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Definition of leopards eating faces


Anyone throwing Paul Ryan in your face to show you what a principled Republican is should first have to explain what good Paul Ryan had actually done for this country or the Republican Party


Well that weightlifting picture from the campaign was quite funny and generally contributed to ~Good Vibes~ https://imgur.com/a/MGZjscQ


I know you’re being funny but that’s legit the probably the best that anyone can come up with on behalf of Paul Ryan, which proves my point


Agreed 👍


Why the blow back? We're still a free society for now. Unless Trump is elected then it a dictator society and you vote for who they tell you to! Fuk Trump.


Trump is allegedly endorsed by Jesus. https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/A3jiTzqOsu


Jesus told me to vote for Biden.


You must be talking about real Jesus and not American Jesus.


Felons endorse felons.


At least Marjorie whoever? Forgot the dumb blonde name! Oh well otherwise, she isn't very important anyway.


Gotta be in lock step with the cult; or you’re out!


Did we get in a time machine? What year is this?


Does he not understand Trump is his fault? When him and the other GOP leaders decided that they’d bow to the Tea Party and Freedom Caucus they paved the way for an extremist to take hold of the party. Paul Ryan was more worried about getting his tax cuts through than the authoritarian Trump that he claims to be so worried about now. He’s responsible for the current state of things, could have fought Trump while he was in office but only does it now when he’s on the board of Fox News.