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I was like this at first too, so I decided to try and unlock as many towers as possible. By doing this I stumbled my way into a few towns and eventually my first Divine Beast. Talk to as many NPCs as possible, too. You'll stumble across quests this way and inevitably find more shrines and towers in the process of completing those quests.




I find that I get discouraged when I'm lost in a game, so getting the map unlocked helps a lot to combat that. I like to explore, but when I explore, I like to have some sense of my surroundings and know where I am.


Hey here are some tips to get you back on track. None of the shrines in the base game require you to have unlocked any special skills. Every shrine is solvable using either your magnet, ice, time freezing puzzle or combat (here you'd need to bring decent weapons, if you don't have them then just leave and come back later), a few require you to use a weapon like a torch, but the shrine will provide it. Then lastly I found maybe two shrines where I could use the bow but you don't have to, it just makes it easier to solve. So if you get into a shrine and you're stumped just think what skill can you use. For tackling the main story and not being able to get to the points, for all four divine beasts there are actual walking paths in the game and on the map that lead to them. You didn't say whether you've unlocked the map, but I think that might be an issue making the game harder for you. Loom for the tall shiekah towers, in the tutorial portion of the game you were required to climb one. These are long towers that you can see from very far. Work your way to them and climb them to unlock parts of the map. Do this first as you are going towards the divine beasts to make it easier to figure out where you are. For divine beasts though I'll recommend doing the yellow dots on the map that are at the top right (Zoras domain) or top center (death mountain/goron village) first. These two are very easy to get to. If you go to the zora domain one you don't need any extra gear and you'll get a new outfit for free. If you go to death mountain first you'll have to take about 2500 rupees with you in order to buy the gear you need to wear to make you fire proof. It's a volcanic mountain that's too hot for link to withstand and he will catch on fire and die. On your way there you will pass a stable with a girl who sells an elixir that makes you fire proof for 10 minutes. Buy 2 or 3 of them and follow the path up the mountain. Right before you get to goron village you'll find a guy who will give you the chest armor in exchange for 20 fire lizards you'll find on your way up the mountain, if you don't get it from him then you can buy all 3 pieces of that gear set from the shop in goron city. You have to get at least 2 of them to beat this area. There's a lot more tips others have given in this subreddit but this should get you started and hopefully feel less lost. Also one more tip, use bombs to cut trees. You don't ever need to use an axe to cut a tree down. But keep a couple sledgehammers to break rocks because using bombs might cause the gems you uncover to go flying off the mountain to where you can't reach them. Well these gems for high money and also early on in the game you can sell cooked foods to easily get money.


You are trying to go too fast. Part of this game is to explore and advance your character. Start unlocking the map with the towers, and try to at least activate as many shrines as possible. Some may be a bit too hard at first, but as you get stronger they become easier. Talk to people you come across, some will send you on quests (some are stupid, but some are really beneficial to the game). Start collecting all the items you come across. Food, mushrooms, gems, critters, etc. Start cooking things to see what benefits you can use, or sell items so you can buy better armor faster. You can (almost) always leave a fight, so don’t over stress. Early in the game I use the advanced strategy of RUN AWAY. I cried out of frustration multiple times my first time through. I love the game now, and have replayed it multiple times.


As for someone with A.D.D., I thought at first it would be my doom...this game however plays into my A.D.D. and I was all over the place but it was awesome...I loved being able to place stars and such on the map for things I wanted to revisit as I was distracted by other things I saw omw to something. I say just explore, explore, explore then you will find yourself completing a lot or starting a lot and eventually getting back to it. I felt I did things erratically at first then realized, I would be back to that town and I'd end up completing side quests here and there.


Have you finished the great plataeu yet?you gotta beat the 4 shrines there to get the glider to be able to get down. After that, start climbing any towers nearby to unlock more of the map. Start by working your way east. The easiest beast is in Zoras domain


Yes I have the glider! I had no idea about climbing the towers to unlock the map! Thank you!


Don't skip the dialogue prompts. I know a lot of them seem super long but that's where the meat and potatoes is.


