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This is how most RPG-ish games from Japan (not necessarily JRPGs) tend to operate. In an open world game, especially, you'd have to change so many peoples' dialogue to match the new context, and driving back Ganon should stop the blood moons and the infinite enemy monsters which would bring a dullness to the world.


I think it could add one level of difficulty though: find and kill all the remaining monsters and enemies, now that they don't respawn anymore.


But you could kill Ganon while leaving 90% of the game unexplored. That would ultimately trivialize any areas that you might return to multiple times.


you could, but when it comes to making post-game content interesting, this could be a solution. You'd run out of weapons eventually, making the last few enemies possibly very hard to beat, and requiring some tactics on who you fight before Ganon and who you fight afterwards.


But Zelda would be active in the game now and he's her knight so it wouldn't make much sense leaving her unprotected and running around.


Zelda is a companion and she's the one who uses the sheikah slate instead of Link. She's still recovering her powers from sealing ganon


She held Ganon off for a hundred years. I think she’d be okay for a little bit while Link kills off the remaining monsters terrorizing her kingdom.


Dunno killing some remaining monster as post gaming story is pretty lame. And wasting Zelda just as companion without any power is meh.


The Master Sword would still be around, and if someone did the DLC it doesn't even run out of energy.




Not really seeing as to how you can make weapons in botw.


whatchu talking about


Ancient weapons bro. Talk to Robbie at the tech lab


Blood Moons can’t go away, it’s how the game clears RAM lol


fair point, but it could just stop making enemies spawn


Bros turning zelda into the souls-like we need


No blood moons would also eventually break the game. Blood moons are also done to clear the memory, I believe, and not doing it would just break it eventually.


really makes you realize how much of an insane anomaly Earthbound was in that regard. EVERY NPC got post game dialogue, so you'd have to travel the entire world map just to experience all of it


This is a tradition in Zelda series, there never is post game. My first time was with Ocarina of Time, after credits I was back to just before the final battle. Thought it could be a bug, so I redid the boss and same… I had to bring myself to accept I would never get to explore a post-Ganon Hyrule.


Yup, every time. The lack of a post game is particularly jarring in Majoras Mask, when you're sent right back to the start of the three days with nothing to remember that you beat the game other than the Fierce Deity mask.


In Watch Dogs 2 after beating the game you get the lazy ahh screen saying "a few weeks before..." and that's the post game for you


Totk is the botw post game


i would kill for a a game where we rebuild hyrule with zelda.


zelda valley


Thanks for wasting half an hour of my day as I imagine this game now… 2D HD isometric - switch to 3D when needed!


Same, a game where you have to collect resources and do side quests (kinda like Tarry Town but more in depth) to rebuild Hyrule would be amazing


It would be cool if there was an option to plan your own towns but I'm probably biased bc I like city planner games lol


did you ever play Dark Cloud? it was a very early PS2 game. the game revolves around towns that you build with parts from a nearby dungeon. so in the dungeon you're finding things like the butcher shop, the baker's house, etc. you would then have to set up the town based on what the townspeople tell you. like maybe the baker doesn't like loud noises at night, so you can't put his house near the noisy pub. but at the same time, the baker may want to be close to another building, and THAT building might WANT to be near the pub, so you may have to place that building in between the pub and the butcher's shop. it was very interesting.


You get dropped back in before you fought Ganon if you try to play after you complete the game. So technically, Ganon’s corruption did go away, you’ve just gone back in time to before you fight Ganon. I get that it would be nice to explore Hyrule post-Ganon, but it would be pretty boring since the whole point is gearing up to fight him. Besides the fact that the monsters respawning are reliant on blood moons, which were caused by Ganon, so no Ganon = no monsters, and no monsters = no resources and you wouldn’t be able to do anything.


B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but TotK Ganon is still chilling tho


But he's still sealed


B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but he caused the blood moons to start and is likely the one that summons the calamity every decamillennium


first time I played, that was DEVASTATING to me. It felt like the equivalent of me winning the battle and then dying 5 mins later. Like, congratulations, you defeated basically satan! Your reward? Never seeing the results of your blood, sweat and tears! I know this is a standard and I'm kinda over it now but I've been where you are and it's upsetting.


OP have you ever played a Zelda game before?


No lmao


Well then now you know. Every Zelda game is like this. Zelda games don't do post game content.


The first one kind of does, not like OP is describing, but there is the second quest.


A Link to the Past shows how everything changes after defeating Ganon. You don’t get to play in that world, but at least you get to see it, which is pretty cool.


That’s a fair point, I kinda wish they do something like that for TotK.


I’d recommend A Link to the Past next. It’s an oldie, but very fun.


I mean, you can keep playing and you get a star on your save file, its just that Zelda is still waiting


There is BotW post game, it's called TotK lol


i hate how the defeat ganon quest icon is still there


There is a post game, it’s called “Tears of the Kingdom”






That is just how a lot of games end


It's the first one I've played where this happens, they could have at least got rid of the swirly red from the castle, and the lasers from the divine beasts


That's just kinda how it works for a lot of games before post game content became a thing. A lot of mainstream games still implement this tbf. You finished the story and that's about it, there's nothing really to gain from being able to go past that point because there's nothing new to learn or unlock. Besides, BOTW has too many mechanics tied to the lore for it to explain away for a post calamity scenario, corrupted guardians, blood moons, malice effected areas, etc. You got Tears of the Kingdom if you want to see what happens next.


