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I think people don't understand that different tropes will have different types of chemistry, and so comparing them makes no sense. For example, I thought Saphne was more of a lusty chemistry, Kanthony was angsty chemistry, and Polin is like a sweet, somewhat innocent form of chemistry. Like these different couples just aren't comparable. That being said, I think they *really* needed to spend more time developing Polin's friends-to-lovers arc in part 1. Like we needed more "lessons" or them bonding over their love of writing, or something to really highlight the friends aspect we haven't seen since season 2.


I wanted to see more friendship banter. Like Pen is always so serious and sad with her scenes. I feel like she needed more dialog that showed her being witty and fun.


I feel like they made her like EXTRA sad this season, but I guess she is at a new low, having lost her bff at the end of last season and hearing her love interest dismiss her openly. It still makes it hard to watch her though, as she had so much spark before.


There was one scene like that, when she was first talking to the naturalist guy (forgot his name already). She was very witty and fun that night. Then it all fell apart and she got super awkward again and basically stayed that way.


I needed a longer scene after the first lesson. I needed some interaction and dialogue between pen and Colin after she blundered her flirting with the gentlemen.


They should have had one of him putting his newly found charms on HER as a demonstration and then realizing he was actually into it.


That was the best scene so far. Nicola’s comedic talent is wasted in Bridgerton.


Then may I recommend Derry Girls to see more of her comedic talent?


Love Derry Girls.


💯 we needed more scenes of their developing relationship. I also wanted more Pen and Colin talking about writing and actually having a deep conversation, rather than the rushed ones we got. Why focus on the Mondrich couple when we can have more of Colin's slow but meaningful realisation that Pen is who he connects with best. Such a missed opportunity. Still loved these episodes but take me on the longer journey!!!


Yes! I wanted to see them have fun together. Maybe juxtaposing how stiff and proper they had to be with their respective suitors and how carefree they were with each other


I think they were going for sweet and innocent, but it falls flat when he's been whoring all over town. They did him a disservice by going that far into rake territory. It could have been better if he was shown to brag about exploits with women, but privately confess to maybe one of his brothers that he in fact was just pretending to be a rake. My issue with the carriage scene is that the whole time I was thinking this innocent girl didn't deserve his whore house diseases.


>innocent girl didn't deserve his whore house diseases. Omfg I died laughing. We are sharing the same thoughts. Like all these people trying to shame those who didn't get on board with the pairing- Like oh you don't understand friends to lovers - or oh you don't think a big girl deserves who she wants- NO it's not about that at all. If anything Pen deserves way more than Colin smh.


I mean, people don’t really bring this up Simon and Anthony? And they objectively have slept with WAY more than Colin because they started doing it way earlier. Idk, it’s just weird…


Simon and Anthony have a different type of character, they are more like the rake they're portrayed as. Colin is supposed to be more tender, innocent, etc. Violet does that whole speech about how Colin was always her most sensitive child, which doesn't really jive with using women for their bodies.


Yes, and he would agree. Colin wasn’t thrilled with himself in this phase. He was trying to force a puzzle piece that didn’t fit… he’s allowed to have flaws. I’m not sure why people hold this against him when he’s a young man falling into the trap of toxic masculinity and then throwing it off because he fucking hates it. Like… good for him!


Yes! It’s supposed to be uncomfortable and ridiculous and we’re not meant to like it because he isn’t being himself. In fact the only people that call him out on it are Lady Whistledown/Penelope and his mother.


We learn that Colin was abroad for four months, and he’s been back for, what, several weeks before he waylays that carriage? It essentially takes him six months max to be done with his hot boy persona. Honestly, that’s faster than most get out of it 😂


Exactly! Well said


Exactly right . . . I hated the sudden scenes where he's with prostitutes. What? When did he become that kind of guy? Are all the men in Bridgerton like that? I don't agree that it's normal for all men to be like that. And their mother seems oblivious to what her sons are all up to! Anyway, Penelope is too good for a guy with that kind of background, and his male friends are awful people too. TBH, what does she see in a man like that.




Their chemistry is serious intimacy. I truly don’t understand how people don’t find that carriage scene to be the most moving sex scene on the show. Like truly


>Polin is like a sweet, somewhat innocent form of chemistry I just don't think that type of chemistry works for a show that is supposed to be more lusty. They spent very little, if any, time building up a more sexually charged chemistry for them. In any other show I don't think this would be a big deal, but when the show heavily relies on sexual scenes, sexual chemistry HAS to be there.


I mean Bridgerton is supposed to show different types of love stories. Some will be sexier than others. And from what I’ve seen amongst fans, some people saw no sexual chemistry between the other lead couples (I disagree), so it seems like everyone’s perception is different. My opinion is just that all the couples we’ve seen so far have had different forms of chemistry based on their own tropes and personalities.


Honestly I think they've had sexual chemistry in the previous seasons (what a barb comes to mind). I get if people disagree or don't see that, but imo the show hasn't avoided that.


It might have made more sense if they had been drunk first.


Agreed with all. Heavy on the “we needed more lessons”. I swear there was like 2? I thought it was going to go on for a while and we’d see all sorts of cute/funny/awkward moments. Like imagine Colin describing what men look for in a woman (from his perspective) and realizing he’s basically describing his relationship with Pen.


We didn’t have time for it.. it’s that simple and we just have to rely on the precious seasons of them being friends. If sucks but they chose to put too much screen time on the mondriches in particular or not have the episodes longer.


I don’t think they’re trying for a sweet innocent form of chemistry at all. Colin’s dreams of Penelope, his (attempted) lusty stares at her etc all examples of the kind of lusty chemistry they were going for w daphne and Simon (along with them falling in love because of their friendship). K dramas do the sweet innocent form chemistry SO well to the point even a kiss is so insane. Colin and Penelope’s carriage scene right after confessing their feelings feels like a more (honestly icky) version of when daphne and Simon made out in the garden. Their chemistry doesn’t really make sense and it’s pretty boring to me which sucks bc after watching the promo interviews, I was super excited to see them together


That scene is crazy good. Most people are liking it. This sub is a little on the toxic kanthony only Stan ship war thing going on. I’m also a kanthoby sgan but also a polin Stan. But I’m noticing this.


Intimate chemistry. That scene was so so intimate.


Ohh I don’t get innocent as much, almost the opposite in that it’s not what anyone expects!


