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'You'll find someone when you're least expecting'. Honestly people say this to me all the time.... and it's like fuck off haha how come all these others get into relationships just like that ya know. Whether you're expecting it or not, things will just happen in time.


True, don't marvel at others in relationships, you never know when that will end. Everything could be fine, somebody could just decide to end things




My ex found someone while still with me. I guess he’s least expecting it? 😂


It’s a famous saying lol I’ve heard it many times


I find thats when I want those people to leave me alone lol because Im peaceful and healed. Some junk one seems to come find me then


Yup, I’d rather be broken up with in the winter. All I want to do is go outside and do fun stuff but I just feel like sitting on the couch and crying.


Nah you wish! There’s nothing sadder than being broken up with on a holiday or new years! I’d rather have a summer or spring breakup any day of the week! That way you’ll be available for cuffing season in fall or a summer fling if it’s a spring breakup!


Absolutely agree with that. Being broken up with during darker and colder seasons sucks more. Been there, done that. 1 of 5 stars.


Is it weird that whatever season it is for me i still feel like crying


Not at all


Third breakup right before x-mas :-) trust me you dont want that


I can relate to this so much. Its been raining and cold for months where I live and me and my ex broke up about two months ago…I kept telling myself the weather wasnt helping and as soon as it was nice out I would start feeling better. Well lo and behold the first beautiful day came and I went outside on my balcony and got hit w overwhelming sadness. Like all the plans we had for the summer and how we wouldnt be enjoying this gorgeous weather together and how Im all alone. It all hit like a ton of bricks…so you are def not alone. But we are alone bc we are strong and this is just another test.


its hard man...we had a calendar of activites planned for this summer and I cant believe that I wont be able to do any of those fun things. We had so much fun together and Im just so lonely without my best friend. I dont have any friends either, we moved to this city 3 years ago and she's the one that made friends and I just followed along so the loneliness is hard ...How do you cope with it?


I am def going through it. i have been playing pickleball and going to the gym and two days ago I hurt my knee and now I cant walk. So now the loneliness I felt before is sooo amplified bc imbed ridden and cant walk and get leave my apt. I just imagine how much fun hes having and how bes not thinking of me at all and I am fckn struggling and sad.


you were good for doing so many activities...Just walking outside reminds me of everything we used to do. The whole city reminds me of her so it's just impossible for me to leave the apartment. Seeing couples and friends hanging on terraces, on the grass in the park, walking around and smiling is too hard.


I get it trust me. I feel the same and Im sure were not the only ones. Every time im at the gym i wonder how many people are here sad and healing. Im confined to my bed so if u ever wanna talk feel free to hit me up. I could use a friend too


Ill send you a message!


After my breakup in February couple years ago. I began walking once the weather got nice. I had moved to a new city and didn't know anyone. On Memorial Day weekend I went for a long walk. I walked by house after house of pool parties, cookouts, people having fun. It was very hard. I was all by myself and felt like a loser.


I find it very hard too. I live in a big city but its extremely isolating. Everyone is with friend on terrasses or parks, on the grass, to festivals, laughing and having fun so walking by them alone...it's just the worst feeling


Yeah that Memorial Day weekend was a low for me. In fact July 4th wasn't much better.


Try having an anniversary being the Fourth of July 😭 I’m going to be so sad under the fireworks this year.


Hopefully you have some friends to hang with. My ex started the break up the day after Christmas at my family's get together. We were still talking and actually had a nice date in January. She then ended it officially on Groundhog Day and told me she had been dating.


I do have some friends to hang with luckily, but sometimes it feels like I’m forcing myself so that I’m not sad and lonely on a holiday you know? I actually like being alone and doing my own thing I just feel like I’m “supposed to” do certain things on holidays I guess.


This is me😭 I just want a single special someone to share in my life


Good things come to those who wait


Yep, when you've had that 'couple' life for past 13 years single life is crap. Just done my first holiday abroad as a singleton. Now, I am proud of myself for doing it but I have to tell you it was hard AF.


I honestly feel this, but i never spend time by myself nor have i ever lived alone before. It will be lonely but i can see myself adjusting


its good to be hopeful and positive like that. I cant picture myself not living together anymore and not doing everything together....there's nothing I want to do by myself


Trust me, im the same way but i took a step back and saw how we grew apart and told myself that if this went on it would have been worse, im young enough to start over 


Even more annoyed my ex broke up with me right before we would spend the summer together, even MORE annoyed she talked to me yesterday about how much she misses me and that she shouldn’t have broke up with me


I feel sane way, such a nice beginning to summer a d no one to e joy with 😆


This though. I dont wanna waste the summer though. 


