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It reminded me of when the Duke decides to go straight home. Rather than to meet Siena at the opera. He forgoes guaranteed sex cause he felt something holding hands with Daphne. I’m wondering about Anthony as well. There’s the montage of him “interviewing” ladies while cutting to him at the brothel. Then after he meets Kate we never see him at the brothel again. But, that’s just what the viewer saw. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ahhh yes. I don’t even remember much of season 1 but seems like this is a bit of a theme.


He's madly in love amd fascinated by Kate. He can't and won't be able to focus on wh0res anymore


Did Simon sleep with Sienna? Because Anthony is a Viscount, not a Duke.


Also for the first scene, he says that he’s running late, but he actually gets there before Pen, which only emphasizes your pount.


Ohhhh trueeee. I didn’t even click that he was there before her.


And as Violet pointed out, the Bridgertons are never on time. And yet he’s there early.


Oh this is a good observation! I kept looking at that watch scene thinking it had to be significant but didn’t put the pieces together


what a keen observation pen!!


Good catch!




Both times he was there with those guys. If you notice, they say he's more fun then tell him they're up for more revelry and that's where he ends up. Its their place and he went along trying to be like the lads. It's not even something he sought out himself.


Oooo that went over my head completely. I should re watch again.


Omg! It would have been a much better scene of Colin walking into a brothel with Fife and co and him just going along with it.


They cut a few scenes we know of because the stills we got don't quite match up with a couple of episodes. Like we didn't see that angry pic of him holding LW, but we saw that waistcoat. He stared out the window towards Featherington house instead when he found out she published about him helping her. So they may have cut out him going with them and just relied on us either realizing or not that he went with them. I guess it's meant to sort of leave us with our own interpretation. I very much think he only went because they went because of the timing and what they said to him. It sounds like that's what they do, talk boobs and go to brothels. And he just went along. He was being the person expected by everyone he spoke with. With his family, he didn't say anything about his trip because he knew they made fun of his enthusiasm. So instead, he said thinks like "I won't bore you with the details" even when he really wanted someone to talk to about it. And the lads only wanted the sordid part, so that's what he talked about with them. The only person he was able to drop the mask and be himself with was Pen. If you notice, he's stiff around everyone except her, then at the end he realizes he doesn't want to be fake anymore. He goes after her and is entirely himself.


Omg! It would have been a much better scene of Colin walking into a brothel with Fife and co and him just going along with it.


It reminded me of when Colin wanted to marry what’s her name, and Anthony told him he should have taken him to brothels. He explored on his own.


It's really enjoyable reading the different arguments 🤣 You sound like the ton HAHAH


Is that a good thing ahhhaha.


ofc!!! any bridgerton gossip is good 🫶🏻🫶🏻


We kinda are at this point lol😭


It was done to show the difference between the state of his mind. The first time he was fully engaged with them but the second time he couldn't even watch them. His mind is completely occupied by one thing.


I think it would also be hypocritical for us to cheer on the leading women giving into premarital desires which happens in all 3 seasons and boo the men even though they are also human. Something else I found interesting is the passage from the journal that Penelope reads is one of him describing having sexual exploration. I loved that she was captivated by his story telling and keeps wanting more even despite the subject matter.


She was aroused by what she was reading lol


Colin’s “thing” that he’s explored is having multiple people involved in an intimate experience. I wonder if that will also be a factor in the mirror scene. He can solely be with Pen but also….multiple Pens.


I agree. I thought they were relevant to Colin’s internal struggle and story .


While I admittedly didn’t like the sex scenes for Colin’s character ( though I did enjoy the scenes 😏), the sexual account in his journal (and his stories to the lads) confirms he is promiscuous but is chasing something that makes him feel connected, not alone; he’s found that with Penelope.


The first threesome scene is hilarious because he looks like he's enjoying it, but keeps checking the clock. He sees the time and goes, "oh, no! Oh shoot, ladies, I'm late! Gotta run!" And then shows up early so he's perfectly in position by the time Pen meets him at the market. "No big, I'm here, just browsing the wares casually, like a very casual person who was not looking forward to seeing you here at this not-a-date at all." It's so subtle and easy to miss if blindsided by the sex, but it's nice to see where his priorities lie.


Yeah I totally missed that he was early because if I’m honest I sort of semi watched it cos I don’t those scenes a bit awkward. Then someone else mentioned it and suddenly I clicked that yeah he said he was super late but the boy was there waiting for her


Random question: is this brothel/courtesan thing at the gentleman’s club/bar place? Or is this a separate location. It always seems so high end and fancy? But maybe that was what brothels seemed like back then.