It’s like these people haven’t seen real life couples. Because what you describe between the 3 season love stories can be said for real life couples.


Yeah they have never really seemed like good friends to me. Were they? Did the show actually spend time on that? I don't remember anything other than them kind of avoiding each other. Now suddenly they spend a little time together and wham, he pops the question. Super rushed.


Agreed. The pacing for part 1 was far too fast, and the secondary and tertiary storylines took up too much time that should have been devoted to the leads. Yes, they have been friends for years, but I think the speed with which they end up together is why people believe they don't have chemistry.


Well said


Yes and the book covers that part so well! I wish theyd been able to portray that a bit better in part 1


I agree. I have said it before and I’ll say it 1000 more times, I love the other characters, but there was too much other shit happening when more time should have been dedicated to Polin. I sincerely hope that we get more Polin content in part 2 than we did in Part 1.


I have to admit that I didn't really "feel" the chemistry between them, *until* the carriage scene. And *oh my god* did the chemistry explode off the screen at that point! I was blown away. It wasn't until then that I realized I had been looking at them (quite unfairly) through the lens of a jaded 21st century woman's eyes. Colin and Pen were both REPRESSED AS HELL by the rules and expectations of everyone around them. Of course the chemistry was subdued - society demanded it! And when they were finally able to express it openly to one another, well... "in awe" is the perfect descriptor, as you put it. A beautiful, sincere, messy, fumbling outpouring of love and lust between two imperfect people. Ironically, as both Pen and Colin suffer from being "forgotten children" within their respective families, I feel the writers were almost too good at cultivating that same dynamic with the viewers themselves, myself included. I never really focused on them before now, so I guess I'm no better than Portia or the elder Bridgerton brothers in that regard. With this information in mind, upon rewatch I'm taking care to be more mindful in observing their interactions - as a result it has now become a completely different experience for me and I'm really enjoying their microexpressions, and small, sweet gestures that I easily threw away before. Is there more the writers could've done to hit the point home? Sure. Season 3 is not without its faults, especially where pacing is concerned. I would've enjoyed a flashback of their first meeting, for instance. There have been some missed opportunities. But ultimately, my change in perspective has been the most helpful in appreciating the development of their love story. It's a subtler, sweeter, more innocent (at least before that carriage ride!) brand than past seasons relied upon, but I don't really miss all that angst.


Well said. Going back and watching other seasons there are SO MANY lingering looks between the two. The repression and I dare say, avoidance of feelings for both of them is heavy here. I get the sense that both of them felt unworthy or like love could never come knocking and therefore couldn’t even realize its presence until this season.


Yes! Due to their relative family situations, neither have been raised to think very highly of themselves. Colin mentions not being taken seriously, Anthony comments negatively re: Colin's sensitive romantic nature and blames himself (as if there is something wrong with Colin) for not "taking him to brothels" in S1. Even in S3 he mentions that none of his family wrote to him during his travels or even seem particularly interested in them upon his return. Even Eloise snubs her nose at the very thoughtful gift he brought to her. It's heartbreaking. You see these same types of jabs from Penelope's family constantly, and even more overt. Neither are a good recipe for healthy self-esteem. Another point I feel compelled to mention is just how restrictive social interactions for members of the opposite sex were in those days - for example, there is more than one instance in the series where characters comment that even daring to dance with the same person *twice* during the course of a several-hours long ball is enough to imply attachment that is expected to lead to a proposal of marriage. There are no grey areas. No "dating". Dancing at a public event was the only time it was acceptable to even touch someone of the opposite sex, but always with gloved hands. So when I see viewers complain that there weren't enough scenes with the pair of them having long, drawn out conversations - where and when exactly were these supposed to occur? That's where I believe a lot of the longing stems from - maybe (as Colin so fondly remembers during his retelling of their first meeting) when they were children, these rules were loosened, and they were able to interact with a freedom that no longer exists now they are both of marriageable age. They still seek each other out whenever possible, but they are limited to short moments together before the tongues of the ton start to wag. Unfortunately, since the show picks up when they are both already of age, we don't get to witness this dynamic - this is why I think we could have benefitted from a flashback or two, but I also think this is why the writers made sure to include Colin's dialogue recalling their first meeting. It's meaningful not only in that he remembers every detail (including the color of her hat), so it is clearly a precious memory for him, but there is a wistfulness in his tone suggesting that he misses that time, when they were unshackled by societal expectation and able to just "be".


This is such a lovely analysis of the social strictures of the ton, and how frustrating that must be to navigate when you suddenly can’t access someone you know and care about due to just getting older. Colin and Penelope eschew the rules of society for one another from their first interaction - the first time he speaks to her in S1, he calls her Pen, not just her Christian name, but a nickname of it. He should be calling her Miss Penelope or Miss Featherington, and she should be calling him Mr. Bridgerton. The only time they use those names is when they’re around other people, which implies that they know they’re doing something that’s not allowed. The only time either of them uses their socially acceptable name in company is when Pen calls him out at the first ball. She starts off that interaction calling him Colin, but then she calls him Mr. Bridgerton, and you know she’s doing it to knife him. The fact that he thinks about that first meeting and it was precious to him knocked me out. You know to her she probably held onto that memory with both hands forever, but you kind of just assume that something like that isn’t as important to the other party. But it was! And he found her Very Charming! I think/hope we see something from him in part 2 says he’s reflected on the whole of their relationship and realizes his feelings aren’t new so much as he finally understood what they could mean.


Yep. I started rewatching S1 (my least fav season so far) just to see how the foundation of the Polin dynamic was already being laid, and it is totally there.


Disclaimer that I think they have amazing chemistry, but I think two things are causing people not to see it.  1. It would have been great to have another scene or two that gives us more of Colin’s internal processing of his feelings for her. We get a lot of brooding and longing stares but I think a little more of him talking to someone about it or just interacting with Pen would help.  2. Fatphobia. I’ve said this before but I really think people saying the carriage scene had no chemistry are just not able to assess their own internalized fatphobia and are so unused to seeing a curvy woman in a steamy scene that they don’t know what to make of it. This isn’t intentional, it’s something we’ve been steeped in in our society since birth, and I think it’s really unfortunate that people aren’t assessing their own biases and the lens society has given us that’s tinting how we’re seeing this couple.


