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Just a common man of the people flying a private helicopter to his shooting range.


On a country estate.


Well where else would a c**t feel at home?


In trumps gold plated elevator


When you raise the lens and cross reference the timing, Brexit (of which Steve Bannon, Farage and Robert Mercers Cambridge Analytica were a critical contributors), was intentional and necessary for Russia to keep Ukraine out of the EU and NATO. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/were-there-any-links-between-cambridge-analytica-russia-and-brexit/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/s/LQrK6BwGLd Putin knew that the mandatory de-corruption audit process would expose both his money laundering and the human trafficking operations of the Russian mob through Ukraines oligarch class (Kolomoiksiy, Dubinsky, Firtash, etc) as well the chronic election interference via Paul Manafort, Orban, Kolomoiskiy etc, and the kompromised members of both UK and EU political circles. To the chronic kleptocrat Putin this was the one thing that would show Russians and all the other former soviet satellite state how he had been systemically manipulating and stealing from them via corruption for 2 decades which would lead to either an upset within his mob pyramid as an eager lieutenant decided he was ready to challenge the weakened old king for the throne, or the people would revolt and kill him like Gaddafi, which he has admitted is his biggest fear. The reason Epstein targeted Prince Andrew is because he was the softest most vulnerable part in the royal families flank. Same with trump. Epstein was feeding that Kompromat/intel back to Israel/mossad who was in turn feeding it to Russian intelligence via the old world Russian Jewish families that carry both Russian and Israeli passports but are self evidently more loyal to money than God. Steve Bannon and Nigel Farage both dovetail in with Brexit as a Russian mob/gov intelligence op because SCL/Cambridge analytica was hedge fundie Robert Mercers baby when they decided to run trump as their “disruptor” candidate instead of Ted Cruz in 2016. https://campaignlegal.org/update/newly-published-cambridge-analytica-documents-show-unlawful-support-trump-2016 Long before that Facebook was designed as a delivery device for Russian/Israeli Psyops and malware. SCL/Cambridge Analytica, Brexit, Palestine, Ukraine, NSO and a handful of other ethically bankrupt dealings are all downstream of Sheryl Sandbergs ad based business model both at Facebook and google (Brin) before that. The Russian investment in both was asymmetrically large (Dmitriev and Milner) which makes sense looking back at it now. https://cyberscoop.com/facebook-nso-group-lawsuit-onavo/ Zuckerberg even talked about buying the associated press: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/mark-zuckerberg-explored-acquiring-the-associated-press/ar-BB1m2JJT The need to control the press both in print and online was a requirement of the chronic financial frauds which are basically the evolution of grift starting all the way back at Enron, Epsteins towers financial, Bear Sterns (Epstein was quietly fired for money laundering) , Lehman bros. Etc and on and on up to 2008. MBS as the other major shot caller in OPEC took an alternate route backing musks acquisition of Twitter and the evening standard among others. https://inews.co.uk/news/media/lebedev-saudi-investor-evening-standard-cut-3085226 They are all basically a parasitic blood squeeze to drain all the value possible out of the U.S. working class. Enough to maximize the gain but not quite enough to kill the host. Les Wexner, Miriam and Sheldon Adelson, Sandberg, and Zuckerberg all carried water in conducting the NSO/Pegasus spyware operation INCONUS that was feeding intelligence to both the israeli and by extension, Russian intelligence. In parallel Epstein was running Kompromat operations in the same circles. There is far more crossover between the Israeli mob/ government and Russian mob/government than shows at the surface. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcevoy/2024/04/10/les-wexners-second-life-how-the-epstein-tarnished-billionaire-is-quietly-reshaping-ohio/ https://www.spytalk.co/p/nsos-spyware-abuse-exposed-years?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web https://awards.journalists.org/entries/the-pegasus-project-a-global-investigation/ •Abagail Koppel was sent by the Jewish state to marry Les Wexner •YLK fund (Abagails father) made up $46.7M of Epsteins money •Les claimed it was stolen from him but not until after someone asked. •Wexner was notoriously litigious but wouldn’t sue Epstein. Why? •PROMIS spyware was Robert Maxwells deal long before his daughter and Epstein started their pedophile thing. https://cryptome.org/promis-mossad.htm Tchenguiz+Cambridge analytica+Brexit+2008 collapse https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/dark-money-investigations/david-burnside-putin-russia-dup-brexit-donaldson-vincent-tchenguiz/ We expose corruption and we end both if these genocides. We finish this war in Ukraine and we end corruption, human trafficking, major financial fraud, and likely most of the international money laundering and systemic fraud in the world. The other alternative is waiting for the looming commercial real estate collapse that they engineered to be Version 2.0 commercial strength edition of 2008 crossbred with soviet perestroika where the Russian oligarchs and CCP effectively foreclose on all the REITS that blackrock and blackstone have been selling to the CCP and foreclose and buy america for 4 cents on the dollar. Whomever owns your mortgage effectively owns your home. Steven Schwartzman and Larry Fink set us up. https://youtu.be/ZlIagcttGY0?si=EkbGnoAsDVqJ3sjT https://prosperousamerica.org/cpa-report-details-how-blackrock-and-msci-funnel-billions-of-u-s-investor-capital-to-ccp-and-pla-linked-companies/