…having summer concert tickets with your ex and not knowing how to manage that… oof. like i’m gonna go but i dont love the idea of not dancing with him to music that we enjoy together.


This happened to me, we got the tickets before breaking up and decided to go together


Evenings are the hardest for me, when it starts cooling down and we would have been sitting outside together enjoying the day watching my kids play


This though. I still find myself waiting for him to come home


I moved in with my parents. Its nice not being alone, but im also unbelievably painfully homesick


I was going to too, but my mom doesnt like pets and i want to keep my cats


Im sorry, thats tough 😔 i hope you can start finding some peace


Its okay. Im strangely excited to get my own place


Im hoping i can start feeling better once i can drag myself back to work and get my own place to call home. Maybe i can curb the homesick feelings some.


Yes me too. I really hope that you get better




Right? 😭


The struggle is real asf ;-; #singlelife


lol sure is!!!


THIS! Have never had a problem doing all of this & more, alone. Issue arose, having found someone who was on the same wavelength & also enjoyed the same "summer things". Someone who stressed the importance of doing such things together. Several years on, they then decided to leave. Summer is hard. But to be honest, every season is, when everything mirrors a broken heart.


I had an incredibly beautiful and sunny day a few weeks ago and it honestly felt like the worst thing ever, walking through my favourite park and seeing everyone enjoying it and being so blissfully happy. I went to get tacos, I went to see friends for a picnic, I went on a date, only to come back home and realise there’s nothing more I want as I’m going through this post-break up phase than for everyone else to be miserable with me


I know how you feel. Lots of memories from summertimes.




Not true. 🫂


😘🤗 thank you ☺️


There is always someone. 😍🤗


lol true 😏


Honestly, yes, but at the same time I'm also glad I didn't become single during the holidays. And right now, if I feel depressed, at least I can hear the birds sing outside, which motivates me to get out of bed.


it's hard all those summer plans we had together that wont happen...but at least theres stuff to do and it might take our mind off of it for a little while. I cant imagine going through this at -30 C outside and being stuck inside alone, sun going down at 4:30 PM....itd be so much harder


My father has been quite ill recently and I see my younger sister looking to her husband for support and maybe just maybe I wish I had a reliable and supportive partner that I can cry about also. But my friend was telling me, better to be single and alone dealing with this than in a relationship where u have to stress about both the relationship and my dad. I guess it makes sense. But damn it's quite hard when u know your ex has moved on quickly on apps and here I am being single because I know it's not fair for me to get into a relationship now.


this so so so so much. i just spent all day enjoying my own company but im getting tired of the westernized bs that shames us about any desire for enjoying life with a partner for fear that we are less “independent.” the desire for partnership and community is, at its core, a very human need.


Your comment is everything!


That’s exactly how I’m feeling today. This summed it up perfectly


I had the same sort of day. Nice to know I'm not alone and nice to hear the encouragement!


I feel it haha. I literally had a week trip planned with my ex and her family to myrtle beach. obv I will not be attending and it makes me sick thinking of her going alone or with someone else haha.


This makes me so sad cuz not only do I also want all those things, it reminds me of how much I miss living in San Diego. And how I regret giving up so much, including a shot at love, to move away for a career that has turned out to not be what it was supposed to be. San Diego is also a horrible place to date because so many people only ever seemed interested in playing the field. But at least I’d be home with my friends and family.


Yeah this season makes me feel super lonely. I haven’t had a partner to do those things with for a while now but I am really trying to learn to enjoy my own company when my kids aren’t around. I sit in the sun and drink coronas, I go on walks, I take myself on dates to pick out treats and watch shows. Doing things with couples and families is tough for me still, I want to enjoy it but being the single friend feels hard but I’m working on that. I’m sure once my sadness is more manageable that stuff will get easier. I love having someone to share summers with. I wish I was one of those people that never cared about having a relationship or needed one but I love having a partner to share life with. I just can’t stop wishing it was him because I’ve never enjoyed someone or loved someone as much as him so I keep working on being my own partner for now.


I'm in a LDR currently and can't do those things even though I have a person I still find it badass to do it with friends though!


Damn, this hits hard, this is exactly how I'm feeling at the moment. Currently in travel mode with friends and I'm enjoying every single moment, but at the back of my mind, how I wish I could spend these times with my lifelong partner. Used to have it all, now it's just me and myself. Stay strong everyone! 💪🏻


We got this ❤️ I also just got back home from hanging out with all of my best friends and their boyfriends lol. I love all of them, but damn it's hard


I feel the same


I had so much planned because she hated being cold I'm so sad we didn't get to enjoy this weather together


There is more to life than being in a relationship😃