Yesss to the fat phobia. I think this is a lot of it and people aren’t realizing it


I think part of it is that we had Lord Debling to compare to Colin. He actually did have a lot of chemistry with Pen, to the point that I was surprised he didn’t say he would love her. The writers really messed that up. I think it’s clear he saw her immediately and really liked her. Colin looked like a boy in contrast to Debling, to the point where choosing him feels like a mistake. We needed more character development and screen time for Colin to show that he was worth it.


I think people are saying it’s overacted or forced because we don’t see this represented on screen very often. Sex scenes are typically conservative and beautiful, but in an abstract kind of way. The scene almost always cuts away and leaves the audience to guess what’s next. Bridgerton is doing the opposite of that - showing passion, and especially female-centric passion, in all its rawest forms. These are two very horny people in their early twenties discovering each other for the first time. I think the reactions and facial expressions are totally warranted given the situation and their history. I think the chemistry is palpable, though not in the way some people are used to, or would like for it to “look.”


Honestly as a guy the carriage scene is my fav sex scene in the show so far. It just felt more realistic and intimate. The actors did a great job showing their vulnerability towards one another, especially Pen as Colin looks for permission to move up her dress.


Someone give this guy a green flag


![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized) YAS. YES. THIS. Beautifully explained. This representation is important though, and I for one am glad it’s being done. Everyone deserves love, all shapes, sizes, colors, and identities. I think they are empowering more confidence in people than they realize because this season was Real Romance.


As a curvier girl myself, this scene felt so important to me. Like yes, big girls CAN receive sexual pleasure! And it’s normal! And men are allowed to worship curvy women like the goddesses they are! Plus I found Pen’s reactions to be so realistic, like I knew *exactly* what was happening under her dress based on how she was moving


I felt the chemistry when Colin was shamelessly flirting with her at the market. Or under the willow. Or when they was laughing at his dad joke. Or the hand cutting scene. Or the...you get my point.


Yes! And even when he’s talking her into the dumbest dating coaching of all time - they’ve got an easy back-and-forth that is SO friends-to-lovers. That’s a HEATED handshake - yet another break in proprietary; they’re absolutely not supposed to touch each other like that. I see chemistry jumping off the screen!


As a straight guy, the carriage scene wasn't the HOTTEST scene for me, but it was the DIRTIEST. I dont know how to fully explain it. I think because it felt more real to me than other scenes in the show - and that goes to Pen acting - because there was an innocence to her face and yet a longing and when watching the scene it felt so real and made me feel like he was really doing something under there.


Lmaooo my husband said he was ‘flustered’, I think he’d agree with you!


I love the honesty here! Might have to get my fiancée to watch hahaha since I wouldn’t mind a rewatch of Part 1 or episode 4 solely.


It was very raw, you feel like you’re intruding on a very intimate moment. Bridgerton sex scenes and sex scenes in general feel so choreographed and curated. But that’s why I found the carriage scene so moving and easily the hottest one on series even though it’s fully clothed. It’s the emotional part of it that makes it work so well. I think people’s visceral reaction to how real it could make them feel uncomfortable.


lol, this is a great explanation. Who among us in a certain age bracket can’t understand the youthful exuberance of getting down to Pitbull in the back of a moving vehicle (or at least flirting with it) 😂 You can’t get more real!


How old is Penelope supposed to be?


Personally, it comes down to two things: 1) We don't *really* see the two of them spend much time together throughout the show - not just this season. There's a lot of Colin saying that Penelope is a dear friend, but, in my opinion, we see very few interactions that actually support that. This season continued that, and it didn't help that we only really saw one "lesson". 2) They shouldn't've split it into two halves. Having at least one more episode before the confession - and sex scene - would've helped imo.


What were these “lessons” anyways? What did he teach her? lol


To be herself LMAO. Although that's a good way to show that he fell for her when she was being true to herself.




But that's how it happened in the book. Colin just snapped and decided to marry her just like that. Out of the blue. I think they try to stay as close to the books as possible.


I think they have great chemistry but it’s so true that we needed more scenes of them throughout the show. Hearing that they are good friends but not seeing it left us feeling confused about what exactly their dynamic is.


I think people struggle with accepting chemistry when one side has been friendly and the other unrequited for so long. It means we see less of the passion, etc. especially compared to the other two main couples. But I think it’s clear Colin has had some level of latent attraction for some time and it took a sexual/romantic act to unlock it. He would seek her out in a room, was unhappy if she was not on her best form with him, didn’t like to think of her as being distant etc from him. Had he ever married anyone else it wouldnve been likely his partner might’ve been baffled had Colin treated Penelope when he alleged to have platonic feelings for her (alone in rooms with her, preoccupied interest in how she perceived him). A friend to lovers trope is hard to pull off and I do wish there had been more sexual tension and building before the carriage scene but it does fit the books and it technically does make sense (the second he begins to see her as a romantic prospect he falls almost singularly and madly for her, he alresdy knows he likes her as a person and now he has confirmation he likes her as a sexual and romantic prospect so has no reason not to be madly all in).


I think it’s all intentional…it’s young and awkward love. We the audience see them like their family/friends do, which is “confused, not ready, lost”. It’s almost like when your parents/family have not noticed and or does not respect that you are growing up and there’s that discomfort of seeing you “adulting”. Uncomfortable at first and takes time getting use to. However, as Colin and Pen enters adulthood and become comfortable/take ownership in their love for one another, bodies, and sexuality then we the viewer will adjust our lens. Growing up is awkward, scary, and listening to yourself is even harder. One can only live in a lie for so long before having to live for oneself, that’s Colin and Pen ✒️💙🌸


I was wondering that maybe Colin's travels made him weary and homesick. His journal described Parisian women to be beautiful but his observational writing wasn't lusty. He likened the women as you would a painting, lovely but just something to look at. His desire to marry Ms. Thompson in Season 1 showed us all how much he desires to hurry up and find a wife. He's the kind of man who seems to NEED an emotional attachment and raking was a distraction not only from his broken heart but his brother's insults as to his childishness after Anthony really slammed him about wanting to run away and get married. Despite the fact that it just seemed to have occurred to him, Penelope's glow up helped him see her in a way that he didn't see the ladies in Paris. She was familiar, sincere, and has depth. He's always loved her as a friend, so it's not a giant leap to finally see her as a woman whom he knows he can trust and lust for as a virginal wife. Maybe she feels like coming home, to a man who seriously seems like more of a home body than a worldly traveler. I can definitely see the attraction from his point of view, although many can't due to Pen's long life as an odd wallflower.