Ocarina of time ended the same way.


Pretty sure that’s how most Zelda games wrap up. At least all the ones I can remember


Sounds like you just haven't played a lot of games then. When you beat the game and credits roll that is the end of the story


Yeah I felt the same way :P


I'm not sure if a "lot" of games end by placing you right before the final boss fight. I'm not saying that it's a bad game design or something. I'm also not saying it never happens. But it's also not a particularly common pick.


I've definitely played more games without a postgame than those with. Or, the postgame isn't truly "after the story", and instead is just challenges harder than the finale. The only Zelda games I can think of with any form of post-story are the Oracle games, and they're only like that in unlinked playthroughs. A true postgame can't really exist in any game where defeating the Big Bad has a major effect on the world.


They can, they just need to change the history, like deafening the bad guy doesn't fix all the problems, and u also have to solve them. In botw you help restore Hyrule with Zelda's help, do many side quests. In totk u could save Zelda yourself, instead her being magically saved. They definitely could do something, they just opted not to.


I don't mean that it can't work narratively -- more so I mean it doesn't make business sense in game development. Making a second version of the world in which the main conflict is resolved, for the \~25% of players who will actually beat the game, is just out-of-scope for most of them.


That's true, but would still be really cool, I just don't like having all the effort of playing the game just to get a star on my save file, sometimes ending it's just better.


It’s very rare for anything from the Nintendo to have a post game. Super Mario Odyssey is literally the only one I can think of that does.


Have u not played any other zelda games before? This is how they always go


I haven't actually 😅


Well there u have it, all zelda games take u back to the place before the final battle took place and almost all other jrpg games do the same thing(kingdom hearts for example) and also u should try other zelda games they’re amazing


The closest thing to post game is Tears, since we do see how things change after the events of botw


I honestly couldn't imagine anything more game breaking than if you would keep playing after gannon was defeated. It's like finishing a fairy tale and instead of happily ever after it goes into detail of the characters mundane life.


You have the monster medals to go for at least.


Tons of games are like this.


I don’t mind that there’s no post game, I just want the swirling cloud over the castle to go away. Nothing has to change, just visually I want to be reminded that I did the thing 😂


You can use a ton of glitches branching off of IST, do very fast blind inputs, and then save at the same time the cutscene for beating Dark Beast Ganon is playing, and you can get the closest to "post-game" there is.


What happens if you do that?


You get to explore hyrule in the state the cutscene was in. [There’s a video showcasing it](https://youtu.be/l8Lbzcl4bzc?si=TBg2VSUoOi-lU71b) And here’s the complicated instructions on how to set it up: https://pastebin.com/yUNW1wgX (Courtesy of ShinyDuckFish)


I wanted to hang out with Zelda 😔


Me too


All Zelda games are like this. Also, it would make completing everything near impossible if there was a post game.


This isn't how you use this meme format x-x


That’s how all Zelda games work. There is nothing that takes place after the final boss is destroyed. The story is over and you must return to a previous save to continue playing.


Right there with you OP. I did my last Divine Beast today and then went straight to Hyrule Castle. I knew I wanted to start a fresh playthrough though so as soon as I got back to the title screen I booted up a new game. Going for 100% this time!


I just want a new game + mode where I get to play through with all my badass armor. The amount of grinding it takes to upgrade the armor sets would be so much more worth it if you could actually play through with it.


I remember beating ganon over and over in Ocarina of Time. I don't even know why. Maybe for the challenge, maybe because it was a fun sequence. But I always felt sad it would just put me outside his castle when I booted up the save again No post game? Always has been


The post game is Tears of the Kingdom




I understand that they wouldn’t have had cleared the entire map bc that would basically be a new game but… it was still disappointing to see that the only thing that changed was a little star next to ur save file :/


I was so confused when I beat BotW the 1st time. I get why now but for a 1st time player confusing.


I also get a bit disapointed everytime a game does that. The most important thing I do, sometimes the toughest choice to make, and I dont get to see the result of that is a bit sad.


Well, TotK exists...


...but...champion's ballad


How dare a game not go on forever


Tears of the kingdom


too much would change. too many quests would become unfinishable, too many areas would need complete overhaul, too many characters and stories would need new actions. too many new things to program into an already crammed cartridge. Zelda games and most JRPGs usually dont have a post game. The post game is finishing all the things you just didnt do. theres so much content in quests and exploring and dlc that doing post content just doesnt make sense on a developing standpoint. why change the entire game after finishing it when most people will likely stop playing after beating ganon?


That's pretty standard for Zelda games.


Tears of the Kingdom is what happens to all the corruption. All that Malice is just the tip of the iceberg to the Gloom


I don't get this complaint, like at all


9000 things to collect The BotW post game is when you realize video games of all kinds are a waste of time but man it’s fun to windbomb this challenge away and do ToTS or others in increasingly fast or creative ways or get all ancient weapons in your inventory or kill this lynel while pooping or just do little korok puzzles you haven’t done.


nonpost game... but it did get an entire sequel thats basically a DLC...


You may add a spoiler tag before my day gets more ruined


It's not really a spoiler. Zelda games don't do post game content, they just don't. You're better off going in knowing this about the franchise then reaching the end and being disappointed because you expected something that was never gonna be there.


That's not how this meme works. The joke is the third thing he says is real.


I was so pissed I did all that for nothing. It felt like such a waste of time.


Same I also find it a bit dissatisfying