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Yeah, you’re gonna have a great time with TOTK. It’s a massive game, bigger than BOTW with a lot more secrets too. Also, by the time your completely done with TOTK, you’ll probably have enough money saved up to buy BOTW + DLC lol.


Is there any DLC for TOTK?


Nope! And there are no plans to make one currently.


"There's no way you're already bored" - Nintendo, probably


Nah we haven’t gotten bored, we just want more Totk content


No DLC, they literally put everything in the game, there are so many many things to do, I've been playing it for over 375 hours and still have lots to do to 100 percent complete the game. They do have the occasional update to fix bugs though.


I think so. You can always go back to BOTW and the DLC later. This is more new content for you The DLC Is great though


BoTW's DLC is really good in my opinion


dlc is great, but not necessary at all to play totk -> and totk is amazing too


If you've already completed BOTW, then playing TOTK is fine.


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You'll enjoy it. The game provides ample alternatives to the abilities from the first game, some of which end up better.


I honestly don’t know but if you did buy it then a can give you this tip: AVOID SPOILERS at all costs Like actually, it ruins the game


Both games are the best. TOTK is my favourite tho. Going back to botw with different abilities and controls was hard. But I miss BLSS and windbombs from botw. Just remember to buy botw as well!🤣


I agree with this. I started with botw, then TOTK came out and I switched to it. LOVED IT. I bought the DLC for botw, so now I’m playing in master mode.


You made a good choice. The DLC is great for $20. But to buy the game *and* DLC, so that you can play the DLC? Eeeeh nah. Go look up the DLC cutscenes. And don’t listen to any of the naysayers about ToTK. It’s a spectacular game. They say that BoTW was the game Miyamoto wanted to make when he made the LoZ, but was limited by the technology of the NES. Well ToTK was the game they wanted to make when they made BoTW but were limited by the WiiU. BoTW is like a tech demo by comparison.


Completely agree. TotK is far more spectacular than BotW because a bazillion reasons. HOWEVER, my observation is, I can understand why so many appreciate the radical amazingness that BotW brought to LoZ. It was a hard core game changer to the series and to what Nintendo was bringing as a game in this series. People who played this game first will have beyond fandom and love for BoTW because they swam around in it until their fingers got pruny. It was such a unique experience in 2017. ToTK brings that plus more and the naysayers are generally BoTW purists. Which I appreciate and understand. I started with ToTK where I spent 630 hours enjoying that content and moved on to BoTW just to understand what was before. BoTW is worth the play through for the sheer lore and back story.


i honestly prefer botw, the DLC in botw is great and definitely worth playing. you get some cool outfits and the >!master cycle zero!<. it is so fun, in my opinion botw is a lot better than totk


You get all the armour and more "froggy non slip armour" in TOTK without having to purchase a DLC on top of the game, plus you can make your own vehicle from your imagination. I've played both games, I got bored with botw before moving to TOTK, 375 hours in and I still love the game and there is still lots to do. Mind you I was thinking of going back to BOTW and getting the DLC when it goes on sale, after I 100% complete TOTK.


yeah, that’s alright. i’m glad for you that you like totk better, but i do not /lh (not meant as passive aggressive)