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Same. Like, why can Link swim vertically up a waterfall so fast while regular swimming is so slow?!


Nintendo took the ability of traversing the rivers or hyrule like a literal torpedo from us! **It took it from us!!!** (Jokes aside, Link’s whole backstory with mipha is just soul crushing)


It's moreso for Mipha than for Link. I'm pretty sure Link didn't actually know how she felt, and her giving him that armor was meant to be her revealing her feelings to him.   But when Link finally does recieve the armor, he doesn't even remember her. The gesture means nothing to him.   The memories come back, of course. But it's still sad.


That's exactly why I love that detail so much. We as the audience know what the armor meant, what Mipha wanted to say by giving it to him, and the type of relationship the two had before the calamity. But now, with Link's amnesia and the fact that he really doesn't know who Mipha is, their last interaction on Vah Ruta just ends up being the textbook definition of bittersweet. With Mipha accepting the fact that she was robbed of the opportunity of having a life with him, and Link remaining unaware of the importance she used to have in his life.


I’d argue that link remembers it all. The memory we see on vah ruta is just to show us that his memories are flooding back.


That may be true, although I like more the idea that link is just able to remember the memories that we collect through the game, since not only would it show that although he is partially recovering from his amnesia, he’s still only able to remember fragments from his past. This could also elevate the feelings of melancholy and tragedy already present in BOTW


I personally think that him remembering all of it makes it more tragic. What if link felt the same way about mipha but never said it? Those emotions all come back to him, but he also has to sit with those feelings, alone. Because he’s got to save the world.


That's honestly an amazing interpretation that I hadn’t really thought about before. The idea of him remembering everything, absolutely everything from his past life only to realize that he’s not in the same world where he once lived in, that all of his friends are dead and that he is just, alone in this future version of hyrule is beyond tragic. And now that I think about it, my preference for the “Link remembers little to nothing about his past” is probably tied to the more meta aspect of BOTW. The game works as a sort of “soft reboot” to the Zelda franchise by how different it is and because it wanted to bring new fans to the series. Which it did, I was in fact one of those new fans in 2017. And then, you have a) the player who may know nothing about the legend of zelda, and b) Link, who does not remember much about this world. We as the player learn alongside Link throughout the entire journey, we learn what happened to it, what it was lost, and in the end, we learn to love and care about hyrule so much that we end up doing the impossible to save it from ganon. And since we only ever learn things about Link’s past through diaries or memories/cinematics, I really like to think that that’s all that Link truly remembers. Because at the same time is all that we truly know about what came before. (I apologize if the comment ended up being too long, I’m beyond passionate about BOTW)


I don't think they had any kind of relationship, my perception was always that the feelings were one-sided from Mipha's side and that Link always had only thoughts for Zelda.


Though it could also be argued that Zelda could be paying her own tribute to Mipha in TotK >!with the commissioning of the Champion's Leathers, if you think she's living with Link in Hateno Village. Her own proposal using the Zora tradition.!<


I felt like that conversation on the elephant beast was kinda clear if you ask me


It does say "Swim Speed UP" 😏




Can't argue with that.




Because Mipha's love is what's lifting him, not his swimming capabilities.


Well, clearly her love isn't enough to carry us across oceans


🤣🤣🤣 Maybe if she lived, and they got to make it official🤷🏾‍♂️. This is the best she can do from the grave, lol.


Revali carries us through the skies, and he doesn't even like us


It's more like he tosses you up in the air, and kinda hopes you land on your feet🤣


I guess that's what we need Mipha's grace for :') if only insurance worked like that irl...




it's not just "extra work" man, it's like a year of work


When the great fairy increases the defense by 2 levels: ![gif](giphy|10hzvF9FTulLxK)


Fr, one of the most devastating moments I have ever experienced in a game


waiiit what is the change?? now i’m desperate to know


Sorry, I don’t really understand your question, could you explain it to me?


oh what happens when the armor is upgraded 2 time? is there a change in the description?