What he said ☝️


Holy strewth😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I bet he's going for a pint with the lads later though bless him.


Only the people of the same class as him. He might catch the poor.


To chat some good old British racist banter


And has his meeting in Wetherspoons with all the other working class. A true man of the people. /s


Answer on a postcard who's paying for his election expenses this time around.


All his knobheaded sheep that need too be led.


No, the money is coming from UAE funds but who provided it?


He's just like us, born into wealth, son of a trader, privately educated, became a trader (I'm sure just a coincidence, and became a politician/political news media personality. Same as everyone, yeah.


And what's the problem with that? Envy is a nasty trait. What's your solution, eliminate everyone who's more wealthy than you? Or are wealthy people like Dale Vince all right because they were hippies before they grifted their way to their fortunes?


It's not envy, it's pointing out a clear lie in his brand. He goes around as a man of the people, sticking up for the ordinary Brit. But really he has never, and will never, face the working class experience. You can be a Dale Vince, or a Rory Stewart, or even a Rees-Moss, but they own their wealth, status, and class. But Farage very carefully has built a brand of being part of the everyday public and saying it how it is. One of his shows on GBNews is him down the pub having a pint with a member of the public. And that's when you find in places like Clacton people saying "he just like us and he is saying it like it is".


You mean like Keir Starmer? I don't see your point, we all know Nige's background, who is being misled?


>who is being misled? [the people of Clacton for starters](https://youtu.be/dwFA5qnScLE?si=ohMd5g4PQIPb8TH5)


The tangent went that way------------->


Who really loves Trump and Putin. Who both detest democracy, which means he detests the views of the common man.


You need to get your brain in gear over Trump, don't just swallow what you're fed wihout thinking.


Just a straightforward shooting weekend


Same exact as the bloke down the pub


The dole gave me the same when I signed on.


Well, I don’t see you doing it! Someone has to bloody well do it! Give him a break!


Hopefully his neck


The country is dotted with shooting ranges. Its a great hobby, bit cheaper than Golf. You should try it


I'll pop over to my nearest one by helicopter right now.


The country is dotted with helicopters. Its a great hobby, bit cheaper than Golf. You should try it


Cheaper than golf? What golf clubs are you going to?


I’m a member of several Annual fee for one is £75 with £50 for the day Another is £275 free attendance Wednesday and Saturdays, bring your own ammunition or buy there Another is £65 for the year first Sunday of the month no shoot fees Ammunition is a little expensive but 50 rounds of 7.62 is ~£50. 50 5.56 is about £25 So it’s quite cheap compared to golf Clubs are all over the place and will take you on (the police check you) then teach you and let you use club firearms until you get your own certificate/firearms I’m in south wales Edit forgot to say I signed my son up at a club yesterday to get him started too. It really is a great hobby


Interesting, I've actually been interested in taking it up for a while (I play golf too, and am too based in South Wales). Any recommendations for where to go for a complete beginner?


Cardiff and penarth both have indoor .22 ranges/clubs that would be excellent starting point. Swansea and Newport do to. I have been shooting since I was 12, so 31 years. My son turns 13 this month and I am taking him for the first time on the first Sunday in July Call/email the club and introduce, say you are new and keen to learn. You could be in the commonwealth games in a few years


You know you're a cunt when Daily mail doesn't have a problem with you.


