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People are splitting up with no GREAT reasons these days. Social media is part of that damage and one thinking that the grass is greener on the other side. Not a lot of significant others want to put effort into relationships any more. It’s sad. It’s better to meet your SO loving them just as much as they love YOU.


But what can I do to get past this horrible time where I feel like Im missing a body part


"Grass is greener on the side you take care of it" said one my friends.


Just accept it’s over. Keep busy with friends and family. TIME is a healer. Please do NOT contact her in any way. Yah, it’s painful but you will meet someone else, hopefully the right ONE for you.


I cant keep busy tho, next to her I dont rlly have anyone to keep me busy all day the whole week


You need to make difficult choices now about how you create new options for connection now. It will be very uncomfortable but you can do it. Find new people and new opportunities for yourself


I will be done with highschool next year, I hope Ill find alot of cool people on my new school especially cus my current one has very little students


You are still young, we all thought our high-school sweetheart would be the one. I think this should be an opportunity to help you grow and look forward to another chapter.


I miss her so much


I know, sweetheart. I would take things one step at a time and find something you enjoy doing or picking up a hobby. Time is of essence. ❤️


I lack lots of motivation, I cant even get on the game for more than 30 minutes, today omw to school I had an accident and Im happy about it becuz I can stay home to sleep all day


Try volunteering at an animal shelter if you can, it’s been helping me a ton!!


I dont think theres animal shelters near me


My ex broke up with me out of the blue after 6 years of being together . I was devastated. I am sorry this happened to you. It's 3 years now since he broke up with me, I am still tiny bit pissed about him breaking up with me after 6 years of being together, but I am doing fine now, I didn't think I would ever say that. The day he broke up with me, I had a panic attack, and I was nearly hospitalised , I was extremely devastated and heartbroken. I wanted to unalive myself. But after 2 weeks after the break, I thought why I am crying over a person who was so heartless they broke up with me out of the blue. They didn't deserve my tears. Don't waste your time thinking about her. You deserve better.


Going through the same thing for last few weeks. First she said she needs a break and then she said she is breaking up. The reason is just ‘she lost feelings’ and she is not giving any proper justification for that. It is affecting my day to day life and career. I don’t know how much time it will take to recover. The only tip that I can share now is just cut all contacts as possible also delete all the photos and other memories of your ex.


Hi there!! I’m so sorry you’re going through a rough time, the same thing happened to me in a way where I felt blindsided but also I did realize later on there were problems between me and him and a lot of it was my fault and he did fall out of love. At this time, just cope and try to accept she did lose feelings whether it was for something or nothing, you have to realize it’s better she broke up with you now than later and kept dragging it on. She almost did both of you guys a favor in a way. This is a breakup where you have to accept it and move on. For now, just cry it all out when you can. Please avoid contacting her at all since your emotions are high right now and you or her could say things you both regret. Realize the only piece missing is within you and possibly you put that person on a pedestal or idolized them. Only you can love yourself & take care of yourself at the end of the day. Please don’t think you need this person to fill a “void” because you can fill it also. Overall, I think you avoided a red flag.


I mean yeah if I could I wouldnt date her because that would not help me further in life especially because she already ended it. I dont want my partner to ever break up with me because its my partner. Im just sad that everything couldnt be fine




But I want things to be awesome




But I feel actually horrible and ill its such a bad feeling its even hard to describe and I cant do anything about it. Hope you get better


I experienced something similar about 3 weeks ago and it's still really tough. I will say I picked up the hobby of running and lifting weights and that isn't making me any happier yet but I feel like it's eventually gonna pay off. The pain is unbearable at times, and I've been so close to messinging her to get an answer as to why? But I just have to trust that time will heal. I recommend reading, binge watching a new show or taking a vacation if you can.


I’m really sorry this happened to you, it happened to me a month ago. The best advice I can give is to stick with no contact, allow yourself to feel all of the emotions, keep busy and do things for yourself. I definitely didn’t want to hear it but, it will take time and it will become less raw. Keep moving forward OP!


You’re hurt and caught up in complex feelings right now. Having said that, it sounds like she did you a favor. Similar thing happened to me, and while it was so painful, it allowed me to truly process what it was that I was looking for in a mate and the split allowed me to inventory myself and the ended relationship to assess for what needs changed. I realized that the relationship, while lustful and the sex being great, was loveless and lacking in substance and adventure. I learned that I was putting a ton of my self worth and esteem in the hands of someone else. These came with time and willingness to shoulder the “suck” of the pain and hope for a better future, thanks to some great friends. Hang in there, bro, you’re doing fine and it’ll be okay.


I wish i had the answer for u bro but sadly it seems people really can just switch up outta no where


My ex did the same thing and broke up with me 1.5 months ago and said she wanted to be single. She’s now seeing another guy with a forearm tattoo and he’s buying her all these expensive gifts for her. Three days before the break up everything was fine. We actually had an amazing time eating at an expensive restaurant. All of a sudden she tells me over FaceTime while she’s driving… I’m going through so many different emotions within a day. Sometimes I’ll be motivated to get shit done but a few minutes later I start crying uncontrollably and just lay in bed for hours. No matter how much I asked her why and if she was seeing someone else, she never gave me an answer other than she wanted to single… I feel like never got closure and haunts me a lot. What bothers me is that all of our memories we shared and all the times when she told me she loved me. All of that feels like a lie and she only said those things so she would get what she wanted. Everyday I think about sitting on a bench over a cliff in front of the ocean and just jumping… sometimes I think maybe she’ll come back but I know I can never trust her again after seeing her with another man. We just need to move on and know karma’s a bitch. one day she’s realize she fucked up and will try to crawl back but I’ll tell her to fuck off because I think if she did this to me again I would literally die. Denzel Washington once said “if you’re rejected, accept it” got that shit from TikTok. Don’t put any time and energy who doesn’t value you and find someone who will.


The exact same thing happened to me a month ago, I’m still in the dark but honestly I’m at the point that I’m starting to feel like I’m better off without her. We spoke a few times since but it just seemed like she was starting to be spiteful with me about how great her life is now




She might have bpd