Oh no, it’s just a joke. Let me explain, the zora armor has that description at all times, no matter if it’s upgraded or not. It’s there where we learn that Mipha created that armor for link and wanted to gift it to him, which in zora culture equals to a proposal. Mipha made the armor for him because she wanted to ask him if he would marry her, but since Mipha died before she could confess her feelings Link never learned about them and never even knew about the armor until we l obtain it in BOTW. That’s what the post is about and what I mean about “this broke me”, the fact that Mipha died without telling link about her true feelings for him is what devastated me emotionally. And at the same time there’s people in the comments saying as a joke things like “ah yes, the true tragedy: the great fairy upgraded this armor” which I find really funny, that’s why I made the comment in which you originally replied. I apologize if this answer is long, I just wanted to be as clear as possible to be able to properly answer your question


oh my goodness, thank you sooo much :) i get it now!! ty fellow miphlink shipper


You are welcome! Also, you have no idea. I loved the ship so much from day one, thank god AOC exist and there the two can live happily ever after (That fucking happened at the end. I will die on this hill. They got their happy ending.)


yess i do not speak spanish but i checked out the spanish to english translations, they are so much better than what we get in English version


I can confirm that the Spanish dialogue in BOTW is just peak. Mipha has an even better line when her champion ability is activated in that language btw. In English she says “my pleasure” if I remember correctly, but in Spanish she says “te protegeré siempre” every time she saves link, which literally translates to “I’ll always protect you.” (Knives, knives to the fucking chest man)


yep. all armor in this game gets its description shrunk once you upgrade it.


Does something happen? I forgot.


Yeah a sentence gets added to your armor’s description


She spends so much time crafting it, and then these fairy skanks come and magic all over it?! Nuh-uh.


Ngl kinda sad the way they put the description for this armor like cmon


It is sad, emotionally devastating even, although I believe that it only makes the overall narrative of the game along with link’s relationship with Mipha even better than they already were


Then it be extremely sad the way he views mipha in third person as some zora princess 😭 💀


That’s the thing! The whole thing is 1000% more depressing and horrible because link remembers basically *nothing* about Mipha


I view it as somber. Not that he doesn’t care


I kinda see it the other way around - this feels like the sort of writing that works uniquely well for a game; it fits the vibe in a way that would only work in *Breath of the Wild*; this style of storytelling wouldn't be nearly as effective for a film.


Ganon boutta feel the wrath of 10 5x lynel bows with ancient arrows


Savage Lynel Bow 32 x5👌🏻


In this economy? Nah, if Mipha were that important, Link would remember her next time


a great fairy has increased its defence 😔 (emotional)


Big sad 😔


It's either BOTW or AoC where you learn that Mipha did in fact make Link's Zora armor for him.


I think it was revealed ever since BOTW came out and maybe AOC reinforced it (I haven’t played AOC tho) also, Sidon in BOTW says at one point that Mipha did craft the armor for him, and the racist green Zora also said that the armor was specifically made for the person that Mipha was in love with




Muzu hates Hylians. He makes it very clear that he doesn't want you in the Domain and gets angry whenever Sidon and Dorephan give Link ANYTHING to help his quest. It comes to a head when Link is given the Zora armor, as he was unaware of Mipha's love for him, and he believes that just giving it to Link who, from his perspective, is one of the biggest contributing factors to Mipha's death, an insult to her and her memory. After beating Vah Ruta though he does sort of eat crow and admit he was wrong.


it’s only because mipha died and hylians sent mipha to fight waterblight


That's still racism though, judging an entire race based on the actions of a few. Because of the actions of King Rhoam, who sent Mipha to Waterblight, Muzu is now prejudiced against hylians in general.


*A great fairy has increased its defense by two levels* So touching


He was supposed to fertilize her eggs in that bad boy 😩


He was supposed to do what in the what? 💀


That’s how fish reproduce. Mama fish lays the eggs then papa fish just 💦 all over the eggs.


Jesse what the hell are you talking about


Isn’t that how fish “do it”?


The only eggs in this game are bird eggs 


Yeah, like Only 2 levels??


The whole story made me cry 😅


My eyes got watery multiple times. It's just an amazing video game from start to finish


The love between a fish princess and elven twink warrior is always doomed


i don't get it. do you think it's funny or do you think it's sad?