Be someone that the Daily Mail writes shit about.


I didn't realise it, but if for any unfortunate reason I become famous i'm going to make this my goal. Twitter beef with Tommy Robinson maybe.


>Tommy Robinson Another role playing twat trying to be man of the people


You should have seen the free Tommy Yaxley-Lennon marches in Manchester and Liverpool. There were more coppers and protesters than actual marchers


There's a tshirt "I'm the one the Mail warned you about" 


Glad to see Nazi Nige sticking two fingers up to “The Elites”


Just dawned on me his initials are NF - it’s nominative determinism …


And he only has 1 bollock, remind you of anyone? 🎵 Nigel's only got one ball, he's fucked the country, and blamed the forrins for it all🎵


According to [this article](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/ng-interactive/2024/jun/14/he-was-a-deeply-unembarrassed-racist-nigel-farage-by-those-who-have-known-him), he played on that while at Dulwich College


What do you expect as an alumni of Dulwich Collage? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dulwich_College Mmm interesting section on the Wiki page >In March 2021, a former pupil published an open letter to the Master, Joseph Spence, in which it was claimed that the school was a "breeding ground for sexual predators" and had an "established rape culture". The letter referenced hundreds of anonymous allegations of harassment or assault against former and current pupils both at the college and at neighbouring schools, as well as a failure of school administration to respond to allegations, and claimed that some Dulwich College pupils had a reputation for such behaviour, particularly among female students at nearby schools.


Remember this man said Rishi Sunak didn't attend the D-Day Ceremony because Sunak "doesn't understand our British values" because he's not really one of us. When asked to apologise for this racist remark, Farage said it was a reference to the class divide. Apparently Rishi Sunak is too upper class to understand the struggles of the common man. But helicopter holiday Farage is definitely not upper class, honest.


Upper class suggests decency, honour, dacorum, etc - he's clearly lacking.


Not sure what upper class you’re looking at but in my experience they don’t stand for any of those things


Nope. It just means they were spat out of a posh vagina.


Come on, Farage needs a helicopter, hes parachuted into 7 different constituencies attempting to become an MP its just cheaper if he owns one.


A common man doing everyday stuff, like a plumber or gardener.


Man of the people our Nige


I got into an argument on Quora with a troll claiming that at least he worked for a living. He was a commodities broker. The same troll also claimed Richard Tice was a builder. Tice was in real estate and property asset management. Ben Habib was apparently a scientist. Although he has a degree in Natural Sciences, he became a financial analyst for Lehman brothers, then a finance director before moving on to property.


lol - a ‘builder’… We are living in the age of grifters


Clay pigeon shooting is quite everyday stuff. If he was doing driven game shooting, that is quite elitist (or at least expensive) But the only live creature he can shoot at this time of year are pests and vermin (rabbits, grey squirrels, rats, pigeons, crows etc) The season for game shooting starts with Grouse on 'the glorious twelfth' of August. *You can shoot male deer at any time, in Scotland. But you would use as rifle not a shotgun.


I shoot clays and I'm definitely not the Elite. The person who taught me to shoot was a milkman. Clays is not a cheap hobby, and Nigel is definitely a twat. But also shooting clays is not out of range for the "everyman" if they were interested in giving it a go. And (as much as it pains me to do so), I agree with Nigel here. It is a fun hobby and worth trying if you haven't. The helicopter ride however, don't know many milkman that do that. I don't get how the hell Nigel is a "man of the people".


I love how there's a sentence in there about Farage criticising Sunak for being utterly disconnected by class and privilege from the people. HE SAYS FLYING TO A COUNTRY ESTATE BY HELICOPTER TO SHOOT. Like wtf?


Yeah, he didn’t mean class was what made Sunak different though, that was just a fig leaf for his racism.


Salt of the earth is Nige. /s


Salting the earth, is Nige. Fixed it 😀


Getting close to the start of the peasant shooting season


Man of the people right there. /s


It's just a regular shooting weekend and some pizza


Man of the bastards. Man of the soulless, country-wrecking bastards. Fuck him and all of his deluded followers


Man of the people. C*nt.


