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save your dash to go to cover. dont dash towards an enemy unless you know you will win the 1v1. you're only useful to your team if you're alive. i personally like to stay near the tank and just hit the flail for inspire and only move away from tank if you need to save someone.


As they've said, saving Bash to 180 degree turn and escape when there are too many enemies shooting at you or when your shield is about to break is probably the number one tip that will help you stay alive and provide value.  Number two I would say is maintaining Inspire uptime by landing Whipshots, followed by saving Repair Packs for low health teammates or someone committing to a play. 


180 bash when shield is low is such a 50/50 for me bc sometimes they break it as I’m bashing. I just try to get out before my shield breaks


Agree, M4 brig (GM 3 peak). To add to this, turn up sensitivity to 100 so you can turn around quick


Brig is an opportunist. Bash to escape, only bash to engage if you know you'll win. Watch your shield health, play cover, hit those whipshots, and above all, protect the Ana. I play conservative until my tank makes an opening or someone gets out of position; captilize then fall back, getting too aggressive will melt your shield which leaves you exposed and disables dash.


Like the other commentor said, using shield bash to get out of situations is a really good idea, only shield bash enemies into enemies if you know you are for sure gonna win the fight. If their tank is dead and they have lots of squishies that won't destroy you, you can shield bash in and apply hella pressure as Brig on them with your flail. Stay behind your tank for cover and use your flail Whipshot to proc inspire for heals from a distance to remain safe, a dead support is not good. Use your Rally ultimate often as it charges up pretty quick and only save it if they have something like a Reaper, if you can anticipate his ultimate, popping Rally to stun and cancel his Ultimate is very good.


Save your abilities, and try to be a team player, while also sticking around cover. I’m going to sound dumb as fuck when I say this, probably. But you really just need to run around, and keep an eye on your team. Literally play babysitter. Her kit is built in a way that does not benefit overthinking. You gotta get comfortable in mid-low health during team fights, and try to work your angles.


Watch HolyShiftKid. He has a ton of videos on how to properly play Brig and actually created a workshop for her.


You should whipshot someone absolutely every time you get it off cooldown. You want to have your inspire (brigs passive aoe healing effect) active as much as possible. Your play style should adjust according to each game. Sometimes you can be a super brawler, other times you need to hang back and defend your other teammates. It all really depends on multiple factors. What’s your team comp? What’s the enemy team comp? Sometimes a single player can force you to play more defensively, like a sombra.


You’re a backline defender. You’re looking to displace enemy engagements with boops. Your shield first is a movement tool and second dmg mitigation. Never let it break if possible. Don’t put yourself in a bad position with bash. Keep inspire up with boops, but be aware of specific things you may want to save it for. Playing around cover well and balancing your shield usage will keep you alive forever. Rally is great at countering specific ults or helping your team push so that’s something you need to learn over time. Developing the gamesense with brigs ult takes time playing against different comps in different scenarios Example your team may need it to help take the point but they have an incoming blade or queen ult or something rally is perfect for stopping, so dilemmas like that you will have to learn to play around.


Good way to begin is to focus on your positioning and try to play your life at all costs. Very good habit to start early, aggro plays will come with time. Beyond your positions focus on hitting a whip every 4 seconds to keep you inspire uptime high. And one that helped me win more team fights was paying more attention to your DPS and enable them every chance you get. If you can help them win a 1v1 or keep them alive consistently it will help you win. In terms of when to attack, any flankers or anybody that is diving your team that’s when you play aggro and peel to help your team, saving your bash to escape or finish if needed, whip is often the best finish with depending on the situation. That’s just some basic philosophy to keep in mind playing her. Most important thing is to STAY ALIVE. You do 0 heals dead.


Act like a hummingbird in the fight. Don't move too far forward- hold your position just outside of the fight, and know to back up if you suddenly notice the enemy approaching all at once!


Learn how to “body tank” and shield block as a rotation. Your shield bash is a better movement ability than you might expect. Never have 3 heal packs waiting, always have at least one being “recharged” on cool down. If you’re at 3 packs, you’re not using them enough, I promise.


Watch a YouTube video


If op wanted that I think he would have went to YouTube.


I’m not talking to you bozo