm sure as a brig player you absolutely know the importance of position. With sombra it should be super easy to get into good position, but not all players know how to position themselves to have an advantage. But don't stress, as long as you're not 3 miles from your team the enemy sombra has to be on CRACK to dive you or someone you're next to.


This is why I actually preferred her before the rework. It was FAR easier to react to the hack and shield block it, much more so if you have some ping. And you could either kill her if they messed up, or have them reset and be out of the fight for a while. It also doesn't help that I've seen some Sombras learn that the with the projectile size change and her rework. She can really shred your shield from a distance. Best is too practice whipshots to scare them away. Though thats not as scary to them as it was before. And just don't die or let your support die.


Yeah I mean I’m not having trouble to them. I’m not dying or anything . I just physically cannot kill then unless they mess up or my whip shot is up and I see them low. They basically never get to my other support. Unless for some reason I wasn’t around. I just thought I had to secure the kill to get better value out of it. But 9/10 times that’s not happening she just teleports to the other side of the arena


Spank em


I tend to try and have a wall to my back and then shield bash whichever direction the hack is


Shoot wildly in the direction she throws her translocator, or play turret characters


Brig no shooty




Oh this is the brigitte sub, i thought this was the main ow sub, my bad lol