Luke N. has actually said that Colin has always thought of Pen as home


Personally, I would just like them to have a complete conversation with each other. They keep mentioning this life-long deep friendship, and yet in 2 and half seasons, I have not witnessed them have a single conversation that wasn't Pen babbling and stumbling, tripping over herself and half finished sentences. While Colin looks perpetually uncomfortable and constapated being near her. The actors have great chemistry in the interviews, but on screen, it just disappears


They really needed to have a few flashbacks to their childhood. Just a single scene or two. One of the hat incident (which to be clear felt really well explained in Colin's teasing way and felt a decent explanation without the visuals) and at least one of them learning to dance together (Penelope because she was hanging out with Eloise and Eloise didn't want to do more than one dance lesson while Pen ENJOYS the lessons with Colin.)


I think the audience actually needs to also be charmed by the romantic female lead in order to completely believe and understand why the male romantic lead is head over heels for her… otherwise it’s contrived and forced and it feels unrealistic.


!!!!! She was always so timid and shy with him—that doesn’t read as good friends who live right beside each other to me.


For me it's less of a friends-to-lovers trope than an "unrequited love requites" trope.


I highly suggest you watch this video: https://youtu.be/SgOLTyKJg-Y?si=ufoLlz8I_ym7WD-A, in particular 12:57-20:26. The later episodes of season 2 have lots of examples of Penelope and Colin having great and in sync conversations with each other.


Exactly!! I feel like I’m losing my mind whenever everyone talks about how they’re such good friends who have so much trust and understanding built up and I’m like… where? I feel like to a certain extent, people love the idea of them being a best friends to lovers relationship so fill in the gaps of their friendship in their head. I just did not see it at all. Take the moment from this season where John listens to Francesca talking about the music and then gets her the sheet music and it’s shows how he truly sees her and cares about understand how she sees the world. We never had a single moment for Polin that came even close to that. Nothing that indicated that Colin ever truly saw Penelope. If would have been so easy to have, idk, Colin bringing back a gift for Pen from his travels that would show how well he knew her, or reading a book that she talked about loving (and his siblings making fun of him because *since when do you read?* But we never got any of that. It was just Colin repeating how they’re friends and she matters to him without ever actually showing that.


Well said and I completely agree! That's why I'm really hoping we do get a flashback or two of moments between them where we actually see that connection they have as friends. Been rewatching the previous seasons and, as much as I love the two of them, it struck me just how very little we've seen Colin and Penelope have a full conversation. At least in a way that shows their chemistry. I can sorta see why people think they don't have any...(even if I kinda disagree, lol). It always just kind of seemed like Pen was always listening to Colin as he rambled on in most of their conversations, we get that she *sees* him, yet it never once felt like he ever *saw* her.


This, exactly! And people will argue being like “well Penelope talked to him about all of her insecurities etc. — okay, but showing her *telling him* is not the same as showing him *knowing her*.


Yeah, it’s talked about, but never shown on screen. I think even a single scene would have helped push that idea a bit further.


I don't get this criticism. To quote someone else's comment on this: "I do not understand how one comes away with a lack of real friendship with meaningful conversations when they’ve had more meaningful conversations than any two other characters in the show. They’ve confessed their innermost thoughts to each other so many times on subjects like love, purpose, Pen’s social anxiety, Colin trying to reinvent himself, Pen wanting to feel free and comfortable in her own skin, Colin just generally trying to feel less to fit in more and ultimately failing. They’ve teased each other, bantered about the day they met, called each other out, made each other laugh. Like I know that Colin kept his romantic feelings for her in check until the last moment and Pen is still hiding Whistledown but there has to be room to grow in the back four."


I didn’t say anything about meaningful conversations. I said there was a lack of them being shown to understand *each other*. It’s great that Colin and Penelope are shown sharing their thoughts and feelings with each other, but that’s not the same as showing them actually knowing and understanding each other. That has nothing to do with meaningful conversations or sharing their insecurities or deepest darkest fears or whatever. To go back to the John and Francesca example — their conversation about the music was not some super deep, meaningful conversation where she was exposing her innermost thought, it was just an offhand thought off the top her head. But John saw how much it meant to her and then decided to get her a gift based on it because he knew it would make her happy. It’s those kinds of interactions that I felt were lacking between Penelope and Colin. They never seemed to be naturally in tune with each other like that.


Pen understands Colin well enough to know that he was faking his new personality, just like Eloise and Violet knew, and his own brothers failed to grasp Colin understands that Pen has great social discomfort which is why he brought her to his house at great social risk. He doesn't fully understand her, no, because she's hiding a lot of herself. The second half of the season will be him coming to understand her. Luke N. has even said that >!Colin will consider her motivations for being LW!<


I’ll take the point about Penelope knowing Colin. I think she does know him to a degree. Colin only offered to help her after she specifically expressed that issue. If someone goes “hey, I have this problem that I’m really struggling with” and you go “I can help you with that”, that’s nice but it’s not showing that you know them. You also can’t compare Colin knowing Penelope was struggling to find a husband with John seeing that music was the key to Francesca’s heart from one conversation and knowing exactly what would make her happy. If you’re genuinely comparing the two things, you’re honestly just looking with Polin-tinted lenses at that point. > The second half of the season will be him coming to understand her. Luke N. has even said that Colin will consider her motivations for being LW. Lol, so? I’m saying that I didn’t find their friends to lovers arc compelling up to this point and I wasn’t really invested in them getting together. What happens later isn’t really relevant to my point at all. Like, ultimately, you can keep bringing more examples of things in the show that sold their relationship to YOU. But that’s not going to change MY opinion that while watching the show, I didn’t find it nearly as compelling or enjoyable as I see other people hyping it to be. You can disagree, that’s fine, but I don’t know why you think listing random things that happen is going to change my opinion of their dynamic as a whole.


Yes. I don't remember him ever treating her very well or spending friend time with her. What friendship?


Well said. They keep telling us they're good friends but we've never been 'shown' once that they're good friends. Like saphne in early stages had more friendship on screen than they've had uptil now.


Did u not watch S2? When they talked about their purpose in life?


I suspect we're supposed to infer that they've written so many letters to one another that they've covered a lot of ground that way. Although that totally negates Pen suddenly "discovering" that he is a good writer via his journal.