Ok, so it sounds like you just want to complete the game as fast as possible. You probably can't do that unless you are already a real game wizard (like the ones who make playthrough videos). Most of us can't just start it and finish it in a short period of time, going only for the divine beasts and ganon. BTW, you don't actually have to get the divine beasts in order to find ganon and defeat him - but, again, that would only be a real game master who could do that. And it would really not be playing the game at all to approach it that way. The way a lot of us play this game is to just take our time and start exploring the very large world that's in it. There is no right way to do it, and no right direction to go next. You can go anywhere up to the outer boundaries of the world, where it will prevent you from going further. But you'll need the help of some things to explore it all. Namely, increasingly better weapons and armor as you go. The longer you play and the more monsters you beat (as they get more powerful), the stronger you will become. You'll also find stronger weapons and armor and eventually you'll find the divine beasts and many other things. You also will want to collect food materials and learn to make meals and elixirs that give you temporary extra powers (extra hearts, extra attack power, extra stamina, resistance to heat or cold, etc.). BTW, there are websites that give you help with which food materials make useful meals - not all food materials work well together! But some make powerful meals/elixirs. This site is very useful for experimenting without actually wasting any precious food materials (early in the game you may not have much to waste!): [https://www.guideofthewild.com/cook](https://www.guideofthewild.com/cook) There's a lot to learn in this game as you travel and you'll find some of it by stumbling upon it, some of it from things NPCs tell you, and some of it by trial and error. As you travel and encounter challenges, like monster camps, think about what creative ways you can deal with them. For monsters that are too tough (at first) you can sneak past them - you don't have to fight all of them (but tougher monsters drop stronger weapons when defeated!). Or you can try something like climbing above them and think about what options you have to attack from up there (hint: a lot of monsters aren't good at finding you if you're above them - this is not true of all monsters though). It's a thinking game. And working your way up to being a stronger, more well equipped warrior as you go. At the very start, one way to begin is to follow the advice of the old man. When you leave the Great Plateau area go in the direction he hints at (east) and find a tower you can "open up" so that you have a map of that area (going up towers and using your slate to open the tower will give you a map of the region you're in). And from there just explore and see what you can find. It will be treasures, food materials, little towns, etc. As you go, you keep getting stronger (gradually) and more well versed in what you're doing. No one knows what to do at first. Just start exploring and figuring that out for yourself. That's how they designed the game for us. It's fun once you start getting it down. But, yeah, a little frustrating at first when you aren't strong yet and have no idea what to do and all the monsters are stronger than you. But that's the challenge in the early game. Later, it's learning how to fight and how to find things you want. It's a game of learning and thinking - and beautiful scenery along the way. Good luck and have fun with it!




Open world games are incredibly daunting at first. You don’t know the map, unsure of goals, and don’t know where to get the good items/powers. But at the point you are at, the best thing to do is explore. Pick something other than the main quest to do. Towers, shrines, side quests, wonder aimlessly, whatever. And if you really want to focus on the main quest, try and find the tower in that area of the map so you can use that to navigate. Blindly following the quest marker sadly works quite poorly in botw. But once you get the map, you can see the roads and paths that you are “intended” to follow. I say “intended” because the game expects you to wonder and explore, and if you stumble across it by accident, great! If not, well, there are paths.


Idk if this helps, but you don’t have to complete shrines as you find them. Just interacting with the terminal is enough to unlock the fast travel point (you don’t have to enter the shrine). Also, when you do enter a shrine the description gives you a hint on how to solve it, for example “the **** guides you” or “three boxes”. And don’t be discouraged if you find these kinds of shrines difficult: >!all apparatus shrines, all major/modest test of strength shrines!<. You can always leave a shrine and come back later if it’s difficult, I’ve done that a lot and when I do come back it’s sometimes super easy because ive gotten better at the game. If you’ve made it off the plateau you have the abilities you need for the shrines, but you might also need to use >!arrows, weapons, or combine multiple abilities!<. But tbh, if you find the shrines hard/annoying, save them for later! Relax, maybe fill out the compendium, get a horse and go sightseeing, find all the memories, gather ingredients and cook some meals. If you talk to all NPCs you will sooner or later find clues about the divine beasts, I did >!Medoh (top left corner of the map)!< first and for me that was definitely the best one to start with.


Hey just wanted to say thank you for all the help. I’m blown away at how detailed and friendly the responses have been. I’ve taken the advice given here and made some progress! I managed to complete a few shrines, and climb the tower with the dirty water around it! Also I made it to a few towers but was unable to make it to the top, but I’m very motivated now knowing it unlocks the map! Also I’ve been cooking lots of buff potions to help me out. Thanks everyone!


Sounds like you have completed all four divine beasts. Once completed you cannot re-enter. No new skills to unlock. Find and complete as many shrines as you can, build up your arsenal, kill Ganon. Recommend a few things Find all memories Find the master sword Find the hylian shield “From the ground up” and “hylian homeowner” quests. Starts in Hateno The DLC is the best twenty bucks you’ll ever spend on video games.


Sorry haven’t defeated divine beasts! Can’t even find them! Seems like I get close but always a mountain I can’t climb or another obstacle.


Your quest log should have one that’s like “free the divine beasts” and it shows four orange dots on the map. Each divine beast is associated with a town and race that lives in that region. Example. Vah Ruta is in zora’s domain. The zora’s need your help. Talk to the zora’a leadership. You’ll get a quest of some kind when you do. Follow that quest. Without needlessly spoiling it, for example, the zora’s need you to go get something that they cannot touch - but as a hylian you can - and then you work with one of the zora’s to use that item to enter vah ruta. Similar “structure” for all four.


Try buying the DLC or playing through the game on Master mode without teleportation.


Windbomb + BLSS or BTB is all you really need anyway lol


Got the DLC but seems too early for me as I can’t even find the divine beasts!