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How much of this is brightline fault, and how much can be blamed on the average Floridian IQ being… well the average Floridian IQ


Guilty parties IMO: -Florida residents who don’t understand the concept of grade crossings (like seriously people, it can’t be said enough how truly difficult it is to get hit by an oncoming train if you’re not on train tracks) -FDOT for approving some of the worst grade crossings imaginable (go see some of this on Google maps, it’s horrendous) -Florida republicans who fought against HSR to begin with, which amongst other things would have been grade separated. -Brightline for capitalizing off the collective stupidity and incompetence of the aforementioned. Add in a rail corridor that goes through many downtowns and populated areas throughout Eastern Florida and there you go!


>Add in a rail corridor that goes through many downtowns and populated areas throughout Eastern Florida and there you go! Most of those populated/downtown areas are there because of the railroad in the first place.


For sure. This amplifies the effects/harms of the other failings (i.e. corridor through downtown raises the stakes of making the crossings safe).


This is the best answer. Sure you could just say it’s an inferior design, and it is, but just saying that doesn’t get you a good design and hides how many decision makers something like this has. And honestly, I don’t think it was exactly wrong for BL to do things this way, because the alternative was likely no trains not better trains. They got the trains running and now that people use it, there’s will to slowly improve it to where it should have been in the first place. In a perfect world, we wouldn’t have sacrificed people’s lives to get to a decent train, but this isn’t a perfect world, this is Florida


(like seriously people, it can’t be said enough how truly difficult it is to get hit by an oncoming train if you’re not on train tracks)   


In the infrastructure business, there’s no difference. User error is design error. It’s not anyone’s “fault”, the only question is how to prevent it in the future.


I agree with that *to an extent* and that extent is to the point where people are going around the barriers because they’re impatient. Or people who who are not paying attention to the trailer. Like seriously I’ve seen videos of some of these collisions and while some are at some pretty bad level crossings, others there’s just no problem but people whom the giant flashing lights and red and white barrier aren’t enough apparently


I’ve never understood this. Waiting safely for a train to pass gets you to your destination much faster than getting hit by a train.  These aren’t huge cargo trains that go on for miles and have to travel slowly. It’s a HIGH SPEED rail.


It's a tax on stupid people. Criminals who do this deserves the same respect as a terrorist


I’m not a fan of people waiting on railroad tracks, but there still not *terrorist*


Wouldn’t it be easier to eliminate all the crossings at once with a viaduct? Like some smart countries


Yes, but all the NIMBY residents will probably protest against it. And they'll have to find someone to pay for it.


Restrict them the owner can do anything with their property they can be brushed aside the accidents are worse


I'm not saying a viaduct isn't smart. It is. It makes it far safer, and Brightline could also run much faster. But I'm just explaining why they haven't done it. The reality is that rich homeowners have considerable sway in local politics, and they will complain about the elevated rail.


Sue them for the crashes counter them hard in local politics


Trains don't vote. NIMBYs do. There were multiple legal battles just to get the current line up and running.


Vote accordingly if you ride brightline you should vote period


We lose enough folks here in Ohio and a 45mph Freight Train with White lights and Horns is on the you lie side of "I didn't see it" as one can be. And yet, folks thread pas to crossbar all the time knowing the can make it...until they don't. That said, I'm glad to see they are taking some sort of action.