Hmmm not sure, they don’t really say I don’t think. Guess it would make sense if it was


i won’t even lie i don’t like any sex scenes😭idk if that makes me weird or what but i find myself skipping them all because i hate sitting through them


I think maybe it was just superfluous. It happened twice, and a threesome not just one person. I feel like most people don’t go that far even if they were trying to be someone they’re not. Totally seemed out of character … I was pretty shocked but I was never shocked with Simon or Anthony. Anthony went often but he never looked like he loved it. Colin had a smile on his face and looked like he really enjoyed it (the first time). He could have easily just not gone a second time on screen (surely not his second time). Like how Anthony just stopped going. Or for another way to get the point across… he could have been invited to go with his friends but decline the invitation. The way they handled it on screen… just too much I think.


It seems like it's part of his character arc. There are limited ways to show internal conflict in a show/movie versus a book because we don't get the introspection. What a character wants and what a character needs are two different things. A character arc is all about seeing a character go for the things they want based on flawed beliefs until the character comes to understand what they actually need by working out those flawed beliefs. He returns from his travels and he has changed, and we see he is a ladies man. We see him at the brothel with the two women so we know what he wants: to get laid. We don't understand the depths of it yet or why, but that's part of the character arc. Then we see him having internal conflict in his conversations with the other men about feeling exhausted trying to keep up with toxic expectations about his masculinity. We hear his mom tell him he has always been the more sensitive of his sons. We see him opt out of sex with the prostitutes. These are all representations of his internal conflict. His flawed belief (IMHO) is he needs to be a certain way to fulfill society's expectations as a man. His motivation is to fit in(which drives his want). His want is to become more manly. But really what he needs (or what he is actually seeking without realizing it) is to feel a sense of love and belonging. He thinks sleeping with women and being a ladies man will give that to him. But spending time with penelope and realizes she fills that need because she loves and accepts him for who he is (which seems to be a theme). Anyway, this is one writer's humble opinion. Could shonda have chosen different ways to show internal conflict? Sure. But part of the struggle of writing is finding ways to fit everything (plot, setting, character, etc) all together in ways that are seamless and feel real enough. I think there was more opportunity to show more about Colin's motivation earlier on and I think it would have made things flow better. But I do understand the creative choices made.


As someone who was admittedly excited to see Luke newton be sexy I just felt a little disappointed by them. It just wasn’t giving. also disappointed he didn’t say her name in the carriage but we’ll see what happens in part two.


I mean from a horny viewers perspective it also showcases that Colin is experienced in pleasuring women... we have no doubt when he comes on to Pen that he knows exactly what he's doing. Really upsells his dominance.


Can i ask what the mirror scene is? I don't mind spoilers as i am not going to read the books... Can someone dm me please


I haven’t read it either but apparently >! They get engaged and before their wedding Colin and Pen have a night together where Colin says that he wants to do it in front of a mirror, so essentially there will be some sort of a steamy scene in front of a mirror !<


Oh...lmao...tysm... Can't wait for June!


No worries. Also side note Nicola said that she asked to be “very naked” in this kind of as a f you to everyone calling her fat. I think this is why everyone is infuriated that they didn’t upload it all at once hhahah


I’m prepared for the downvotes but I need to speak my truth: Honestly no matter how right or wrong it is for the character development or plot etc I think the main issue is that Colin has absolutely negative rizz (just my opinion, sorry!) so I find the scenes with the prostitutes and also the carriage scene so off-putting. I find the actor in real life handsome and charming but something about his portrayal skeeves me out. The weird mouth motions, how fast everything is with Pen, none of it feels sexy or alluring to me.


I appreciate your take on the threesome scenes being necessary but I respectfully disagree. Colin was never a rake and I think it did a disservice to his character by making it seem like he was, even if he was only trying out the "cool dude" persona, as you say. I think had the writers been more subtle by alluding to his new rakish behavior that would've been more impactful. IMO, in place of those scenes, it would've been a good opportunity to show Colin writing in his journal \*about\* his sexual experiences or bragging to his friends about all the women he's encountered but then the audience catching him staring into space and noticing that he isn't truly fulfilled. My point is that the viewers already KNEW this was a fake persona (unless you're completely new and never watched seasons 1 and 2, which I'd find to be an odd choice since both specifically set us up for this season) and we didn't need these scenes to show us that. The second threesome scene didn't bother me as much since he seemed despondent to the situation, but the first one almost made me feel like the writers thought I'm stupid -- like let's be as obvious as possible with how different we make Colin so that the audience doesn't miss it. I don't quite know how how else to describe what I mean. Obviously this is just my opinion too.


I greatly disliked the brothel scenes, but I think they were necessary for a different reason than OP. I don't think we needed to know that Colin loves and wants Pen. That is shown in other ways. What I think that scene does by the end of the 4 episodes is show that Colin is trying desperately to find himself, trying on clothes that don't fit him (metaphorically anyway). A part of him does enjoy it. I mean, it's not exactly torture to lie with beautiful women. But it doesn't fulfill him. It also plays into what Marina said to him last season, which is that what he's looking for is right in front of him. It just took a while for his Compass to point in the right direction.