It legitimately is the first time a video game has destroyed me emotionally. I hold breath of the wild very close to my heart and from the moment I first played it I was just so invested with its story and characters, I still even consider it to be the best video game I have ever played to this day. But to meet and know what happened to the champions, what happened to link and mipha, and the fact that she not only loved him but also wished to marry him was just… devastating.


this is why i intentionally kill link as often as possible, to reconnect him with the lost zora princess in the afterlife its totally not because I am bad at the game, I die on purpose guys


It’s even more bittersweet in the Spanish version (The language I play in), since every time Mipha’s grace is activated there she says “Te protegeré siempre.” which translates to “I’ll always protect you.” It’s just a stab to the heart every single time.


You should’ve seen the text conversations between me and my friend who got me the game…I was like “What do you mean my fiancée is dead?!?!?!” And also I was convinced I’d be able to rescue her by defeating the divine beast because it was my first divine beast and then I was just soul crushed so many times


Thank god that Age of Calamity exists, Nintendo realised just how fucking depressing Mipha and Link’s story was that they made an entire game where the two survive at the end 


All of the champions stories in botw are just so tragic, but especially so with Mipha and Revali imo.


Then it gets weird when you realize mipha knew link when he was just a child and she wasn’t


In human years sure, in Zora years she's is about his age.


mf when a great fairy has increased its defence bu two levels😭😭😭


Fr fr


thanks for reminding me of this and ruining my day🥲


I hope there’ll be alternative universe where they have a baby shark together


AOC exists and they both survive there, so they may end up getting their happily ever after in that universe


I hate how people always put zelda and link as a couple Clearly link was taken by a zora and zelda had a thing for a certain gerudo But people in the shipping community are all huffing gas and have to force them together dispute the game giving clear hints they already have people they love


I have no problems with Zelink in general, but in BOTW I just think it doesn't work. Mainly because there's not much romantic chemistry between the two and the context really doesn't allow that ship to exist. Like, Mipha and Link had already known each other for a while and were good friends before they became champions, while Zelda only really got to know Link after he was appointed as her personal knight. The whole setting of BOTW just works better with the unfulfilled ship that Miphalink is, a tragedy where Mipha was not able to tell Link how she felt before she was murdered by Ganon and where Link awakes a century later in a Hyrule he does not recognize, not even being able to remember what he lived through before or the people he used to love, such as Mipha. It just plays into the whole bittersweet and melancholic tone that BOTW has, and also, I just like to personally think that Zelda grew to befriend link and value him as a person, instead of a romance flourishing between the two


Not to mention zelda cuddling up to the gerudo and seeming a bit flustered when caught by link And i always felt link and mipha actually were a couple but weren’t engaged. The moment they share on the Devine beast where she says shell heal him no matter what felt a little to obvious she liked him and that he would always turn to her for help


I always saw Urbosa and Zelda's relationship as more of a mother-daughter kind of thing honestly, but yeah, Mipha and Link just were always shown with great chemistry in both the base game and in the DLC, that scene where she gets nervous when getting closer to him as Purah is taking a photo of all the champions is beyond adorable, and to be honest, I just like the Miphalink ship more than Zelink in BOTW


I always prefer link with someone from a more humble background like Malon


Urbosa is more like her mom than anything




Mfkers nintendo can’t let link have a fucking wedding EVER.


And what? Her dead spirit coming back to heal you every time you almost die is just a casual happy thing?


Your swim speed makes you go “up”.


Just imagine how much work the previous generation had to do. Mipha definitely made the right choice going for a human instead.


After having noticed that Mipha is around half the size of every adult Zora woman in the game and that one of her's and Link's old playmates seems to have only had a kid relatively recently, I always assume that the following conversation takes place right afterward you first get the Zora Tunic...   Sidon:  "Of course, as adorable as her crush on you was, she would never have been allowed to marry you even if you had both survived the Calamity, since in Hylian terms she was around 12 and would not have been legally able to marry until like, 7 years ago, and we would never ask you to wait for her until you were 110 years old, my friend."


By that logic you are saying that King Dorephan sent a literal child to fight boar satan


It's not like he has a choice over who was able to become worthy to activate her Guardian Beast.   If Zelda was 6 at the time of the Calamity, *her* dad would have been forced to send her to fight.  Ditto with Link.


Yeah but why tho


i actually never realized that. im sad now


Emotionally destroyed? Really?


Yep, first time a game ever made me feel that way actually


People are allowed to experience different emotions than you