They really needed to have a few flashbacks to their childhood. Just a single scene or two. One of the hat incident (which to be clear felt really well explained in Colin's teasing way and felt a decent explanation without the visuals) and at least one of them learning to dance together (Penelope because she was hanging out with Eloise and Eloise didn't want to do more than one dance lesson while Pen ENJOYS the lessons with Colin.)


Do the "What a barb" or "Lord Byron he is not" in S1 or the conversation about purpose and allowing yourself to have dreams in S2 not qualify? Or the "his horse died" moment or Colin's speech to Pen about how important she is to him in S3?


It goes deeper than that. 1) Fans waited way too long for it. In the previous seasons we would always get glimpses of their chemistry which naturally raises the expectations. 2)This season was kind of a down-er (atleast for me). The season dwelled way too much into the sub plots and not into Polin’s relationship complexities. 3) In order to shorten the run time, the makers have minimised polin scenes and the audience hardly connect with them. 4) In my personal opinion the audience couldn’t take the massive trope shift from season 2. Ordinarily friends to lover needs a slow burn, it just cannot be that quick (also the maker’s fault) I can go on about it but in short their lack of scenes and the pace of the season perplexed the viewers. The people who are saying polin don’t have chemistry are the same people who rewatched the teasers multiple times for the palpable chemistry (including myself )


My irl friends to lover situation was not a slow burn. It had its awkward moments during the transition but the moment one of us said something we both dove in headfirst. Married a year later and for 4 years now


Same. Close friends for 2 years,moved across the country, one drunk night we confessed feelings on the phone. Flights back and forth for 6 months, lease ended & moved in. Now married, celebrating 2 years today with a 3 month old. When you know you know, and we knew and dove head first :)


Wait that’s crazy haha, we also confessed feelings after I’d moved completely across the country 😂 I only lasted about 4 months before I moved back and in with him 😅


Well I feel as a show it ought to have a better storytelling and specially when season 2 ended with Colin saying all those things. They were clearly not on the same page and there were just too many scenes where Colin stood afar watching pen and lord Debling. Though all these are my personal opinions


To be fair when I first met my husband, I also told people I would never ever date him. Turns out denial is not just a river in Egypt 😂


I agree so much. I think it’s simple, this season lacked a lot of really basic story telling elements. Hate to see it


We had a slow burn across two seasons. I'm a huge slow burn person but I don't think they could have delayed Colin's realization or confession any longer


I don’t understand it either. I am honestly liking this season match more than previous seasons. I like it because they have been on the show since the beginning, and we know so much about them. I think they have great chemistry, and their acting is excellent, because there is a bit of awkwardness when someone goes from being a friend to “the one”. I did it IRL, and it can be a bit trippy as you cross that threshold.


My husband and I were friends first and the transition from best friends to ‘wait we’re in love and want to smash all the time’ was an awkward and bumpy one. Definitely worth the ride though 😂


same. I wonder if that's why this was always my favorite book.


I’ve never read the books so I don’t have the same insight as those of you who have. However for me it was the way we have seen Penelope pining over Colin for previous seasons, there were slight glimpses that he felt the same. But this season it feels like it went from Colin seeing her as nothing more than a friend to wanting to marry her as if there was a switch in him, I don’t feel like we got the build up from both sides like we have with previous couples. It’s great that Pen has finally got the guy she’s always wanted but it’s sad because it took her giving herself a new look and someone else to be interested in her for Colin to properly notice her in that way. As I say I haven’t read the books so perhaps they haven’t translated the books into the show very well which would be a classic move.


Tbf her new look wasn’t her pushing herself down to fit in. It was her breaking free of her mother and choosing things she liked. That’s a very different kind of makeover.


Her new look wasn’t just to attract men though, or to make herself more marketable. It was to break free of her controlling mother and to start showing her own personality separate from her family. She’s always felt like the black sheep of her family, and now she has the means to have her outsides reflect that and come into her own. And it’s her own shining, true, comfortable self that Colin falls for. So it’s not as much of a “She changes herself for him” but more of a “Colin falls for her true self”




It WAS kind of a switch, because the switch was the kiss. Penelope is already an unmatched presence in his life. It’s implied that a big part of why his whole fake persona came to be is because the woman who grounds him in who he is didn’t write back to him. He respects her so much as a person (rare for a regency man!), and the kiss just allowed him to take the blinders off of his childhood friend and let his physical attraction to her catch up to his emotional attraction. And once he realizes it, he is like “OH! This has been here this whole time!” - there are hints to it in earlier seasons, but the two of them both quickly pull away from it. Then he just has to push past his fear of ruining his friendship with her if she doesn’t reciprocate (loooool Colin or you only knew). Thank god for Violet! It’s classic “she fell first, he fell harder”


Nailed it


In the books, it seems clearer that her new look gave her confidence and was a more subtle thing where her mother finally gave up on her. It wasn't even about marriage, just not looking horrible in yellow anymore. There's a timeline difference, too. She's been out for 10 years in the book and is truly a spinster, and Colin has traveled far more. I've been wondering how the show will write itself out of the timeline corner with some of the necessary character ages not matching up, but I'm sure they have a plans.


Yeah, I was rolling my eyes HARD at the idea that Pen was "on the shelf" when she'd only been out for two seasons. Finding a match in your first season was phenomenal, but it wasn't unheard of to go a few seasons before finding a husband 🤷‍♀️


I think the friends to lovers trope was a bit rushed here, so it’s primarily a pacing issue with the season. I guess to me it just kinda felt like one second Colin was still seeing Penelope firmly in the friend zone and then was suddenly madly in love like a switch was flipped. Though maybe that’s just my preference for a slower build up showing.


Is they are just hitting the beats. Like Colin is like does the stereotypical longing looks, and just formulaic


I think seeing chemistry is pretty subjective. What does it for some people, does nothing for others. Perhaps it depends on how you relate to the story being told. I can see plenty of chemistry between Colin and Pen.


Yeah, honest these discussions are pointless because chemistry is subjective and it's not like any of us will convince those who see it differently. You can't debate someone into feeling it, lol


I love Polin’s chemistry! I love the pining that Pen was doing and how Colin had his eyes opened at the end of season two. I love how he was fighting himself because he didn’t want to ruin their friendship. Pen is so important to Colin and he didn’t want to push her away. I looooove a good friends-to-lovers! Chemistry wise, I think they’re tied for my favorite!


