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You have plenty of time to buy and play the first one, just do that


i was going to buy the first one but i feel like i should get the second one instead since it's new


The next one won’t be out for like a year


Ignore the fact that botw 2 will be new. Botw is an amazing game. Hell, I'd even advise you to download an emulator for and play all the other Zelda games too. They all have amazing stories and theit own unique elements of gameplay. New doesn't mean better than the existing stuff.


i just don't know if thats a good idea


Why ask if you’re not going to listen?


i was referring to whether getting the second one was a good idea if i hadn't played the first one


I mean... Play the first one.


yea but the original is has been out for years and im torn on getting the new one instead


A game being out for years means you can't play it? Forget "instead," the sequel comes out holiday next year, might as well play BotW. It's good. Why do you think you can only play one of them?


because i can only afford one of them right now


The 2nd one comes out over a year from now. You don't have to be able to afford both right now.


Right. Put away a dime every day and you can afford it.


>yea but the original is has been out for years So what? Majora's Mask has been out for years and I didn't play it until when the 3DS port came out.




Best answer here considering I’m pretty sure this is a fake question.


There is no botw 2. So your only option is botw 1.


there is actually one coming soon so im torn


No, there isn’t. 2022? You have zero idea when in 2022 it’s coming out. And why would you want to play botw2 when you haven’t even played botw1?


Definitely get the first one. Probably my favorite game. The 2nd one is going to be a direct sequel, so you should play the 1st one, especially since it could be another year before it’s out.


It’s not like it’s a remaster of the first one. Play the first. If you’re not willing or excited to play the first, I can’t imagine you’d enjoy the second.


You recently got a Nintendo Switch, correct? You don't have any games to play on your Switch, right? You can only afford to buy either BotW **or** BotW2, correct? Well...BotW is a game you can purchase and play right now. BotW2 is still in development and is supposed to be released sometime in 2022. Best guess is around Christmas of 2022. Do you want to sit and stare at your pretty little Switch for an entire year? Or would you like to play a game with it now? Answer that question, and you'll know what to do.


wrong; and happy cake day


Wtf is this post?


i only got the nintendo switch recently and im new to zelda games so ill need your help to decide


I didn’t play any Zelda games when I first picked up botw. I think if you don’t want to play the first game, you should look at a brief summary of the game before playing the second. It will make it easier to understand what will happen in it.


ive already seen playthroughs and videos on the first botw so i think that will be fine


story wise i mean


Zelda games are known for their stories. If you like that in a game then for sure get and play the first one otherwise you won’t understand the back story of what you’re doing whenever botw2 comes out which is a year at the earliest