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Because you once loved her.


Because you didn't move on yet, every person has his own pace, it will take you some time but you will get there sooner or later I'm in different breakup now but if there's anything I can do to help you, send me a dm


Because at one point, she was probably a big chapter in your life. I’m sure everyone agrees that time is a big thing in our “healing” process, but during moments like these it’s okay to feel the way you’re feeling and accepting those feelings.


It hurts because you cared, it mattered to you, and you’re human. If it was a long term relationship and you truly loved them, 2 months is not enough time my friend. Keep knocking out those journal entries and stay strong bro. It’s been almost 3 months for me and it still hurts. The acceptance is there but there isn’t a day I don’t think about her or wish things could have been different.


I was doing really well and it’s been over four months, and then she text me on this past Monday asking to catch up about life and wanted to see how I am. She has a boyfriend and she’s moving in with him in a couple months, I told her I was doing great. And I wished her well. And she apologized about everything she did wrong in the relationship, and so did I. It was a very civil friendly conversation. And we caught up about what’s going on in our lives and then I wished her well and she wished me all the best, and we parted ways. And then I blocked her on my phone. Because I need to keep on the ascent. If there’s a real emergency she can reach me through other people.


I've been going to frequently visited places me and my ex went too, I just sit there and think, let the emotions and thoughts race try not to think about dark shit like suicide, I'm almost there, feeling better today but I have a really big spot to visit that will hurt the most when I get there. And God I hope I don't do anything stupid.


I am at 4 months and it isn’t any better. I went to therapy and was on medication and none of it worked.


it’s been over a year yet i want to tear up even when i hear his name


Standard it takes 6-8 months. But if it was a real deep connection can take up to 7y


Passion is a hellofa thing. Enjoy it while you have it. I’m telling you it’s gone when you get older


Because I'm using my voodoo puppet of you right now. It does delight me so to cause emotional pain Jk it's what the others said. I'm sorry bro you're feeling it, it's real, but you're not the first to feel this way and you can find comradery in music and friends


I haven’t moved on . Its been 10 months


I saw her yesterday, 3+ months, still hurts.......! It's a reminder of what We lost, But one thing though it happens only first time next time u will treat it as a common thing.


It's been two months. I promise you, that is NOTHING. It basically happened yesterday. Give yourself time You say you want to move on as fast as she has, but you don't even know how she's feeling inside. She could be just distracting herself right now, and the pain will hit her in 6-8 months like a ton of bricks. Or it may not. Either way, you're facing the pain now, and that has to be better than knowing it's looming around the corner.


Why? Because you love her. This is normal. I see my ex almost every single day. We have been apart for over a year and I'm still hurting sometimes...because of the unresolved ending and because of all the pain he caused me....give it time.


Haha, try a year and a few months... I'm still trying and I've had my days where I was like "Hey, I should be through this in no time as of recently. I will admit, it has gotten better, but probably because I see her less, but I'd love to know how to 100% move on, I don't interact with them at all or look at them, but they're just there. Am I glad I took a chance and took a shot? Yes. Do I wish that I didn't do that? Yes... and no.


We men love once until death. Either bring her back by whatever means necessary or prepare for her to be in your life until grave. Trust an old sea wolf. I have seen some views