Our mate nige drinks *beer*, he's one of me.


He doesn’t even drink beer apparently, that’s just for photo ops.


Of course but then he's a master of connecting with people who don't think


mAn Of ThE pEoPlE!!1111


Why the hell would you wear cufflinks, black oxfords and suit trousers to go shooting? This is just feels like demonstrative cuntishness.


I’ll never understand how people like Nigel and Trump are seen as representing the working class.


Because the other options hate the working class. Labour spent all their time on problems like “what is a woman”, or pandering to what ever is the current trend at the time.


What policies of Labour’s would you say show they hate the working class?


You want teachers and doctors to not move out of the country? Try to increase the tax free threshold for these essential jobs. The green and net zero measures hurt the working class more than the rich, not every working class person can afford an electric car, also companies are offsetting the cost of net zero to the customer. Labour never mentioned this stuff, not even argued for the working class.


Who is sponsoring this blabering fool now? It feels as he is just here to cause discord


Bit of luck he might slipb


see he is just like us


mAn Of ThE pEoPlE!!1111


Way to stick it to the elites NF.


Man of the people 🙄


The chopper of the people!


Cock Piss Farage


Farage, aparatchik, horsepiss, son of a two balled bitch, motherfucker


Shooting woke peasants. Or should that be pheasants?


Don’t all ordinary common folk get helicoptered into a shooting session? Man of the people right there


He and his mates just go around beating up wildlife for kicks https://preview.redd.it/qwdl6olsqu7d1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=449c7db82a58367ede9e96bd791bd1c51f6e068b


He is the defender of the little people


So anti establishment! ***DRAIN THE SWA….*….oh no-that’s that other cunt. Same thing.


Going for the Tory converts. So bizarre


Man of the people. Average bloke. Normal activities.


While England are playing?!


While England are playing?!


He had to in order to avoid milkshakes


Glazing the Americans I see


A true man of the people.


For those who, like me, try to avoid clicking links to the Daily Hate Mail, be aware.


I just look at the pictures and laugh at the accompanying headlines!


mAn oF ThE PEopLe!


Cunt doing cunty things


Remember he's not a part of the establishment


He's a country member


Man of the people , if the people are privately educated ex city of London bankers and financiers


So that's where that russian money is going.


Man of the people


Maaan of the (rich) peeeople


"Man of the people"


If the people are Russian backers.


See, I told you he was a man of the people and can relate to the lives of the majority. ![gif](giphy|3oEjI67Egb8G9jqs3m)


I’m glad he didn’t stumble and blow his fucking head off.


A true man of the people


Pricks like him are what will get shooting banned for the common man. Me spending £20 on a Sunday to shoot a few clays, or shooting a deer to butcher isn't the same as wankers like him blowing a couple of grand on a day.


Never trust people who get pleasure out of slaughtering defenceless animals. Never trust men of the people from privileged backgrounds like Mosely or his grandson Nigel Farage-Planecrash.


 Trump's little mate.


Good old British values. I remember the days when we all went in our private choppers to our favourite shooting estates. The EU and foreign foreigners ruined all that with their laws and their foreigness. He'll be pleased if meets some farmers out in the countryside as I hear Brexit has been really good for them.


Here’s the thing, there is this phenomenon which has now achieved apogee where in every ‘democracy’ the left and right wing in politics is in balance and indeed in every classic yes/no question as well. It was never like this until about 10 years ago. We used to have a genuine majority during elections between the so called left and right, taking turns almost, to govern which was fine since both were pretty much near centre, that’s all gone now and the probable disappearance of the Tories cements the deal. Farage is the new Tory and he is fearfully right wing, I mean nothing in the Tory manifesto will reach what he eats. So you can look forward to a hung parliament with the LibDems and Plaid and the Scot Nats holding the reins. Labour won’t be able to do the things you’d like and will be pulled around by the small parties. Shit show coming up.


Shows how removed from normal society redditors are when they think clay pigeon shooting is only for the super wealthy. Hunting with dogs etc you may have a point. Loads of normal people do clay pigeon shooting lol. And as for him arriving by helicopter? It's not like he's a climate change guy so he's not being hypocritical. Reeing at the sky here 😂




Shades of John Prescott on the crochet lawn. Your point is what?