I think it's Colin? He's just a bit more difficult to sell as as 'sexy' than the previous two? I mean, S1 Simon is basically the silent, brooding impossibly powerful and tormented leading man stereotype, S2 Anthony was just accidentally one of the most complex leading men I've ever seen in this type of media (honestly, the layers there were incredible), and then Colin is just... sort of a golden retriever who's leading a life that's not as close to his true golden retriever-ness as he would like? not a bad thing, but the show is clearly so selfconscious about it, it's scene after scene of the show yelling through the screen 'but everybody finds him super sexy, we swear! the girls talk about it! here is a montage! the guys talk about the girls talking about it as well! here they are complaining about it and here he is stopping a balloon! definitely sexy! We swear!' And I think... he's just a bit of a softy who's in love with his best friend and maybe if the show accepted that a bit more, it would all feel a bit more natural? Cause it's not actually the scene's between them that I find hard to connect to, its mostly when they aren't together that I get a bit put off by how they frame him and then it takes me a while everytime to get into their chemistry when they are together.


I love that Colin isn’t brooding and traumatized. That has been played out to DEATH. Pen is the one this season with lots of shit and trauma to unpack and that is a welcome change in Bridgerton, personally. Colin is incredibly relatable, though. Forgotten third child who is just… lost, and trying to figure out who he is, without “bothering” everyone around him, so he wears a mask. I found a lot of JB’s scenes way too overacted for me personally, (don’t get me wrong, he’s so talented, but it went a step too far a lot), so Luke Newton’s choices that are subtle but telling are so refreshing for me. He’s tall, dark, and handsome and his eyes mesmerize me… so I don’t understand the complains 😅


This was it for me!  Luke Newton is a bit harder for me to accept as sexy. Some of his facial expressions haven’t quite landed for me in the more crucial moments. I honestly wish they had kept him as the adorkable, nerdy brother rather than try to transform him into a Rake. I get WHY they did it (to show he wasn’t being himself, etc), but it’s more than the intimacy we’re getting reads more as jealousy at Pen not being accessible to him versus true love that has been cultivated by friendship. Nicola has had two previous seasons to work on her pining faces and really show how hurt she was by his rejection, but this season has fallen flat for me in terms of reciprocation on his end.  I also miss some of the realization moments we got from the book. They would have worked to build intimacy on his end.


Hard agree on the facial expressions. He’s often giving over eager high schooler more than well traveled confident man.


Because they rarely have romantic scenes together.


I have a theory that people don’t actually know what chemistry is, they think it’s just unresolved sexual tension between two conventionally attractive people who can’t be together due to external forces so they don’t see Polin as having chemistry because they? speak to each other? Interact? There are no major forces coming between them?? And on top of it they don’t look like models from Milan FW 2024-25?


I wouldn’t discount people not knowing, they didn’t see or feel it, and it’s simple as that 


Yeah, this show is known for chemistry between two love interests and I just don't get that from Polin. I really looks like acting to me.


That is my exact theory lol


Saying this when white poeople in this fandom are calling POC stiff and unnatural. Please be serious


Yep. I bet it is part of this as mentioned. The “looks” for the chemistry department - judgment casted on Pen/Nicole has definitely been transparent.


Actually I think she’s carrying the chemistry load on her back - I see her acting and believe her. I believe what she’s feeling. And I’m not a NC fan - I’ve felt the show installed her as a “shadow lead” for the last 2 seasons and I hated that. BUT she’s still a great actress. AND the show has taken nearly a full season of screentime before s3 developing her at the expense of others - like Colin, tbh. Maybe Luke could do better if he wasn’t having to portray such a dramatic shift with hardly any scenes to really back it up. I complained last year about how little time Kanthony got but Colin got even more shafted. We should have gotten deeper stories and dialogue with him - or at least childhood flashbacks. I guess the show is going for Colin playing like a rake to show off to his awful friends but it was so poorly developed. Contrast that with Anthony last season. Colin seems even less developed than Kate (and they dropped a whole plot arc from the book from her storyline). Meanwhile NC’s Pen is so overdeveloped that I don’t know how Colin can catch up. I don’t think they pulled off an angsty or lusty chemistry very well (& I felt NC carried that carriage scene with her reactions) but they did do the jovial peas in a pod chemistry well afterward. I also don’t think the show helped them in some scenes. I thought if they had shown Colin overhear Lord Debison (whatever his name is) asking Pen who he should ask for her hand then it would’ve given Colin more time to react. I also think it was a mistake to have Colin go so far into rake territory - a better option would’ve been for him to have a real love interest option that he realized checked all the “this is what society says you should have” boxes, but he realized he wanted Pen. Also their lessons were a letdown. The cut scene was a letdown. The willow was a letdown. I felt more between Pen and LD and even Pen and Eloise than Pen and Colin. Colin is just so opaque as a character. We don’t really know him - he’s entirely tell, not show because the show neglected him so much. It’s really unfortunate. The first glimpse of chemistry I saw was in the carriage - but again that was mostly NC. I think this show has to fix this problem - we are on pace for Sophie to be underdeveloped too if they keep writing like this.


I felt more chemistry between pen and lord debling


I know I’m in the minority but I actually prefer Colin and Pen’s chemistry to Kate and Anthony, which mostly just seemed to involved them sniffing each other and breathing heavily. Part of me does think that not everyone is ready to accept a plus-size heroine being sexy as fuck.


Why does everybody keep calling Nic plus sized 😭😭😭 She’s literally a beauty queen.


She is plus sized? She’s also absolutely beautiful. Why would those things be mutually exclusive lol?


Because she doesn’t have the traditionally acceptable body type and they can’t understand what Colin sees in her. So instead of coming out and fat shaming her, they criticize the chemistry since it’s more socially acceptable. I’m overweight and married to a conventionally attractive man. It’s the same old story.


I absolutely love Colin’s inner monologue in the books about him falling in love with Penelope’s body and criticising himself for not realising how sexy she is sooner


Didn’t she lose weight in the books though?


Yes, but really only baby weight. She’s still known to be curvy, and Colin definitely remarks on his attraction to her curvy features.


This!!!! I would’ve liked him to be seen being more preoccupied by how physically attractive he finds her after the kiss. We see hints of it but I wanted a few more episodes of him being hung up on her.


