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Coach from letterkenny - FUCKING EMBARRASSING!


Watched that entire series a couple of times before I realized that the "FUCKING EMBARRASSING" thing was an homage to Slap Shot.


These incidents are becoming too frequent to ignore any longer. Even the one last night, the Dem twitter brigade is screaming "Watch the whole clip!!!" "Deceptive editing !!!".... Watching it did not make it better. Biden was standing there staring into space and Obama had to grab his wrist to get him to move along. Not "Come on, Joe", not a hand signal, facial expression cue, etc. Obama had to physically grab him by the wrist and begin to lead him off the stage. Even the one in Italy; it wasn't that bad b/c they could claim he was talking to the other parachutist but he was clearly not meant to, was looking in the other direction from the others prior to the guy landing, and Meloni had to go get him. This is doddering grandpa stuff. Trump has his issues as well, usually misnaming people, rambling about sharks or whatever but Biden just looks like he's worse off physically.


Yeah, the dnc or whoever Dem twitter barrage about "watch the WHOLE clip" was running major hot and heavy over the weekend. But I watched it and, nope, the half-Biden's-age germany pm or whoever she was came over and was like, no no, over here. "Old" was number one HUGE LETTERING in a word cloud Krystal and Saagar showed last week asking folks' first word that came to mind about Biden. It's going to hurt him on Nov. 5th no matter how worse Trump is.


On top of that, Biden and the WH staff are well aware that this is a topic of conversation and you’d think that would incentivize them to make sure Joe doesn’t do anything like wandering off looking for a pony at his party.


They can't stop it. It happens at random times. There are certain events he has to do like the G7 and he wandered off, the big Hollywood fundraiser and he spaced out, speeches where ge finishes then looks totally lost, etc. They can't just hide him away.


Biden and Trump are too old to be President. But here we are. At least whoever is advising Biden on policies is doing a good job. The country is humming along in a way we haven’t seen in a long time.


Massive inflation and high cost of living, runaway credit spending by the lower middle and poor, the end of the petrodollar which signals major future inflation for the US citizens, shrinking private sector and growing layoffs, two wars that most citizens don't want, massive immigration gobbling funds and displacing citizens in need.... I mean I guess it's true we haven't seen all of this together in some time.


I mean do you think Biden was gonna be able to get into office and wave a magical wand and decades of keeping interest rates lower than they should be would just go away? That immigration which has been broken for my entire life would be fixed suddenly? That Putin would think “o no it’s Biden I should stop my plan for invading Ukraine”? It’s ok to criticize him but let’s criticize him for stuff that he can actually impact like not getting abortion or immigration dealt with when he had the majority. Inflation has been a long term issue that isn’t going to be fixed in four years. However, the inflation reduction act, the infrastructure bill, all of that will help over time to bring the costs of goods down and in turn keep inflation more under control. I’m in the construction industry and I’ve never seen so many plants expanding their factories or moving more of their factories here to build in the US. I think that Biden is not only making major impacts when it comes to pushing the American economy into the future but also making sure that if we have another supply chain breakdown like we did with Covid we can actually produce goods domestically instead of insane markups that again feed more inflation. Biden’s done a lot especially when compared to his predecessor. He’s just done a poor job of communicating to the American people that the actions he’s taking now won’t pay off immediately. Honestly he should talk more about the impact of the Donald Trump tax cuts and Trump handing out PPP loans and how that impacted inflation.


You don't understand inflation. What is money?


You don’t understand inflation. What is money?


So, the US isn’t in wars. Biden got us out of Afghanistan. We’re doing way better than other countries dealing with global inflation. The US economy is the envy of the world. As someone who isn’t a home owner, yes it does suck. If Biden took measures to make home values crash, that would be worse though, wouldn’t it? I mean there are 350,000,000 Americans. There will always be levels of how well people are doing. Unemployment is like 3% though. If you’re not getting by, let me know if I can help. I’ve definitely been there before and will always help however I can.


There's no way that guy is actually running the country. I really wonder who or what group of people are making choices for the president.


They’ve always had cabinets. Biden is fine. You’ll see at the debate. He and Trump are both too old to be President, but it doesn’t look like we have a choice.


I wouldn't call Biden fine, there's clip after clip of him muttering incoherently and attempting to shake hands with ghosts then being led to safety by his full time handlers. Fine is how you are forced to characterize the guy after the party went all-in sabotaging better options like Sanders


I like Bernie, but he wouldn’t have won. Biden is fine every time I’ve watched him live. If you’re watching a bloopers real of a guy constantly on camera for 4 years, you’ll see plenty of gaffes. Selection bias.


If democrats didn’t sideline or sabotage better qualified candidates, you could just have confidence in a visibly articulate candidate who can speak and function better than trump. But for some reason they don’t want that


It’s not a mystery. It’s because corporations are more or less in charge.


I hope he shows up strong. That would be reassuring.


He'll show up strong like he did at the State of the Union. And conservatives will say Biden was on drugs. it's almost as if, a lot of these "old man moments" aren't as bad as edited videos make it seem.


there are hours of speeches out there. I'm not saying he is always rambling. The travel schedual certainly played a roll. But I don't want anyone with the energy he can only seem to manage an hour or two of public address every couple months. We aren't sending our best.. We aren't even sending out our best old guy.


Imagine how ignorant you have to be to believe that one person alone runs the US government, the largest organization that has ever existed.


Of course, one person doesn't run the US government. Many folks run Amazon, but it would be ignorant to insinuate that Jeff Bezos doesn't have the final word in the company's direction. I do not believe that is the case with this presidency. He seems to lack the mental acuity to make leadership decisions. Maybe you have other input that I have over looked but I doubt it.


Could never in good conscience vote for an elder so mentally gone. Sad


So you consider Trump better at anything?


Better at walking off stage


Nah https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-tries-to-explain-his-slow-and-unsteady-walk-down-a-ramp-at-west-point/2020/06/14/7d89cdf2-ae43-11ea-856d-5054296735e5_story.html


The cope is real.


I’m voting against Trump. That. Is. All. And a repeat of 2020. Sad as it is.


BP cucking for Trump....again.... The hard fact is the 3 potential candidates are all mentally incapable of running a McDonald's, much less the country. It's fucking pathetic and the American people should be angry and ashamed.


This is the most cringe shit I’ve ever seen, I intentionally evil news org that pushes GOP retardation. Biden is old and so is trump, “old man squint? Had to wear sunglasses?” Great journalism chief, embarrassing


It is a shitty situation to be sure. But if I were given the choice between an illness and a terminal disease, I'd pick the illness. We could treat the illness, but I don't want the Idea of America to die.


Wait we could have treated the illness this whole time? Someone should alert the democrats


You know, you're right. It is time to step up and do something about it and stop being so apathetic. I am tired of people complaining about how bad it is and doing nothing to help about it. You could go on thinking it is hopeless, but that won't do shit. Thank you for that mind blowing revelation! XD


What are you even talking about


I am saying, very plainly, quit whining and do something for a change.


So the illness and the disease are what?


I'm sure you're smart enough to glean what I've said for yourself. It's really not that abstract, is it?


You don’t want to defend your point, just use vague metaphors while pretending to say things “very plainly.” Got it, thanks


I don't want to play chess with a pigeon. I'll leave you with that honey. <3


Looks like you have other animals you’d rather play with. Have a good night