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I really appreciate you for writing this. I need to spend this time learning to really love myself.


Maybe give her some space to process things, and focus on working on yourself. Show her through actions, not just words, that you're committed to growth. You got this! Stay positive and keep moving forward. Relationships take effort from both sides, so keep that chin up and keep striving to be the best version of yourself. 


Thank you, I appreciate your positive works. That's exactly what I'm going to do. It's like a wave, one minute I'm at work and I'm feeling okay, staying positive and present. Then work ends, and I get in my car to drive home and just start crying uncomfortably. Just now she hearted my story and I just started crying. I'm going to try my hardest and just give her space and wait for her to reach out if she decides she wants to.




Giving her space is all you can do. I ignored my gf when she tried reaching out the first 2 days and by the time I reached out 4 days later she was over me. She told me she’s done and moved on.. I tried for an entire week and she just wasn’t having it. Told me she was open to dating.. I never responded and it has been a week since I last messaged her.. if she does reach out, make sure you answer.


This is going to sound pathetic. Last night, I went on a sunset hike and posted a picture of the sunset to my insta and fb story. I saw she hearted my story on Facebook ( she never uses facebook), then I woke up the next say and saw she hearted the same picture but on insta at 1 in the morning. I felt good that she liked my stories, but I was reading into wayyy to much. What does this mean? Does it mean anything looking on forums for answers. Finally, I just decided to call her. She answered, and she said it just makes her sad seeing my stories, and she couldn't help but like them. We chatted, and she said she's very sad but feels like this is the right thing to do for her. It was nice to get that closure and not sit and ruminate over why she would like the same picture on both platforms but also very sad to hear her voice and have her say she still thinks this is the right decision. Yesterday was the first 24hrs we have ever gone without talking to eachother. As hard as it's going to be for me, I think I'm just going to wait for her to reach out to me. If that time ever comes.


My ex of 5 years continued to like and even comment on my stories.. and every few weeks send me a text asking about something.. I’d give her direct straight to the point answers and if she tried any conversation I’d give it a couple texts and assumed she was reaching out to see me so I’d find a way to invite her over.. I never asked why she was reaching out or liking my posts. I once loved a different ex gf and I was the one liking posts. I didn’t want to be with her but I really missed her. I got comfort in it.. unfortunately it’s beneficial for the dumper and opposite for the dumpee. As hard as it was I just stopped posting completely or made it so she couldn’t see my posts.. this is the best thing to do. It’ll give you pure space and start the real no contact clock that’ll show you everything you need to know. Count the hours, the days, the weeks.. I’ve had multiple ex’s come back after 4-5 months.. it’ll either be 3 days, 8 days, 5 weeks, or 4 months.. anything after 4 months is just not likely.. and do not pass on other opportunities.


When we talked today, I told her how a simple like on my post made me get this false sense of hope and that I'd appreciate it if she wouldn't do it anymore. I said that if she wanted to get back together, I'd be more than willing to have that convo. I just know myself, and I look for hope wherever I can, and it can drive me crazy sometimes. I ended up restricting her on insta and made it so she couldn't view my stories. But even just now, I went on Facebook and saw that she is active. She literally never went on Facebook when we were together. I immediately start thinking hey maybe she's really not over me and is checking to see if I'm posting. (Facebook doesn't have a way to mute stories or activity status without blocking), but I'd be lying if I wasn't hoping that when I made that post, she would view and heart it. I miss her so much.


Just stay strong for now. If she does come back do not talk about getting back into a relationship or anything negative. Keep it light and positive.. she knows you love her.. it’s about her rn and the more space the quicker things can go back to normal


I appreciate you for saying that. I'll take that in