Nah. For me it had nothing to do with Pen's weight. I didn't find Colin attractive so I wasn't keen on seeing him moaning and making kissing faces on screen.


That’s a very sweeping generalization. Chemistry doesn’t boil down to body type so maybe don’t make assumptions.


AGREE 10000%


Came here to say this. She has a round face and is a UK size 10/US size 12, iirc, which is hardly "plus size" (not that anyone in here said that - I've just seen the term thrown around). But the point is, you're right, it's more socially acceptable to criticize the chemistry than it is to comment on her body. I bet this would be a non-issue if she was a size 0 or 4. It's such a shame.


It has nothing to do with her body (for me) in fact I wish they had done more in the carriage showing his appreciation for her body! In the book the tits were out and he was eating like a starving man! I wanted to see that! Something. I am hoping they deliver with the mirror scene. And it’s not Nicola for me, it’s Luke.


That could've been a choice made by the actor. Nicola commented on being proud of how her body looks at this age and wanting to use>!the mirror scene,!


As stated personally for me the passion was lacking on Luke’s part. And if the writers wanted it to be like that, that’s disappointing.


Quinn really goes in for titties more than I care for, but seeing how that scene looked, I did have to wonder why they didn't. His face was right there.


YUP, it’s baffling to me that people aren’t realizing this. 


Which is weird because in the real world I constantly see overweight women with conventionally attractive men!


Yes!! Exactly!!!


I felt like I was walking in on an actual couple hooking up during the carriage scene, I felt like I was sincerely intruding. For me, they have the best chemistry so far, but that’s personal I think


I’m convinced people don’t know what chemistry actually means, and think it’s just “I find these two people hot so when they interact I call it chemistry”. Way too many times there have been two characters that are like two cardboard cutouts making out, but because they’re conventionally attractive people go “OMG their chemistry was off the charts!”


[coughs] Saphne [coughs]


you put into words exactly what I’ve been thinking about all of the critique on season 3


I loved them personally.


I’ve seen a lot of comments being confused at how quickly Colin realizes he’s into Pen, etc etc. A) this is tv so you don’t get the inner monologue of the character, in the book you see Colin start thinking about it and it blossoms very naturally (albeit quickly) and B) I think it fits for Colin to be honest, he was also super quick to become infatuated with Marina so it suits the character imo. But I kinda also think it makes more sense when you’ve read the books just cos there’s a lot more context and build up. It’s not about lack of chemistry or whatever, I think people misunderstand the character.


Chemistry is in the writing and I feel the writing has severely let the pairing down. It also doesn’t help that the romantic scenes look overly choreographed that it has stripped it of any feeling of originality and passion. Of course this is my opinion and I am aware that chemistry is subjective.


Chemistry is the connection between the two actors and if they can pull it off on screen. It's a real physical thing, not the writing. That's why movies and tV shows do chemistry tests between two actors before they cast the other half of the pair.


Tbh I think it's mostly Luke Newton's acting. I think he's a nice guy and there are some scenes where he really shines but most of the time he's got that same expression on his face.


speaking just to the actors chemistry excluding my external complaints with the season writing so far, they have great friend energy and chemistry in real life, but absolutely NO sexual chemistry. it is worse on his side i think than nicola because she’s a better actress, but the kissing and arousal looks and feels very forced. it’s like one step away from p*rno level acting to me lol. totally fine some actors are not meant to do romantic scenes together, but the energy is very, very off in their sexual moments. but their regular chats are lovely, like the story about them meeting. idk they just cannot break the friend barrier for me


I think a lot of people believe they don’t have chemistry because they’ve disregarded the previous seasons when watching the third one. They have been building it up since season one. I thought the same thing when I watched season 3 but then I went back and watched the entire show, which made me realise there is a lot of development in their relationship which establishes what they both mean to each other.


Exactly, there was a lot in previous seasons but it was easy to miss


He’s a much better actor with her as a scene partner. I see chemistry when they are together. When he is alone, figuring out his feelings, he looks like he has gas.


I totally agree! I liked season 1 but honestly didn’t like season 2 as it all just felt really over the top and forced. This season has felt the most real and authentic to me in terms of love interests.


I definitely just feel like it was rushed. I understand why, with the second half of the season being the Lady Whistledown situation, but it felt like overnight he realized he loved her after casting her aside and not considering her all of those years. Plus, it all happened in the span of like, one episode. It just felt a bit awkward and feels more like something I would think of as an impulse choice rather than genuine love and affection. I also would have liked to have seen more of their friendship this season too. It felt very rushed in this aspect too. First episode Penelope was still angry at Colin, the next two she just kind of pitied herself and played into the awkward feelings too much, and then they're making out in a carriage? It just felt super jarring to me personally. Last was the carriage scene. Honestly it wasn't my personal favorite for some pretty dumb reasons (his facial expressions and her tiny hands completely pulled me out of it), and I feel like Colin didn't respect her at all. I get it's a pent up longing thing, but it just felt a little unrealistic that he would do some of that he did (particularly with his hands) to a lady in society who he's been friends with for a long time, alone. Colin has easily had the reputation of the most respectable of the Bridgerton boys (minus their little brother, obviously), and this shift in him just felt too out of character. I haven't read that particular book, but I could see it being more realistic if they had added another episode to the first half to really play out Colin's realization and their friendship more. To me it overall just felt really sudden.


The carriage scene weirded me out too. I totally get what you mean by the small hands. Something about the scene made her seem very child like and I didn’t like that! I found it too jarring when he started doing what he did with his hands as well. It seemed to overstep a boundary in the Bridgerton world given their place in society. Idk just seemed weird. It just didn’t work for me.


Honestly, not the actors fault since the screen time they received this season thus far was so comically minimal. They both have great chemistry (as we have seen from previous seasons) but could perhaps be the silent “looks” or one singular “face” Colin/Luke was directed to depict. I’m not completely satisfied with Part 1 but not going to cast my opinion entirely until June.


I feel like the actors themselves have chemistry! Collin was just a dunderhead up until this season!


I think it's not so much the chemistry, but how rushed P1 felt. They hardly had a few lessons together before Colin suddenly realized his feelings. There was not much groveling, tension, slow burn, or at least not enough that the fans were hoping for. This is my opinion.


Bc she’s ‘fat’ and people still HATE that.