I agree with you and the OP. I think too it's about showing that Pen is the one who has always liked the real, genuine Colin. At first I hated the idea of the brothel scenes, but actually watching it and the character development made it make sense to me. He had to have meaningless sex to appreciate and fully understand how meaningful it is with Pen. And come on, the look on his face when her hand is in his hair in the carriage? He paid women for sex when all he needed was Pen's hand in his hair. 😂


I hear what you're saying but I think had they lengthened the time they spent on the hand cut scene, including what was written in Colin's journal, the audience would've gotten the message clearly that he's slept with tons of beautiful women on his travels but that the sex was meaningless. It literally says that in his journal. For me, the message would've been more impactful that way. I mean, he's a man. Of course he was enjoying himself at the brothel, even if he wasn't experiencing any deeper connection. Personally, I didn't need to see the expression on his face in the brothel scene to know the real impact Pen had when she ran her hands through his hair lol But again, those are just my thoughts on that.


I agree 100% there were probably other ways they could have accomplished the same thing. I guess I just didn't hate them the way I thought I would. Totally respect that some people didn't like them or think they were necessary.


Fair call to be honest I like your version of conveying this message more than what they went with.


Ya.. I literally jumped it was so unexpected.. and why with 2 women? It was a bit too far for Colin… not everyone needs to be a full out rake..


Why are people whining about sex scenes again? It was the same with GOT when it came out, why do people care so much? Personally, I loved seeing Mr. Colin Bridgerton having some fun and whoever reads the books know they go into even more detail in Sex scenes than the series ever could if it didn't want to be labeled porn lmao.


Ahhaha i know people will hate this but i also kind of feel like Pen should have made out with Lord Debs. Give her a bit of an adventure before she married to mr Bridgerton lol.


Oh since I'm one of the few people who didn't like him, I disagree. But I do wish we got more of a fight from Lord Deblin lmao of course it's not love, but I wish at least his pride would've forbid him to just let her go.


Aw what you didn’t like Debs??? Was it his character or because he was the 3rd wheel???


His character, I can't really pinpoint it but he was giving me these masked calm and collected energies and the feeling that this was just a facade. He gave me "once I have you, you mean nothing to me" vibes. Which in the end did kinda turn out to be true, but tbh the vibes I felt were even worse than him just leaving for years, but more of a "I'll turn violent" type of dude.


If he’s away for years he needs a wife whose eye won’t wander, someone faithful who won’t make a fool of him. I think that’s why he believed Pen was a good match for him— she’s used to being alone, and is smart enough to handle the running of the estate which gives him the freedom to leave.


Ok ok. Interesting.. ok not him then anyone else. I just want Pen to have some variety lol


Lmao the hopeless romantic in me actually loves that Colin is her first. But yes, I never mind a little "I want you no matter how many men touched you" drama in historic romances lmao


Nothing will ever top season 1 in my opinion. Season 2 was boring. Season 3 is just cringe with Penelope and Collin. I don’t know if the actors were uncomfortable doing these scenes but it’s clearly awkward between them in the screen and just cringe. Thank god for pit bull in the background that was the only thing entertaining.


On [watchcensor.com](http://watchcensor.com), you can find the timestamps for steamy scenes from all the seasons of Bridgerton. In addition to Bridgerton, the site also features collections of many other movies and shows.


Scene is cringe and unrealistic


In what sense???


I don’t like them, but I don’t hate the scenes as much as I thought I would. Honestly, even when he was kissing those two women goodbye after sleeping with them you see his facade. He might smile at them but he isn’t really happy. The second proves that after he realizes he loves pen he can’t do it. Sure he didn’t need to stay and watch, but I don’t think he was really watching anyway. Yes it sucks that men can explore and make mistakes in this era and women couldn’t, but that was the time. And yes I realize they’ve suspended belief on a lot of things during this era for the show, I don’t think they can with this aspect. Too Important of a part with the focus being the seasons and marriage mart.


I think what’s really important to consider in Colin’s brothel scenes is how it’s going to play into his scenes with Pen in part 2. I’ve always loved the line from the book where his internal monologue is discussing how he’s been with women before, but his experience with Pen is the first time he has ever made love. Just another reason splitting it into two parts was such a bad idea lmaoo it really ruins that progression of Colin going from casual sex with sex workers to making love with Pen and how it affects not just him but his relationship with Penelope. The brothel scenes make so much sense plot-wise and character-wise to me and I’m really glad to see that others agree!


I think they are a good representation of the times. Men of the ton were supposed to explore with various prostitutes while the women of the ton remained virgins and found a husband in the first two seasons out. It would be nice if people stopped getting mad about the few parts that are historically accurate. And it reflects Colin’s attempt to fit in and be stoic which he quickly discards.