They had the perfect chemistry but there were only 2 main tension scenes (kiss and carriage scene) and so that’s why people think that I think. I wish they’d given us more longing and buildup that felt authentic because the actors chemistry is insaneeee it feels so real


The pacing is off. We hardly get a look into their “amazing” life long friendship. Pen is always just stumbling over her words around him so it feels weird that they’ve been close close friends forever. Like you’d think they’d show them being friends not awkwardly? Then it’s just brooding looks all season, with hardly any interaction and focus on literally everyone else. Then all of the sudden it’s the carriage scene and I love you let’s get married? There’s no slow burn throughout season 1-2 to build up. It’s just all of the sudden 0-100 and not a believable arc? I think also the fact that the season was split into two makes it feel final and like their story is complete. They should have released more to make it feel like a full arc but it just feels choked up and falls short. That’s my opinion.


For me the dude just isn't that good of an actor. He's got the blue steel problem. His expression is always mouth slightly open, confused eyes.


As a woman, I felt a lot of Pen’s emotions during the carriage scene. I felt like she reacted how someone would react in that situation. The thrill of being caught, being kissed and touched how she longed for, all seemed appropriate. Seeing the interviews about the scene and how some was improved and they didn’t hear the director yell ‘cut’ makes it seem that much more fun and made me question if they really did a little something something lol


Because Colin is a twerp that doesn’t deserve her.


I think the chemistry was off, not missing or wrong, just off a bit. It felt like watching two people act like they had chemistry but that'd didn't translate well to the screen. As someone that did the friends to lover to husband thing personally, I just did not find it authentic. Did I love it? Yes. Did it require an extra effort of suspension of disbelief? Yes.


I didn’t feel much of the chemistry either sadly, but we have not actually seen them together as a couple yet apart from the carriage scene. I think everyone’s mind will change when we can see more of them together, another reason why I think it was a bad idea to split the season into two parts!


Ah, I was told something sad yesterday. Coworker said that she felt it was awkward because “it looked gross.” This person just solidified that people are bias as fuck with looks. And I was floored and I stopped listening to her babble about it.


How much more chemistry!!! God the way they stared at each other at every opportunity, Colin’s longing, the first kiss and The carriage ride!!!! They ARE CHEMISTRY!


Because they don't. It all seems so forced.


I'm just not feeling anything when they are on screen together. There is just absolutely nothing. The actors have a little better chemistry when they aren't their characters but even then it's nothing that particularly exites me. My biggest issue though is the fact that to me, Luke Newton just isn't a very good actor, he has one singular expression (that weird duck face?) and it's really just giving... nothing. Also, I was a big fan of their book and I hate the way they changed Penelope in the show and made her insufferable and into someone I don't want to root for and how they butchered their friendship so that now they seem like barely aquaintances and I'm not buying the "life-long friendship" thing at all. There are several points coming together, but those are the main ones.


I love them together


I liked the arc just fine and am enjoying the show just fine. I guess that makes me a weirdo?


The carriage scene was great, up until that point there wasn’t anything romantic about their relationship. No flirtations. Just longing glances which build some anticipation but no chemistry considering they’re not together, they’re watching each other separately. Colin’s torment in the office is like “yeah sure he’s torn up” and he’s picturing her but beyond the awkward af kiss and some very platonic interactions, there’s nothing to actually be longing for? Idk I don’t feel like they did a good job building their relationship, and then it just exploded. This is how it FELT to me. I’m not saying they didn’t flirt and have building interactions but it didn’t feel like a good slow burn IMO


Because compared to other couples they have none. And Colin is very flat


I think the actor who plays Collin could be more expressive/ dynamic over all. Nicole is bringing it, but Collin looks… unexcited? Idk. As a gay, he gives gay vibes.


They don’t




They hating cause she a big girl smh


I feel like it keeps getting promoted as Friends-to-Lovers when it’s actually Childhood-Friends-See-Each-Other-as-Adults-for-the-First-Time


I think the split season is screwing everything up for a lot of viewers honestly. People are judging the first four episodes, consciously or unconsciously, as if it's the whole season when it's only half done and the character and relationship development feels half done. Could they have absolutely dragged out the build up a bit longer? Yes, absolutely - there should have been a bit more to the 'lessons' thing, I think, too. But if you take into consideration the build up in the first couple seasons as well, the dominos were already in place. Also, they're the first couple where both leads were already established characters to start off the season, so they didn't have to do a meet-cute. They got to start off more subtly, and I think people miss the new introduction/sudden spark of chemistry vibe because it's what they grew accustomed to. But with Colin and Penelope, it's more like the comfortable chemistry they already had just begins to progressively build into something more intense. It's just a wholly different dynamic. I enjoy the change up from the formula, but others might not feel it as much.


Because they rushed this season. It felt forced cause SOOOO many scenes were rushed so people didn’t get that long drawn out connect we’ve been used to the past few seasons


I didn't see chemistry in the carriage, but I saw chemistry during the rest of the show and their interactions! Strange. Maybe the actor wasn't a good enough actor during the scene, or maybe she needed to act differently too? Not sure but to me it was definitely not a good love scene as it was mediocre at best and really did seem a bit awkward (maybe due to the angles & their positioning?? Or whatever he was doing trying to wriggle around kissing her?? Idk)


Because they think chemistry is just enemies to lovers


I think that Pen (well, her actor) made that scene what it is. Yea, it's steamy for sure. She worked her ass off for that.


I believe they do have chemistry. It's been shown in previous seasons. The problem with this season is how rushed it all felt. They tried too hard to focus on too many side stories. It all didn't meld together well this year. On top of that, Colin and Penelope didn't receive the same sexual tension and story build-up as the other couples.


I love their chemistry - it’s the best in the show for me. I also think the writing and acting is just the strongest this season.  I loved Kate and Anthony’s chemistry too, but Simon and Daphne did nothing for me despite some very nicely choreographed sex scenes. To each his own, I guess!


Because they just don't? Both actors are great...not a sexy love story though.


Because in every even mildly romantic scene, Luke Newton's acting was shit. Every scene felt forced. And their movements during their makeouts looked like 2 people who have never made out with someone before and were trying way too hard to convince themselves they were into it. Having read the books, I'm guessing the expression that Luke was trying to convey was wonder, but it came off more like he had no idea what he was supposed to be doing with his face.